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The Consortium’s Heir by Benjamin_Jnr

Chapter 16
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Chapter 16 Darius walked out of the store happily. He felt very much fulfilled after the small episode in

the store. He walked for a few minutes with the shopping bags in his hand before stopping.

Darius‘ stomach growled, reminding him that he hadn‘t eaten anything yet. He wanted to eat at the Sky

Golden Hotel, but he had a lot of shopping bags on him. Taking the shopping bags to the hotel would be

quite inconvenient for him. Besides, he really needed to change his outfit, or he might not even be

granted entry this time. Darius hailed a taxi and got in. He decided to drop his newly purchased outfits at

the dorm before going to the hotel to dine.

The ride back to his dorm was uneventful, and so was his walk. Apart from the occasional stares and

gossips from the students, there was nothing out of the ordinary. He entered his dorm room and saw that

it was still empty. Even though two hours had passed since he left for the mall, his dorm mates were not

yet back from school. Darius kept the shopping bags neatly and out of sights from his dorm mates. He

didn‘t want to answer any unnecessary question that would stem from them seeing the shopping bags on

his bed.

When he was done, he changed into one of the new outfits he had bought. The outfit fitted him perfectly,

which made Darius smile. His self esteem was boosted when he wore the outfit. It seemed that dressing

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well really had its own perks. Darius suddenly groaned. After his brief episode with Sarah, he had

completely overlooked the fact that he needed to buy new shoes too. His whole outfit was ruined by the

fact the shoes he wore were worn out.

Darius sighed. There was nothing he could do now. He was far too hungry to go back to the store and

get some new shoes. It didn‘t matter much anyway. He would go and get some new shoes after eating.

Right now, eating was his priority. The hunger pangs were no longer ignorable.

Darius exited his room and hailed a taxi to the Sky Golden Hotel. On his way there, he remembered the

series of events that had led him there in the first place. It had just been a few days but a lot had

happened in those few days. Darius alighted from the cab and stood in front of the grandiose entrance to

the hotel. Unlike the first time he came here, he wasn‘t impressed by the 7–star hotel anymore. His

grandfather‘s mansion had way more grandiose than this hotel. However, when he saw the array of cars

in the parking lot, he couldn‘t help but suck in a cold breath. He couldn‘t wait for his two cars to arrive.

When he entered the hotel after greeting the two security guards stationed at the door, he was

immediately received by a hotel staff member. The security men found Darius‘ face to be familiar, but

couldn‘t place where they had seen him before. They had no idea that the young man in question was

the same individual they had reported to the police a few days before. It was understandable though, as

Darius now looked completely different from a few days ago.

“Hello sir. How may I help you?” The hotel staff member asked politely.

“I‘m here to eat.” Darius answered.

“Do you have a membership card sir?” The hotel staff member asked again.

Darius frowned. He realized he didn‘t have a membership card after all. He had no clue that he needed a

membership card to eat here. He reasoned that if David and Sarah could dine here, all that was required

was money, which he didn‘t think would be an issue for him because he now had a lot of it.

“No. I don‘t.” Darius answered.

“Sir, our meals are very exquisite compared to other places. Our ingredients are all first class and so are

the tools used to make them. Not just anyone can dine here. Only those with a membership card can

dine here.” The hotel staff member said.


“How do I become a member then?” Darius asked. He was getting very hungry and just wanted to get

this membership issue done. “Sir, if you top up $100,000, you get a bronze membership card. If you top

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up $500,000, you get a silver membership card and if you top up $1,000,000, you get a gold membership

card.” The hotel staff explained. Darius nodded before bringing out his stylish customized phone. He was

going to make a transfer of $1,000,000 at once to get the gold membership card. “Alright, I‘ll top up

$1,000,000 at once.” Darius said. He himself was surprised that he was willing to spend such a huge

amount on feeding, but went on with it anyway. It was a drop in the ocean compared to the amount of

money he now had. The hotel staff was shocked when she heard Darius claiming to pay for the gold

membership card at once. It was extremely rare for people to pay that much for meals here. Most people

opted to go for the silver or bronze membership card. Despite her surprise, she led Darius to the

reception desk where he completed the payment at once. If David was here, he would have puked blood

at the sight. He had used up his monthly allowance to purchase the bronze card worth $100,000, which

he spent half of in one night already. Meanwhile, Darius had spent 1 million dollars at a go for the gold

membership card.

The process was smooth and straightforward. Darius was offered a special room reserved for gold

members to dine, but refused it. He just wanted to eat quickly.

Darius sat down to eat after being offered a good table in an excellent spot in the hotel with various

luxury meals on the table. However, he had barely taken one bite of his meal when three beautiful ladies

walked in.