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The Consortium’s Heir by Benjamin_Jnr

Chapter 38
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Chapter 38 “Young Master Reid, your cars are finally here.” Bruce said in a very proud tone. As a matter

of fact he was indeed very proud that he had finally delivered the cars to the young master. He had put a

lot of effort to make sure that only the best materials were used to customize the cars. He was very sure

that Darius would love it.

Darius, on the other hand, did not enjoy the situation in the least. He could feel various stares the

onlookers gave him as he walked towards Bruce. He, however, ignored them. Even though he didn‘t like

the attention Bruce‘s convoy brought, he decided to go with the flow. After all now that Bruce had already

placed so much attention on him, there was nothing he could do but to accept it.

“Young Master Re–“Bruce started but was interrupted abruptly by Darius.

“Enough of your greetings, Bruce. I simply requested that you deliver my cars to me. Is this extravagant

display really necessary?” Darius inquired in an annoyed tone. When Bruce heard Darius‘ question, he


“Of course not Young Master Reid. If it were up to me I would have delivered your cars quietly, but

unfortunately that was not the case.”

Darius had a confused expression on his face.

“What do you mean by that?” He asked.

“It was not my decision to bring these cars with me. Rather, it was the decision of your grandfather,

young master Reid.” Bruce answered.

Darius let out an audible exhale. So this display was not Bruce‘s decision but his grandfather‘s instead.

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“Alright. Can you tell them to leave now?” Darius asked. Since it was his grandfather‘s decision there

was nothing he could do about it. Besides he had received his cars already. There was absolutely no

need for them anymore.

“Certainly, Young Master.” Bruce responded with a light bow. He then clapped his hands together.

Immediately he did the doors to the Rolls–Royce cars opened and several men dressed in black suits

came out from cars before walking briskly to Bruce.

Bruce whispered something inaudibly to one of the men in suits. The man in the suits had a conflicted

expression on his face, but it was only for a brief moment before he nodded his head in agreement to

Bruce‘s words.

The man made a signal to his colleagues dressed in black suits before making his way into his Rolls–

Royce. His colleagues followed suit and entered their respective Rolls–Royce cars. Few. seconds later,

the Rolls–Royce cars pulled out from the entrance and drove away, leaving just Darius two sport cars.

“Where are the keys?” Darius asked.

Bruce put his hand inside the pockets of his immaculate suit and produced two keys. He

handed one of the keys to Darius. Darius collected the keys Bruce handed him and walked towards his

two cars. He was thankful for the part time jobs he usually did. It was because of them that he could

drive very skillfully. He even had a driver‘s license because of it.

A few of his part–time jobs required driving as a necessary skill, such as being a taxi driver or delivering


He exhaled a sigh. Without those jobs, he would not be able to drive and would have been forced to

attend driving school, which would have been very difficult for him.

He opened the doors and got in his Bugatti. He started his car and drove away from the entrance to his

apartment‘s underground garage, leaving the stunned crowd behind.

Few minutes later, he arrived at the special parking lot reserved for him in the underground garage. It

was easily accessible as he had an elevator in his apartment that led directly to the special parking lot

reserved for him.

An engine sound echoed in the garage a few seconds after he stepped out of his Bugatti. He turned

toward the engine noise and watched as his second car parked neatly beside his Bugatti.

Before speaking, Bruce stepped out of the Lamborghini and handed over the keys to Darius.

“So, young master, what do you think about the cars?” Bruce inquired.

When Bruce asked him the question, Darius realized he hadn‘t taken a close look at the cars. He was in

a hurry to leave the entrance because of the crowd, so he didn‘t pay much attention to the cars.

He immediately turned to study his cars in details, focusing his attention on his Bugatti. At first glance,

nothing seemed to have changed from when he first chose them, but after closer inspection, he noticed

that a few changes had been made to his Bugatti.

His Bugatti‘s engine had been upgraded, and the interior had been customized to his preferences. The

Bugatti was still black, but his plate number had been changed from the usual numbers to just ‘REID.‘

The Bugatti received few changes, but his Lamborghini received extensive modifications. It, too, similar

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to the Bugatti had its color repainted from yellow to pitch black, with various red stripes on the rims of the

wheels and on specific points of the body. Its license plate was also changed to ‘REID.‘

“So, young master, what do you think about the cars?” Bruce inquired again.

“It is really great. I like the changes.” Darius answered, tearing his gaze away from the sport cars and

turning to face Bruce.

“I appreciate your help Bruce. Thank you.” Darius said in a sincere tone.

“It‘s nothing Young Master. It‘s my job to attend to your every need.” Bruce replied, bowing his head


“Hm.” Darius hummed in a low tone.

“Well then, is there anything else you need young master?” Bruce asked.

Darius thought about it before shaking his head in reply.

“No. None at the moment.” He had already got his apartment, his cars, and new outfits. All he wanted to

do now was rest. He had lectures on Monday so he needed to make good use of the weekends and rest


Bruce bowed again when he heard Darius reply. He then turned to leave but stopped a second later as a

sudden thought flashed through his mind.

“Young Master Reid, do not forget to visit the companies your grandfather told you about.” Bruce said.

When Darius heard Bruce‘s reminder, he let out a low groan. For a long time, his grandfather had been

reminding him of his responsibilities as the Reid‘s consortium heir. He decided to take a week off next

week to comply with his grandfather‘s wishes.

He said goodbye to Bruce and began walking towards the elevator to his apartment when his phone
