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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 128
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Philip was beyond furious! Someone had hit Wynn, that was unforgivable!

When she saw how angry Philip was, Wynn hurriedly grabbed his arms and explained, "It’s a misunderstanding, no one laid their

hands on me, it’s just...it’s just me being clumsy." Wynn was diffident, she did not want to see Philip causing trouble because of

her. After all, not only was it the company where she worked, but it was also the new vice president, the lover of the chairman,

who hit her. It was not worth it. "This is an accident?"

Philip's eyes were sharp, he would not believe what Wynn had said. "It’s really just me being clumsy, it has nothing to do with

anyone." Wynn held onto Philip and kept trying to calm him down. "Philip, don't you believe me?" Philip became quiet when he

heard that. He could see that Wynn did not want to cause trouble, but he felt very uncomfortable if he did nothing about it. Philip

felt helpless. He reached his hand out and touched her delicate cheek, and asked in a gentle and concerned tone, "Does it hurt?"

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Wynn's eyes were red, she shook her head and said, "Don’t worry about it, it’s just a small cut, it's

nothing. Can you not get so upset next time? It scares me." Yes. As anger flooded Philip’s veins, Wynn

felt as though he was like a tiger that should never be provoked. The rage that flowed through his body

made it feel like he was going to tear the whole world apart. Philip nodded, but still could not let it go.

Since Wynn refused to talk about the matter, he would conduct his own investigation. So, the next day,

Philip drove Wynn to work. After she entered the company building, Philip made a call. After a while, a

woman walked out of the building entrance. It was Wynn’s assistant, Mindy Scott. Mindy was in a bad

mood today. When she saw Philip grinning and waving at her from a distance, she wanted to turn

around and leave. She knew Philip. Wynn brought Philip along for a company dinner previously. It was

also during that dinner where Mindy noted that Philip was a good-for-nothing. Therefore, she lost all

interest in Philip.

However, Philip called her out of the blue, saying that he had something to ask her. "Hey, what do you

need from me?" Mindy walked up to Philip with a chilly attitude. She had her hands across her chest,

her eyelids narrowed, and it was obvious that she looked down on him. Philip did not put any thoughts

into her attitude toward him. He smiled and said, "Let’s grab coffee." Coffee? Mindy was taken aback

and immediately said angrily,

"Philip, I didn't expect you to be this kind of person! I won’t turn my back on Wynn, can you drop it!"

She had not expected that Philip would come on to her. What a disgusting piece of trash! Philip was

also taken aback. He immediately understood what Mindy thought, and did not know whether to laugh

or cry. He said, "It’s all in your head. I’ve contacted you because I have something to ask you, nothing

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more." "Really?" Mindy was suspicious.

In the coffee shop, Philip ordered a cappuccino and some desserts for Mindy. He knew that Mindy was

a glutton, especially towards desserts.

When Phillip saw Mindy staring straight at the desserts on the table and could not look away, he knew

that he had made the right call. Mindy felt herself struggle in her heart; she wrenched her eyes away

from the desserts, suppressed her urges, and asked, "What can I do for you? Aren’t you worried that

Wynn would find out about this and give you a hard time?"

Philip did not reply, but said with a grin, "Don’t worry about it. These are all for you. Don’t be shy, feel free to help yourself." Mindy

swallowed her saliva, pointed at the desserts, and asked, "It’s really all for me?" Philip nodded. Mindy hesitated for a moment,

picked up the spoon, and dug in.

She stomped her feet happily, her eyes narrowed in bliss, and had a lovely smile on her face. Philip did not expect to win her

over so easily.