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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 112
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Philip’s voice was not loud. He smiled at them apologetically. Even so, his words left everyone in the room stunned. Martha

especially looked at him like he was a ghost. She felt terrible all over, and she burst out swearing,

“Damn you, Philip, no one asked you! Get the hell out!” Martha was beside herself with fury. Philip was such a blabbermouth.

“Compare yourself to Paula’s son-in-law! Do you think you have any right to speak?” Martha roared at Philip furiously. “If you

weren’t so useless, would I embarrass myself in front of my family like this? I must have been blind to accept a useless piece of

trash like you as my son-in-law back then! “Look at her son-in-law, look what he bought for her! What about you? Have you ever

bought me anything? How can you say such nonsense on top of that? If you want to go to the party, you can go by yourself! I’m

not going!” As Martha howled at him, Philip lowered his head helplessly. It seemed his mother-in-law was dead certain that he

was a good-for-nothing now. Next to them, Paula enjoyed the show, chuckling to herself coldly. The irony on her face intensified.

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She pretended to say kindly, “Come on, Martha, don’t keep venting your temper on poor Philip like that. You know what they say,

a girl is only as good as the man she marries. It’s not Philip’s fault, it’s Wynn’s fault for choosing the wrong man.” She turned the

blame to Wynn. Aunt Paula was quite the masterful character in her own right. She was blatantly picking a fight here. Martha only

grew angrier when she heard that. What happened three years ago was already enough to make her lose all face in front of her

family. Now that she thought about it, it was her daughter who insisted on marrying Philip Clarke, by hook or by crook. In the end,

he turned out to be absolutely worthless, after all. “It’s all your fault, stupid girl. You just had to insist on marrying this useless

piece of trash! See what you’ve done? I don’t even dare to go home now because of you.” Martha screamed like a banshee, her

temper boiling over. “I don’t care. If you still think of me as your mother, I want you to divorce this useless Philip right now! It’s

either him or me!” “Mom, could you not? Why do you have to keep bringing up the past?” Wynn felt pretty upset too. It was

humiliating for her to have her mother talk to her like that, especially in front of Aunt Paula and Juan. “Sorry, Juan. Do you maybe

want to go back first?” Wynn turned to Juan with a sheepish smile. Juan nodded too and left the room.

True, it was kind of awkward. After all, he was still an outsider here. Before he left, though, he glanced

at Philip who was standing in the corner quietly.

Juan gave Philip a taunting look. The genius Philip Clarke who ruled the school back then had now fallen to such an extent. It

was quite hard to imagine, really. Since Wynn did not agree to divorce Philip, Martha threw everything out the window and

plopped her behind on the floor, throwing a tantrum as she wailed, “You heartless little witch! Your father and I raised you all

those years, and this is how you treat us? Why did you marry that useless thing? What did I do wrong in my past life to deserve a

heartless daughter like you?” Wynn felt bad seeing Martha roll around screaming on the floor too, so she hurriedly tried to help

her mother up. However, Martha simply refused to get up. She just pointed at Philip and wailed like she was at a funeral. There

was nothing Wynn could do, so she just gave up. “Mom, I won’t divorce Philip.” “You’ve gone mad, Wynn! Do you really want to

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spend the rest of your life with that piece of trash?” The way Martha saw it, someone as hopeless as Philip should never have

married her daughter. If she had insisted back then and stopped them from getting married, if she had found Wynn a good man

instead, then she would be living the good life in a bungalow just like her sister right now. “No, Mom. Although Philip lost his

business these past three years and ended up poor, although life has been hard for us, he still never once complained over the

past three years. He treats me very well, too. No matter what, I won’t divorce him.” Wynn made her stand clear and stole a

glance at Philip. However, she saw that Philip was actually smiling at her stupidly. Seriously! Could he not see that her mother

was really unhappy with him? How could he still smile so stupidly like that? This entire time, Wynn had been on her last bit of

patience with Philip. She really thought she would divorce him. When that incident happened out of the blue that day, though,

and when she suddenly saw that video today, Wynn realized that she still cared about Philip. He still had an important place in

her heart. “Philip, you told me that I just have to wait one more year, and you’ll give me a future brighter than I ever dreamed.

Were you telling the truth?” “I was.” “I don’t want to see people calling you names all the time. I don’t want you to become a

laughing stock. I want all the people who looked down on you to regret it. Can you do that?” Wynn’s eyes were red as she stared

intently at Philip. “I can.” Philip gave her a simple answer, turned, and left. From the very beginning until now, Wynn had only

ever been concerned about him, and not about herself.