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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 876-880
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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 876


In the kitchen at this moment, Matilda has put on her apron, and with the help of Jacob Wilson, she

began to process the ingredients and prepare to cook.

Jacob Wilson hit the side, playing very diligently.

He dreams of having such a day, he and his beloved Matilda can have a sumptuous dinner in the kitchen


But he didn’t expect that this dream would finally come true after twenty years.

Matilda was full of emotion. She has lived in the United States with her husband for more than 20 years,

and the two often cook together, but she has never made herself feel the way she is now.

I feel that the man next to me, as long as he stands by his side, he can bring him an infinite sense of


Cooking for him by myself, busy in the kitchen with him, full of joy and satisfaction.

When two people are cooking together, there is always some friction and contact on the body.

Sometimes they rub their hands, sometimes they touch other parts. Soon, the two of them are red. face.

After all, both of them have had a lot of past events, and they are each other’s first love, and even when

they first tasted the forbidden fruit, they both gave each other the first time.

So after so many years, after seeing each other again, the hearts of these two people are always

affected by the memories of the past.

It is as if there is a strong magnetic field inside the two people, and it is the kind of magnetic field that the

opposite sex attracts.

When Jacob Wilson laid hands on Matilda, he had been close to each other countless times, and had an

impulse in his heart several times, wanting to hug the other person directly in his arms.

But this impulse was quickly suppressed by the timidity in his heart.

Matilda herself is very capable in housework, but today because she has her first love around her, she

also feels that no matter what she does, she seems a little absent-minded.

Even always distracted by the man around him.

A few times when she cut things, she almost cut her own hands because of distraction.

Jacob Wilson was also a little absent-minded by the side. His energy was not on washing vegetables,

picking vegetables, and helping Matilda at all, but on Matilda himself.

At this moment, Jacob Wilson even regretted moving to Thompson First’s big villa.

Because, if it were in the previous home, in such a small kitchen, two people were busy working in it,

even if they borrowed it, they would have to touch or even stick to each other.

But the kitchen of Thompson First’s villa is really too big.

Even if there are five people working in it at the same time, they can be in order without disturbing each


Therefore, every time Jacob Wilson wants to get closer to Matilda, he needs to find some special

reasons or excuses.

Jacob Wilson struggled for a long time and didn’t dare to hug Matilda.

Every time he mustered up the courage, he soon persuaded him again.

Finally, when Matilda put the shrimp used to make Longjing shrimp into the pot, Jacob Wilson suddenly

showed courage and hugged her from behind Matilda, and murmured nervously and excitedly in his

mouth: “Matilda, Over the past twenty years, I really miss you!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 877

Suddenly, Matilda was hugged tightly by Jacob Wilson, and her whole body stiffened in a moment.

From the bottom of her heart, why didn’t she hope that Jacob Wilson could hug herself tightly after

twenty years?

After all, this is the only person he has loved in his life.

At this moment, the first lover from more than 20 years ago hugged himself so tightly, his hands clasped

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tightly on her belly, and the feeling seemed to have brought her back to the twenty-year-old. Youth years.

The true feelings in Matilda’s heart were surging, and she suddenly couldn’t help it, and put her hand on

the other’s hand.

But at the moment she put her hand on Jacob Wilson’s hand, she suddenly realized that it was wrong for

her to do so. So she broke away from Jacob Wilson’s embrace, arranging her hair in a panic, and said

unnaturally: “Jacob Wilson, we two can’t do this, you are married after all, and I can’t sorry Elaine Ma! “

Jacob Wilson was immediately anxious, and blurted out: “At the beginning, she was jealous for you.

When we were together, we were in such a good relationship. She knew that I was your boyfriend, and

she took advantage of it when I was drunk. And in, if she were not so shameless, the two of us would

have already been together!” Matilda sighed lightly and said: “Even though the past was her fault, I was

the one who chose to let go. Since I have chosen to let go and give you to her, I will not be like her back

then. I’m sorry for that, and I’m sorry for her again.

This is a matter of principle. Otherwise, would I be like her?” Jacob Wilson was anxious and said, “That

woman has almost ruined the relationship between the two of us for a lifetime. Do you still need to talk to

her about principles at this time?” Matilda said seriously: “In fact, after that incident happened back then,

I also knew in my heart that all of this was caused by Elaine Ma behind her back.

I know she is a villain, but I can’t become a villain because of being hurt by a villain.” As she said, she

looked at Jacob Wilson again, and said very seriously: “You are her husband after all. I can meet you

and eat with you like a normal friend or an old classmate, but we can’t have a relationship It’s not

possible at all…”

Jacob Wilson’s tears were streaming down. He looked at Matilda and choked and said, “Is it impossible

for the two of us in this life? After so many years, we can finally meet again, don’t you want to make up

for us? Was it a regret back then?”

Matilda’s expression was also a bit painful, and she sighed: “Of course I want to, otherwise I won’t make

a special trip back from the United States, but I think that gentlemen must do everything they want when

it comes to money and feelings. If we The two have a chance to be together again, and that must be

after you and Elaine Ma divorced.”

Jacob Wilson blurted out without hesitation: “Then I will divorce her immediately!” Matilda said very

seriously: “Jacob Wilson, don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that after you divorce Elaine Ma, the two of

us can be together.”

Jacob Wilson asked nervously, “Matilda, what do you mean by this? I don’t understand, don’t you want to

be with me?” Matilda said sincerely: “Jacob Wilson, after all we haven’t seen each other for so many

years, how could we suddenly decide to be together? This is too trifling.”

As she said, she said with a serious face: “We were in school when we were dating. At that time, we

were all students. We had to study and socialize with our classmates every day. We never lived together.

Life is different from falling in love. Especially at our age, we must not only consider our own life, not only

our own feelings, but also our children and their views on each other.”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 878

“So this kind of thing is not something we can decide with our lips when we are like teenagers. We must

think carefully before we can make a more mature decision.” Jacob Wilson said immediately: “I can’t

accept what you said. I know you still have feelings for me in your heart, and I have feelings for you in

my heart. Since both people have feelings, what can’t you break through? “

With that said, Jacob Wilson forced him to ask: “Matilda, I want you to tell the truth, do you really feel

about me now?” Matilda said with some embarrassment: “How do you ask me to answer your question?

After all, we were together back then, and the relationship was so good, and we were all our first loves,

and we had regrets for more than 20 years. It’s self-deception.”

As he said, Matilda said again: “But as I said just now, this matter is not just about how you feel.” Jacob

Wilson’s tears flowed more and more, aggrieved like a child. For so many years, he has suffered too

much emotionally. So he felt great comfort at the moment when Matilda came back.

When he saw Matilda, he really realized that his previous life had always been in dire straits. Therefore,

he didn’t want to live that kind of life for a minute.

Seeing Jacob Wilson crying like a child, Matilda’s eyes were red.

She walked up to Jacob Wilson, used her sleeves to gently wipe away his tears, and said distressedly:

“Jacob Wilson, you have worked so hard for so many years. If you can go back in time, return to the one

before our graduation. At that time, even if you and Elaine Ma already have facts, I will not give up on


As she said, she sighed sadly again: “It’s a pity, time is gone, no one can let the years turn back. In a

blink of an eye, we are all middle-aged and elderly people over half a hundred years old.” Jacob Wilson

grasped her hand tightly and said excitedly: “Matilda! Because we can’t let the years turn back, we

should not let down our future! Let us not let down in a second!”

At this point, Jacob Wilson was very excited, knelt on one knee, and blurted out: “Matilda, I want to be

with you!” Seeing him kneeling, Matilda suddenly panicked, and hurriedly pulled him up and blurted out:

“Oh, Jacob Wilson, what are you doing?

Get up!” Jacob Wilson said stubbornly: “If you don’t agree to me, then I won’t be able to get up here!”

Matilda glanced at the door of the kitchen and said anxiously: “Oh, get up quickly, if you let the children

come in, how can you explain this?”

Jacob Wilson said seriously: “If Paul comes in and sees it, then I will tell him that I love his mother. I want

to be with his mother and hope to be blessed by him; if it was the first time I saw it, Then I will tell her that

I love you, and I want to divorce her mother and be with you!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 879

When talking about this, Jacob Wilson suddenly became emotional. He stared at Matilda’s eyes and said

emotionally: “Matilda, I’m really not joking with you. Every word I say comes from the bottom of my heart.

In the past twenty years since you left, I have never been happy, we are all this old, why can’t we put

aside those scruples and pursue a real love vigorously?”

Matilda sighed faintly: “Jacob Wilson, I have thought about everything you said, and to be honest, I also

have illusions in my heart. It’s just that the current situation is really not like before. The third party I hate

most in my life. So I don’t want to become a third party, so we shouldn’t be so anxious about this matter.

Give me some time, and I will give you some time.” Jacob Wilson hurriedly asked: “Are you willing to stay

with me after I divorced Elaine Ma?” Matilda’s big beautiful eyes with a few fine wrinkles stared at Jacob

Wilson unblinkingly, and said seriously: “Jacob Wilson, I admit that one of my big motives for returning to

China is to hope to see you again.

I hope I can continue with you again.” Having said that, she changed the conversation and said:

“However, we are not 18 or even 20-year-old youngsters. We have to think carefully about things now. I

have no way to answer the question of whether we are willing to be with you.

After you are truly single, the two of us have tried to get along for a while, and I will answer your question

solemnly.” Jacob Wilson blurted out without hesitation: “I am willing, I am willing, ten thousand are willing,

one million are willing.”

Matilda said seriously: “Jacob Wilson, I also hope that you will seriously and solemnly consider Elaine

Ma, but your marriage. Consider whether there is still love between you two. If you still have love, then I

will I wish you all the same as before; if you do not have love, then you must tell her clearly as early as

possible. I still know your character very well. If you are constantly interrupted, you will always be


Matilda is already a complete winner in life, but the only thing she has not won in her life is true love.

Therefore, she is obsessed with Jacob Wilson. Everyone should have an obsessive object in his heart. If

this obsessive object is with him, then his life is happy and his life is happy; but if the obsessive object is

not with him Together, he will regret for life.

Therefore, Matilda’s return to China this time can be said to be nothing else, just to rediscover the

unforgettable love during this period of sunset in life.

Jacob Wilson couldn’t wait to say: “Matilda, as long as you don’t dislike me and are willing to stay with

me, I will divorce Elaine Ma!”

Matilda sighed softly and said, “Whether you and her were intentional or unintentional, or if you were

used by others, in the final analysis, you have betrayed our feelings. If you are really willing to make up

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for it, then of course I am also willing. Give you a chance.”

Recalling that year, Jacob Wilson suddenly stood up and once again hugged Matilda face-to-face.

While hugging her tightly, he said: “Matilda, I regretted what happened back then for more than 20 years.

This time I will never let myself regret it again. You must wait for me!”

Matilda nodded and said softly: “Okay! I’m waiting for you! But you can’t hold me like this anymore. What

we do now is wrong!”

Jacob Wilson said stubbornly: “Whether it is right or wrong, I just want to hold you now!”

Matilda was struggling in her heart. I want to talk about her feeling of being held in his arms, but she has

lived a decent life in her life and cannot accept that she is so close to a married man.

So she said in a panic: “Oh, you let me go first, it’s not good for us, and I still have to cook…”

Jacob Wilson said: “I have you in my heart, and you also have me in my heart. What’s so bad about this!”

After speaking, Jacob Wilson actually plucked up the courage, lowered his head and wanted to kiss


Matilda hurriedly avoided him, and said very solemnly: “Have you talked to you for a long time?”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 880

As he was talking, a burning smell spread in the kitchen.

Matilda exclaimed: “Oh, my Longjing Shrimp!”

Having said that, he hurriedly pushed Jacob Wilson away, blushing and ran to the side of the stove, and

when he looked into the pot, he let out a mournful cry: “It’s over, it’s over, the shrimps are all


Jacob Wilson quickly reminded him from the side: “Quickly turn off the fire, or it will burn out soon.”

Matilda hurriedly turned off the gas on the stove. The shrimp that had been burnt in the pot said

helplessly, “I blame you, originally this was my best dish, but it’s all over now… .”

Jacob Wilson was also embarrassed and guilty, and said, “Should I go out and buy you a bag of shrimps


At this time, both Charlie Wade and Paul, who were drinking tea outside, could smell the mushy smell

spreading out of the kitchen, and Charlie Wade subconsciously said, “Is it a mess?”

Paul frowned and said, “My mother cooks very professionally. It shouldn’t happen to her…”

Charlie Wade stood up and said, “Paul, sit down for a while. I’ll go in and take a look. Don’t be surprised.”

Paul hurriedly said, “I will go too.”

After saying that he was about to get up, Charlie Wade stretched out his hand, pressed him back, and

said with a smile: “Sit and drink tea. I’ll just go and see it.”

What Charlie Wade was thinking at this time was, if your mother and my old husband were doing the

firewood in the kitchen at this time, and the two of them were disheveled and forgot what was in the pot,

how embarrassing would you rush in like this?

I’m different. My mother and my husband are not related by blood. I just went in to watch the show.

Paul didn’t know that Charlie Wade’s heart at this time was all thoughts of watching the show. Seeing

that Charlie Wade had already stepped to the kitchen, he didn’t insist on it anymore.

Charlie Wade came to the kitchen, opened the kitchen door, and probed in.

Seeing that the two people in the kitchen were hurriedly tidying up and had burnt the pot, their clothes

looked neat, and there was nothing wrong with them, Charlie Wade couldn’t help feeling a little


I wanted to come over and eat a melon, but I didn’t even have a watermelon rind.

However, looking at the faces of his old husband and his first love, both seem to be a little red, and it

feels as if the two should have had some closer contact just now.

So Charlie Wade deliberately pretended to be surprised and asked: “Dad, Matilda, I don’t know what

burned, are you two all right?”

Jacob Wilson hurriedly said in a panic: “Well, nothing is wrong, nothing is wrong, just accidentally, the pot

burned, I am dealing with you Matilda, don’t worry.”

Charlie Wade said, two people can still see the confusion after watching a pot, you two must have done

nothing good just now.

Jacob Wilson said with a guilty conscience at this time: “Charlie Wade, you should go out and have tea

with Paul. It is enough to have me and Matilda here…”