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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 761-765
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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 761

The Webb family quickly released a new family motto:

Anyone who enters or leaves Webb’s house, no matter who it is, must not have the Facebook app in

their mobile phone. Once discovered, they will be punished severely!

Of course, the Webb family followed this family motto very much, because the Facebook had a video

insulting their family on top.

Even if they asked them to watch it, they didn’t want to watch it.

However, everyone in the family complained.

They just work in Webb’s family, and they don’t have the surname Webb, and they don’t feel

uncomfortable with the video at the top.

Moreover, on the contrary, everyone felt that this video looked particularly cool! Special relief!

This is mainly because working in Webb’s family is subject to stricter restrictions and controls. Everyone

lives in a state of high pressure and is very depressed.

The Webb family has always been strict with subordinates, and there are many rules and regulations for

subordinates in the family law.

It can be said that they will be beaten, scolded and even punished at every turn.

Therefore, now they see someone scolding the Webb family so much on Facebook, they still feel pretty


When Donald and Sean were undergoing knee trauma treatment, Kian withdrew from the treatment

room because he couldn’t bear to look at their bloody knees.

At this time, Kian felt particularly contradictory in her heart.

Before today, he was living in pain all the time.

The dignified second young master of Webb’s family eats shit every hour. This makes people all over the

country laugh out loud and makes him miserable.

Especially every time after eating shit, the moment his consciousness recovers, he is extremely painful.

However, just now, seeing the way his father and brother had their legs broken, he suddenly felt that the

whole person seemed a lot easier.

This feeling is strange, but also very realistic.

It’s like, at first, I was the only one who didn’t wear clothes on the street, so I was very cramped and

panicked, but suddenly, there were two more people who didn’t wear clothes, and I felt less panic and


Feeling relaxed for a while, Kian rarely wants to drink two glasses.

The Webb Family Villa occupies a huge area, like a palace of its own.

It not only has living spaces, but also medical, fitness, leisure and entertainment places.

Kian left the consulting room and went to the bar.

When passing by the door of a bathroom specially used by the subordinates, he suddenly heard a

familiar voice coming from inside.

After listening carefully, Kian couldn’t help but become angry!

In this bathroom, someone is listening to the cross talk of Mrr.. Lloyd and his son!

And, unfortunately, I just heard Mrr.. Lloyd and his son mocking his own poop!

Kian suddenly became angry!

Damn, I said that Facebook is not allowed to be downloaded, so why is someone watching this video

secretly? Really looking for death!

Thinking of this, Kian slammed open the door of the bathroom. On the toilet seat was a middle-aged man

in his 40s. This man Kian knew, and he was one of the Webb family drivers!

The other party didn’t think that the second young master would suddenly break in. He was still holding a

mobile phone in his hand, and a cross talk of Mrr.. Lloyd and Marcus was still on the phone.

Kian scolded angrily: “You watch this kind of video at Webb’s house, are you looking for death? I will kill

you bastard!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 762

After that, he rushed forward and punched and kicked the driver!

The driver was beaten and yelled, but he didn’t dare to fight back. He could only stretch out his arms to

block. At the end of the block, he couldn’t hold him anymore, and he didn’t care about wiping his butt. He

just lifted his pants and ran out.

Kian scolded: “Dog bastard, let me see where you go! I must interrupt your leg today!”

After speaking, I was about to catch up, and suddenly felt dizzy in my brain.

At this moment, Kian wailed in his heart, it was over…

He knew that he had another attack!

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Immediately afterwards, Kian lost consciousness for an instant, and his eyes were on the filthy thing left

in the toilet by the driver. His eyes lit up, without saying a word, he squatted on the ground and reached

out to grab it, grabbing it and gobbled it up. Stuffed…

A few people here saw the driver running out of the bathroom with his pants, wondering what was going

on. When they went to the bathroom, they saw that Kian was squatting in front of the toilet and having a

good meal, all of them vomited.

One of them hurriedly yelled: “Quick, quick, stop the Second Young Master. The Second Young Master

eats a pressure cooker for high-temperature sterilization. You can’t eat this fresh, and you will get sick!”

The crowd vomited, and they dragged Kian out of the bathroom. Kian had a seizure and the six relatives

did not recognize him.

Seeing that these people prevented him from enjoying the “food”, he immediately yelled: “Asshole, let me

go quickly, or I will kill you!”

This opening, the stinking smell is so bad, the key is to spray a group of subordinates with scum on their

faces, and the disgusting group of subordinates can’t wait to die. Seeing that something was wrong here,

other people hurried up to greet him. A servant who was holding Kian tightly yelled: “Go get the high-

voltage cabinet for the young master to sterilize it! Hurry up!”

“Oh oh oh!” The man turned his head quickly and ran back. Everyone knows that Kian has a seizure, and

it is impossible to stop without eating, so he can only quickly get him a sterile “supper” that has been


Knowing that Kian had a sudden attack, and was in the bathroom, and ate something left by a driver,

Webb’s family suddenly became a mess again. …… At this time in Aurouss Hilll, the mist in the middle of

the night is gradually covering the ancient city. Ten seven-seater commercial vehicles drove quickly into

Aurouss Hilll City and stopped in front of Mrr.. Lloyd’s house. These ten cars were full of people and they

drove over from Southaven to take the lives of Mrr.. Lloyd, Marcus and his son.

These seventy people surrounded Mrr.. Lloyd’s house to death, and when they rushed in, they

discovered that the house was empty! The leader beat his chest and said: “Damn, let the dog and son

run away!” “Boss, what should I do?!”

The man said distressedly: “If they are at home, they will be slaughtered right now and return to Mr.

Webb, but once they are not at home, they may be anywhere! Aurouss Hilll has a population of millions

of people, where are 70 of us going? Looking for it?” “What should I do then?”

The other party asked, “Why don’t you call Mr. Webb first? Otherwise, Mr. Webb feels that we are not

doing things badly. If we blame it again, it will be troublesome!” “Yes!” The headed person immediately

called Donald.

Donald just dealt with the injury on his knee and waited for the transplant operation after the customized

knee joint arrived. He suddenly received a call and immediately connected to question: “Have you killed

Mrr.. Lloyd and Marcus, these two dog bastards?! “ “Mr. Webb…” the leader said embarrassingly: “Mr.

Webb, Mrr.. Lloyd’s family has already gone to the building.

I took a look. It should have been rushed to pack up and leave. It should have been too late. For a long

time, only two or three hours.” “Damn!” When Donald heard this, he was furious and blurted out: “Find

me! Even if you find the ends of the world, you must find these two bastards and kill them for me!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 763

Seventy people from Southaven began a carpet search in Aurouss Hilll. However, they could not find any

clues about Mrr.. Lloyd and Marcus. In fact, the current Mrr.. Lloyd family had already drove away from

Aurouss Hilll, and was galloping north in the dark.

It is easy to catch a fish in the washbasin, but it is really difficult to find this fish accurately in the lake! In

the night, Marcus was driving, and the luxurious Mercedes-Benz car ran all the way. Mrr.. Lloyd’s cell

phone suddenly rang.

It was Mrr.. Lloyd’s neighbor who called. The two have a good relationship and often go out to eat, drink

and have fun together. Before Mrr.. Lloyd left, I called him and asked him to help pay attention to his own

movement. So now he called suddenly, Mrr.. Lloyd guessed that there should be some movement at


Sure enough, as soon as he got on the phone, the other party lowered his voice and said, “Mrr.. Lloyd,

dozens of people came to surround your house just now, and the group of people quietly got in!” “Several

dozens of people?!” Mrr.. Lloyd exclaimed and blurted out: “What about now?” “I just came out and left.”

The other party said: “It looks like it’s not easy to give up…”

Mrr.. Lloyd gave a hum and said, “I know, thank you!” “Why are you polite with me!” After hanging up the

phone, Mrr.. Lloyd said with a cold face: “Sure enough, the Webb family sent someone to kill us! It is said

that they sent dozens of people, shit, really ruthless!” Marcus blurted out, “Dad, shouldn’t they find us?”

Mrr.. Lloyd waved his hand: “Impossible. China is such a big country. Where can he find us? Let’s not

stop the car tonight. We will drive directly to Eastcliff Airport. Tomorrow, we will buy the earliest plane and

fly directly to Malaysia. When we get there, we will be anonymous.

Tian lives in his own manor and is a rich man. The Webb family will never even think of finding us for the

rest of their lives!”

Tears burst into Marcus’s eyes and said, “Dad, when you come to Malaysia, you don’t have to talk to

Albert at five o’clock every week. We should be able to get rid of the engraved characters on our


“Yes!” Mrr.. Lloyd touched the dry and solidified scar on his forehead, and said depressedly: “The

engraving enmity, I am afraid that there will be no chance to repay…” …… The Moore family mansion at

this time is still a brightly lit scene. Lord Mooore wore a white Tai Chi practice suit and played Tai Chi in

the yard against the cold wave. Although the weather has cooled down and the old man is only wearing

thin clothes, the old man does not feel cold at all, but is sweating!

The old man’s three sons, several grandsons, and granddaughter all gathered around the courtyard to

watch. Rueben became more surprised as he watched. He didn’t expect this Rejuvenation Pill to be so

magical. Not only did it make the old man younger and his body tougher, but more importantly, even the

whole person’s mental outlook was completely different!

Who would dare to imagine that the old man who was about to die a few months ago is so lively now! He

has been punching for more than two hours, so he should be tired when he is a young man! However, he

didn’t feel tired at all.

On the contrary, the more you fight, the more vigorous. This is not a good signal! If you look at it this way,

the old man’s body is so hard, it won’t be a big problem for another ten or twenty years.

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 764

Theodore, Rueben’s father, was also stunned at the side, he was even more depressed than Rueben.

When a prince, what I fear most is that my father will live too long. At the time when Kangxi reigned for

61 years, the prince Ai Xinjue Luo Yinfeng, the prince alone had been the prince for 30 to 40 years. In

the end, he couldn’t wait any longer before he intended to usurp the throne.

Now Lord Mooore still holds the power of the Moore family, the longer he lives, the more sad he will be?

If he lives for more than ten years and he will be in his seventies and eighties, how can he have any

chance to become the Patriarch of the Moore Family? Maybe even, I have to die before him…

Thinking of this, Theodore felt extremely depressed. Jasmine on the side, seeing that grandpa’s body

and spirit are much better, she feels very happy. Seeing that the old man was a little tired after playing for

so long, Jasmine hurriedly handed over the prepared towel and said, “Grandpa, or come here tonight,

let’s call again tomorrow.”

“Okay!” Lord Mooore nodded excitedly, took the towel and wiped his sweat, and sighed: “Moore has ever

thought that when he is about to die in his life, he can get such a chance. I am extremely grateful to

Master Wade… ….” With that, Lord Mooore said to Jasmine again: “Jasmine, you have to pay close

attention to the matter between you and Master Wade.

Grandpa’s biggest wish now is to wait for you and Master Wade to hand it over to you. Master Wade!”

When Jasmine heard this, her face immediately turned red. Theodore said at this time: “Dad, Jasmine

and Master Wade, please think twice!”

“Think twice?” Lord Mooore asked back: “Don’t you see that Master Wade has the ability to reach the

sky, but he is a true dragon on earth?

If you have a daughter, you are afraid that you would also dream of wanting to recruit Master Wade into

the house as a son-in-law! “

Theodore said awkwardly: “Dad, what you said is correct, but the key is that Master Wade is already

married. You asked Jasmine to pursue Master Wade. Didn’t this encourage Jasmine to intervene?”

When Jasmine heard the third party intervene in such words, her face was immediately a little


She also knew that Charlie Wade was already married, and she was always rushing to get close to him.

It was indeed a bit inappropriate. Now that the uncle said that, it was naturally even more embarrassing.

Lord Mooore snorted coldly at this time, and said, “You know what a fart? Master Wade and the girl from

the Wilson family are simply famous and inaccurate. In that case, what should we worry about?”

After finishing speaking, Lord Mooore simply ignored him and said to Jasmine, “Jasmine, don’t care what

other people think. If you also like Master Wade, just let go and pursue it.”

Jasmine pursed her mouth and did not speak, obviously feeling a little uncomfortable in her heart.

Lord Mooore saw her thoughts, turned his head and glared at Theodore, and said coldly: “From today, no

one is allowed to say that Master Wade was married, otherwise, don’t blame me for being unwelcome!”

When Theodore heard this, he hurriedly bowed and said, “Dad, I’m sorry, I was the one who talked too


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“Huh, you know it!” Lord Mooore snorted dissatisfied, and immediately said to Jasmine, “Jasmine, you

can make an appointment with Master Wade for me tomorrow.

I would like to invite him to dinner and thank him for giving me a rejuvenation pill. Great kindness, I will

prepare a one-billion-cash card at that time, as my little care, and give it to Master Wade during the


The rest of the Moore family were shocked!

Billion in cash? !

The cash flow of the entire Moore family is only about 3 billion. The old man is going to take out one-third

of the cash flow of the family and give it to Charlie Wade? !

Both Theodore and Rueben’s eyes burst into flames.

The cash in hand of the father and son may not add up to three to five billion, the old man wants to give

Charlie Wade one billion now? !

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 765

Early the next morning.

Claire Wilson Wilson ate early and went to the company.

The old man, Jacob Wilson, had a dark face all morning, and he was full of upset when he saw Elaine

Ma, and Charlie Wade was too lazy to care about her.

The thought of the family’s savings of more than two million, which caused Elaine Ma to lose completely,

and Jacob Wilson was furious.

He doesn’t have much money himself, this little money is accumulated by his family for many years.

And the money he earned from dumping antiques has now been wiped out.

Jacob Wilson even felt that he should come back out of the world, go to the antique street, pick up a

leak, and then find Zachary to sell it.

Elaine Ma seemed a little guilty of conscience when she woke up early in the morning, so she always

smiled at Jacob Wilson, but Jacob Wilson still ignored her.

Seeing her hot face pressed her cold ass, Elaine Ma is now daring to be angry and afraid to speak, so

she can only point her finger at Charlie Wade and said angrily: “Hey, Charlie Wade, you are idle at home,

you are also idle at home. People look at feng shui and so on, flicker some money back to buy furniture

for the house! Otherwise, how can we move to Thompson First?”

Charlie Wade said lightly: “I will try my best.”

Elaine Ma pinched her waist and said, “As far as you can, you have to make money back!”

Jacob Wilson said dissatisfied: “Where are you bluffing? Charlie Wade made a great contribution to the

family. Unlike you, you not only didn’t make a penny, but you spent a lot of money, and even lost money.

This family, we All three are positive numbers, and you are the only negative number! And your negative

number is still very negative, so we cancel out all our positive numbers in one go!”

“You…” Elaine Ma flushed with anger.

She wanted to question Jacob Wilson. She was bluffing at Charlie Wade. What does it have to do with

you? You Jacob Wilson is amazing now. Not only do you dare to yell at me and beat me, but you also

dare to stand up for Charlie Wade?

Co-authored my old lady, is now the one with the lowest status in this family? I said nothing can’t work,


While Elaine Ma was holding the fire, Charlie Wade’s cell phone rang.

Jasmine called. After the phone was connected, Jasmine said respectfully on the other end of the phone:

“Master Wade, are you busy?”

Charlie Wade smiled slightly: “Nothing is busy, what’s the matter?”

“That’s it.” Jasmine said: “Grandpa is very grateful for the Rejuvination thing. I would like to treat you to a

meal. I wonder if you have time?”

Charlie Wade smiled and said, “Didn’t you just ate it yesterday? You still ate it today?”

Jasmine said: “Yesterday was a birthday banquet. Today I want to invite you to dinner alone. I don’t know

if you have time?”

Charlie Wade thought for a while, and asked, “What time?”

Jasmine hurriedly said, “It depends on what time is convenient for you.”

Charlie Wade said: “Then just go to noon.”

“Good!” Jasmine said hurriedly: “I asked Don Albertt to clear the Heaven Springs in advance and wait for

you in the Diamond Box at noon!”

Charlie Wade said, “See you at noon, then.”

“Okay Master Wade, see you at noon!”

After hanging up the phone, Charlie Wade said to Elaine Ma and Jacob Wilson, “Dad, Mom, I have

something to do at noon, and I can’t cook at home. You two should go out to eat or order a takeaway.”

Elaine Ma blurted out, “What is it? Let’s go out to eat and order takeaway? You are so good now, you

don’t even make meals?!”

Charlie Wade said lightly: “A client asked me to see Feng Shui. He is a rich boss.”