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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 120
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Chapter 120

Wynn’s eyes widened. They had been married for so long, but even now she did not know about Philip’s past. His parents did not

even congratulate them in person at their wedding. Wynn had asked him many times before this, but he had glossed over the

question every time. After a long time, Wynn began to assume that Philip was an orphan who did not want to relive his painful

past, so she stopped asking. However, the way Philip held himself today, his methods or rather his attitude, all of it was vastly

different from the mild-mannered wimp he had always been before. He had changed. All of a sudden, she could not quite

recognize him anymore. Even so, Wynn could tell that his love for her was sincere. “Are you finally willing to tell me?”

Wynn asked uncertainly. Philip nodded and looked up at the deep sky.

Keeping a completely straight face, he said, “Actually, Wynn, my family is quite wealthy. I never told you

because I had a huge fight with my parents and ran away from home.” “You ran away from home?”

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Wynn blinked. She clearly never expected that to be Philip’s explanation. Even if he ran away from

home, would he go as far as to not go home for years, not even for a visit? Would his parents not look

for him? If that was the case, that must mean his parents were quite cold-blooded. Philip nodded. “My

parents are rather conservative and traditional in their ways. At home, their word is law.

I ran away from home because they… arranged a marriage for me. I suppose it was for their business

benefits. I had never even met that girl before, so on the day of my supposed engagement, I just ran

away and came here.”

Philip did not tell Wynn everything. He just told her a summary, and he mixed a few lies into his story

too. Philip could not tell her his entire true history yet. All he could do was give her a hint here and

there. He would take it slow. Starting from now, he could gradually begin to tell her the whole truth

about his background. Wynn listened carefully, building a vague image of Philip’s family in her mind. It

was conservative and even arranged a marriage for him. No wonder he ran away from home. “So your

parents… I mean, our parents never came to look for you?” Wynn asked. If she remembered correctly,

it had been seven years since Philip came to Riverdale. He had not left the city at all the past seven

years. Had his parents never come to visit him? “They did look for me, but our negotiations failed.

My father lost his temper and disowned me,” Philip said calmly. They disowned him?! Shocked, Wynn

covered her little mouth with her hand. She stared at him with wide eyes, her heart aching for him.

“Philip, if you ask me, they’re still your parents, after all. You should think of a way to sit with them and

talk it over. It’s been seven years, after all. You’re father and son, so you should be able to talk it out,”

Wynn took Philip’s hand and tried to advise him after some thought. Philip heaved a sigh of relief,

curling around his finger a lock of Wynn’s hair that had fallen across her forehead. “Alright, if you say

so. I’ll contact them if I have the time.” “Okay!” Wynn nodded, her eyes curving into crescents as she

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gave him a sweet and innocent smile.

After that, she lowered her head and asked a question, shyly and timidly,

“Um, do Mom and Dad know about Mila and me?” Philip blinked and then said with a smile, “They know. Wait a while longer, and

then I’ll take you and Mila back home for a talk. I think they’ll be quite happy to meet you and Mila.” “Really?” Wynn’s eyes

widened and sparkled. Every woman wanted to be liked by her in-laws. “Oh yeah, don’t you want to know how much money my

family has?” Philip suddenly found his mischievous streak.

He narrowed his eyes and asked her with a bright smile. Wynn pouted and went with it. “How much?” Philip mused for a second

before saying,

“Slightly more than Aiden’s.” He did that on purpose. He just wanted to tell Wynn that Aiden was never more than a speck of dust

in his eyes. Aiden earned tens of millions every year. If Philip had slightly more than Aiden, did that not mean… Wynn’s eyes

glazed over, and then she stared at Philip intently. Grabbing his arm tightly, she asked, “So you mean, Mila’s surgery fee…” Was

Philip really that wealthy? Philip hugged Wynn tightly and comforted her, “Don’t worry, Wynn. Mila is my daughter. Of course I

won’t let her suffer. Don’t worry about the surgery fee, I’ll handle that.” “Mm-hmm.” Wynn nodded, her face flooded with tears.