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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 891-895
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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 891

Elaine Ma never dreamed that after more than 20 years, she would still get such a fat beating because of

Matilda’s incident.

She was looking at herself and was about to persuade Gena, but she didn’t expect that after Mrs. Wilson

moved out of this matter, she would directly subvert all her efforts, and instead plunge herself into an

endless abyss.

The few women who came up to beat him up had all experienced the tragic past of being meddled by

someone, so when they hit her, they brought all their new and old hatreds into it, and they didn’t show

any mercy at all.

Elaine Ma was beaten again quickly, and her whole body was almost dying. Several times Elaine Ma felt

that she was going to be in shock, but before she was really shocked, she was woken up twice by


After a group of people beat Elaine Ma, Lady Wilson said to the side: “I think we’d better get this

sorrowful woman to the toilet, so that she won’t make us upset here!”

“Yes!” The woman who rushed up to start her hands coldly said, “The Lady is right. Throw her into the


With that said, she greeted another woman next to her and said, “We are both a leg, and we will drag her


“Okay!” The other party immediately nodded and agreed, so the two of them pulled Elaine Ma’s leg and

dragged her from the ground to the toilet.

Wendy also hurriedly followed. Seeing that the two women threw Elaine Ma into the toilet, she took out

the washbasin and took a basin of water and poured it directly on her body. She sneered and said,

“Elaine Ma, you never dreamed. Do you think you will have today? Just rely on you, still want to fight with


Elaine Ma was awakened by the cold water, shaking violently and regretting in her heart.

I shouldn’t say those things in front of Gena, trying to arouse Gena’s sympathy.

If he didn’t accuse Mrs. Wilson of what happened just now, he wouldn’t end up like this.

What she regrets more is that she shouldn’t steal the bank card of her son-in-law Charlie Wade, and

never dreamed that Charlie Wade turned out to be a transnational liar!

If she didn’t steal his bank card, he would be the one who would come in and suffer this time sooner or

later, but because he couldn’t control his hands, she was here now, suffering this inhuman torture.

Her intestines are already regretful.

That night, Elaine Ma sat in the corner of the toilet holding her legs and struggled till dawn.

In the evening, Elaine Ma had already developed a high fever, which made her bewildered.

More importantly, she hasn’t eaten anything for nearly 48 hours!

When everyone else started to wash in the toilet in the morning, Elaine Ma was so weak that he didn’t

even have the strength to lift his eyelids.

Someone in the cell went to get the breakfast for the whole cell. The breakfast consisted of rice porridge

with steamed buns.

When Gena and others were eating, they found that Elaine Ma hadn’t come out, so she told someone to

say: “Go in and see if the sorrowful woman is dead, and drag it out if she doesn’t die.”

So the man came to the toilet, took a look at Elaine Ma, and found Elaine Ma was curled up in the corner

shivering, so he walked forward, grabbed her hair, and abruptly pulled her out of it.

When Elaine Ma came out, Gena was already eating her box of lunch.

Just like yesterday morning, Gena finished the steamed buns and deliberately left about one-third of the

porridge. Then she looked at Elaine Ma and said playfully, “I haven’t eaten anything for two days and two

nights. You must be hungry? “

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 892

Elaine Ma nodded in a daze, and said: “Sister Gena, please let me have a bite, otherwise I might really


Gena sneered and poured all the porridge in the bowl on the ground, then tapped a little with her toes,

and said with a sneer: “Do you want to eat it? Then lick it on the ground!”

When Gena asked Elaine Ma to lick the porridge on the ground yesterday, Elaine Ma was 10,000

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Because she felt that, no matter what, she could not just lie on the ground and do such abusive things

just to eat one bite.

But now, she can’t take care of so much anymore. What about the three abuses, as long as they can fill

up their stomachs, or even just fill up, let herself kneel on the ground and lick?

So she immediately knelt down and lay on the ground without hesitation, licking the cold porridge on the

concrete floor with her tongue.

Lady Wilson couldn’t be more happy seeing this scene. The thought that Elaine Ma might stay in it for

ten to twenty years or even longer in the future made her feel even more excited. Elaine Ma licked the

porridge on the ground bit by bit, and even ate a lot of sand in her mouth, but she didn’t care about it at


At this moment, the prison guard opened the door of the cell, looked at Elaine Ma in the room, and said

coldly: “Elaine Ma, come out, the police station is about to interrogate!” Those who have not been

sentenced in the detention center are collectively referred to as suspects.

Suspects are often taken back to the police station by the police for interrogation. This is also a normal

process. As soon as Elaine Ma heard that she was going to interrogate herself, she had no doubts, she

immediately got up with difficulty, crying and rushed to the door, watching the prison guard pleading:

“Please, take me away soon.”

She didn’t know long ago that this arraignment was just a good show arranged for her son-in-law Charlie

Wade! The prison guard saw her in such a miserable state, his whole body was wounded, even two front

teeth had fallen, and he couldn’t help but be surprised. Immediately, she said to Elaine Ma: “Come out

quickly, the police officer who will pick you up is still waiting!”

These two police officers are the two police officers who sent Elaine Ma over the previous two days. After

less than 48 hours, Elaine Ma has become inhumane, making them a little dumbfounded. But they also

knew that someone had already greeted them and prevented them from asking about Elaine Ma, so they

all pretended not to see it and said directly to Elaine Ma, “Let’s go, our car is waiting outside.”

After all, the man walked up to Elaine Ma with handcuffs and handcuffed her hands together. Elaine Ma

followed them out and asked nervously, “Comrade police officer, I was really wronged. Is there any

progress in your case? When will my grievance be cleared and let me go home. what!” After speaking,

Elaine Ma couldn’t help but wept bitterly.

The police officer said: “You are now involved in a transnational fraud case. This is the largest

transnational fraud ever recorded in the world, and you, as the first suspect we have now, are the key to

our investigation and arrest. Breakthrough.”

After that, the police officer said again: “If you are more acquainted, you’d better confess all your

accomplices. This can help us solve the case, and it can also help you do meritorious service and strive

for leniency!” Elaine Ma cried bitterly and said tremblingly: “Comrade Constable. Please believe me, I am

willing to swear with my life that I really don’t know anything about this.

The person you are going to arrest is my son-in-law. I can take you to arrest him. If you have any

problems, you can try him, or even shoot him, there is no problem, but you can’t wrong the good guy!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 893

As soon as Elaine Ma was taken to the police station, she was immediately stuffed into the interrogation

room. Several police officers came in immediately, sat in front of her, and said, “Elaine Ma, how have you

considered these two days? Are you ready to explain your business?” Elaine Ma cried and said,

“Comrade police officer, I was really wronged…” The officer snorted coldly: “What?

Are you stubborn? Do you really think we are stupid? If we can’t catch your accomplices, you will have to

fight all crimes by yourself. In this case, you might He is going to be shot!” When he heard that he might

be shot, Elaine Ma panicked and immediately pleaded: “Comrade police officer, I have said it many

times, that card is really not mine!”

“I took that card out of my son-in-law’s pocket, and the code of that card is my son-in-law’s birthday. This

is enough to prove that this card belongs to my son-in-law, not mine. Since you said this Card is

suspected of transnational fraud, and the real mastermind must be my damn son-in-law. Why don’t you

arrest him and have to arrest me?”

The police officer sneered: “Your son-in-law’s name is Charlie Wade, right?” Elaine Ma hurriedly asked:

“You have already investigated him. Did you catch him? Did you try him out of the blue? Did you

sentence him to give him a quick account?”

The police officer took out a black card from a file bag, put the black card in front of Elaine Ma, and

asked, “Elaine Ma, was this the bank card you used to withdraw money from the bank?”

Elaine Ma recognized the black card at a glance. As soon as she closed her eyes in the past two days,

what this card appeared in her mind.

If it weren’t for this card, how could one become a prisoner and suffer so many inhuman tortures? So she

was really worried about this card, and she was deeply impressed! She resentfully said: “This is the card,

this is what I stole from my son-in-law’s pocket! He must be the culprit! You quickly catch him, try him,

and shoot him!”

The police officer sneered, then took out another portfolio, opened the portfolio, and poured the contents

on the table. What made Elaine Ma dream of was that all the black cards that came out of this portfolio

were exactly the same, and there were at least a few hundred!

Elaine Ma exclaimed and asked: “Are these cards found from Charlie Wade’s bastard?” The police officer

said: “To tell you the truth, that transnational criminal group forged many of these black gold cards, and

they are very, very intelligent. They bought the personal information of many people from the Internet

and set the forged card passwords.

Set these people’s birthdays and send these cards to these people to trick them into going to the bank to

check the balance in this card.” “The balance of each of these hundreds of cards is 21.9 billion Dollar!”

“Once the deceived person can’t control his greed and tries to take the money from the card, then he

becomes an accomplice to help the criminal group defraud the bank and take money from the bank.”

“Fortunately, you did not get the money at that time, you have been arrested by us, otherwise once you

get out of that bank, the criminal group will look at you, kidnap you, ask for your bank card password,

and then Take away all the 21.9 billion you just scammed from the bank, and finally kill you and divide

your body! In that case, you will evaporate in this world!”

Elaine Ma was stunned, she blurted out and asked: “You mean, this card was mailed to my son-in-law

Charlie Wade by the criminal group?” “That’s right!” the police officer said sharply, “and not only sent it to

your son-in-law, as far as we know, at least thousands of people in Aurouss Hilll received this card!

There are tens of thousands of people across the country!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 894

As he said, the police officer said again: “Your son-in-law is a very upright person, and a very

magnanimous person. He has no greed. After he received this card, he found out the balance of this

card. He immediately reported to the police. We were going to tell him not to behave in a rush, but

unexpectedly, you stole this card without a long eye, and you took it to Citibank to withdraw money!”

Elaine Ma exclaimed and said regretfully: “Oh! I should have known this situation, even if It killed me, I

would not steal his bank card!” As Elaine Ma said, the whole person was already crying, she did not

expect that she would step on this kind of thunder without long eyes!

It turned out that this card was a criminal who stole Charlie Wade’s personal data, and then forged it and

sent it directly to Charlie Wade! What they did was to lure Charlie Wade and make Charlie Wade greedy

for the 21.9 billion balance in the card! Then asked Charlie Wade to go to the bank to transfer the money

out and transfer it to his own account!

In that way, Charlie Wade helped them complete the whole process of defrauding the bank, and they

could completely get rid of the crime and avoid all risks! After Charlie Wade transfers the money to his

own account, these criminals can directly approach Charlie Wade, threaten him to call out the money,

and then kill Charlie Wade and let Charlie Wade take the blame… ..

Thinking of this, Elaine Ma was already covered in cold sweat. She didn’t have the slightest doubt about

what the police officer told her.

At this time, she realized that when she was about to transfer the 21.9 billion in the bank, she almost

passed Death!

If it weren’t for the police to arrive in time, take yourself away, so that you might have been killed by the

criminal group now!

When she thought that she was almost dead, but she was lucky enough to get her life back, she was


Even the inhuman torture in the cell has suddenly become worthwhile!

Fortunately, I went to the cell and was tortured by Old Lady Wilson and Gena, otherwise, I am afraid that

I have become a lonely ghost!

Fortunately, Elaine Ma couldn’t help crying and said to the police officer: “Comrade police officer, since

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you all know that you have been wronged, please let me go!”

The police officer said coldly: “Let you go, if you let you go, if you talk too much about this matter, if you

start to provoke the snake, then how will we catch the suspect in the future?”

Elaine Ma hurriedly stated: “You can rest assured, as long as you let me go, I will never talk about this to


The police officer asked, “Can you really not tell anyone? Even your daughter and your husband, you

can never say a word!”

Elaine Ma nodded and said, “I can! I can! I can definitely do it!”

The police officer said coldly: “I can’t believe you. As long as you miss a word on this matter, it may bring

irreversible consequences. Can you afford it by then?”

Elaine Ma cried and said, “Comrade police officer, please rest assured, I will bring this matter into the

coffin even if I die, and I will never mention a word again!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 895

Elaine Ma had completely believed the story the police officer told her.

What she worries most now is that the police officers continue to lock herself in the detention center in

order not to provoke them. Then she really doesn’t know when and when she will be able to regain her


So she looked at the police officer pleadingly, crying and said, “Comrade police officer, I really don’t know

a word, so you just let me go.

If you lock me up again, I will die inside. Up…”

The police officer shook his head cautiously and said, “Elaine Ma, I still can’t believe you. I see people

like you a lot. On the surface, no one tells you. In fact, the mouth is faster than anyone. If you let it go,

you will tell others about this immediately.”

As he said, the police officer said again: “And don’t think that I locked you up to solve the case. In fact, I

am also for your safety!”

“Because after letting you out, once you talk nonsense, once they know about it, they are likely to kill

you! It is even possible to kill you, and then all the evidence will be planted on you, let You are their


“In that case, wouldn’t you be more wronged than anyone?”

“So, to be on the safe side, you should continue to stay in our detention center until we have caught all

the suspects before releasing you. This will also ensure your safety.”

Elaine Ma said desperately: “Then I have to wait until the year of the monkey and the moon? I beg you to

be merciful and let me go.

I really won’t talk nonsense. I beg you, I am willing to kneel down for you. Kow your head, just beg you to

let me go, don’t lock me up again…”

Speaking of this, Elaine Ma is already crying out of breath…

“Forget it.” The police officer said coldly: “We can’t take this risk. After all, this case is about the

international criminal police of 23 countries. If you do it because of you, we can’t bear this responsibility.


The police officer next to her sang red face at this time and said, “I think her attitude is quite sincere. As

long as she can control her own mouth, it doesn’t hurt to let her go.”

The black-faced police officer replied: “If the case cannot go on because of her, who will bear the

responsibility? If she is killed because of this, who will bear the responsibility?”

The red-faced policeman looked at Elaine Ma and asked, “Elaine Ma, can you control your own mouth?

If you can, you write a letter of guarantee, we will consider letting you go, but if you promise to write , Go

out and talk nonsense, even if you say a word nonsense, as long as we know about it, we will

immediately arrest you, and will never let you out until the case is finished!”

Elaine Ma wiped her tears with her sleeves, crying out of breath, and said, “Comrade police officer, you

can rest your heart.

I will tell you a heart-wrenching remark. I am also a greedy for life and fear of death. Human, this matter

is related to my own life safety. Even if you kill me and force me with a gun, I dare not say a word!”

The black-faced police officer asked coldly: “What about your son-in-law? Will you go to your son-in-law

to confront this matter right after you leave?”

Elaine Ma sighed in his heart, didn’t he even have the chance to find Charlie Wade that bastard?

Then who should be accounted for after so many beatings and so many humiliations in the detention
