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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 841-845
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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 841

Loreen felt the gentleness when Charlie Wade wiped away tears for herself, and at the same time, she

listened to his firm emotional confession to Claire Wilson Wilson, and her heart was extremely painful.

She said with a hoarse voice: “Charlie Wade, if Claire Wilson Wilson really loves you, I will never do

anything to disturb you, but you know that she was with you because of her promise to her grandfather,

you think so Your feelings, do you insist on making sense by yourself?

Why not let your own life and the beginning of your life be the same?”

After that, she couldn’t help sobbing and asked him, “Which one is I inferior to Claire Wilson Wilson? Tell

me, I will try to catch up with her, don’t refuse so fast, give me a chance?”

Charlie Wade stood up and shook his head: “Loreen, sometimes you don’t understand the mind of a

man. You are kind to me at first, just like you think I am kind to you. Just because of this, Enough for me

to stay with her. As for whether she loves me or not, I am not in a hurry to figure it out.

I still have a long time to understand, explore and even change bit by bit. Just like you did to me, even if I

repeatedly tell you that I am married and have no interest in women other than Claire Wilson Wilson,

don’t you still continue to confess to me?”

Loreen understood at once. In fact, Charlie Wade treats Claire Wilson Wilson just like she treats Charlie

Wade. With that said, she immediately realized. However, after the realization, she was also


Just as Charlie Wade was unwilling to give up Claire Wilson Wilson anyway, Loreen was also unwilling to

give up Charlie Wade anyway.

So she wiped her eyes, looked at Charlie Wade, and said stubbornly: “You don’t want to give up Claire

Wilson Wilson, and I am also unwilling to give up on you. Since you can wait for Claire Wilson Wilson,

then I can wait for you too! No matter how long you wait. It doesn’t matter, I will wait forever!”

Charlie Wade sighed: “Well, since you have decided, I will respect your decision.”

After all, Charlie Wade checked the time and said, “It’s getting late, go back to the room and rest.”

Loreen nodded lightly and said: “You go back first, I want to sit down for a while.”

Charlie Wade gave a hum and stepped upstairs.

After Charlie Wade left, Loreen sat on the sofa with mixed feelings.

There were grievances, unwillingness, sadness, and obsession, all kinds of emotions popped up in her

mind, making her entangled.

Loreen felt that Charlie Wade might be the only man she would fall in love with wholeheartedly in her life.

If she didn’t get together with him, then she would never meet a man who made her feel so excited.

She couldn’t help feeling sad when she thought that she might never get the man she loved the most.

Is it because he is destined to miss Charlie Wade in this life? No, she doesn’t believe it!

She believes that God will not arbitrarily arrange a silent ending if he sends Charlie Wade to her side

twice to let him save herself from danger.

He will definitely arrange a perfect ending for himself, as long as he can stick to it with a sincere heart.

Persevere, then persist until victory!


When Charlie Wade gently opened the door of the room, Claire Wilson Wilson was standing alone on the

balcony on the second floor.

Her perfect figure looked hazy and enchanting in the moonlight, which made Charlie Wade’s heart beat.

It is true that Claire Wilson Wilson is a good and filial girl, but it is her good energy that makes her insist

on not divorcing.

She is foolish and filial to Elaine Ma, but foolish and loyal to herself.

That year, soon after the two got married, Mr. Wilson passed away.

At that time, the entire Wilson family was persuading Claire Wilson Wilson to divorce him.

After all, the reason why Claire Wilson Wilson married him at the beginning was because of the father’s

fate, and everyone else opposed it.

Therefore, those people all hope that she can divorce him and marry the rich young master of a big

family to change the fate of the entire Wilson family.

However, she feels that marrying herself means marrying a chicken and a dog, marrying a dog and a

dog. As long as she does not divorce her, she will never divorce herself. This is her loyalty to her

marriage and her husband in law. Loyalty.

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 842

If Claire Wilson Wilson hadn’t relied on this stubborn “stupidity”, she would have listened to persuasion

and had enough.

In that way, what kind of destiny would you be? Charlie Wade didn’t dare to think. Before marrying Claire

Wilson Wilson, his life was very difficult.

Because the orphanage does not accept adults, on his eighteenth birthday, Mrs. Lewis bought a birthday

cake with her frugal money, celebrated his birthday, and sent him out of the orphanage with tears.

At that moment, Charlie Wade once again became lonely and helpless in this world.

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Mrs. Lewis wanted to help him, she wanted to introduce him to work and provide him with living

allowances, but he had no face to ask.

He found a construction site alone, and moved bricks, sand, and cement with others at the age of 18.

He is not willing to rent a house, so he has been living in the prefabricated house on the construction

site, eating the cheapest meals, and doing the most tiring, heaviest and dirtiest work.

He only kept a small part of the money he earned to live, and the rest was donated to the orphanage.

Because the orphanage still has many brothers and sisters who are just as helpless and lonely as

themselves. They are still young and need more care and love.

However, after all, the orphanage has limited funds and can ensure that they are fed and clothed, but it

cannot guarantee that they eat well and wear well. Therefore, he spared no effort to donate the money

he saved to his younger brothers and sisters to improve their lives, and even buy them textbooks for

them to study hard.

In the fourth year of working on the construction site, his construction team was employed by the Wilson

family and began to work on a project for the Wilson family. At that time, Grandpa Wilson, who came to

inspect the construction site, could tell at a glance that Charlie Wade and his grandfather looked almost

exactly the same when they were young.

And the reason Grandpa Wilson knew Charlie Wade’s grandfather was because the Wilson family was

the Wade family’s servant a hundred years ago! From his grandfather’s generation, Elder Wilson fled all

the way to Eastcliff. When he was about to starve to death, the Wade family took them in.

In order to repay their favor, they voluntarily sold themselves to the Wade family and started long-term

jobs. At that time, the Wade family was already one of the largest families in the Forty-Nine Cities, and

the head of the family was kind and kind to the servants, allowing them to marry, allowing them to have

children, so that they could live and work in the Wade family.

Elder Wilson’s father was born and raised in the Wade family. Later, Elder Wilson’s father became an

adult, and he voluntarily sold himself to the Wade family and continued to work for the Wade family.

Later, Elder Wilson was also born in the Wade family. Therefore, when he was a child and a young man,

he was raised in the Wade family, and also worked as a servant in the Wade family.

The Lord of the Wade family was about the same age as the old man Wilson, and the two had grown up

together. Of course, there was a huge difference in status, so the old man Wilson knew him, but he didn’t

know the old man Wilson.

After the war, the Wade family also prepared to move out to avoid the war, but couldn’t take so many

domestic servants, so they gave most of the domestic servants a generous settlement allowance and

dismissed them.

It was at that time that Elder Wilson returned to his hometown with the Wade family’s settlement

allowance. Therefore, when he saw Charlie Wade, he firmly believed that he must be a descendant of

the Wade family.

Therefore, after his repeated questioning, Charlie Wade revealed his life experience. At that time,

Grandpa Wilson knelt directly on the ground and knocked three heads to Charlie Wade, saying that he

was kneeling and thanking the Wade family for their kindness to the Wilson family.

Then Lord Wilson took him back to the Wilson family and insisted on marrying his eldest granddaughter

Claire Wilson Wilson. At that time, the Lord Wilson didn’t know if Charlie Wade, the young dragon, could

even fly into the sky.

But he felt that the descendants of the Wade family shouldn’t spend their lives on the construction site.

As the servants of the Wade family for generations, the Wilson family has the responsibility and

obligation to take care of this young master Wade family who is living away and give him a stable home!

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 843

Looking back on the past, Charlie Wade was full of emotion. There are only two people in the Wilson

family who really treated him well. One is Mr. Wilson, who has passed away, and the other is his wife,

Claire Wilson Wilson. Now, Father Wilson has also passed away, and the entire Wilson family is really

good to him, and only Claire Wilson Wilson is left.

Seeing Claire Wilson Wilson standing on the balcony with a sad face at this time, Charlie Wade slowly

walked over, came to the balcony, and said to her: “Claire Wilson Wilson, you don’t have to worry too

much, mom will definitely come back safely.”

Claire Wilson Wilson realized that he had come in. He glanced back and said annoyedly: “You don’t

really care about her, so of course you don’t think she will have something to do. Even if she has

something, you will not really. Sad.”

Charlie Wade knew that she was still mad at herself, so he sighed, walked up to him, and comforted: “My

wife, I know you are worried that your mother will suffer and even be dangerous outside, but you don’t

think that her character, If she can suffer a bit, will it be good for her?”

Claire Wilson Wilson said: “I understand what you mean, but the key is that the loss must be within a

controllable category. If it rises to personal danger, everything will be uncontrollable…” Charlie Wade

nodded and said: “Let’s take a good rest first, and we will continue to go out to find tomorrow morning,


Claire Wilson Wilson hesitated for a moment, and nodded slightly, “Go to bed first, and I will go to the

police station to ask about the progress tomorrow. They said that if there is no one to be found tomorrow,

they will send the missing information to the Blue Sky Rescue Team and ask them to help.”

“Yeah.” Charlie Wade hurriedly coaxed her and said, “The Blue Sky Rescue Team can mobilize a strong

social force. It shouldn’t be a problem to find someone to come out.” “I hope…” Claire Wilson Wilson

said, turning around and walking back to the room. Charlie Wade hurriedly followed behind her, faintly


After all, tonight is a great day for me to be promoted, and finally I can sleep with my wife in bed! Even if

it goes well, you can make up for the unfinished bridal chamber with your wife! With that in mind, Charlie

Wade hurriedly followed into the house and was about to directly hug Claire Wilson Wilson up and put it

on the bed.

As a result, he saw that Claire Wilson Wilson hadn’t gone to the bedside, and went directly to the closet

to take out a set of bedding, and looked at Charlie Wade angrily. Claire Wilson Wilson said: “Here, you

are still sleeping on the ground tonight!”

“Ah?!” Charlie Wade asked in surprise: “Good wife, didn’t you say that you can already be promoted to

one level? I have been stuck at this level for more than three years, so I should be promoted!” Claire

Wilson Wilson was ashamed and angry, and stomped his feet and said, “That was what I said before.

Now the situation has changed, so the upgrade will take a bit longer!”

Charlie Wade asked depressed, “When will it be delayed?” Claire Wilson Wilson angrily said, “Slow down

until mom comes home!”

Charlie Wade was taken aback, and his expression immediately slumped.

Elaine Ma, Elaine Ma, you are so lingering!

Just thinking about it, Claire Wilson Wilson was already lying on the bed and said angrily: “You are not

allowed to sneak up! Otherwise I will drive you to the bedroom on the first floor!” Charlie Wade had no

choice but to say angrily: “Okay, my wife, I won’t upgrade yet, I’ll talk about it when Mom comes back.”

This night, Charlie Wade was quite depressed. At the same time, I was even more annoyed at Elaine

Ma. This mother-in-law, if she hadn’t owed her hand to steal her black card, things wouldn’t be what it is

now! If she were honest, she would definitely be sleeping in the big bedroom upstairs now, and he and

Claire Wilson Wilson would sleep on the same bed. It seems that this woman still owes repairs!

When I look back, I have to say hello to Cameron Isaac and send a few people in to teach her a lesson!

At least let her learn a lesson, and dare not steal other people’s things and steal other people’s bank

cards to withdraw money from the bank in the future! ……

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 844

In sharp contrast with Charlie Wade, Jacob Wilson upstairs. Jacob Wilson didn’t fall asleep when he was

excited this evening. He remembered his past with Matilda several times in his mind, thinking back and

forth, and taste back and forth, the whole person has been completely immersed in it!

The more she thought about Matilda, the more she looked forward to seeing her again. Early the next

morning, Jacob Wilson, who hadn’t slept the whole night, was rather vigorous, and his happy whole body

was closed from ear to ear.

He got up early to wash, and shaved his beard clean without leaving a single stubble. Then he combed

his gray hair well, sprayed some styling spray, and then turned the box and the cabinet again and looked

for it.

Out of the high-end suit that I have been reluctant to wear. This suit was specially made in Hong Kong

when the Wilson family was in its heyday. At that time, he was also the second son of the Wilson family.

The old man didn’t hesitate to give his pocket money, so he had a lot of face when he went out every


Fortunately, Jacob Wilson’s life is not good these years, so he didn’t get lucky. This suit still fits well. After

changing into his clothes, Jacob Wilson looked at himself in the mirror, showing a satisfied smile when

he was ten years younger.

Just as the so-called happy events are refreshing, the smile on Jacob Wilson’s face is simply

uncontrollable! I believe that Matilda will not be disappointed when she sees him now! Thinking of this,

he was so excited that he couldn’t wait to rush to the airport immediately to meet Matilda again.

However, Matilda’s plane landed at more than ten o’clock, so it was still early, so he went downstairs and

came to the restaurant. In the restaurant, Claire Wilson Wilson and Loreen were sitting at the table

drinking milk. Charlie Wade was still busy in the kitchen with fried eggs and bacon.

Loreen was the first to see Jacob Wilson and was surprised and said: “Wow! Uncle dressed so young

today. Ah!” “Really?” Jacob Wilson smiled a little embarrassedly, and asked, “Is it okay?”

Loreen gave a thumbs up: “That’s great!”

Claire Wilson Wilson raised his head at this time and saw that his father was actually wearing his favorite

suit. He was surprised and asked: “Dad, what are you doing in this dress?”

Jacob Wilson hurriedly said: “I have something to do today. An old friend came back from abroad and

wants to meet for a meal.”

After that, Jacob Wilson said again: “Oh yes, Charlie Wade is with me at noon. Don’t go home for dinner,

just order a meal at the company.”

“Dad!” Claire Wilson Wilson said with some dissatisfaction: “Mom is still missing! I still expect you and

Charlie Wade to go out with me today to find someone. Why are you still making an appointment with

your old classmates for dinner?”

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Jacob Wilson said, “Then everyone is here, I can’t help but meet up, right?”

Claire Wilson Wilson said angrily, “But my mother is missing! Shouldn’t you worry about her first? At this

time, you are still in the mood to go to an appointment. Are you and your mother a couple?”

Jacob Wilson nodded and said, “It’s a couple.”

After that, I added another sentence: “But I’m separated.”

Claire Wilson Wilson was angrily speechless. Dad was dressed so formal at this time, and even his

hairstyle was deliberately adjusted. It must have been a meeting with a female classmate.

Moreover, Dad said that the other party came back from abroad, and that is probably the first love his

mother said!

She felt angry when she thought that her mother was still missing but her father was dressed up and

going to eat with his first love.

Jacob Wilson said seriously at this time: “Your mother can find it anytime, but I have already made an

appointment with someone for this dinner. I can’t break the appointment. I will find it together after dinner.

I will find it with Charlie Wade!”

Claire Wilson Wilson said: “Go by yourself, Charlie Wade will follow me to find!”

“How can I do that!” Jacob Wilson said hurriedly, “I can’t go alone with my son. How inappropriate? Or

you let Charlie Wade go to your mother, and you go with me!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 845

When he heard that his father asked him to meet his first love, Claire Wilson Wilson refused almost

without hesitation: “I’m not going!”

Jacob Wilson opened his hand: “Then don’t stop Charlie Wade from following me, anyway, one of you

must follow me.”

“You…” Claire Wilson Wilson was furious and asked: “It is more important to eat with your old

classmates, or to find your mother is more important. Dad, don’t you know it clearly?”

Jacob Wilson blurted out: “It is clear, of course it is more important to eat with old classmates!”


Although Claire Wilson Wilson had always had a good temper, he was really going to be blown up at this


Jacob Wilson said indifferently at this time: “Claire Wilson Wilson, you have to understand one thing, this

world does not revolve around your mother. There are four people in this family. Your mother and I have

our own needs. You can revolve around your mother, but you can’t force me or force Charlie Wade to

revolve around your mother.

We don’t have anything to live on? We don’t have any needs ourselves?”

Speaking of this, Jacob Wilson continued with a little excitement: “Could it be that if your mother can’t

find it back one day, I can’t do other things a day, so I can only go out to find her?

Then if she can’t find it back forever, then I don’t have to Besides, I will find her to die in the second half

of my life? If this is the case, then I would rather run away from home. Why should I do this?”

Claire Wilson Wilson was speechless.

Although she knew that what her father was talking about was false, she still had to admit that there was

some truth in this statement.

Dad has been suppressed by his mother for so many years, and now his mother has suddenly

disappeared. For him, it should be a kind of relief, but also a kind of release.

In desperation, she could only compromise and said: “You want to party with classmates, I have no

objection, but after the meeting, you have to help me find my mother’s whereabouts!”

“Good, good.” Jacob Wilson agreed repeatedly, and said with a smile: “Don’t worry, I will go all out at that


Charlie Wade came out carrying fried eggs and bacon. He saw Jacob Wilson dressed up and said in

surprise: “Oh, dad, you are handsome today.”

Jacob Wilson smiled happily, and said happily, “How about it, can you tell it?”

Charlie Wade nodded and said with a smile: “That’s so good.”

Claire Wilson Wilson rubbed his temples and said to Charlie Wade: “You accompany your dad to see his

old classmates at noon. After dinner, you will quickly go to a place like Mahjong Hall to find out if anyone

sees you. Mom.”

Charlie Wade immediately agreed and said, “Good wife, I will go with Dad after dinner with Dad.”


At the same time, breakfast was also started in the detention center.

Elaine Ma slept in the toilet all night. She was trembling all over. She was hungry and almost fainted. She

was looking forward to eating breakfast to add something, otherwise she would really be hungry and


The two people who took the meal quickly brought back a plastic basket. Everyone went to take the

meal. Elaine Ma didn’t dare to take it directly. Instead, she walked up to Gena and asked pitifully, “Sister

Gena, can I have a bite?

I haven’t eaten anything for a day and night…”

Gena frowned while drinking porridge and steamed buns, and asked her, “What does it have to do with

me whether you eat or not? Am I not letting you eat it?”

Elaine Ma said bitterly, “I’m afraid you will hit me again after I eat…”

Gena sneered and said, “It’s good if you know it. If you want to eat, you can eat whatever you want. If

you are full, you can get beaten up.”