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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 118
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Chapter 118

Wynn was shocked somewhat out of her wits. Why would they call Philip…

Mr. Clarke? Wait! This man… This man was the owner of Virtuous Court, Javier Morris! He had personally attended Wynn’s

father’s birthday party last time, bringing with him good wine and even a platinum membership card! Besides, Wynn clearly

remembered that he had mentioned Mr. Clarke last time too. Back then, everyone was looking down on Philip, so naturally they

would never associate that name with him. Only Wynn paid a little extra attention to that, though soon she too forgot about that

as well. Now, though… Right here and now... Javier had approached them once again.

This time, he was respectfully calling her husband Mr. Clarke! No matter how ignorant Wynn might be,

by now she would have started to piece some things together. So that night, Javier had given her father

that gift in Philip’s stead, huh? It went without saying that Philip noticed the gears turning in Wynn’s

head. Crap. She must be onto something now. That was why he gave Javier a cold glare. Just one look

was enough to scare Javier speechless. What the heck? Did I end up offending Mr. Clarke? Javier was

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so terrified that his legs shook. Ignoring Aiden, who was still yelling his head off, Philip walked up to a

clearly disorientated Wynn. She even took a few steps back, retreating away from him in alarm. “Wynn,

I’ll answer any questions you might have later, okay? For now, could you wait for me outside?” Wynn

frowned her beautiful brows, looking at Philip in confusion. She then glanced at Aiden and Javier, finally

nodding without a word and stumbling out of the lobby, still somewhat dazed. Before she left, she

turned around once to look at Philip. He was still wearing that gentle smile she knew so well. That put

her heart somewhat at ease. No matter what, he was still Philip Clarke. Philip heaved a sigh of relief

when he saw Wynn leave through the door. His mind was running a mile a minute as he wondered how

he should explain this to Wynn and try to pull the wool over her eyes. Well, if he really could not keep it

under wraps anymore, should he consider telling her the truth? Perhaps he could give her some hints

as to his true identity and see how she reacted. Having settled with that, Philip stopped worrying about

it and turned to look at Aiden instead. The latter began to panic slightly when he saw Javier bring his

guards to intervene.

The respectful way Javier treated that good-for-nothing Philip utterly puzzled him as well. Mr. Clarke?

What kind of a ridiculous joke was this meant to be? He was just a useless piece of trash, a mere

delivery man! What did he do to warrant being called Mr. Clarke? Had Javier Morris gone mad?!

“What do you mean by this, Mr. Morris?” Aiden did not dare to take liberties with Javier. Yes, Javier

Morris was just the owner of a restaurant, but apparently he had a complicated network of connections

supporting him.

There were even many rumors saying that he was related to an important figure in the province. That

was why his restaurant had branches all across Riverfront Province. It was almost a monopoly! Javier’s

background and resources alone warranted caution from Aiden. Hence, Aiden treated him relatively

politely. Javier saw Philip frown, and the former immediately straightened up. He approached Aiden

head-on and looked at him coldly, saying, “Mr. Grant, this here is my territory. Could you care to explain

why you brought thugs here to start a riot?” Javier did not want to make an enemy out of Aiden either.

Aiden had a rich and powerful father, and offending him would not do Javier any good. Aiden chuckled

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coldly. “Mr. Morris, are you trying to protect that idiot behind you?” Idiot? Smack! Javier simply slapped

Aiden across the face! The slap was so sudden that it left Aiden completely confused. The blood

started streaming from his nose once more!

“F*ck! Javier Morris, you’ve f*cking lost your mind!” Aiden roared, hurriedly holding his nose. All his life,

Aiden had never suffered such a beating. Did they have a grudge against his nose today? “Shut your


Aiden Grant, I’m warning you. Don’t be rude to Mr. Clarke. If you insist, even your father will have to apologize to Mr. Clarke

when he gets here!”

Javier barked, ice in his eyes. Aiden instantly blew his top. He howled,

“Very well, Javier Morris! Let’s see who dares to stop me from getting rid of Philip Clarke today!” With a roar, Dan and his men

stood off against Javier’s guards. The tension was palpable, like a fully-inflated balloon poised right on the tip of a needle. Just

then, Philip stood up calmly and called a number. The voice on the other end was George Thomas’s, familiar and polite. “What

can I do for you, Young Master?” “I’ll give you ten minutes. Take down Splendor Education Group and Aiden Grant’s Stardream

Media,” Philip said calmly. On the other end, George immediately responded, “Yes, sir. I’ll get on it right away.”