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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

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The abrupt power outage plunged the room into darkness, casting doubt in the eyes of three individuals


As Hank grappled with confusion in the darkness, an uproar erupted from the intercom.

One voice exclaimed, “Why the power outage? All our monitoring gear is down!”

Another added, “Every detection device is offline! The central control room’s visibility is zero and the ID system’s

dead too!”

A third voice questioned, “What’s happening? This place has two power lines, right?”

Another retorted, “What good are two or three lines now? The issue’s the power outage! Where’s the logistics

head? Why wasn’t there backup power arranged?”

Someone lashed out, “Nobody mentioned setting up emergency power! Even FBI missions don’t always carry

backups, unless it’s to the Middle East or Afghanistan! With this much gear and power load, what backup can

handle it? A Cummins diesel generator? Should I fetch a power truck for you to use?”

“Damn! Are you giving excuses?”

“Are you arguing? Do you even comprehend how crucial the monitoring gear in the control room and on the roof

is? Don’t just yap without sense! Speak only if you have something useful!”

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The sudden blackout rattled the typically composed team.

For a villa equipped with dual power lines, power outages were a rare occurrence, maybe once in a decade.

Originally a private estate, the house was acquired by the Rothschilds to oversee the neighboring Cole Manor. To

them, this seemed like setting a trap for mice—utter domination over a weaker entity.

Furthermore, situated a few dozen kilometers from New York, within the Rothschild family’s stronghold, everyone’s

sense of security was unusually high. Their primary concern was whether the intended target would dare sneak into

the Cole family villa under their noses. No one fathomed the audacity of this intruder.

It was akin to the police setting a trap for a criminal suspect, worrying only about the criminal’s absence or escape,

never anticipating the suspect’s daring entry into their headquarters.

Hank, conducting a security assessment, had never foreseen an attack here.

Despite the power cut, he didn’t feel a sense of imminent intrusion.

On the contrary, he suspected the outage was a deliberate ploy by intruders aiming to snatch the Sifang Treasure


Although the Rothschilds had installed state-of-the-art defenses, relying on high-tech gear had its downside. A

power outage rendered them defenseless.

Anyone who’s played Red Alert knows no matter the cannons, prism towers, or SAM missiles if power is short, all

defenses collapse.

Jarvis Delgado understood this cutting power to the Cyprus copper mines nullified Wesley’s defenses, regardless of

their strength.

However, initially overconfident, Jarvis had no inkling of crisis. But Jagoan was different.

He knew better than to let his shoes get wet near the riverbank; thus, when near water, he wore rubber boots that

are called well prepared.

In the darkness, Hank heard the chaotic radio chatter and commanded, “Enough noise! Send someone to check

the circuit immediately. Stay alert! Keep eyes on the Cole family! The mouse might be returning

to its nest! This time, we will steal the stolen goods together!”

Upon hearing this, Steve Rothschild, excited, exclaimed, “Hank’s right! The Coles have come back for the Four

Treasures of the Study! I knew Peter Cole wasn’t truthful! He claimed to move the treasures alone, unassociated

with the family. Most likely, the entire Cole family planned this return! It’s them!”

He urged Hank, “Don’t act hastily! Wait till they bring out the treasures before nabbing them! Remember, don’t let

them escape! We can’t let them walk away with the treasures!”

Hank thought, “Do I need this lecture?” But respectfully said, “Understood, Young Master. We’re keeping a close

watch on the Cole family. They won’t escape.”

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Royce chimed in, gleeful, “Dad! With the Four Treasures of the Study, we’re in the clear!”

Steve, pumped up, added, “Our trap is set. It’s time they come, and they finally have! Grandfather’s foresight is


He instructed Hank, “This is on you now. If they escape, we’ll all be starving!”

Hank assured, “Young Master, not even a fly will escape today!”

Steve clenched his fists, suppressing his excitement. “Wait and watch the Cole family!”

Gritting his teeth, he adjusted his collar, his demeanor fierce. “Stealing from our family and causing us grief, the

Coles! The worst part about the De family’s passivity is their indirect threat to my position as first heir. Whoever I

catch today, I’ll deal with it personally!”

Steve’s hostility had a basis.

Originally the first heir, the theft of the Four Treasures had sidelined him. Howard had announced that whoever

found the treasures would be the new heir, effectively deposing Steve. Finding the treasures

would merely correct a mistake failing would lead to disaster.

He despised the Cole family more than his father, Howard, did.

Royce added, “Dad, if we catch them, don’t hand them to the police. Once we recover the Four Treasures, I’ll make

them disappear!”

Steve nodded, “Last time, Peter was cunning, alerting the police beforehand. We won’t repeat that mistake. Once

we recover the treasures today, anyone found will vanish from this world!”