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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 110
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Chapter 110

"Actually, the doctor I found is Professor Henry Turner." Philip decided to tell her in the end. Wynn's movements froze partway

through searching up the name on her phone. She looked at him in disbelief. He had contacted Professor Henry Turner? After a

brief moment of shock, her expression turned a little strange. She looked at Philip and said coldly, "Philip Clarke, can you stop

joking at a time like this?" Of course she did not believe him.

That was the Professor Henry Turner, the juggernaut of the medical field, a legendary heart specialist. He was renowned both

domestically and internationally. How could Philip ever get him on their side? So Wynn just assumed that he was trying to

console her. "Believe me, Wynn, I really did manage to get Professor Turner. I also…" Philip tried to explain.

However… Suddenly, there was a cold sarcastic laugh behind him. "You sure know how to bluff, Philip.

Do you really think you could reach Professor Turner? You? Even if you want to console Wynn, do you

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really have to go that far?" Juan had returned to the room again, his expression fully taunting as he

strode into the room. After that, he ignored Philip completely and sat on the couch arrogantly. "Wynn,

I've handled the arrangements for Mila's surgery. Professor Turner will take some time out of his

schedule to check on her. If there's enough time, I can arrange for Mila to enter the hospital tomorrow

itself." Was he proud of himself right now? Very much so! He had finally managed to beg Professor

Turner to pay them a visit, so of course he wanted to show off in front of Wynn for a while.

After all, look at that useless Philip. He was shamelessly telling lies here.

How could a useless wimp like him possibly manage to contact Professor Turner? Philip looked

somewhat displeased. He had been fed up with Juan for a long time now. He just never did anything

about his frustration because of Juan's earlier friendship with him and the way he treated Mila. If Juan

really ticked Philip off, he could bankrupt Juan's family with a single word.

However, he could not do that now. On the other hand, teaching Juan a little lesson would not hurt.

When Wynn heard Juan's declaration, she looked utterly overcome with surprise. She hurriedly

scrambled out of bed and sat on the couch, saying gratefully, "Oh, Juan, thank you so much! I… I don't

even know what to say." She cried tears of happiness. The pressure weighing on her chest had

lightened considerably. Juan gave Philip a smug look and said jeeringly, "I heard you said that you

managed to get Professor Turner just now, huh? Do you really think that he'll help you out just because

he put in a word for you this morning?" "And why wouldn't he?" Philip retorted calmly. That was enough

to earn him an angry glare from Wynn.

"Philip, what are you doing? Since Juan has already asked him for us, could you stop throwing a wrench into everything?" She

was a little unhappy with Philip's attitude. Could he not thank Juan at least? "Sure, Philip. Since you say so, shall I call Professor

Turner and ask him?" Juan's smile was utterly conniving, his eyes shining with malicious irony. As he said that, Juan took out his

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phone and pretended to make that call. Philip looked utterly unaffected. However, Wynn was the one who was not having it.

Philip might not mind embarrassing himself, but she definitely did mind. She said hurriedly, "There's no need to make that call,

Juan. You know what Philip is like. Oh yeah, do I need to pay Professor Turner a visit? Should I prepare a gift for him?" She

changed the subject. Juan decided to stop because Wynn said so, but he gave Philip a look of pure contempt, challenging him

outright. At the same time, he said, "It's alright, I'll liaise with Professor Turner. If you really want to thank him, you can wait until

after he checks on Mila. There's no rush." Philip frowned when he saw Juan and Wynn launching into a conversation, but he did

not say anything. Not long later, they heard Martha's upset voice coming from outside the door. "Wynn, your aunt is here to visit

you." As soon as she walked in, Martha did not look pleased at all. Her shoulders were hunched and her expression was cloudy.

She looked like someone owed her a couple million bucks. As expected, the moment Martha walked in with Wynn's aunt, she

saw Philip and immediately turned hostile against him. As though she just wanted to pick a fight, she berated him, "Why are you

here, you useless thing? Get out of here, you annoy me just by seeing you!" Philip did nothing to deserve that, but her bullets

rained down on him anyway.