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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 134
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Immediately, the intimate sounds of a man and a woman could be heard in the video. The woman was especially loud and

dramatic. Derrick was shocked when he saw the video. What followed was raging anger! He could see that the woman in the

video was none other than Yasmin Lewis, his lover for a year! Furthermore, she looked like she enjoyed it very much.

More so than when she was in bed with him! Yasmin was also dumbstruck!

She looked at the video with ever-increasing incredulity. "That's not me, darling. That's definitely not me. It's a fake video! It's

edited!" She shook her head and tried to argue. Yasmin was very flustered and afraid! Slap!

Derrick slapped Yasmin in a fit of rage. "I've spent a few million on you, Yasmin Lewis, and you sleep

with another man behind my back?" Utter humiliation! Derrick Hall was played a cuckold. Furthermore,

the entire company now knew about it. Yasmin was panicking. She covered her face, though that did

not stop tears from flowing down her cheeks. "Listen to me, darling, I swear that I didn't do that. The

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video must be fake! Fake!" After that, she turned around and roared madly at Philip. "You've framed

me, Philip Clarke. I'll kill you!" She tried to grab Philip's phone. Philip shoved Yasmin away and said

coldly, "You should know yourself whether the video is real. I believe Chairman Hall knows very well

either." Needless to say, Derrick knew. He lifted his hand and slapped Yasmin again. "We're over,

Yasmin Lewis. You are also fired. Get out of my sight now!" Yasmin was not going to leave just like that.

Derrick was her cash cow that she did not want to let go of. Without another word, Yasmin kneeled on

the floor and begged for forgiveness. "I won't do it anymore, darling. I won't do it anymore. That day…

that day, I drank a little too much, and that was how it happened. Please believe me that I won't do it

again. Forgive me just this one time." In that way, she had inadvertently admitted to having an affair.

Derrick was more furious than ever. At that moment, he did not care whether beating women was

wrong. He lifted his foot and stamped it at her chest while pointing outside the door. "Get lost now! Get

lost!" He roared. What a shameful scene. He had outed himself as a cuckold in front of all the workers

of his company. Derrick could not take it anymore. Yasmin was crying loudly. She gritted her teeth

resentfully and pointed angrily at Wynn.

"It's all because of you, you cheap b*tch! You're the one who did this to me!" She dared not provoke

Philip and therefore channeled her anger at Wynn. She rushed over, picked up a vase, and smashed it

at Wynn. That happened too quickly! Philip pounced forward, lifted his arm, and blocked the attack.

The vase shattered into pieces on Philip's wrist. A big gash appeared on the back of Philip's hand.

Blood flowed freely from it. It looked very painful. Wynn's eyes grew wide. She hurried over and looked

at Philip's hand that was covered in blood. Wynn was livid. She turned around and slapped Yasmin's

face. "This one's from me!" She said angrily. Slap!

Another slap on her face! "This one's for my husband!" Wynn wrapped up Philip's wound with a napkin.

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She picked up her handbag and took Philip away from the company without looking at Derrick. In the

small clinic on the street. Wynn accompanied Philip to dress his wound. "How is it, does it hurt?" She

said concernedly. "I'm fine, it's just a small wound. How about you though, are you still angry?" Philip

said with a grin. Wynn's brows were fraught with worry. Her face was still slightly swollen. She recalled

the scene earlier. Philip had arrived like divine intervention to save her. Her heart was still throbbing

hard. She had not felt like that for a long time.

Wynn shook her head and smiled. "I'm fine. Thank you for just now."

"You're my wife. You don't have to thank me," Philip said. Wynn rolled her eyes at him and pinched his waist. "What a slicker. By

the way, where did you get that video?" Wynn did not understand how Philip got his hands on Yasmin's video. Philip thought for a

while and explained, "She bullied you yesterday. I asked Mindy if she had any dirt on her, and she told me about it. You also

know that I have a classmate that works in a bar. We chatted for a bit and I found out from him that Yasmin goes around sleeping

with other men. That was how I got the video." Wynn nodded but did not fully believe him. However, she did not think it was

appropriate to ask him any further questions.