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The Consortium’s Heir by Benjamin_Jnr

Chapter 268
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Chapter 268

The cogs in the man's brain spun at lightning speed, and he made his decision in under a second; he

quickly stepped back when Darius' fist came close to his face.

Darius did not foresee that, so he did not pursue the former out of caution.

Once his fist fully reached out, the man was already far away.

"You truly are formidable," the man said while looking down at Darius and standing atop the Remnard

Estate's concrete fence.He then fled, vanishing into thin air.

Darius' figure flickered just then.

He wanted to chase after the man I but was shocked that he could not detect the latter's aura in the air.

The man did not leave any traces, so it was like he was never there.

Because of that, Darius halted on the spot, no longer charging ahead.

Another reason he did not move was that he felt the tornado dissipate once the man left.

Thus, it left Wilson's body rapidly falling from almost 30 feet above the ground.

Darius did not know if Wilson had suffered any injuries after being held that high up, but all he needed

was for the latter to remain alive. So, he launched himself into the air, where Wilson's body was


He reached his arms wide to catch Wilson before they landed together.

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Darius' feet soon met the ground, but before he could stand still, he had already tossed Wilson aside.

The friction between his body and the coarse dirt made Wilson open his eyes and look at Darius.

However, he did not speak and only shifted his gaze upward at the sky.

Darius detected a sullen hopelessness oozing from the former's eyes.

He placed both hands in his pockets, lips curling upward.

"You look funny right now. Sadly, I don't have a mirror on hand. Otherwise, I'd show you how comical

you look."

Only then did Wilson finally react. He turned to cast a bleak look at Darius while sternly stating, "You've

won. Even if you decide not to act against me, my name will inevitably vanish from this city."

Wilson assumed others would not hold back their opinions when facing a person close to death.

Yet, little did he expect Darius to remain emotionless; not a change showed on Darius' blank face.It

was as though the latter did not care about Wilson's death.

Knowing that caused Wilson's eyes to narrow as he lay on the ground, unable to decipher Darius'


He eventually said, "I'm about to die, so you don't have to hide anything from me because there's

nothing I can do to you now.Besides, you're a powerful being, so I can never defeat you even if I wasn't

injured like I am now-hell, I can't do anything to you even at full health."

Darius picked at his ears while listening to the former.

Wilson's face darkened with rage as he felt like the object of Darius' ceaseless taunting and humiliation,

even though he was dying.

While gulping, doubt flickered in his eyes.

Having been through such an intense experience, Wilson finally snapped back to his senses,

connecting the dots.His tone changed from desperation to curiosity as he asked, "Didn't you come to

Almiron City to kill me?"

That was when Darius' hand returned to his pocket, and he nodded.

"It seems that your frightened self is pretty useful.At the very least, you're able to speak normally now."

Moments passed as Wilson examined Darius with wide eyes.

He wanted to speak but felt a chill crawling down his spine, snapping him out of his unrealistic

thoughts. Wilson knew it was unwise to anger Darius in that instant, as the latter could make him die


Hence, he sat with his legs crossed on the ground, his eyes downcast.

Silence filled the space after that, but Darius remained still.

Curious, Wilson lifted his head slowly to glimpse at Darius' face, hoping to guess the latter's emotions.

He then looked into a pair of eyes that seemed to grin yet simultaneously narrowed like daggers.

Seeing that made all his hairs stand straighter with terror, so his gaze quickly shot elsewhere.

He heard Darius' frosty laughter bursting like thunder, but it soon vanished as though he had

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hallucinated, adding to his fear.

Wilson shrunk to his knees, pressing his forehead on the ground as he quivered.

Even his gaze trembled.

It took a while before he pushed himself off the ground to look up at Darius.

"You haven't left after all this time,"

he uttered, "I bet you intend to do something with me, so go ahead-tell me.Perhaps you're unaware of

this, but I'm very astute.l understand the tables have turned compared to before the banquet. Likewise,

I know deep down that if I don't receive your protection, Dream Investment Group will make me quickly

and painfully vanish from this world."

A bitter smile appeared on his face.

"I can't guarantee that my wealth will still belong to my descendants after my death. Likewise, there's

no telling if my stellar reputation in life will change when I die.It's also possible that my riches will end

up in the hands of my murderer, which I can't stand.Sadly, this is the cold, hard truth presented to me

on a silver platter."

Darius looked at Wilson's face before flashing a smile as he realized something interesting; Wilson was

telling the truth.

Sighing, Darius replied. "Your son wouldn't have died in my hands if he thought the same as you now."

What impressed Darius more was that Wilson did not appear aggrieved, nor did he bat an eyelash,

when the former brought up killing the latter's son.

All of that showed Wilson had truly let go of their past quarrels