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The Consortium’s Heir by Benjamin_Jnr

Chapter 282
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Chapter 282

“If this were just between the two of us, I would still accept you as my brother. But that's not the case!

You're accusing and hurting your sister because of Darius' words!" Calypso spat out. Her expression

was twisted as she bent over and pounded herself on the chest.

A trace of pain flashed in Benji's eyes at the sound of her fists coming into contact with her chest, but

he didn't waver this time. He shut his eyes, took a deep breath, and said,

“You're no longer the sister I remember, and you've become a completely different person. Or perhaps,

you've been lying to me since we were children. It doesn't matter-not anymore. Too many things have

happened for us to return to how things used to be.”

Calypso gaped at him. Darius swept his gaze over everyone present, then raised an eyebrow and

patted Kate on the shoulder. When she didn't react, he smiled and reached out to push her jaw back


Only then did she notice the warmth on her jaw. She backed away, then turned to look at him. Her lips

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moved, wanting to say something. However, in the end, she realized she was too nervous to say


So, she turned back to look at Benji and Calypso. Then, her hair stood on end.

The expression on Calypso's face was one she'd never seen before-it was a mixture of hatred and

relief! As she tried to figure this out, she saw Calypso point at herself while looking at Benji.

"You really are the world's best brother!” She gritted her teeth as she said this, and her eyes were

practically spitting fire.

"Remember this-l’m the one who grew up with you, not Kate! Since she was born, none of you have

paid attention to me, not even our parents. When I was a child, they told me they'd leave 30 percent of

the company's shares for me, but they never brought this up again after Kate was born. In fact, they

stipulated in their wills that I'd only be getting 5 percent!" The more she spoke, the shakier her voice


At the same time, the hatred in her eyes grew. "Do you know what made things worse? They clearly

indicated that Kate would be getting 40 percent! How can you possibly expect me to accept that?"

Benji had an ugly look on his face. He didn't know when Calypso had become so twisted or how long

she'd been lying to him, but he was sure that she hadn't started out like this. It took him a while to wrap

his mind around this new discovery.

Earlier on, he couldn’t understand why she'd changed so much; now that he did, he was shocked. He

bit his lips and took a deep breath.

Calypso was vindicated when she saw him like this. At the same time, she found this whole situation

hilarious. She continued to pound on her chest, saying, "My heart's right here, but it's numb with pain

because of the way all of you have been ignoring me!"

Benji frowned. He opened his mouth to refute her. "None of us have ignored you. We've tried our best

to treat you well; that's why we..." He thought this would help her see things from his perspective.

Unfortunately for him, Calypso didn't show any sign of softening. On the contrary, she became even

angrier. She let out a disparaging laugh, the hatred in her eyes growing. "You know what? This is all my

fault. I thought you guys would be able to understand me if I were to tell you the truth."

Benji didn't say anything, merely shaking his head. After a couple of minutes of silence, Calypso

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suddenly exploded." Why are you shaking your head? Why didn't you finish your sentence? Is it

because you think there's no hope for me because I'm so ungrateful?"

She clenched her fists, gritted her teeth, and continued, "I know exactly what you were going to say!

You were going to say you guys did everything you could to find me the best husband, right?"

She suddenly lapsed into silence. Then, she looked at Benji again, her gaze frosty.

"You have no idea how hellish my life became from that moment on. Everything went downhill from

there. I got stuck in an unhappy marriage because you guys forced me to get married! You guys were

in a hurry to marry me off to someone I didn't love, so I got a random man to marry me. When things

started going bad, I apologized to you guys countless times and asked for help, but neither of you did.

All of you chose to believe that bastard, and none of you were on my side! Ultimately, I gave up hope

and decided to take matters into my own hands-that's why I killed him. Otherwise, I’d be the one six

feet under now! Either that or I'd be handicapped in some way."

She panted while staring into Benji's eyes. At this moment, she prayed that he'd give her a reaction to

show that he cared about her. Unfortunately, she was destined for disappointment.

The light in her eyes slowly faded. Benji didn't notice this, though.