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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 866-870
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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 866

After that, the Lady Wilson immediately shouted to Wendy : “Wendy, come here, our daughter takes her

to the bathroom and washes away the food on her head with cold water! Otherwise, later in case she ate

secretly behind us, On the contrary, it is cheaper for her!”

Elaine Ma shouted in horror: “It’s almost winter now! You are going to wash my head with cold water, you

are going to kill me!”

Gena, who had been watching the excitement by the side, suddenly said coldly: “Stop the damn talking

nonsense, otherwise, not only will the Lady use cold water to wash your head, I will also give you a

shower with cold water!”

Elaine Ma was so frightened that she could only cry loudly while letting her mother and niece drag her

into the bathroom.

Immediately afterwards, Wendy put her head under the faucet of the mop pool and screwed the faucet to

the maximum without hesitation!

The cold tap water directly washed Elaine Ma’s head, leaving her brain blank, followed by the biting cold,

which made her shiver all over.

She was holding her head full of cold water, looking at the grinning Lady Wilson, begging: “Mom, I beg

you, give me a towel, or I will really freeze to death!”

The Lady Wilson sneered: “Just you still want a towel, do you deserve it? If you really freeze to death, it

will be a good thing. You are free yourself, and the Lady will also relieve my hatred!”

As she said, she looked at Elaine Ma and said sarcastically, “Or you can just cooperate with it. If you die,

it’s a hundred!”

Elaine Ma collapsed on the ground and cried loudly. The Lady glanced at her in disgust, and said to

Wendy : “Let this b*tch cry here, let’s go!”

Wendy also said happily: “btch! Your good days have just begun! Now it’s to clean up you. When I finish

cleaning up your old btch, I will definitely find a chance to clean up that little b*tch Claire Wilson Wilson!”


Claire Wilson Wilson never dreamed that her wonderful mother was being tortured to death by her

grandma and her cousin.

Because her father Jacob Wilson was unwilling to come out to find her mother, she could only split up

with Charlie Wade planner, one to find the chess and card room and the other to the beauty salon.

Charlie Wade got the car key from the old man, and was about to get into the old man’s car, and went to

the chess and card room to behave. Claire Wilson Wilson grabbed him and asked in a low voice:

“Charlie Wade, I ask you, Dad What is the specific situation of that old classmate?”

Charlie Wade asked curiously: “Wife, what do you want to know?”

Claire Wilson Wilson said: “I want to know her appearance, temperament and personality, as well as her

family situation, relationship situation, and her future plans after returning to China.”

Charlie Wade said truthfully: “That Auntie Matilda is really very beautiful, has a very good

temperament, and her personality feels very low-key and humble, and very very friendly. As for her family

situation, her husband is very simple. Has passed away, now she and her son are dependent on each


After speaking, Charlie Wade hurriedly changed his words: “It can’t be said that it is dependent on each


After all, the mother and son are still very powerful. I heard that they have opened a very large law firm,

and it is designed for the world’s top Fortune 500 companies.

They have already moved their businesses back to Aurouss Hilll, and their future plans are definitely to

prepare for retirement in Aurouss Hilll.”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 867


Claire Wilson Wilson was shocked and said: “Good looks, good temperament, and perfect personality.

More importantly, he is widowed and gold… Isn’t this the diamond king among middle-aged aunts?”

Charlie Wade nodded and said seriously: “It is indeed the king of the diamond, but this auntie Matilda

does not look like an aunt at all, more like an older sister.”

Claire Wilson Wilson asked in surprise, “Is it so exaggerated? How does she look like?”

Charlie Wade said: “Looking at it is only thirty-seven or eighty years old, up to forty.”

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“real or fake?!”

Claire Wilson Wilson’s face was unbelievable, she rarely saw a woman who was 50 years old, she would

look like thirty-seven or eighteen.

Even a movie star is not so outrageous, right?

Charlie Wade said seriously: “I didn’t make any jokes with you at all. Aunt Han looks really young. You

know that movie star Kelly Hu, Aunt Han looks younger and more beautiful than her.”

Claire Wilson Wilson exclaimed: “So exaggerated?”

Charlie Wade smiled calmly and said, “It just so happens that she will come to eat at home tonight, you

will know when you meet.”

Claire Wilson Wilson no longer doubted Charlie Wade’s words. She said anxiously: “This woman is her

father’s first love. Now she is widowed and the conditions are so good.

It just so happens that the relationship between my father and my mother is so unstable and even more

angry. The human thing is that my mother is still missing at this time. Wouldn’t it be necessary for this

woman to take advantage of this?!”

Charlie Wade smiled a little embarrassedly and said, “Wife, that’s not what we can manage as children.

After all, parents also have their freedom. As children, we can only respect, not objection.”

Claire Wilson Wilson suddenly became impatient.

Although she knew that her mother was not a good and virtuous woman, she was also her own mother

after all. How could she want to see her mother abandoned by her father?

Thinking of this, her heart became even more eager, eager to find her mother quickly and take her home.

So she hurriedly said to Charlie Wade: “Oh, it’s getting late. Let’s start separately. You must do as much

as possible this afternoon. You must arrange all the chess and card rooms. You must take the picture of

your mother, carefully. Go and ask every owner and every customer in the store.”

Charlie Wade said: “I don’t have a picture of my mother.” For Elaine Ma, Charlie Wade was too late to

hide, how could he keep any photos of her in his mobile phone.

Claire Wilson Wilson hurriedly said, “I will immediately send you the ID photo my mother took some time

ago!” …… After Charlie Wade drove out of home, he started near his home and shuttled between the

chess and card rooms.

Every time he went to the entrance of a chess and card room, he would take a photo of the front

entrance of the chess and card room, then another photo of the chess and card room, and then send the

two photos to his wife to prove that he had been there.

Whenever Claire Wilson Wilson asked him how it turned out, his rhetoric was the same: the boss said

that he had never seen this person, and the guests said that he had never seen this person. Although he

didn’t really ask, he knew the result must be like this. Claire Wilson Wilson looked at the various

feedbacks he kept sending.

On the one hand, she knew that Charlie Wade was indeed helping her find her mother, but on the other

hand, she couldn’t find any clues for a long time, and her heart became more and more anxious. It is

said that the best time to solve a disappearance case is the 24 hours before the disappearance. If a clue

can be found in these 24 hours, there is a higher probability that the person will be found.

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 868

At this time, 24 hours had passed since Elaine Ma disappeared. So Claire Wilson Wilson was also very

worried and nervous now, so he went to the beauty salons and clubs that Elaine Ma often went to without


She came to one of the beauty salons, took the picture of Elaine Ma and asked the boss: “Hello, have

you seen the woman in the photo?” The boss looked at Elaine Ma’s picture and said in surprise: “Oh,

isn’t this Sister Elaine Ma?” Claire Wilson Wilson asked in surprise, “Do you know my mother?”

The boss smiled and said, “So you are Sister Elaine Ma’s daughter. Sister Elaine Ma used to be a

frequent visitor to me, but I haven’t seen her much these days. Sister Elaine Ma used to come to me with

friends. What’s the matter?

Has Sister Elaine Ma disappeared?” Claire Wilson Wilson nodded and asked, “Then do you know his or

her friends? Can you give me a contact method.” The boss suddenly thought of something and blurted

out: “Oh, a friend of Sister Elaine Ma is making a face with me now, should I call her out and ask?”

Claire Wilson Wilson said gratefully, “Thank you so much, for your hard work!” “You’re welcome, you

should.” The boss smiled slightly, picked up the walkie-talkie, and said: “Lili, you call Sister White, just

say Sister Elaine Ma’s daughter has come to Sister Elaine Ma, and I want to ask her face to face.”

A response came quickly from the intercom: “Okay, Sister White said this will come.” Claire Wilson

Wilson waited for a while and saw a fat, very rich and burly woman walking out with a mask on her face.

This woman’s face is a bit too fat, so the entire mask is a little bit too much, and it looks somewhat funny.

But Claire Wilson Wilson didn’t mean to laugh. She just looked at each other expectantly, hoping to get

some information and clues from her mother. That White Sister walked up to Claire Wilson Wilson,

looked her up and down, and asked, “Are you Elaine Ma’s daughter?”

Claire Wilson Wilson hurriedly said respectfully: “Hello Aunt White, I am Elaine Ma’s daughter, I would

like to ask you, have you seen my mother since yesterday?” “Damn!” Sister White snorted angrily:

“Friends like your mother, we can’t afford it!”

Claire Wilson Wilson hurriedly asked: “Aunt White, what do you mean by this? Does my mother have any

conflicts with you?”

Sister White curled her lips and said, “How dare I have any conflicts with the old horse? I just called her

to make a face with her yesterday afternoon, but do you know how your mother speaks?”

Claire Wilson Wilson hurriedly asked, “Aunt White, what did my mother say at the time?”

Sister White scolded angrily: “What kind of identity your mother said at the time, how could she have

facials with me? She also said that people like us do facials in a beauty salon. She wants to buy the

beauty salon directly. Come down, serve her alone, and said that she wants to draw a line with us!” After

speaking, Sister White looked at Claire Wilson Wilson and asked angrily: “Talk to yourself, is your mother

going too far?”

“Everyone is a friend. I kindly asked her to come out and make a face together. She was so sarcasm and

ridiculed me. She also said that I was a poor man and said that she had wealth that I could not imagine

in my life! What do you mean? She Elaine Ma got rich?

Can’t look at our poor sisters?” “If you don’t look at me, just don’t contact me. What are you doing to

harm someone? I f*cking provoke you? Why did you come up to harm me? You really mad at me!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 869

Sister White said annoyedly, the already tight mask on her face was collapsed by her twisted facial

muscles. She looked at the mask on the ground, feeling distressed.

Thinking of yesterday’s events, she felt even more depressed to death. Although she and Elaine Ma are

not so good friends, they all have a good friendship. They often play together, make faces together, and

often play cards together.

Friends like this, everyone has a lot of each other, and they usually greet each other with a polite smile,

and no one will embarrass anyone, but Elaine Ma was on the phone yesterday and ridiculed herself so

badly that she I was so angry that I didn’t sleep last night. Claire Wilson Wilson was puzzled, why did his

mother talk to Sister White like this?

She doesn’t have much money, but she has been very low-key recently. Did she find any windfall

yesterday? He also said that he would buy a beauty salon and serve him alone, which proves that this

windfall is not a small amount.

But the problem came again, even if she really got a windfall, there is no need to evaporate! what on

earth is this kind of happenings? The more Claire Wilson Wilson thought about it, the more he didn’t

understand. At this time, the angry sister White asked, “What?

Your mother is missing?” Claire Wilson Wilson hurriedly nodded and said, “Yes! She hasn’t come back

since she went out at noon yesterday, and she couldn’t get through the phone, WeChat didn’t reply, and

the video couldn’t get through. It’s been a day and a night!”

Sister White was stunned, and then snorted and said: “It may be that after your mother got rich, not only

did we old friends like us, but even you and your dad didn’t even look at you, so she chose to evaporate.

Got it.” As she said, Sister White sighed slightly and said, “I feel much better after hearing what you say.

Elaine Ma can’t even look down on her husband and daughter, or even poor sisters like us. It’s also

normal.” Claire Wilson Wilson felt a little bit in his heart. She thought of her aunt Hannah. Hannah

evaporated with more than 15 million people at the time. It is said that she still raised her little white face

outside and eloped with her.

If mother really got a windfall, would she be the same as Hannah? Thinking of this, Claire Wilson Wilson

suddenly felt nervous.

She hurriedly asked Sister White again: “Aunt White, do you know any other clues?”

Sister White waved her hand and said, “I just made a phone call with your mother. From then to now, I

have never contacted her again, and there is no news about her.”

Claire Wilson Wilson could only say gratefully: “Thank you Aunt White.”

Sister White said indifferently: “You don’t need to be polite, but I should thank you. I was quite flustered in

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my heart. Listening to you, I suddenly feel better.”

Claire Wilson Wilson could only say sincerely to Sister White: “Aunt White, I’m really sorry, I apologize to

you for my mother.”

Sister White waved her hand and said seriously: “You don’t need to apologize. If your mother can’t find it,

then forget it. But if you can find it, you tell her not to show up in front of me in the future, otherwise I

don’t care about her. How rich I am, I will smoke her with a big mouth.”

Claire Wilson Wilson nodded awkwardly, and after thanking him again, he hurriedly left the beauty salon.

After coming out, Claire Wilson Wilson has been thinking about this issue.

According to mom’s character. If she really talked to Sister White like that on the phone, it would prove

that she was really rich, otherwise she would definitely not dare to talk like that.

But I remember that at noon yesterday, my mother wanted to ask Dad for money and went to the beauty

salon to make a face. Later, she went to Charlie Wade to ask for it, but Charlie Wade didn’t give it.

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 870

In other words, my mother was penniless.

So why didn’t she miss that Aunt White while on the phone not long afterwards, in the tone of a nouveau


To say that in such a short period of time, she suddenly became rich?

Where does the money come from?

Taking a step back, even if she is really rich, why should she disappear?

Is it really because you hate yourself and your father when you have money?

It’s not impossible with her mother’s personality, but she has been thinking of Thompson First for a long


Even if she did get a fortune by accident, it stands to reason that she should hide the money quietly, and

then continue to come back to enjoy the luxurious Thompson First Villa. This is in line with her mother’s

behavioral style.

It wasn’t that after getting a sum of money, the world evaporated immediately, and she couldn’t even live

in the villa, not to mention that she didn’t even live in the villa to sleep.

The more Claire Wilson Wilson thought about it, the more he felt that this matter was strange and very

contradictory, and there was a strange and unexplainable aura everywhere.

However, the clues stopped abruptly when they arrived at Aunt White, and for the time being, he couldn’t

continue to explore other clues.

Therefore, to solve these mysteries, more clues must be found. Once the mystery is solved, then the

whereabouts of mother will be clear. Otherwise, you may never find where your mother is.


Charlie Wade drove around Aurouss Hilll City, thinking about his mother-in-law.

He saw his wife getting more and more anxious, and he didn’t want his wife to suffer such torture from

the bottom of his heart.

But now he hasn’t figured out exactly what method should be used to release Elaine Ma.

As he drove through an intersection, he saw the eye-catching words on the intersection billboard: “All the

people mobilize, resolutely crack down on MLM and MLM behavior in disguise, completely eradicate the

soil for MLM survival, and build a safe and harmonious Aurouss Hilll!”

Seeing this slogan, Charlie Wade suddenly had a plan.

So he immediately called Cameron Isaac and asked, “How is my mother-in-law in the detention center


Cameron Isaac respectfully said: “Master, your mother-in-law suffered a bit in the detention center. It

seems that everyone in the cell is not pleasing to her eyes, so she has to be treated.”

Charlie Wade snorted and said, “She used to scold Wilson Lady so badly before, and this Lady has such

a grudge.

This time, she will definitely not let her go easily. It is normal for her to suffer a bit.”

Cameron Isaac asked, “Master, do you think about how to solve this problem? With all due respect, your

mother-in-law has suffered so much in it. If you let her out, she will definitely not give up, the first thing. It

must be trouble for you.”

Charlie Wade smiled and said, “Don’t worry about this. I already have a general plan, but I still need your

cooperation. Then I must cooperate with me and act her in a big show.”

Cameron Isaac hurriedly said, “Master, you can just ask if you have any questions.”

Charlie Wade smiled indifferently: “I am not ready to let her out now, I will contact you when I let her out.”

“Good master!”