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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 856-860
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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 856

Moreover, the whole person seemed very awkward, and he didn’t know where to put both hands, so he

could only keep rubbing with his fingertips.

Charlie Wade understood right away that the two middle-aged and elderly people must have some

unusual memories about “cooking and eating” or about “going home with him”.

Paul also found out that things didn’t seem right, but he was too embarrassed to say anything, so he

could only say to Charlie Wade, “Mr. Wade, let’s go to the box first.”

With that, he said to Matilda: “Mom, you’ve been on the plane for more than ten hours. It should be quite


If you and Uncle Wilson want to talk, we can sit in the box and talk.” is the fastest.

Only then did Matilda suddenly come back to her senses. What he was thinking of just now was the past

with Jacob Wilson, and even recalled the details of her first time with Jacob Wilson.

Nearly 50 years old, she blushed all of a sudden, and hurriedly followed her son’s words and said: “Oh,

that’s right, you see we are all confused already, let’s go sit in the box and talk!”

Jacob Wilson also hurriedly echoed: “Yes, yes, we hurriedly went to sit in the box, and we all blamed me.

I just thought about chatting, but I forgot about it!”

Charlie Wade shook his head helplessly, and even sighed in his heart. It seems that these two people

are really fighting fire!

And it’s the dry wood and raging fire that have been waiting for more than 20 years. If they meet together

and give them a chance to burn, then it will definitely burn a raging fire…


Charlie Wade led the way, leading everyone to Shangri-La’s dining department.

The manager of the catering department had been instructed long ago. As soon as he saw Charlie

Wade, he immediately greeted him and asked respectfully: “Hello sir, are you a member of Shangri-La?”

Charlie Wade shook his head and said, “I am not a member, but I have asked a friend to book a box for


The other party hurriedly asked again: “Then what is your surname? What box number is reserved?”

Charlie Wade said: “My surname is Wade, but I don’t know what box number I booked. I booked the box

through your Mr. Cameron.”

The other party immediately bowed respectfully and said: “So you are Mr. Wade. We have prepared the

box you want for you. Please come with me.”

Charlie Wade smiled slightly, nodded and said, “Thank you.”

The manager of the catering department took the four people to the box. Paul asked Charlie Wade

curiously: “Mr. Wade, do you know Mr. Cameron here?”

Charlie Wade nodded and smiled and said, “I know, but I’m not familiar.”

Paul subconsciously said, “Shangri-La seems to be the property of the Wade family, and Mr. Cameron

here is the spokesperson of the Wade family.”

Charlie Wade looked at Paul in surprise, he really didn’t expect this American to touch this place so


So he smiled and asked, “Mr. Paul must have done a lot of homework for Aurouss Hilll, right?”

Paul nodded generously and said, “Before I was going to move the company to Aurouss Hilll, I had

already begun to understand some of the situation in Aurouss Hilll. After all, the company was my

father’s painstaking effort.

I could not bring it to a place without preparation. In a strange environment.”

Charlie Wade couldn’t help but admired: “Mr. Paul is so meticulous and forward-looking. I believe he will

be able to flourish in Aurouss Hilll in the future.”

Paul smiled slightly: “Mr. Wade passed the award.”

After that, he suddenly remembered something. He looked at Charlie Wade and asked curiously: “Mr.

Wade, your surname is Wade, and you know Mr. Cameron from Shangri-La. Are you from the Wade

family of Eastcliff?”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 857

Charlie Wade really didn’t expect that Paul could guess his identity all at once.

However, he knew that Paul was just a guess, and he couldn’t admit this kind of thing.

Charlie Wade was about to deny it, and the old man on the side laughed and said: “Oh, Paul, you really

think too much.

My son-in-law is the son-in-law recruited from our family. If he is from the Wade family, I am afraid that

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our family will fly on the branch and become a phoenix.”

Although Jacob Wilson is usually not very motivated, and he doesn’t do any business. But he still knew

the name of the Wade family in Eastcliff.

It can even be said that there are not many people in China who don’t know the Wade Family because

the Wade Family is so famous.

Because of this, it was impossible for him to believe that Charlie Wade belonged to the Wade family.

Because there are too many people surnamed Wade in this world, but there is only one Wade family.

He knew Charlie Wade’s life experience very clearly.

When he was young, he entered the orphanage. When he was 18, he went out to work on the

construction site. When he was in his early 20s, he was taken home by his father and became his own


How could such a person belong to the Wade family? If Charlie Wade would be Eastcliff Wade family,

wouldn’t he be the lost young master of the Wade family? As soon as Paul heard that Charlie Wade was

the son-in-law, he immediately realized that he had guessed wrong.

After all, what kind of family was the Wade family? How could such a family let their young master be the

son-in-law of others? Even the president of the United States cannot have such qualifications. So he

smiled and said to Charlie Wade: “It seems that I have misunderstood. I’m sorry, but the main reason is

that you are also surnamed Wade, and this Shangri-La is the property of Wade family, so I think too


I hope Mr. Wade will forgive me a lot.” Charlie Wade smiled slightly and said, “Mr. Paul, you don’t have to

be so polite.” While they were talking, the manager of the catering department took them to the door of

the box, and respectfully said to the four people: “Mr. Wade and three distinguished guests, please come


The four of them stepped into the box, and Charlie Wade invited his father-in-law to sit in the main seat,

and then said to his first love, Matilda, “Auntie, sit with my father-in-law, after all, you have been so many


I haven’t met, there must be a lot of things you want to talk about.” Matilda nodded, and said with a

smile: “Yeah, then you can sit with Paul. I think your conversation is quite speculative.”

Charlie Wade hurriedly nodded and agreed, but kept reminding himself in his own heart that he should

be a little more cautious when speaking in front of Paul, because this person does not seem simple.

After sitting down, Charlie Wade handed the menu to the two elders and asked them to order some

meals they liked. Jacob Wilson hurriedly said: “Oh, Matilda, I still remember which dishes you like to eat,

or let me have some?”

Matilda asked in surprise: “No, after all these years, do you remember what I like to eat?” Jacob Wilson

smiled and said, “Of course, I will definitely not forget this.” Having said that, Jacob Wilson picked up the

menu and ordered several dishes with the waiter, all of which were local dishes from Aurouss Hilll.

Every time Jacob Wilson ordered a dish, Matilda’s expression became even more surprised. After Jacob

Wilson ordered several times in one breath, she was already dumbfounded by surprise. Because every

dish he ordered was a Aurouss Hilll dish that she liked very much back then.

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 858

Matilda couldn’t help sighing: “I didn’t expect that you still remember these dishes. To be honest, some of

them don’t even remember me.” After speaking, Matilda said again: “Actually, the food in my hometown

of Eastcliff is also delicious, but I don’t know why after coming to Aurouss Hilll and attending university, I

prefer the local dishes of Aurouss Hilll.”

Jacob Wilson smiled and said, “I still remember that you always said that you would make me some

southern region dishes for me to try. It’s a pity…” Speaking of this, Jacob Wilson hurriedly asked: “By the

way, Matilda, we said just now about going to my house to cook and eat.

How are you thinking about it? To be honest, I have been waiting for so many years, and I want to realize

this wish!” When Matilda heard this, her heart was even more moved, so she said, “I have no problem. I

don’t know if Paul has time at night.”

After speaking, she looked at her son Paul and asked: “Son, do you have any other arrangements for the

evening? If not, how about we go to your Uncle Wilson’s house for dinner together? I can also see Uncle

Wilson’s daughter.”

Paul simply nodded and smiled and said, “Then I really can’t say no.” When Jacob Wilson heard this, he

became excited! Immediately he blurted out: “In this case, then we’ll make it so, Matilda, what dishes are

you going to cook for the evening?”

Matilda smiled and said, “Oh, now you let me say that I really can’t tell for a while…” After that, she

suddenly remembered something and smiled: “Why don’t we add a WeChat account for a while, I will tell

you on WeChat when I think of it, and then I will trouble you to help me go to the vegetable market.

Buy all the ingredients you bought, oh yes, you will also send me your home address, and I will go with

my son around 5:30 in the afternoon.” Jacob Wilson was so excited that he took out his mobile phone,

opened his WeChat scan function, and said, “Matilda, I will scan you.”

The two have not been in contact for more than 20 years. Even if it is Jacob Wilson’s phone number,

Matilda asked for an old classmate to come temporarily, so the two have never added WeChat before.

In this era, WeChat has become more important than mobile phone numbers. Your mobile phone

number courier, food delivery person, and even telemarketing and telecom fraud scammers all know, but

your WeChat must be your good friend or someone you know. Therefore, being able to add to WeChat is

the closest contact method.

What’s more, after adding WeChat, you can see the other party’s circle of friends, you can see the other

party’s photos, the other party’s videos, and every bit of the other party’s life. If one person has feelings

for another person, then he will definitely want to take a look at all his circle of friends.

At this moment, Jacob Wilson and Matilda had almost exactly the same thoughts. Seeing that the two

had already added WeChat, Paul on the side also took out his mobile phone and politely said to Charlie

Wade: “Mr. Wade, why don’t we add WeChat to each other and leave a contact information.”

Charlie Wade actually doesn’t like adding strangers to WeChat, but since Paul took the initiative to say it,

but he is not easy to refuse, so he turned on his mobile phone and scanned it and said: “ok, let me scan


After the two added WeChat, Paul asked Charlie Wade curiously: “Mr. Wade doesn’t know where to


Charlie Wade smiled slightly and said, “I’m not as high as I am. I just stay at home. My usual job is

cleaning, washing clothes, buying vegetables, and cooking.” After listening to Paul, he was taken aback,

but he didn’t show any eyes or expressions that looked down upon Charlie Wade. He smiled and said,

“Mr. Wade, this life is also very leisurely and elegant. To be honest, I am envious!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 859

After all, Paul was born in a family of high-ranking intellectuals, so the overall quality is quite high, not

like others, when he heard that Charlie Wade is the son-in-law, he looked at him differently. And Charlie

Wade didn’t feel any embarrassment. After all, it was not a day or two for him to be a live-in son-in-law.

At this time, Paul said to Charlie Wade again: “By the way, Mr. Wade, since you know Mr. Cameron from

Shangri-La, but I don’t know if it is convenient for you to take some time to recommend me? After all, I

just moved the company back to Aurouss Hilll.

We also need to actively expand Aurouss Hilll’s local resources and contacts. If Mr. Wade can help me

with this, then I will definitely not treat you badly.” Charlie Wade did not want Paul to know how close he

was to Cameron Isaac. After all, he almost guessed the relationship between himself and the Wade

family just now.

If he really got to know Cameron Isaac through himself, he might have learned from it. Taste more

details. So he apologized and said to Paul: “Mr. Paul, to tell you, I don’t know Mr. Cameron, I just have a

personal relationship with a friend of Mr. Cameron, and I am ashamed of this, that person is me. I met

when I helped others watch Feng Shui.”

“Feng Shui?” Paul asked in surprise: “Mr. Wade, are you a Feng Shui master?”

Charlie Wade smiled lightly and said calmly: “I can’t talk about what Feng Shui master is. It’s nothing

more than reading a few books and learning with the old man for a while. To put it bluntly, it’s somewhat


Jacob Wilson on the side was afraid that Charlie Wade would be embarrassed, and asked roundly, “By

the way, Paul, what business does your company do? They have moved from the United States to

Aurouss Hilll specifically, so the business should be very large, right?”

Paul smiled and said: “Uncle Wilson, our company is actually a multinational law firm, mainly providing

high-end legal support for some Fortune 500 companies.”

Jacob Wilson asked in surprise, “Paul, are you a lawyer yourself?”

Paul nodded and said, “Yes, Uncle Wilson, my dad and I are both lawyers. To be clear, I have inherited

his mantle.”

Jacob Wilson said with emotion: “The requirements for being a lawyer in the United States seem to be

very high, right?

Generally speaking, it seems that you need a PhD?”

Paul smiled slightly and said: “Uncle Wilson, you are right. There are two professions in the United

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States that have the highest requirements for academic qualifications. One is a doctor and the other is a

lawyer. Generally speaking, a registered lawyer must be at least a law school. Graduated with a master’s


Jacob Wilson nodded slightly and asked: “Then what degree are you?”

Paul humbly said: “My Ph.D. graduated from Yale Law School.”

Jacob Wilson nodded in amazement and said, “Yale University, that is a world-class university! It is really

amazing to be admitted to a doctorate in this kind of university!”

Paul said seriously: “Uncle tells you that even if you get a doctoral degree, you only have the

qualifications to be a regular lawyer. A truly good lawyer needs a long period of growth, some even 10

years. More than a year of working experience and practical experience in hundreds of successful cases

are enough, so for me, I am just an entry-level elementary school student.”

Speaking of this, Paul looked at his mother, Matilda, and said: “Actually, I have just graduated. If I were

to run our own law firm independently, my own experience would not be enough, so I’m just On the

surface, I assumed the position of general manager, but it was my mother who really helped me behind

the scenes, and even guided me to run the company. Without her help, the company would probably be

destroyed in my hands.”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 860

Jacob Wilson looked at Matilda in surprise, and blurted out, “Oh, Matilda, are you very proficient in law

and law firms?”

Paul smiled and said: “Uncle Wilson, don’t underestimate my mother. In fact, my mother is also a PhD

student at Yale Law School. She and my father met and married at Yale Law School’s Master’s School.

My dad founded the family’s law firm, and my mother has been there to assist him.

Without my mother’s good help, my dad’s career would not be successful.

Immediately, Paul sighed with self-deprecation: “It’s just that my ability hasn’t grown up yet, so I have to

bother my mother to distract me.”

Matilda smiled and said, “Son, in fact, you have done a very good job. Mom especially hopes that you

can grow up as soon as possible, and then take over the company as a whole. In this case, Mom won’t

have to work so hard anymore.”

With that, Matilda couldn’t help sighing: “Mom is now back to China and Aurouss Hilll. The biggest idea

in my heart is not to start our family’s business in Aurouss Hilll, but to enjoy the retirement life of a

Chinese Lady in Aurouss Hilll.”

Afterwards, Matilda looked at Jacob Wilson and sighed in her heart: I have been working hard in the

United States for so many years, but I am actually very tired of my career.

In addition, I have never really felt the taste of love, so I now want to go back to China, let go of all that

before, concentrate on being an Lady, and if given the opportunity, she even hopes to be able to be with

Jacob Wilson, his first love If you continue the frontier, this will make up for the regrets that you have had

for many years.

He also knows that lawyers in the United States are actually a very popular profession, because many

lawsuits in the United States are very high in compensation, often tens of millions, even hundreds of

millions of dollars.

According to media reports, a few years ago, someone sued Marlboro, a famous American tobacco

brand, for inducing smoking and causing death.

The American court even awarded hundreds of millions of dollars in compensation.

There was also an Asian man who was beaten by American Airlines security on the plane. That incident

had a very bad impact on the airline. In the end, the lawyer won tens of millions of dollars in

compensation for the Asian man. .

For lawyers, they also have to receive at least 30-50% of the compensation amount, and sometimes

even higher.

Therefore, this is why the lawyers in the United States are very professional, and they are simply

desperate to file a lawsuit, and even do everything they want.

Because the benefits behind this are really too great, it is possible to win a big lawsuit, and the direct

compensation is divided into several million tens of millions of dollars, which is much easier than ordinary

people to make money.

Therefore, in the United States, the status of lawyers is also very high, and they are all upper-class


Especially some of the more famous super heroes in the United States, people like this can generally

become billionaires, and even many stars, billionaires and important American guests.

Therefore, Jacob Wilson couldn’t help but feel more inferior in his heart, because he guessed that the

family of Matilda must be very, very rich, even enough to make their mother and son become an upper

class society in Aurouss Hilll.

In contrast, there is nothing I can tell…