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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 976-980
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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 976

Jeff waved his hand indifferently, and said, “Yes, of course you can. If you can’t, just give it to me!”

After speaking, he said: “Oh yes, that ace of spades champagne, give me two bottles!”

The waiter opened his mouth and said, “Sir, a bottle of Champagne of Spades is 18,888 Dollar. It is non-

refundable for opening the bottle, okay?”

Jeff said immediately: “Yes! Hurry up and go first!”

Hearing that he ordered two bottles of wine worth 18,888 Dollar at once, everyone immediately couldn’t

sit still.

After doing so, the meal has already cost more than 60,000 Dollar. Even if everyone pays the other half,

at least 30,000 Dollar this year?

If the round robin system is used, then everyone has to pay at least more than 2,000 Dollar!

William suddenly said with some embarrassment: “Jeff, we don’t have to be so extravagant to eat. Today,

I invited Mrs. Lewis to eat, and received the dust for Mrs. Lewis. Mrs. Lewis has just recovered from

illness and must not be able to drink. You order these two bottles.

What does wine mean?”

Jeff said contemptuously: “William, I just look down on you for being so poor, just eating a meal, are you

afraid of being a feather?”

After finishing talking, he didn’t wait for William to speak, and immediately said to the waiter: “Bring us

another big grouper, one shark fin in abalone sauce for each!”

Jeff just hopes to have more, so that he can earn more.

Everyone else was a little worried, thinking that the meal was spread out and everyone had to pay too


But everyone is embarrassed to tear their faces, and no one is embarrassed to say that I will not eat this

meal at this time, after all, Mrs. Lewis is still here.

Mrs. Lewis couldn’t sit still at this time. She said nervously, “Jeff, we really don’t have to be so

extravagant for our meals, and your things are too expensive. Auntie is serious. Shaking…Can we order

cheap dishes? Home cooking?”

Jeff is now unwilling to let go of any opportunity for money, so naturally he can’t willingly eat only a few

thousand Dollar for this meal, otherwise he can’t make any difference.

So he hurriedly said: “Mrs. Lewis, today you will just cook and eat. We have the rest. We were raised by


Your kindness to us is heavier than Mount Everest. How about spending some money to invite you to

eat? Even if you spend 30,000, 40,000, or 50,000 today, I agree that I will spend it willingly!”

After speaking, he deliberately looked around for a week, watching everyone’s expressions.

What he said just now was actually moral kidnapping.

The subtext is already very clear, why? Mrs. Lewis is so kind to us, raising us, and inviting her to eat

dinner, you are not willing to be willing, are you still?

Sure enough, as soon as he said this, everyone did not dare to express any dissatisfaction or opposition.

Everyone has already thought about it in their hearts. Since Mrs. Lewis is invited to dinner, let’s have


Charlie Wade suddenly felt something was wrong. Judging from Jeff deliberately crashing the car in

order not to honor his bet, he knew that this person was definitely not a generous person, and definitely a


So why is a not so generous little person so generous when ordering food?

Could it be that more orders for this meal are good for him?

However, since Jeff said that he had to bear half of the meal, he should not be the restaurant’s support.

Then there is only another possibility left, Jeff can reimburse the meal!

It turns out that this Jeff has counted everyone in. If this is the case, then I might as well give him a

general plan!

Thinking of this, Charlie Wade said, “Everyone, let’s go. For today’s meal, Jeff and I are one and half,

and the others don’t need to pay a penny. Even if this meal costs 200,000, it will be the two of us!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 977

When Jeff heard this, he immediately smiled sarcastically: “Oh, Charlie Wade, you can do it, brag, don’t

even type the draft!”

Charlie Wade smiled faintly, and said, “What’s so bragging about? If you don’t believe me, let’s pay

100,000 Dollar in advance, and we will eat 200,000 Dollar tonight. What do you think?”

After listening to Jeff, he said excitedly: “Is this true?”

Charlie Wade directly took out his mobile phone, opened Apple Pay, and said to the waiter: “Come, scan

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the QR code to pay.”

Seeing this, Jeff was about to jump up with excitement!

What I want is to eat more meals, and then I can get more price difference when I reimburse myself, but

the friends of this group of welfare institutions are really too suspicious. They have been chatting there

and I don’t know how annoying it is.

Charlie Wade is now willing to split with himself, and pay one hundred thousand Dollar at a time. Isn’t this

clear to give himself money? I also pay 100,000, but I can open an invoice for 200,000. After I go back, I

tell the boss that this meal is for a super customer. It is possible to negotiate a sale of 10 million. The

boss will definitely wave his hand. Reported to myself.

He has figured it out now, life is the most important thing! First lied these two friends who wanted to

make money with them, and then returned to the company, reported the 200,000 Dollar, and solved

Caesar’s problem. As for whether the boss will settle accounts after autumn, it is time to consider this.

After all, Caesar is the biggest threat to himself now. So he hurriedly took out his mobile phone and said

to Charlie Wade: “Well, since you are so refreshing, then I will also pay 100,000!” Mrs. Lewis wanted to

dissuade the two of them, but Charlie Wade waved his hand at her to signal her not to worry.

For Charlie Wade, whether it costs 100,000 or 200,000 for a meal, it is just a drizzle. What he wants to

do is not let Jeff succeed. At this time, the waiter took the POS machine and used the function of

scanning the code to pay, and each swiped 100,000 Dollar from the two Apple Pays.

After confirming Jeff that the 200,000 Dollar has arrived, Jeff said with a smile: “In this case, let’s order

more good ones! Waiter, give us all the good wine, good food, and good seafood you have here, just

take photos. With 200,000, what I want is to spend all of the 200,000 today, without a single dollar left!”

The waiter did not expect to meet such a wealthy table today, and immediately said with a smile: “Don’t

worry, I will make arrangements to bring you the wine first!” When I heard that I was about to enjoy a

meal of 200,000 Dollar, many of the friends at the same table were excited and unbearable.

Especially that William, who just looked like a bitter melon, is so happy that his mouth is almost open to

the root of his ears! He was worried just now because he didn’t want to spend more, but now seeing the

200,000 meal, someone has already paid for it, and he hasn’t paid a penny. He is so excited that he can’t

wait to go to the bathroom and eat everything he has eaten before. All the things are picked out.

This way I emptied my stomach and waited to eat the next good things. Many hanging silks have this

kind of mentality. If he spends his own money to do something, he may be more uncomfortable than

being beaten; but if he does not need to spend money on this matter, or if someone else spends money,

he ran away. Faster than anyone, laugh happier than anyone. To put it bluntly, it is the king of prostitutes.

Soon, the waiter brought lobster, abalone and other delicacies from the mountains and seas, and even a

whole roasted suckling pig, tender on the outside and tender on the inside, exuding an incomparable

aroma. William frantically ate all kinds of good things, while holding a glass of wine, pouring into his

mouth desperately.

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 978

For nearly 20,000 Dollar a bottle of champagne, he hadn’t even smelled it in his life, let alone drank it, so

with this kind of good opportunity, he decided to drink enough. At this time, Jeff’s dog-legged Harry, while

eating roast suckling pig, said flatly: “How do I feel that I have become the richest man in Star City?

This scene is almost the same as the scene in the movie where they eat and drink in the hotel!” As soon

as the words came out, they immediately resonated with other people, and everyone nodded and

laughed: “Yes, that’s right, that’s a bit of a meaning!” Harry smiled again and said: “It’s all thanks to

Brother Jeff, thank you Brother Jeff!” Lisa said indignantly: “Why should I only thank Jeff?

Brother Charlie Wade also paid half of the money for this meal, OK?” Harry said disdainfully: “I ate the

half of Brother Jeff and you ate the half of Charlie Wade, so thank you, it has nothing to do with me.” At

this time, William, who was eating with a mouthful of oily mouth, just took time out and reacted to the

topic that everyone just talked about.

He was still chewing on all kinds of meat and asked vaguely: “By the way, what were you talking about

just now? The richest man in Star City? Why don’t I understand?” Harry frowned and asked: “The movie!

The richest man in Star City, the one played by Tom Cruise, was shown in theaters some time ago and

the box office was so hot. Didn’t you watch it?” “Movie theater?”

William immediately said contemptuously: “I don’t go to the cinema to watch movies, so why make me

spend money to watch the movies they make? Are these people crazy about money? It’s about the same

if you show them all for free! I always go to the Internet and beg others for resources, and when I go

back tonight, I beg for a resource to watch this movie.”

“Stupid!” Harry said coldly: “William, you are too much to take advantage, right? People invest hundreds

of millions in making a movie, and there are so many directors, cameras, dramatists, and actors. If the

hard work you put in for a long time is free for people like you, who will make movies? The film and

television company will not lose money?”

Harry heard William choking himself, and said disdainfully: “Shosh the f*ck and give me this set, I just

don’t have enough advantage, I just like to have money, even if I have money, I won’t give it.” Harry said

angrily: “You still curse after taking advantage of it?

You are so shameless, you are not afraid of retribution if you say such things!” William curled his lips:

“What’s the retribution? Anyway, I am an orphan, who am I afraid of? Am I afraid of death?”

Harry was choked and speechless. When a person is shameless to this point, saying nothing is useless.

So he didn’t bother to continue to be honest with such people. Charlie Wade sighed straight as he

watched from the side. Some people can climb up and become masters step by step, even if they are

from a humble background, but some people will become hanging silks and the bottom of the society.

Just like William, he became a Diaosi for no reason. Disrespect others, do not respect oneself, only

thinking about making money and taking advantage in their minds, this kind of people often suffer a lot.

After guessing this meal, he will desperately kneel and lick Jeff. And Jeff would not hesitate to squeeze

all the surplus value from him. By that time, he might not even cry.

But it’s not that I didn’t want to give him a hand. The point is that this person is not at all good or bad, and

he has no self-knowledge until now. This made Charlie Wade couldn’t wait to see what would happen to

William’s end!

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 979

When everyone was enjoying a 200,000 meal, Charlie Wade went to the front desk and said to the front

desk clerk: “Hello, I am a guest at Table 03 in the lobby, please give me an invoice.” The waiter hurriedly

asked respectfully: “Hello, sir, is it the table with 200,000 consumption?” “Yes!” Charlie Wade nodded.

The waiter asked again: “Do you issue a company or personal invoice?” Charlie Wade said: “Personal.”

“Okay, sir, would you please leave your name?”

Charlie Wade nodded and said, “The leaves of leaves, the stars of stars.” The waiter hurriedly

manipulated the computer, and then put the invoice into the invoice printer. With a sizzling sound, a

catering invoice with Charlie Wade’s name and the amount of 200,000 Dollar was printed out.

Charlie Wade got the invoice and checked it. After confirming that there was no problem with the invoice,

he thanked the waiter and turned back. At the same time, he sneered in his heart, Jeff, you must have

never thought that Master would act first, right? Then he returned to the dinner table and continued to eat

with everyone. Claire Wilson Wilson on the side asked him in a low voice: “Charlie Wade, tell me the

truth, are you holding back some bad eyes?”

Charlie Wade said, “No, I’m such a good person, what kind of bad eyes can I hold back?” Claire Wilson

Wilson lowered his voice and said, “I always feel that your meal seems to be calculating Jeff…” Charlie

Wade nodded and smiled: “Good wife, you are right!” Claire Wilson Wilson chuckled and nodded, “This

kind of person is really annoying, I support you!”

Charlie Wade smiled: “Really my good wife!”

Claire Wilson Wilson’s face blushed, and her heart was shy.


After three rounds of wine, Jeff stood up dizzy and said: “I’ll go to the bathroom, you continue to drink,

everyone drink more, that Maotai, that Maotai must not be left! And that champagne, This guy is 20,000

Dollar per bottle!”

When William saw this, he hurriedly stood up and said flatly, “Brother Jeff, I will help you to the


After speaking, he stood up and held Jeff with his brazen support.

Jeff waved his hand and said with a smile: “I haven’t drunk too much, so I drank much.”

William said shyly, “Then I will go with you too!”

On the way to the bathroom, William smiled and said, “Brother Jeff, I secretly finished the loan apps that

you let me make. Don’t say it. Not only does the hotel’s wifi have no password, The internet speed is also

very fast! It is much faster than the internet break in my company dormitory! It feels like a big bargain!”

Jeff looked at him contemptuously, knowing in his heart that this William was more shameless than

himself, and countless times more than himself.

However, it is precisely because he loves to take advantage of him so much that he has the opportunity

to engage him.

So he said to William: “In this way, you first register all these apps and fill in your personal information,

and then you start to borrow from them. You can directly borrow according to the highest amount and

how much you can borrow. After taking it out, transfer the money to my card, and then I will help you

operate the fund.

A week later, I will call you the income and principal!”

William hurriedly nodded and complimented: “Brother Jeff, you are so interesting. I am really fortunate to

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know a friend like you. It seems that following you, my marriage will definitely wont come to an end!”

Jeff said: “Hurry up and get the money out first. I will soon operate a new fund. If you don’t get the money

out quickly, you won’t be able to catch this train. Don’t blame me in the future.”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 980

William immediately said: “Brother Jeff, I have seen it on the app just now. They requested that the front

and back of the ID card should be uploaded first. My ID card was not brought here in the dormitory. Don’t

worry, it will be the first one after I go back. The thing is to upload ID card information so that the loan can

be made!”

“Okay.” Jeff nodded, and while relieved, said: “You must do this as soon as possible. Don’t miss a good

opportunity. I will show you a clear way to make you more money. .”

As soon as William heard this, he shook with excitement, and accidentally peed his pants, but he didn’t

care about it, so he wiped the trouser leg quickly, turned his face and asked Jeff next to him: “Brother

Jeff, what is Jeff Way? Brother, beg for advice!”

Jeff said: “It’s very simple, if you can make up 600,000 for me, I can help you earn 600,000 a week, if

you can find someone to borrow 1 million more, I can help you earn 1 million more!”

“When you borrow 1 million, you can promise others 200,000 in interest, and others will be very

interested. In this way, you can make a net profit of 800,000 in interest difference. Wouldn’t it make you


“Don’t talk about the 300,000 Dollar gift at that time, even a down payment for a three-bedroom

apartment is enough.”

When William heard this, he was suddenly excited.

However, he didn’t know for a while, where he should borrow so much money.

After all, he is an orphan with no relatives and no reason. Who would want to lend himself so much


Seeing that he was a little worried, Jeff knew that he must be considering this issue, so he deliberately

gave him an idea, saying: “In fact, you can go to your girlfriend and tell your girlfriend that you have the

inside story to make money. The news, as long as you invest 1 million, you can earn 200,000 interest in

a week!”

“Let her ask her mother, your future mother-in-law, if she has this interest. If your future mother-in-law is

interested, she will not only give you 1 million, but also when she gets 200,000 interest, she will feel that

Your future daughter-in-law is very good and very capable.”

“In this way, you not only earned an interest margin of 800,000 Dollar, but also won the favor of your

future mother-in-law, killing two birds with one stone!”

William immediately became excited.

He has been looked down upon by his future mother-in-law, and now he finally has a chance to exhale!

So he immediately said, “Brother Jeff, don’t worry. After I go back tonight, I will call my girlfriend to make

it clear.”

Jeff nodded, put on his pants, didn’t even wash his hands, and said to William: “I’ll go to the front desk,

you go back first.”

William didn’t wash his hands either. He hurried over and asked with concern, “Brother Jeff, what are you

going to do at the front desk? Hasn’t the account been settled in advance?”

Jeff said impatiently: “I have something wrong, you can go back, don’t worry about me.”

William nodded immediately, and said respectfully: “That’s OK, Brother Jeff, I’ll go back first, to be

honest, that champagne is really good, I haven’t had enough, hehe.”

Jeff hummed a laugh, and thought to himself that the hanging silk was the f*cking hanging silk, and it

was a super hanging silk that couldn’t take advantage of it.

But I like this kind of hanging silk without IQ. This kind of hanging silk is really easy to cheat.

Immediately, he left the bathroom and walked to the front desk humming a little song.

After arriving at the front desk, he took out his business card and handed it to the waiter at the front desk.

He said with an expression of force: “The table No. 03 in the lobby is the table that consumes 200,000

Dollar. Give me an invoice. Follow the company name on my business card.”

The waiter hurriedly said: “I’m sorry, sir, the invoice for your table has been issued by a gentleman just


“What?!” Jeff felt dizzy and blurted out, “Who opened it?”

The waiter said: “It was opened by a gentleman surnamed Wade, called Charlie Wade, should he be with



When Jeff heard this, his blood surged!

Charlie Wade drove the invoice away, so he couldn’t be reimbursed!

Doesn’t that mean that instead of making money from this meal, he also lost 100,000 Dollar? !

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and roared: “It’s Charlie Wade again!”