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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 796-800
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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 796

Christopher plucked up the courage and said, “Mom, even if the court sentenced you to jail one day,

Harold and Wendy and I have this money, we can live a stable life anyway, but if you don’t take these

antiques out, you will Once in prison, the three of us will starve to death outside!”

“Starve to death?” Lady Wilson said coldly: “You three have hands and feet, even if you go to sweep the

street, you can’t starve to death! I tell you Christopher, the batch of antiques left by your father is my help

Money, don’t think about it!”

Christopher couldn’t hold back his anger, he stood up quickly, and said coldly: “The things my dad left

behind are for our children and grandchildren. Why are you alone?”

Lady Wilson said coldly: “Why?

Are you going to rebel? Okay, just call me, bark my teeth, I’m dead, none of you want to know where the

antiques are. Nothing!”

As he said, Lady Wilson snorted and sneered: “Anyway, I am an old woman. She has long enough to

live, and it doesn’t matter if I die now.

Before I die, I will definitely make a will to donate my life insurance. I won’t give you any points! The three

of you will suffer at that time. The three of you will have the ability and inability, and the ability and ability.

If the Wilson family collapses and I die, even if the three of you don’t go to the streets to beg for food, It

will be reduced to the bottom of the society, and your hard days will be early!”

When Christopher heard this, he immediately persuaded him. He has no choice. There is really no way.

Lack of money and no ability to make money is the biggest problem for him and his pair of children. If

Lady Wilson is really dead and the life insurance is also donated, he will have no hope.

So he could only suppress his anger and humbly said: “Mom, I am in a rush. Don’t be like me.”

Lady. Wilson snorted coldly, and said arrogantly: “This is pretty much the same!”

At this time, several bank and court cars suddenly stopped at the entrance of Wilson’s villa.

A large number of law enforcement officers in uniforms and several bank managers quickly came to the

door and banged the door.

The family was astonished, Harold hurriedly got up and opened the door. Once he opened the door, he

was stunned by the sight in front of him!

At this time, a large number of people rushed in and directly commanded many security guards to

blockade the scene.

Then, a person in charge of the court stepped into the villa and said to Lady Wilson who was eating: “Are

you the person in charge of the Wilson Group?”

Before waiting for Mrs. Wilson to reply, she said to Conveniently: “On behalf of the district court, I

formally inform you that multiple creditors of yours have jointly filed an application with the court to

request the Wilson Group and all the people in your name. Freeze assets, freeze all accounts under the

Wilson Group and your personal name, and force you to fulfill your repayment obligations!”


Wilson blurted out: “I just paid back more than one million to the bank! The bank manager also told me

that if I can give me a period of grace, why did I change my mind in a while?!”

The other party said coldly: “The bank considers that you have no profitability, and it is impossible to

repay if you delay it.

Therefore, it initiated an application together with other creditors and seized all the assets under your

name. Now I will give you an hour to clean up. I moved my own things out, here is going to be sealed!”



Lady Wilson stood up tremblingly, and blurted out and asked: “Seize all my assets?! Why?!”

The other party said coldly: “Of course it is because you owe money not to pay back! Also, don’t blame

me for not reminding you, you can only take away daily clothes, toiletries and ordinary furniture. All cash,

luxury goods, and valuables must be left behind. !”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 797

When Mrs. Wilson heard this, her face suddenly changed!

She shook her body, and the crutch in her hand fell to the ground with a snap.

I thought there was still enough time to find someone to help me, but I didn’t expect that the life-giving

spell was delivered so quickly!

When Christopher and his children heard this, their faces turned pale!

“Mom? What is the situation, our house is going to be sealed up? Haven’t we already given over one

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With the current economic conditions of the Wilson family, if the villa is sealed, they will not even have a

place to live, and none of them have any skills, the end will only be worse.

Not only Christopher and others are going out to look for work or part-time jobs, but even Lady Wilson

has to find a place to wash the dishes.

Otherwise, they will not survive at all.

Lady Wilson sat down on the ground and said, “You are killing our family of four! I just paid back the

money, and you are about to take my house!”

The person in charge said coldly: “We are acting in accordance with the law. If you owe money if you

don’t pay it back, the creditor has the right to request the court to freeze and seal all your assets! Now I’ll

give you a piece of advice, if you can get the money to pay off the debt, villa and account.

They will all be unblocked, but if you can’t pay off your debts in the next three months, the creditor will file

a lawsuit against you, and you may be charged for fraud!”

Mrs. Wilson frantically hugged each other’s legs and blurted out, “You can’t seal up my villa. I have lived

here for nearly 20 years. This is my home!”

The other party ignored her and said directly to several staff members: “First take her out and let her

calm down.” Several people hurriedly put her up and took her out of the door. Lady Wilson broke down

and cried out: “You can’t do this! You can’t do this!” No one paid any attention to her yelling.

Christopher and others were also taken out by law enforcement officers. At this time, Christopher was

desperate. He has seen the situation and it is now enforced by the court. If he dares to block it, it is a

blatant resistance to the law.

Who makes his family owe others money? Now that people go to the court to apply for enforcement, it is

completely reasonable and legal. Harold collapsed at this time and said: “Dad, what can we do? Where

do we live in the villa?” Wendy cried directly: “We are miserable and poor enough now. If the villa is

gone, then I might as well die.”

Hearing the words, Lady Wilson scratched her hair and cursed: “The bank of the gods, how can it do

things to such an extent, it doesn’t give people a way to survive!” Christopher blurted out at this time:

“Mom! Where are your antiques?! If they find out, it will be all over!”

When Lady Wilson heard this, her eyes went dark, and she almost fell down. Christopher hurriedly

stepped forward to hold her back. Then she eased her energies and said nervously, “Those antiques are

all in a hidden area under the basement floor. They probably won’t find it…”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 798

Christopher rubbed his temples and said, “If it is discovered, then everything will be over.” As he was

talking, another young man in uniform came in outside the door, holding a strange device in his hand.

This device is a long pole with a circle in front of it, which looks a lot like the mine detector used in the


Christopher asked in surprise: “Young man, are you a mine detector?” The man smiled and said, “No, but

the principle is similar. They are all metal detectors. They will give out when they encounter metal


Mines are also made of metal, so this can also be used for mine clearance, but the sensitivity is almost

inferior.” When Christopher heard that it was a metal detector, he groaned in his heart and blurted out:

“It’s fine for you to seal other people’s houses. Do you still have to go to other people’s houses to clear


The man said: “With our years of seizure experience, generally as long as it is a villa, there are hidden

compartments in the basement, and there are some valuable things hidden inside, so my task is to find

them all, and then according to the law, all Seizure!” When Mrs. Wilson heard this, she collapsed to the


Christopher’s heart was also a little choked. The man hurried into the villa after speaking. Only then did

Christopher hurriedly help Lady Wilson up and asked, “Mom, what’s in the antiques of Dad?” Lady

Wilson said nervously: “There are two vases, an ancient painting, and some other antiques…”

Christopher Wilson hurriedly asked again, “Are there any metal objects?”

“Yes…” The said in a panic: “There is a Ming Dynasty bronze lamp, a set of tin ware, and two gold


When Christopher Wilson heard this, he slapped his thigh abruptly, and said with great pain: “It’s over!

It’s over! This is all over! You hide all these things in the basement, and when they go down and use the

stuff, they will find everything out! “

After that, he pointed at Lady Wilson angrily and rebuked: “Just say that you are the most greedy! I told

you a long time ago, take things out, take them out, take them out, and I will exchange for some money,

you just don’t Take it!

I don’t want to take it if I die! If you really can bring it into the coffin, it’s fine, now you can’t take it away if

you die, it’s all sealed up!” Lady Wilson was nervous to die, her mouth still insisted: “It’s impossible, they

can’t find it, I hide things very concealed, and no one can find it except me!”

Just after speaking, the person in charge walked out of the house and came directly to the , and said

coldly: “Hello, we found a secret compartment in the basement of this house, which contains a number of

antique cultural relics and precious metals. …..” When this was just said, Lady Wilson, who had just

been lifted up, sat on the ground again, her face full of despair.

The person in charge said again: “Because this villa is in your name, we acquiesce that the hidden things

belong to you. Therefore, we will seal up these cultural relics and precious metals in accordance with the

law. These will be publicly auctioned, and all the proceeds from the auction will be used to repay the debt

you owe.”

“If the total amount of the auction exceeds your total debt, we will refund you the remaining funds after

the debt is repaid; if the total amount of the auction is less than your total debt, the creditor has the right

to continue to sue you!”

When the man finished speaking, he took out a form and said to Mrs. Wilson: “If you understand what I

just said, please sign on it!” “I won’t sign!” Lady Wilson shouted hysterically: “You have no right to seize

my antiques! Those are my coffin books!”

The person in charge said coldly: “Sorry, according to the law, these antiques have been sealed by us.

Even if you don’t sign, you can’t change any established facts.” After speaking, he turned around and

went back to the villa. Mrs. Wilson’s eyes went dark, and she immediately passed out in a coma…

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 799

When Lady Wilson passed out, Christopher rushed over, grabbed her collar and shook it vigorously in

anger! Lady Wilson was awake vigorously as soon as she fell into a coma. As soon as she opened her

eyes, Christopher scolded furiously, “Didn’t you say that no one except you can find those antiques?

Now these antiques are gone! They are gone! !!! How do you let our family live?!”

Lady Wilson felt a pain in her heart, and she was crying in a mess at this time. She was in grief and

wailed and said, “I don’t know it will be like this. If I knew it would be like this, I won’t be hiding at home if

I was killed… ..” Speaking of this, Lady Wilson couldn’t help crying tears: “It’s over, it’s really over this

time, everything is over, all my life’s hard work is over!”

Harold was also desperate. He cried and said, “There is nothing here, and even the dinner for the

evening is gone… I have no food to eat at night, and I can still be hungry, but where to sleep at night?

You can’t sleep in the street!”

Wendy collapsed as soon as she heard this, and cried loudly, “Isn’t this going to be wandering on the

streets? I don’t want it!” At this time, the staff have begun to carry the things from the house before the

car. Lady Wilson watched all her antiques have been sealed and taken away. She cried loudly in the


She wanted to rush to snatch it several times, but was stopped by law enforcement officers. Christopher

looked more and more angry, angrily wishing to give Lady Wilson a kick, this is too selfish! Selfish to the


The key point is that she was selfish and didn’t get any good results. All these things are now

confiscated, and there is no doubt that it is impossible to return in this life. All valuable things were

moved away, and the family’s worthless clothes and broken furniture were all moved out by the staff, and

they were stacked on the side of the road outside the door.

When everything was almost moved, the court staff put a seal on the door of the villa. The person in

charge came to the courtyard and said to the four members of the Wilson family: “We are now going to

stick the door outside the courtyard as well. Put on the seal, please cooperate and move outside. You

are already prohibited from entering inside.”

“I won’t go! This is my home, why should I go!” Lady Wilson’s crying eyes were red and swollen, and the

appearance of her disheveled hair was just like that in Jin Yong’s , the Qiu Qianchi who had been

under the well for decades and only vomited jujube seeds!

The person in charge said: “This has been sealed up. To be clear, this is no longer your home. If you

continue to stay here, you are obstructing official duties! We have the right to detain you!” When

Christopher heard this, the three of them went out in a hurry.

They don’t want to be caught in the detention center for a few days at this time.

Lady. Wilson didn’t want to go, but at this moment, there was no one around her, and there was no one

to support her, so she could only cry and walk out.

After going out of the gate, the court staff also posted two seals on the gate, and then told Mrs. Wilson

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again: “You have three months to prepare funds. If the funds are not available after three months, these

things will be auctioned. , If it is not enough to repay the debt after the auction, then you will have to be


Lady Wilson sat slumped in front of her house with a desperate face.

Villas can sell for up to 17.8 million, and antiques and cultural relics can sell for more than 10 million,

which may not be enough for 30 million.

However, the various debts of the Wilson Group currently add up to at least 60 million.

This money is not enough…

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 800

In other words, in the next three months, I will not have a place to stay, but after three months, I may be

going to jail…

Lady Wilson cried out of breath, and almost pumped it out a few times.

After the people in the court gave the warning, they stopped telling them, and went straight into the car.

The four members of the Wilson family could only sit helplessly on the side of their house, guarding a

pile of tattered furniture and clothing and daily necessities, weeping secretly.

At this time, they were completely helpless.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the house leaks rain.

Several security guards from the villa property rushed over and said to them: “You guys, please take your

things and move out of our villa area as soon as possible. Don’t be here to affect the appearance of our

villa area.”

“What are you talking about?!” Christopher Wilson scolded angrily: “I have lived here for almost 20 years.

You said I affected the appearance of this place? You want to drive me out?!”

The other party said coldly: “Sorry, I also received a notice that you are no longer the owners of our


Since you have lived here before, you must know that our community is closed management and no

outsiders are allowed to enter. Yes, so please leave as soon as possible.”

As he said, he pointed to a lot of things on the side of the road, and said: “These things also ask you to

move out as soon as possible.

If you don’t move, our property assumes that these are abandoned things and are free to deal with


Christopher trembles dryly, and yells: “Too much deception! Master fights with you!”

Several strong security guards immediately pushed him forward and screamed: “What do you want to

do? Do you want to do it?

There are a dozen people in our security team. How many can you beat?!”

Christopher was immediately shocked.

Harold from behind scolded angrily: “Be careful that I call you to complain!”

The security guard sneered: “Complain to us? We follow the rules. What qualifications do you have to

complain to us?

I tell you, you are not the owners of our community now. If you still stay here and don’t leave, I will call

the police to arrest you!”

“You…” Harold wanted to start cursing, but seeing the other party’s aggressive posture, he froze again.

Christopher knew that it was useless for him to stay here now, and he did not take any reason. The

house was sealed, and he was naturally not the owner of the community. It was only natural for him to be

driven out.

So he could only sigh, and said to a few people: “Pick up your things, only the useful and valuable ones,

and leave the rest here and let them take care of them!”

Wendy cried and said, “Dad, where can I go now!”

Christopher shook his head and sighed, “I don’t know, but it’s not a problem to stay here…”

Harold also cried, wiped away his tears, and said, “Dad, why don’t we go and beg my second uncle…

Apologize to him, admit a mistake, and beg him to take us in, second aunt Didn’t the circle of friends say

that there are ten bedrooms in her villa?

It’s enough to ask them to give us two, let us sleep one, let Wendy and grandma sleep one…”

Christopher’s face is more ugly than bitter gourd, and he sighed: “What you said is simple. Who is your

second aunt? Haven’t you counted it?

At this time, she is too late to watch our jokes, how could she kindly take us in and give us a room? !”

Lady Wilson who had not spoken all of a sudden stood up and gritted her teeth and said: “Go to

Thompson First! Even if I die today, I will die at the door of Thompson First! If Jacob Wilson and Elaine

Ma don’t take us in, I will sue them. Abandon the elderly!”