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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 951-955
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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 951

When the three of them came out of the orphanage, just about to go to the restaurant, a pleasantly

surprised voice suddenly sounded in their ears: “Charlie Wade, Lisa!”

When the two turned around to look, they saw several figures walking towards each other.

These people are all the little friends who grew up with him in the orphanage.

However, for Charlie Wade, there are many people in it, and they have basically never seen him since he

left the orphanage.

The only one who still had contact after leaving the orphanage was his little friend, Caleb.

In the early years, when Charlie Wade was living in the orphanage, due to the accidental death of his

parents, his personality became reticent, even a little withdrawn, and he might not speak a word to

others for a day.

Because of his incompatibility, he is often isolated by other children.

Charlie Wade remembered that whenever he was isolated, Caleb, who was a little older than him, would

always be the first to stand up and play with him.

So over the years, the relationship between the two has been very deep.

Caleb and Charlie Wade are the same age, but Caleb is a few months older than him.

The two people came out of the orphanage, and then they both chose to go to the construction site to

work together, suffer together and suffer together, standard hard brothers.

However, the difference between Caleb and Charlie Wade is that Charlie Wade made money, and all of it

was secretly given to the orphanage, while Caleb saved some money himself, then left the construction

site and went to Hong Kong to do a little business. .

For Charlie Wade, Caleb’s approach is understandable.

After all, everyone is an orphan, and most of them are helpless when they come out of the orphanage.

Everyone wants to make some money to lay a foundation for themselves, because orphans are not like

others. Others have parents, relatives, and a house that can shelter from wind and rain. Orphans have


If you run out of money today, you won’t be able to eat today, and you can only sleep on the street at


The reason why Charlie Wade didn’t think about himself after leaving the orphanage was mainly because

of his father’s teachings to him that year, which made him feel that he could live to be 18 years old. It

was already the orphanage and Mrs. Lewis’s kindness to him, of course. Find a way to repay.

Moreover, this has a lot to do with Charlie Wade’s childhood education.

In his childhood, Charlie Wade was the young master of the Wade family from childhood. He received

the education of Confucianism and classic Chinese studies. Therefore, in his bones, there is a kind of

dedication spirit of ancient Confucianism and compassion.

This is what makes him different from everyone in the orphanage.

At this moment, Caleb stepped forward with excitement, and said excitedly: “Charlie Wade, my good

brother, we haven’t seen you in a long time!”

Back then, he and Charlie Wade slept in the shed on the construction site together, carried cement

together and moved bricks together. The two supported each other and walked all the way for several


Later, Caleb saved tens of thousands of dollars, and met a girl he liked on the construction site, and

followed that girl to Hong Kong.

After a few years of absence, Charlie Wade couldn’t help feeling a little excited, saying, “Caleb, we

haven’t seen each other for three or four years? How have you been in Hong Kong over the past few


When Caleb heard Charlie Wade’s question at this time, he laughed and said, “It’s okay, it’s okay! Let’s

have enough food and clothing!”

Charlie Wade asked again: “Where is the girl you met on the construction site? Are you two married?”

“Hey.” A trace of sadness flashed between Caleb’s eyebrows, but he smiled indifferently: “Get married.

It’s been a relationship for two or three years, but this is not about marriage, I can’t afford it. What kind of

gift, I can’t afford to buy a house. The woman’s parents look down on me, and they often blow the wind

around her ears, and she won’t look down on me when she blows them, and then they broke off with


Charlie Wade frowned and asked, “When is this?”

Caleb smiled slightly and said, “Just last month.”

Charlie Wade nodded and said, “It is her loss for not choosing you.”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 952

After finishing speaking, he said: “By the way, I haven’t asked you yet, aren’t you in Hong Kong? Why did

you come to Aurouss Hilll so quickly?”

Caleb smiled and said: “It’s very coincidental that the unit arranged for me to come over for a business

trip. I just arrived in the afternoon. I just got off the bus and saw that you were chatting in the group, and

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then I hurried over.”

Charlie Wade asked curiously: “Aren’t you doing business by yourself? Why did you work again?”

Caleb smiled bitterly, and said, “Business has been dry, how can the business be so good now,

especially in the past two years, the economic situation is not good, and it is not easy to do anything.”

After speaking, he looked at Claire Wilson Wilson and smiled: “Charlie Wade, is this your younger

brother and sister?”

Charlie Wade nodded and said, “This is my wife, Claire Wilson Wilson.”

After speaking, he introduced Claire Wilson Wilson again: “Claire Wilson Wilson, this is Caleb, my best

friend in the orphanage.”

Caleb smiled and said, “Charlie Wade, you are really blessed, your wife is so beautiful.”

Claire Wilson Wilson smiled and said, “Thank you.”

Caleb nodded, and then pretended to complain to Charlie Wade: “Charlie Wade, you are not kind! I

haven’t taken the initiative to contact us for several years.

After Mrs. Lewis suffered from uremia, I heard Mrs. Lewis say , You often visit her, but you avoid our

brothers and sisters every time, why?” Charlie Wade smiled and said seriously: “The past few years have

not been very good, I don’t want everyone to see it.” Charlie Wade also has self-esteem. Since marrying

Claire Wilson Wilson, he has often been ridiculed by people, saying that he is a trash, a hanging silk, and

a live-in son-in-law. Although he is not

surprised how people think of him, he does not want to let him be with him since childhood. These little

friends who grew up together know their dilemma. Caleb said seriously: “My dear brother, we lived in a

shack on a construction site for a long time. A steamed bun can be broken in half and a person can

break in half.

Why are you embarrassed in front of me? Brother, I’ve been unhappy in the past few years. Look at me,

don’t you still laugh every day.” Charlie Wade nodded slightly. At this time, Lisa also looked at Caleb with

a smile, and said, “Brother Caleb, why don’t you say hello to me?”

Caleb saw Lisa and stared at her for a long time before he was surprised and said, “You…you are Lisa?!”

Like Charlie Wade, Caleb has never returned after leaving the orphanage when he was eighteen. At that

time, Lisa was only thirteen or fourteen years old, and she was still a yellow-haired girl, but now Lisa has

become a decent beauty, and the gap is still very obvious.

Lisa smiled and said, “It’s me, why are you so surprised!” Caleb laughed and said: “It’s really a big

eighteen woman. At that time, you were yellow and thin, and short. You looked like a tomboy every day. I

didn’t expect to become so beautiful now!” Lisa replied shyly: “Brother Caleb, don’t praise me. I have a

sister-in-law here, I can’t be considered pretty.”

As she said, she couldn’t help but look at Claire Wilson Wilson, and the envy on her face was even more

expressive. Caleb smiled and said: “Don’t be so arrogant, you are also a beautiful woman out of a

million.” Lisa was embarrassed not knowing how to speak, and suddenly received a call.

She picked up the phone and listened, her face immediately became anxious, and she said to everyone:

“The owner of the restaurant called and said that the hotel’s wiring was aging, and the power was

skipped. It can’t be repaired today, and it has to wait for tomorrow, so it can’t be opened. ……” “Huh?”

Caleb blurted out: “Then we have to find another place temporarily!”

Lisa said anxiously: “Now it’s time for dinner, I’m afraid it will be difficult to find a box temporarily…” As

soon as Charlie Wade heard this, he was about to call Don Albertt to ask if there were any boxes in

Heaven Springs. At this time, a black Mercedes-Benz car stopped beside everyone…

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 953

The window of the Mercedes-Benz car was lowered, and Charlie Wade glanced at it and recognized the

man driving. This person is Jeff who took the initiative to organize a gathering in the group today.

However, Charlie Wade didn’t have much friendship with him. Jeff was dressed in a suit and leather

shoes with a slightly fat figure. When he saw the crowd, he stopped the car, poked his head out of the

car, and said, “Oh, I’m so sorry, everyone has been waiting for a long time.”

With that said, with an arrogant and complacent look between his eyebrows, he deliberately explained:

“Hey, there is a traffic jam on the road. It was delayed for a while, and it was late.” Someone exclaimed

and said, “Jeff, you drive Mercedes-Benz? When did you mention it?” Jeff laughed and said, “I just

mentioned it two days ago.”

Charlie Wade suddenly realized it, no wonder this guy was so active in organizing parties, it turned out to

be showing off his childhood friends who just mentioned a new car and wanted to find him! At this time,

someone asked: “Jeff, what model is this car?

A lot of money, right?” Jeff smiled triumphantly, and pretended to be modest, and said: “Oh, it’s just a

Mercedes-Benz e300l. It’s not a good car, it’s just over 500,000.”


Everyone exclaimed.

Someone said: “Oh, Jeff, you are too good. You have only been out of society for a few years, so you

can afford such an expensive car!” “Yeah, we are still taking the bus, and you are already on the big run.

It’s really more than human to throw away!”

“That’s more people to die than people, to shop around!” “Oh, one meaning.” To be honest, the children

who come out of the orphanage are basically helpless people. Their starting point is much lower than

most people, if others start from 0, then they start from negative.

Up to now, most of the children who came out of the orphanage in the same period of the year are still

struggling with food and clothing. They will not have any good jobs, let alone good opportunities, so

everyone basically All are pretty poor.

Except for Charlie Wade and Jeff, none of the other orphanage friends can afford a car. So when

everyone saw Jeff buying a Mercedes-Benz, they were very envious and admired. Jeff smiled

triumphantly, waved his hand and said, “It’s okay, it’s all small money to me, it’s not worth mentioning!”

As he said, he suddenly saw Charlie Wade standing in the crowd, his face changed slightly.

Unexpectedly, Charlie Wade’s rival was actually one step ahead of him. When he was in the orphanage,

he looked down on people like Charlie Wade, and wanted to teach Charlie Wade many times, but

because he couldn’t beat him, he was finally repaired by Charlie Wade. With the increase in frequency,

Charlie Wade has become his psychological shadow, and he still can’t let go of it.

He once thought that even if Charlie Wade was able to fight when he was in the orphanage, as long as

he entered society, people like Charlie Wade would definitely get mixed up very miserably. After he

glanced at Charlie Wade’s clothes, he couldn’t help but sneered in his heart. He was dressed in

miscellaneous goods, and he didn’t know anything about it. However, when he saw Claire Wilson Wilson,

his eyes lit up, and he was suddenly shocked! He has never seen such a beautiful woman in real life.

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 954

This made him wonder, could this beauty be a small partner in the orphanage? But no matter how he

thought, he couldn’t think of any memory fragments related to this beauty. Thinking of this, Jeff still had a

smile on his face, first with a bit of arrogance, and said hello to Charlie Wade: “Yeah, isn’t this Charlie

Wade? Long time no see!”

Charlie Wade smiled and said, “Big fart pocket?” Big fart pocket is Jeff’s nickname in the orphanage at

the time, because this kid is fat and can eat, so he likes to amplify bad farts. The key is that this kid farts.

He never pays attention to the occasion. It is used when playing games in class, when eating, and when


At that time, the little friends were troubled by his fart, and she was miserable, so she left this nickname,

called Big Butt Douzi.

Jeff didn’t expect Charlie Wade to mention his previous nickname as soon as he came up, and suddenly

his face felt a little uncontrollable.

Before he could say anything, a young man behind him said displeasedly: “Hey, Charlie Wade, how do

you talk? How dare you be called Mr. Jeff’s nickname? Mr. Jeff is now an executive of a listed group. ,

You have to be respectful when you speak!”

Charlie Wade glanced at the person who spoke, and vaguely remembered that the other person was

Harry, who was one of Jeff’s dog legs back then. He didn’t expect that after so many years, he would still

follow Jeff’s ass.

So, he frowned slightly, and said faintly: “I’m sorry, I have called him a big a** since he was a child, and

he has become used to it.”

Jeff glanced at Claire Wilson Wilson, and found that Claire Wilson Wilson looked a little bit uncontrollable

about his nickname.

He was immediately a little angry, and counterattacked: “Charlie Wade, look at you like this. It’s not bad

to be a guy. What car did you drive over? “

Harry immediately took the conversation, laughed, and said, “Oh, Mr. Jeff, what you said is a bit too

much. I heard that Charlie Wade went to be a live-in son-in-law, and he was supported by his wife. It

would be nice to have a hot meal. , You also asked what car they drove over. Didn’t you slap them on


“Oh, slip of the tongue!” Jeff slapped his head and deliberately said, “I’m sorry Charlie Wade, I’m a bit

straight, I hope you don’t mind.”

That’s what he said, but he was already laughing in his heart, Charlie Wade, Charlie Wade, let me see

how you step down!

Charlie Wade smiled and said, “Big fart pocket, I always thought that you love to fart because your

intestines are straight. I didn’t expect you to speak straight. You use the trachea to speak, just like your

intestines. The pipes are all straight!”

When everyone heard his ridicule, they laughed suddenly.

Jeff’s face became very ugly by the way.

He really didn’t expect that when he said something straight, Charlie Wade caught the handle, it was a


Jeff’s face suddenly became difficult to look.

He couldn’t care about being angry now, mainly because he was afraid that Claire Wilson Wilson would

have a bad impression of himself because of Charlie Wade’s words.

So, he hurriedly looked at Claire Wilson Wilson and asked with a smile: “Oh, this beauty looks a little

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strange. Maybe it’s because I haven’t returned to the orphanage for so many years. Why can’t I

recognize you? Can’t tell me, what’s your name?”

Lisa on the side said dissatisfied: “Hey, Jeff, do you have any insight? Do you know who this is? This is

my sister-in-law, my brother Charlie Wade’s wife!”


Jeff looked like he was struck by lightning and killed him. He couldn’t believe that this super beautiful

woman who made her look at him was actually Charlie Wade’s wife!

He couldn’t help but look at Charlie Wade, and found that Charlie Wade’s clothes all over his body were

not as expensive as his own coat.

This Armani coat of his own, let alone buy him, and spare half!

Looking at the beautiful and moving Claire Wilson Wilson standing tall and tall next to Charlie Wade, he

couldn’t help but feel extremely annoyed.

Oh shit!

Claire Wilson Wilson is such a beautiful woman, with an exquisite figure, she is simply the best among

the best, and she is a hundred times, a thousand times or even ten thousand times stronger than the

women she has ever seen.

As a result, she turned out to be Charlie Wade’s stinky wife, God is so f*cking blind!

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 955

When he thought that Charlie Wade could find such a beautiful wife, Jeff felt even more unbalanced.

With a smirk on his face, he sarcastically said to Charlie Wade: “Charlie Wade, I don’t think we two have

seen each other in a few years. You have changed quite a bit. Yes, it looks like oily noodles. It’s really a

standard little white face, natural for soft rice!”

As he said, he looked at Charlie Wade up and down, and pretended to be ashamed and said: “I knew it

was so easy to be a live-in son-in-law. Then why have I worked so hard in the past few years? Look at

me. After being broken, I earned the position of director. Compared with you, the soft rice king who can

only eat and wait to die, I am really ashamed!”

The reason why Jeff was so cynic on purpose was that he wanted to show off his identity and status in

front of Charlie Wade and others, so as to attack Charlie Wade.

After saying this, he couldn’t help looking at the young and charming Lisa.

Now that such a super beauty like Claire Wilson Wilson is out of play, Lisa, a tender little sister who can

pinch the water, can still develop well!

When I was in the orphanage before, why didn’t I realize that this little girl, Lisa, was so beautiful!

If I had known it earlier, I should have dealt with her in the orphanage back then!

At this moment, the few people behind him laughed at Charlie Wade when he heard him ridicule Charlie


But Charlie Wade still stood calmly in place, without any angry expression on his face.

Claire Wilson Wilson was a little angry, and said coldly: “This gentleman, my husband didn’t recruit or

provoke you. Why do you speak rudely and ridicule him? Besides, what does it have to do with you

whether my husband eats soft food?

Did he eat a grain of your rice?”

Jeff didn’t expect Charlie Wade’s wife to be so towards him!

He suddenly felt that God was unfair!

Why is there no such a wife when I am so good and so hardworking?

Is it true to the old saying that a good man has no good wife? Good wife but no good guy? !

So he got even worse in his heart, sneered and said: “Beauty, I am not ridiculing your husband, I am

telling the truth, a beautiful woman like you, marrying him this kind of hanging silk, it is really a flower

insert. On the cow dung!”

Claire Wilson Wilson said coldly: “You are an outsider in the matter between me and my husband, and

you don’t have any qualifications to judge! It’s enough to manage your own affairs!”

Jeff was choked and speechless, and Claire Wilson Wilson was so beautiful. The key is that she still

loves her husband so much, and is so envious of her husband!

At this time, Lisa couldn’t help but scolded angrily: “Hey! Jeff! What do you mean by this person? Did my

brother Charlie Wade recruit you? You are here to be sarcastic to him! I see you as a human being. Too

much time! Nothing has changed from before!”

When Jeff heard this, his heart suddenly became annoyed.

Why is this Lisa facing Charlie Wade like this? What is so good about this hanging wire? Why are all the

beautiful women facing him?

Claire Wilson Wilson, as his wife, is fine with him. You Lisa didn’t have a relationship with her for no

reason, so what are you doing to him?

Moreover, the more Jeff looked at Lisa, the more he felt that this girl was really the best!

At the age of early twenties, the figure is already so tall, and this is what should be convex and curled, I

feel impeccable no matter how you look at it!

Moreover, the appearance of pouting in anger is even more confusing, and I can’t wait to kiss them in my

arms immediately!

It would be really cool if I could get started with such a young girl!