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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 116
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Chapter 116

Philip frowned deeply, frost in his eyes. Aiden patted Philip’s shoulder proudly and said, “I bet you’ll never guess this. It’s already

this late in the night, and yet Wynn suddenly invited me to meet here!” Hahaha! That felt amazing! Aiden was ecstatic to see just

how ugly Philip’s complexion would turn! Any man would fly off the handle to hear that his wife was meeting another man this late

at night. However, Philip just smiled calmly and said, “Oh, and your point is?” He was cool and collected, as though it did not

concern him at all. Aiden felt like he was getting an aneurysm. How could Philip stand something like that? “What the f*ck,

Clarke! Your wife is secretly meeting me, so why aren’t you mad at all? Don’t you think we might do something a little more after

dinner? Aren’t you worried?” Aiden’s words were like arrows shot to the heart. Any normal man would be raring for a fight after

that. However, Philip was different. He trusted Wynn, wholly and unconditionally. That was why he would not entertain those

possibilities no matter what Aiden said. Well, that did not mean he necessarily liked what he was hearing, of course. Even so,

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Philip did not show his displeasure. Instead, he kept his cool. If even Philip lost faith in Wynn, his wife, then that would be a true

tragedy. “There’s nothing for me to worry about. After all, Wynn already told me about it,” Philip said casually. Aiden blinked, his

look of jest suddenly freezing on his face.

Goddamnit! He thought he finally had a chance to insult Philip, but the latter was completely unaffected. He did not seem angry

at all. That had to be a ruse. Philip must be pretending! That was why Aiden said crossly, “Why put on a cool mask like that,

trash? You’re a piece of trash so low that you can’t even keep an eye on your wife, so why bother acting cool with me?

Do you really think I won’t be able to take Wynn home with me tonight?”

He even chuckled coldly before he continued, “I’ll be honest with you, then.

Wynn wants to meet me to ask me for money. She wants an entire million!

Don’t you think I should ask her for something in return for that much money?” Aiden’s face said

exactly what he meant by “something”. It was repulsive and despicable. Philip clenched his hands into

fists, his eyes going cold. Bam! It all happened without warning! He slammed his fist right into Aiden’s

face, and blood started spurting from the latter’s nose! “I’m warning you, Aiden Grant! Don’t mess with

me, or I’ll make you regret it for the rest of your life!” Philip said furiously, bloodlust in his eyes. “F*ck!”

Aiden bent over, holding his nose. His face was twitching as he jabbed a finger at Philip, roaring, “How

dare you hit me, Clarke! Motherf*cker, you’re dead meat today!” As he said that, he hurriedly pulled out

his phone and made a call.

His voice was muffled as he held his nose. “Dan, f*cking get your *ss to Virtuous Court! There’s

someone I need you to kill!” With that, he hung up and looked at Philip with fire in his eyes. He was

definitely furious now.

How dare a wimp like that attack him! He was going to teach Philip a lesson he would never forget

today! That would show him for messing with someone he should not! However, Philip watched

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everything unfold calmly.

He already had a plan in mind. He had to finish off Aiden Grant, once and for all! The man had crossed Philip’s bottom line. It did

not matter if Aiden owned some large education company chain, or if his father knew the minister of education. Anyone who tried

to stop him from taking Aiden down would go down as well! With that decision made, Philip took one step forward and stared at

Aiden icily. “Grant, you’ve successfully managed to piss me off. In that case, prepare to face the consequences. “Haha.” Aiden

chuckled coldly and pulled out a napkin to cover his nose. His gaze was sharp but his voice was still muffled as he said, “What?

A piece of trash like you wants to make me pay?” What a joke! Philip was a good-for-nothing broke-*ss beggar! Yet he was

threatening Aiden now? He must have a death wish! The corners of Philip’s lips curved into a cold sneer, and he mouthed,

“Idiot.” Then he raised his fists again and swung them at Aiden once more.

Aiden’s eyes instantly widened in shock, and he hurriedly covered his face with his hands. He usually acted pompously, but he

was actually half a head shorter than Philip and far less fit. “Stop!” All of a sudden… An angry shout reached them from not too

far away.