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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 791-795
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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 791

At the end of a farce, neither Jacob Wilson nor Elaine Ma benefited.

Elaine Ma wanted money, but in the end she didn’t get a point, and she hurt her depressed chest for a


When a family of four returned home from the villa, everyone began to pack their own things. Claire

Wilson Wilson did not forget to call Loreen to tell her about the move tomorrow, so that she would

prepare tomorrow, check out from the hotel and move in together. live.

When Loreen heard the news, she danced happily.

Ever since she liked Charlie Wade, she had always wanted to find more opportunities to get along with

Charlie Wade, but she was busy with work and had to take Claire Wilson Wilson into consideration, so

she never had any chance.

If you can live with Claire Wilson Wilson and Charlie Wade, then there will naturally be more


So she agreed almost without thinking.

When Charlie Wade’s family was busy packing things, Wilson’s family was just jumping around.

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After selling the furniture and returning from Thompson First, Christopher has become more dissatisfied

with his mother.

Lady Wilson wanted to live in the big villa of Jacob Wilson’s house, and the incident stung Christopher.

Let him realize that Lady WIlson is really selfish.

She had always been selfish before, considering her own interests. Once Jacob Wilson was better for

her, she would abandon herself and prefer Jacob Wilson.

So when he got home, he told Mrs. Wilson that she would transfer the 1.21 million that sold furniture to


He felt that Lady Wilson might abandon herself at any time, so he had to make plans early, at least to get

some money in his hands?

Otherwise, if she turns against him, who can he count on?

His son, Harold, is a waste. In the past, the Wilson family had no problems, and it was okay to let him be

a rich second generation who was eating and waiting to die. Now the Wilson family is in a desperate


It is impossible to expect him to make progress and make money.

Daughter Wendy is a canary again. She doesn’t touch the sun with two fingers. She can’t cook well.

Moreover, in Aurouss Hilll nowadays, who doesn’t know about Wendy’s troubles, it’s hard to find

someone to marry him, even more so.

Can’t count on it.

So he said to Mrs. Wilson: “Mom, you are the legal representative of the Wilson Group and the person in

charge. If you put the money here, it will easily be frozen by the bank!”

Lady. Wilson didn’t think so, she said lightly: “The money for selling furniture is used to pay back the


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As a last resort, Mrs. Wilson did not want the Wilson Group to go bankrupt and liquidate, because once

the Wilson Group went bankrupt, she would be finished.

She is a legal person of the Wilson Group. If she has money and does not return the bank, not only will

the bank seal up her house, she will even be sued and arrested.

In that case, it’s me who is unlucky, and it is me who is in jail.

Therefore, she insisted on repaying the bank’s minimum repayment first, and at the same time, she also

planned to intercede with the bank’s account manager so that the other party could be allowed a period

of grace.

When Christopher heard this, he immediately exploded and blurted out: “Mom, the house is almost

impossible to open. After a while, more than one million came, and you returned it to the bank. What do

we eat and drink?”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 792

Mrs. Wilson coldly snorted: “If I didn’t pay the money, I was taken to jail! Don’t forget that I am a legal

person in the company and I am responsible for the company’s debts!”

Christopher hurriedly said, “Then you should at least take out one or two hundred thousand, let’s take a


I am living now, and I can’t even smoke a pack of cigarettes for fifty Dollar!”

“Do you still smoke?” Lady Wilson said sharply, “It would be nice to have a bite of food, and still want to


Christopher held the fire in his heart, but sighed in his mouth: “Mom, I am old, so I can bear it, but Harold

and Wendy are still young!

They have not suffered much, so I can’t wrong them!”

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Lady Wilson coldly snorted: “Then I don’t care, the more I have to cut down on food and clothing, and

tide over difficulties together at this time!”

As soon as these words came out, Harold and Wendy immediately became dissatisfied. The two of them

were spoiled and coddled and couldn’t endure any hardship. Since Hannah ran away with money, their

lives have been very hard during this period of time.

However, now that Mrs. Wilson is rich, she doesn’t want to open the warehouse and put grain, instead

she wants everyone to cut down on food and clothing. Isn’t this killing them? Immediately, Harold said:

“Grandma, it’s easy for you to say it. When you are old, eating less and drinking less, it’s no problem for

you to eat less, but how can my sister and I be like this?

We can’t eat this. It’s kind of bitter, I’m not good at eating and drinking these days, and I’ve lost a few

kilos of weight!” “Yes, grandma!” Wendy said with no air: “The cosmetics I used before were thousands

of dollars or tens of thousands of dollars.

Now I can only use the most common L’Oreal. Seeing that this L’Oreal is almost running out. I don’t even

have money to buy it. Grandma, do you still want me to spend some bucks on the sod honey?” After she

finished speaking, she immediately said, “I don’t care. Grandma, you have to give me 20,000 Dollar


I will buy a set of Aquamarine Mystery, otherwise my face will be completely ruined!” Mrs. Wilson coldly

snorted: “Poor scream! The mystery of the sea blue? Is Dabao sod honey sorry for you? Useless things,

even Chairman Wilson can’t grasp it. If you could hold Chairman Wilson in the first place, our family will

be as good as today. Like?”

Wendy suddenly became anxious and blurted out, “What does this have to do with me? It was Chairman

Wilson who was made incompetent by Charlie Wade. Before he became incompetent, I coaxed him well,

don’t forget that he gave me five Million and ten million to the Wilson family!” “So what?”

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Lady Wilson said coldly: “He hasn’t left yet? If you really have that ability, even if he becomes

incompetent, he will stay. After all, you can’t do it!” Christopher was still holding the fire, but when Lady

Wilson said this about her daughter Wendy, he felt a little angry and blurted out: “Mom, Wendy and

Chairman Wilson have also listened to your instructions. How can you get into trouble at this time?

Cross the river and demolish the bridge?” Lady Wilson coldly snorted: “I crossed the river and

demolished the bridge? Did I cross the river? Obviously the bridge disappeared before halfway through,

causing me to fall into the water and almost drowned!”

Christopher said annoyedly: “Mom, anyway, I just said that I can’t pay the money back to the bank. I

have to spend 200,000 Dollar to improve my life if I say anything. Otherwise, you can sell all my dad’s

antiques for some money. , Otherwise you can hide those things and you won’t be able to take them

away in the future!”

“You curse me to death?!” Lady Wilson suddenly became angry, and said coldly: “You three want to

shake the sky, don’t you?” Lady Wilson’s voice changed, sharp and scary.

She didn’t expect that Christopher, who had always been flattering and obedient to herself, dared to slap

her nose on her nose, and even dared to speak harsh words to herself! At this moment, she also deeply

realized that her eldest son, grandson, and granddaughter were not really following her in a desperate


They are just three parasites attached to themselves, all the time thinking about opening their mouths to

draw nutrients from their bodies! The more this happens, the more he has to keep his money and things

under control, and must not let the three of them succeed!

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After Lady Wilson and Christopher renounced their morality, an unhealable crack occurred in each

other’s hearts. In the end, Lady Wilson only used 50,000 Dollar as the living expenses of the family of

four, and the rest was all returned to the two banks that owed money.

After the bank received this part of the repayment, the person in charge of the collection department also

gave Lady Wilson a lot of face, saying that the debt could be extended appropriately to give the Wilson

family a chance to breathe.

Lady Wilson finally breathed a sigh of relief. She is still counting on the Wilson Group to come back to

life. As long as the bankruptcy can be delayed, she may have a chance. Maybe when the next Chairman

Wilson will come out?

For myself, the Wilson family is currently facing great difficulties, but in the final analysis, it is only a

problem of tens of millions. If you really encounter a big boss like Chairman Wilson with a worth of tens

of billions, the other party will casually leak from your fingers. A little money was enough to bring the

Wilson family back to life.

Compared with Lady Wilson who is full of longing and anticipation, Christopher is very depressed. Lady

Wilson kept only 50,000 Dollar for the furniture, and the 50,000 Dollar was still in her own hands.

Christopher himself was going to be exhausted, and he was so close that he could not even afford a

pack of cigarettes.

That night, Lady Wilson only took 20 Dollar to buy vegetables, and she bought a bunch of rotten

cabbage and half a catty of pork.

Christopher felt dry and uncomfortable, but there was no other way. He could only endure it in his heart,

and at the same time racked his brains to study where Lady Wilson would hide the antique left by the old


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Just as the Wilson family complained about the poor life of clear soup and water, Claire Wilson Wilson’s

family had already begun to move to the Thompson First villa early the next morning. Since the furniture

is newly bought, there is no need to carry any large items when moving. The four people each packed

their clothes and supplies, and then packed the tableware and kitchenware. They found a truck and

pulled them all at once. .

Charlie Wade was in a particularly good mood, because when he was tidying up the bedroom, he

deliberately asked Claire Wilson Wilson if he wanted to put the blanket roll he used to lay on the floor.

Claire Wilson Wilson said embarrassedly: “Aren’t you all ready to upgrade? Why are you still bringing

these things?”

Upon hearing this, Charlie Wade was suddenly excited! After the truck arrived at Thompson First’s first

product, Jacob Wilson put a few hand-drawn small salutes in the air at the door, which was regarded as

a housewarming joy. Then, a family of four began to clean up their rooms.

Charlie Wade and Claire Wilson Wilson cleaned up the master bedroom on the second floor, Elaine Ma

cleaned up the master bedroom on the third floor by herself, while Jacob Wilson went to clean up the

small room next door with a muffled voice.

In his words, he wanted to separate from Elaine Ma. Elaine Ma didn’t bother to quarrel with him, anyway,

she was going to sleep in the master bedroom on the third floor. As for Jacob Wilson, wherever she likes

to sleep, she is upset when she sees him now, and it’s a pleasure to be separated.

However, Claire Wilson Wilson felt a little uncomfortable. Although the relationship between her parents

has not been very good, they have been here for more than 20 years, and now they are separated,

which makes her feel uncomfortable.

But she also knew that, as a daughter, she shouldn’t interfere too much with her parents’ affairs, so she

thought, whether they should be separated first, both of them can calm down and think about it. If they

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can all want to open up, then the future will be better. When Charlie Wade and Claire Wilson Wilson were

about to pack up, Loreen also took a taxi.

She didn’t have much things, just two suitcases and one bag, Claire Wilson Wilson enthusiastically

invited her in, and then took her directly to the second floor by elevator. As soon as she got out of the

elevator, she shouted: “Charlie Wade, come and help Loreen!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 794

Charlie Wade hurriedly went out and saw Loreen who had been specially dressed up. Loreen is very

beautiful today. A beige windbreaker with a black base sweater inside not only looks tall, but also

particularly feminine. As for the lower body, it is a woolen short skirt with black leggings, and a slender


The legs are completely outlined, thin and long, very eye-catching. When Loreen saw Charlie Wade, her

face was flushed, she waved her hand at him a little nervously, and said, “Charlie Wade, I will thank you

for your care in the future!”

Charlie Wade smiled slightly, nodded and said: “Welcome, welcome.” In fact, Charlie Wade felt a little

helpless in his heart. He knew that Loreen liked him. However, now she suddenly moved over to live

under the same roof with herself, which really made him a bit uncomfortable.

But of course he couldn’t show anything abnormal in front of Claire Wilson Wilson. Claire Wilson Wilson

pointed to Loreen’s two big boxes and said to Charlie Wade: “Charlie Wade, you are strong, help Loreen

get the luggage to her bedroom.”

“Okay.” Charlie Wade nodded and dragged two boxes into Loreen’s bedroom.

Loreen also followed in, feeling sweet in her heart.

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In her opinion, she will be able to get closer to Charlie Wade in the future, no matter whether she can be

with Charlie Wade in the end, as long as she can get closer to him, she will be very satisfied.

After all, in her heart, Charlie Wade is not only the object of her secret crush, but also her savior twice, so

she only longed to be closer to Charlie Wade, so that she would be satisfied.

As for whether the two will develop, it depends on the relationship between him and Claire Wilson


If the two are always a false marriage, then oneself will naturally have to fight for it, but if the two have a

real relationship, then one can definitely not grab the husband of her girlfriend.

Loreen followed Charlie Wade into the room, looked around, and said in surprise: “Ah, this room is quite


“Yeah.” Charlie Wade smiled and said, “It must be enough for you to live alone.”

Loreen pursed her lips and nodded. She immediately saw that Claire Wilson Wilson hadn’t come in, so

she hurriedly asked, “How are you and Claire Wilson Wilson?”

“Very good.” Charlie Wade replied smoothly.

“Oh…” Loreen asked vaguely: “Are there any changes compared to before?”

Loreen wanted to know whether Charlie Wade and Claire Wilson Wilson had broken through that

relationship, but it was difficult to ask very clearly, so she could only vaguely knock on the side.

Charlie Wade didn’t think much, just casually said: “We are in a stable relationship, and there is no


When Loreen heard him say that there was no change, she felt more at ease. It is estimated that Claire

Wilson Wilson and Charlie Wade are still sleeping in separate beds, which proves that the two of them

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still have no breakthrough.

For myself, this is good news.

At this time, Elaine Ma on the third floor was very excited. She took a lot of photos and selfies in her

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large bedroom, and also turned on the beauty filter to the maximum, and then carefully selected a few of

the living room and the photos taken from the outside. Photos were sent to the circle of friends together.

The accompanying text is: “Oh, after waiting for so long, I finally moved into my Thompson First villa!

This is the largest villa of Thompson First! With such a large living room and such a large bedroom, I

don’t know how to sleep at night. Will you be scared here!”

After writing this, she thought of Mrs. Wilson and added another sentence: “Hey, this villa has three floors

above ground and two floors below ground. There are five floors in total. There are ten bedrooms, each

of which is very luxurious and stylish, but we have a family of four. Where can I live here? I’m really


The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 795

Elaine Ma finished editing the copy of the Moments, and deliberately added a few shy expressions to the

back, and then opened the location of Thompson First, and clicked send happily.

When this was posted, many people immediately liked and commented.

The message was all kinds of admiration, catering, kneeling and licking, marveling at how luxurious her

mansion is.

After all, no one thought that Elaine Ma could live in a top-notch villa of more than one hundred million

Dollar, which is beyond the understanding of her by everyone who knew her.

At this time, the Wilson family was boiling cabbage around a pot of duck racks, eating bitter tears.

Lady Wilson herself did not lose the money, and was quite dissatisfied with Christopher and his children’s

contradictions yesterday, so she also deliberately wanted to toss them.

So, she went out to buy vegetables in the morning, only bought a duck rack, and then bought two

Chinese cabbage, washed and chopped directly, and simmered in a pot.

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She felt that, anyway, she was old, had a small appetite, and couldn’t eat anything that was too meaty

and greasy, so she put this kind of clear soup and watery things, as for the three of them, they would like

to eat or not, and would not eat it.

Christopher, Harold, and Wendy were almost exhausted. The three of them couldn’t make up the money

for a meal, so they could only eat this stuff with Lady Wilson at home.

The duck frame looked not small, but it was all bones, and there was no meat at all. The bone scum in

front of Harold had already eaten a lot, but it just didn’t fill his stomach.

Annoyed, he ate while scanning the circle of friends.

Suddenly I saw the one sent by Elaine Ma, and after a closer look, he gritted his teeth and threw the

chopsticks off his head. He cursed, “Grass! Elaine Ma, a shrew, has actually moved into Thompson

First’s villa.

Damn, she too. Is it worthy of Thompson First?! God is blind!”

When Lady Wilson heard this, she picked up her mobile phone and took a look, and she was suddenly


“This damn dog thing, specifically said that there are ten bedrooms can’t live, this is deliberately to me!”

Lady Wilson was extremely uncomfortable, and she cursed in her heart that she couldn’t give me a room

for so many rooms and let me live in it. Now she is still sending out intentionally to irritate me. It is really

a thousand cuts that she will not understand her hatred!

At this time, Christopher also looked at the mobile phone circle of friends, looked at the photos of the

mansion sent by Elaine Ma, and then looked at the duck rack in front of him to boil the cabbage. He was

so angry that he couldn’t eat anymore, and directly pulled Elaine Ma into the blacklist. .

Out of sight out of mind!

Wendy also has Elaine Ma’s WeChat friends, and she opened a glance and was also very angry.

Seeing the emotions of these three people, Lady Wilson was a little depressed, and said hurriedly: “Don’t

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care about the things Elaine Ma sent. She will have to be driven out of the villa within a few days.”

After speaking, she cleared her throat and said, “Our top priority is to think about how to make the Wilson

Group overcome the difficulties and regain its vitality!”

Christopher said angrily: “What difficulties have you overcome? Tens of millions of debts must be solved?

What can be done? This villa is so old, I think it can sell at most 17.8 million, and the remaining holes will

be repaid. It’s big.”

After he finished speaking, he looked at Mrs. Wilson with some complaints, and said, “The antiques that

dad left behind can be sold for tens of millions, right? If you want me to say Mom, you might as well give

me all those antiques. I sell them for real. , And then go to buy a house. After the bank takes the villa

away, you can still have a place to live.”

Lady Wilson said with a cold face: “Buy a house? Do you think I can live there if I buy a house? I can’t

pay my debts. I might go to jail! I’m already this old. If I go to jail, I will pay Can you come out alive?”

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