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The Consortium’s Heir by Benjamin_Jnr

Chapter 62
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Chapter 62

The walk to his friends’ location was a short one. After walking for five minutes, he got to his friends' location. When he was still a short

distance away from his destination, he caught sight of Marcus and Greg discussing. A smile unknowingly crept up on his face at the sight of

his two friends. Delighted, he increased his pace and walked up to them. "Darius!" Greg exclaimed when he saw Darius. He was not present

the time Marcus had a phone call with Darius; therefore he had no idea that Darius decided to hang out with them. It was pleasant surprise

for him to see Darius.

"What's up Greg?" Darius replied; smiling heartily as he gave Greg a bro hug.

"I've been alright man. We missed you. Where have you been?" Greg asked as he hugged Darius

"I've been really busy these past few days, but don't worry. I'm free now. We can hangout for a while." Darius replied pleasantly. Just as Greg

was about to reply Darius, Rudd appeared in their line of sight and started walking towards them. He was finally done with his studies for the


When Rudd saw Darius, his reaction was more profound than the rest. He hugged and kept asking him questions. It wasn't until Marcus

interrupted him did Darius get a breather. After suggesting that they should continue the questioning at a restaurant, Darius and his

roommates boarded a cab to a restaurant.

Marcus, Greg and Rudd were shocked when they reached their destination. The Sky Golden Hotel was a very luxurious hotel meant for

classy people. A single meal at the hotel cost over $ 20,000, and you were only allowed to dine if you had a membership card. If the food

cost so much, the membership card would surely not be cheap!

of course, the reason why they were skeptical about Darius' plans was because they had no idea Darius was now very rich. They didn't

attend the Charity gala as Rudd's grandmother fell sick. They visited his grandmother in the village and spent a week there after taking leave

from the university so that they could nurse her back to good health.

When they came back from Rudd's village, they were very occupied with their studies and didn’t have time for chit chats and gossips. As a

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result of this, they had no idea that Darius was the top contributor at the charity gala, and neither did they know of his wealth Darius noticed

their looks of apprehension and smiled inwardly before speaking. "Come on guys. What are you still waiting for?” Darius said. The three of

them looked at each other before Marcus spoke up.

"Darius, this is Sky Golden Hotel. Everything here is so expensive. I doubt that we could afford it. Why don't we try another place?" Marcus

said. He knew that Darius wasn't that financially stable and thought that Darius wanted to treat them here because he felt indebted to them,

so he tried to talk him out of it. Darius knew what they were thinking, but he didn't clarify the reason he brought them here "Don’t worry about

it and trust me.” Darius said before making his way to the entrance. Left with no choice, Marcus, Greg and Rudd followed him. If they couldn't

afford the meals, they

could always leave. It wouldn't hurt for them to indulge in Darius whims a little.

The interior of the hotel was as exquisite as ever, with numerous classy people seated and having

deluxe meals. Marcus, Greg and Rudd looked at their clothing and felt embarrassed. It was way inferior

to the people present in the hotel. Darius was dressed casually, however his style still seemed different

and classier than theirs.

They expected to be treated with scorn because of their inferior dressing, however they were at a loss

for words when a receptionist walked up to Darius and greeted him politely.

Darius was a gold member of the Sky Golden Hotel, and after witnessing his feats at the charity gala,

they now knew to treat with more respect than usual. Darius' roommates didn't know this detail

naturally, so their shock was understood. "Good day sir. We're pleased to serve you today. How can we

help you?" The receptionist asked politely.

"I'm here with my friends." Darius replied, gesturing to the shocked trio behind him. "Direct US to a

table and serve US the best meal available on the menu." "Certainly sir." The receptionist replied

before clapping her hands softly. Seconds later a waiter dressed neatly in uniform appeared. She

gestured to the waiter before making her way back to her spot.

"This way please." The waiter said politely, guiding the four of them to a luxurious table in a corner of

the hotel.

Just seconds after taking their seats, more waiters appeared and arranged so many exotic dishes on

the table in mere seconds. When they were done, they left the table quietly, leaving the four of them to

their meals.

Marcus, Greg and Rudd all stared at Darius with skeptical looks on their faces. This arrangement was

too sudden for them to digest. However they had no choice but to go through with it. Rudd took a bite

of the meal on his table and resumed his questioning of Darius. Soon enough, the table of four was

filled with laughter and happiness.

The meal Darius was having with his former roommates was one of the best in his lives. His

roommates had been there for him when he needed them the most, and he was glad to see that they

were equally as happy as he was.

"So Darius, do you have any plans of being in a relationship anytime soon?" Rudd asked suddenly as

they were having their meal. At this question the table fell silent as everyone stopped talking. They

turned their attention to Darius and stared at him intensely, as they did not want to miss his slightest

reaction. Darius fell silent for a few moments. He knew why Rudd asked him that question. He most

probably wanted to know how hurt he was after Sarah broke up with him.

"No. I don’t have any plan of being in a relationship now. I have so many things to focus on at. the

moment. Maybe later, I will consider it." Darius answered with a pained smile. His relationship with

Sarah was a disaster. Despite all the efforts he put in, Sarah still ditched him for David

He was terribly hurt by her actions, but that was in the past. Although he no longer had any romantic

feelings of any sort towards Sarah, he decided to stay away from intimate relationships for the time

being. Besides he still had a lot of work to do. As such, he did not see

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himself being in a relationship so soon.

"So what about you Rudd? How long do you plan on staying single?" Darius teased, instantly making

Rudd the centre of attraction on their table.

Rudd smiled proudly when he heard Darius' question. Darius was in for a surprise if he thought that he

was still single.

"I'm no longer single!" Rudd declared proudly.

Darius, Marcus and Greg instantly burst into loud cheers when they heard his declaration. Rudd, the least outgoing one of them all had

gotten a girlfriend? It was a miracle! "When did this happen?!" Greg asked in excitement.

"Last month." Rudd answered happily.

"You better introduce US to her soon." Greg said cheerily.

"Certainly!" Rudd replied happily.

The atmosphere surrounding the table was a jolly and happy one. Darius and the rest finally picked a day next month to come and hang out

like this. Rudd also promised to come with his girlfriend on that day, which made Greg and Marcus anticipate the day eagerly. After

chitchatting and having fun for one more hour, Darius finally called it quits. He checked the time and saw that it was already getting late.

Darius signaled the waiters to come with their bill. The waiter approached their table quickly with the bill for the meal and handed it to Darius.

Unfazed at the amount on the bill, Darius brought out his black bank card and handed it to the waiter; which the waiter left with. A few

seconds later, the waiter announced that they had successfully paid for the meal.

After waving goodbye to each other, Marcus, Greg and Rudd boarded a cab to their dorm, while Darius boarded a cab to where his car was


By the time he got to where he parked his car, it was already late in the night. He unlocked his car and entered his car. He turned the ignition

on and was about to drive off when his phone rang

He looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Helen. When he picked the phone call and placed the phone to his ear, a loud scream echoed

from the other end of the phone. Before he could make sense of it, Helen's voice sounded in his ears. "Mr. Reid! Please save me!"