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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 121
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Chapter 121

All the wrongs and pressure she had suffered these past few days made her collapse in an instant. It was all so much for her that

she hammered his chest with her little fists, berating him softly, “It’s all your fault. Why didn’t you tell me earlier? I went begging

and pleading everywhere. Don’t you know I never begged anyone for anything before? Sob…” Wynn cried her heart out.

Philip hugged her even more tightly. “Sorry, Wynn, it was my fault. I promised you that I would give you and Mila a bright future.

Please believe me.” More than five minutes passed like that before Wynn’s emotions finally settled down. After that, she asked

Philip worriedly, her eyes red,

“Since you got into such a huge fight with your parents, do you still have enough money to pay for

Mila’s surgery?” Philip was a little awkward and sheepish as he said, “Actually, I have a card. It

probably has a couple million in there. I never took it out before because I didn’t want to scare you. You

don’t have to worry about anything now, I’ll handle everything.” Wynn nodded forcefully and did not ask

anymore. She knew that there had to be a reason why Philip kept all this from her for so many years,

only to tell her so much today. Philip was quite stubborn and had his ego. She had known that since

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she first met him. Over the past three years, he went from a proud, stubborn man to someone who was

willing to toil and take insults. He had been tolerating so much for so long, so he must be exhausted

and covered with scars. To be honest, Wynn was quite nervous to find out so much all at once. She

could not be certain about anything, but she was willing to believe Philip. At least now she knew that he

was not a good-for-nothing, after all.

Tonight, Philip had told a lie, a little half-lie. He lay on the floor, looking at Wynn’s slender back and

Mila’s adorable face as they slept on the bed.

Philip’s heart was still in turmoil. How was he supposed to keep up this lie now? What a pain. ‘Wynn,

you might not know this, but your husband’s family is more than a little richer than the Grants.’ No one

in the world, not a single family anywhere was wealthier than Philip. Whatever, he would just have to

take it one step at a time. The next morning, in the washroom, Philip looked at Wynn and asked

somewhat worriedly, “Do you want to go back to the hospital today? You’ve barely been hospitalized for

a couple days.” Wynn smiled calmly and said, “It’s alright. Why waste all that money? Hurry up and

feed Mila her food. My parents want us to go back for a visit today. They probably need to see us for

something.” Philip did not say anything more. He had already contacted Henry Turner to handle Mila’s

hospitalization that afternoon. When they arrived at his in-laws'

place, Philip could sense that the atmosphere in the home was heavy from the moment he stepped

through the door. Martha and Charles were sitting on the couch, the household register booklet resting

on the coffee table. Both of them had hard expressions on their faces. “Oh, you’re back now? Alright,

come with me to the Municipal Civil Administration Bureau so we can get things done.” Martha’s face

was frosty. She gave Philip and Mila, who he was holding, a vicious glare, muttering, “You brought that

little b*stard home again too. Gah, what bad luck.” Martha had been in a bad mood since yesterday,

and she had not gotten a wink of sleep last night. All she could think of was how to get Wynn to divorce

Philip. Philip heard Martha’s murmur, and his expression turned cold too. In his arms, Mila hugged his

neck tightly, her large eyes shining with fear. Wynn pitched in exasperatedly, “What are you doing now,

Mom? If you’re just here to ask me to divorce Philip, we can leave right now.” With that, Wynn put her

shoes back on and prepared to leave. She knew exactly what her mother was like. Martha could not go

a day without drama. Martha instantly grew livid at those words. She roared, “Wynn Johnston, if you

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dare to walk out of this door today, you can forget about calling me your mother! Our household

register is right here. If you don’t get that divorce, I’ll cross you off our register! Your father and I will

disown you!” Martha was furious. Why was her daughter such a fool? Did she really want to spend the

rest of her life with this worthless wretch? Wynn’s temper was running very high too. Why did her

mother insist on being so unreasonable? She gave Philip a complicated look. She had been trying to

believe Philip since he told her all that last night. “Mom, why are you so against Philip? Is it because

he’s poor?” Wynn asked. Martha was so angry that her face was flushed red.

Pointing a finger at him, she swore, “That’s right! If he was rich, I’d treat him better than if he was my own son. Unfortunately, he’s

a good-for-nothing piece of trash! Didn’t you see how your Aunt Paula looked at us yesterday? Don’t you know how humiliated I

am? “Wynn, you’re not a little girl anymore. Can’t you listen to your father and me? We didn’t manage to persuade you, and that’s

why you ended up marrying this piece of scum.

But today, we won’t stop until you get a divorce.” As Martha said that, she gave Charles a harsh glare. Charles did not actually

want to get involved in this, but he added a few helpless words, “Wynn, hurry up and get it done. Don’t anger your mother

anymore. If you get that divorce, I’ll give you five hundred thousand for Mila’s surgery.” Just then, Philip stood up and told Martha

calmly, “Mom, Dad, we won’t get a divorce. We don’t need your five hundred thousand, either. I can afford Mila’s surgery fee.”