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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 751-755
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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 751

Although Jacob Wilson was useless, he was by no means a fool. In this family, to talk about vanity, I

have both myself and his wife Elaine Ma. However, Elaine Ma’s vanity is at least 10,000 times stronger

than himself! Elaine Ma is a typical face-to-face, vanity to the extreme!

Now she has the face to say that she is vanity? This old lady really doesn’t know what a face is! While

being angry, Jacob Wilson suddenly thought of something not quite right.

Elaine Ma has always been thinking about Thompson First’s A05 villa.

Before the renovation was finished, he had been thinking about moving in, and even dragged herself to

see the progress of the villa’s renovation several times. At that time, Elaine Ma also planned what he

would buy for the living room. What kind of sofa, what kind of bed should I buy in the bedroom, and what

kind of table should I buy in the restaurant?

In other words, Elaine Ma had never thought that Mr. White would furnish furniture.

Therefore, she is also ready to spend money on furniture, and can’t wait to live in.

But, why is the villa now completely renovated and has to buy furniture to move in, and she is reluctant to

spend money to buy it?

This thing must be strange!

So, Jacob Wilson asked in a cold voice: “Elaine Ma, you are reluctant to buy furniture. What is the

reason? Is there not so much money at home?”

Elaine Ma hurriedly said: “No, no, I just want to save some money, I might have to spend money when

starting a business, how can we spend all our money on pleasure?”

Jacob Wilson frowned and blurted out: “Come on, you open your mobile bank and let me see the


“What do you mean?” Elaine Ma was flustered, but pretended to be annoyed: “Jacob Wilson, you want to

check my account? Do you not trust me?!”

“Yes!” Jacob Wilson replied decisively and coldly said: “I seriously doubt now whether you have made a

big gap in the money at home! Otherwise, with your personality, I would have long wished to move to the

soup tonight.”

Elaine Ma quibbled: “You don’t have to calculate there. I will manage the money at home. This is what

we said when we got married. What qualifications do you have to check my account?!”

When Jacob Wilson saw that Elaine Ma was playing a rogue completely, he immediately guessed that

there must be something wrong with the money.

He immediately said seriously: “Elaine Ma, don’t think you can fool it this time, if you don’t let me look at

the bank account. The balance, I will divorce you!”

“Divorce?!” Elaine Ma exploded, and blurted out: “Jacob Wilson, you are amazing! You are going to

divorce me! Do you still have a conscience?

Have you ever thought about how much hardship I have suffered with you for so many years? , How

many wrongs did I suffer? Back then, when I was unmarried, I got pregnant first, and how many people

pointed me behind my back? Have you forgotten?”

“I haven’t forgotten.” Jacob Wilson said, “That’s why I have been accommodating you and forbearing

you. The same is true now, but I just want to know how much money is left in my family. Don’t forget, I

am also from this family.

As a member, I also contributed a lot of income to this family! Before I had a fight with my mother and the

Wilson Group did not go downhill, I would get a bonus of 20,000 or 30,000 every month!”

Elaine Ma snorted coldly: “Don’t come with me. In this house, I am the one in charge of the money. You

are not qualified to ask!”

Jacob Wilson gritted his teeth and said: “Okay! Are you going to die? Okay! In this case, we will divorce

tomorrow. I have nothing to say with you!”

“you dare!”

“Why don’t I dare?”

Jacob Wilson shouted coldly: “I’ll tell you! I will go to find a lawyer tomorrow! I will do what I say! Anyway,

there is nothing worth dividing in this family, that is, two million deposits and a house. The child is also

big and married, so If you don’t involve the child with whom, it will be done soon.”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 752

As he said, Jacob Wilson stared at Elaine Ma again, and said, “The two million cash is left to you for

safekeeping. Then I will directly sue the court and ask to divide the half. If you can’t take it out, you will

be legally responsible. of!”

“You…” Elaine Ma really didn’t expect that Jacob Wilson, an old fellow, would be so cruel!

Divorce yourself and divide your property? If he really sues himself, what can he do?

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I am old now and have no money.

I am really divorced, so what good days do I have?

When I thought of this, Elaine Ma was a little confused.

She softened hurriedly and said: “Oh my husband, why are you so angry!

We two walked over in the wind and rain for more than 20 years, are you worthy of turning your face with

me at this time?”

Jacob Wilson said seriously: “I just want to know how much money is left in the family. If you refuse to

disclose, then I will divorce you tomorrow!”

In fact, Jacob Wilson had been fed up with Elaine Ma for a long time. It can even be said that he didn’t

like Elaine Ma at all back then!

He was in love with Matilda, the school flower of the year, and Elaine Ma got involved in the third party.

He has been ignoring Elaine Ma. That’s why Elaine Ma thought of the shameless trick. First she got him

drunk and had a relationship with him. The she told Matilda and made Matilda break up with him in pain.

It was also because Elaine Ma was lucky and became pregnant at that time, so she used the child to

force Jacob Wilson to marry herself. Jacob Wilson lost Matilda at the time and was hit hard. When he

thought that Elaine Ma was pregnant with her own child, he chose to marry Elaine Ma for the sake of the

child, and then he had a sad marriage life for more than two decades.

Originally, Jacob Wilson had already accepted his fate. What happens if you are divorced? So I didn’t

touch this thought. When the classmates reunion last time, he was a little shaken when he was so

ridiculed by everyone. Today, Elaine Ma behaved so abnormally, so violently, arrogantly, and

unreasonably. He has completely given up his mind.

Now he can’t wait to divorce her and get rid of this woman! Elaine Ma was really panicked at this time.

She has been bullying Jacob Wilson for so many years, Jacob Wilson can bear it, and has never been

so resolute or tough, so it can be seen that she really made him anxious!

Although Elaine Ma is pungent, she is actually a paper tiger. When she yelled, if the other party slapped

her, she would be honest immediately; But if others showed a little fear, she immediately rushed to bite

someone. So, seeing Jacob Wilson really angry, she was really scared. Claire Wilson Wilson also said at

this time: “Mom, although money matters are yours, both dad and I are qualified and have the right to

know the financial situation of the family.

Since dad wants to see the specific balance, you can open the mobile banking. Let him see!” Elaine Ma

bit her lip, the line of defense in her heart has completely collapsed.

She looked at Jacob Wilson dodgingly, and gathered the courage to whisper: “The money…there is no

more…” “What’s the thing?” Jacob Wilson suddenly exploded, and blurted out: “There is no money?!

More than two million Dollar, no more?!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 753

The voice of Jacob Wilson shocked Elaine Ma immediately! At this moment, she couldn’t continue to

conceal it, so she could only vainly said: “Husband, I’m sorry, my family’s money has all made me lose all

the cards…”

She didn’t dare to say that she was tricked by Hannah, because the Wilson family is still frantically

looking for Hannah. If she tells the truth and spreads it out, the Wilson family probably will come soon.

She didn’t think about Charlie Wade. The main reason was that she didn’t want to cause trouble for

herself. After all, Don Albertt sent all those people to the black coal mine at the time. These people are

all missing now. If it is found out, it will be impossible.

Well, I must be implicated. So she can only say that the money was lost by her own card game, but there

is no way to say that she was deceived by Hannah’s design. When Jacob Wilson heard that she had lost

more than two million in card games, his anger went wild. One could not control it, and he slapped Elaine

Ma’s face with a slap in the face, yelling: “Did you lose more than two million?

You prodigal wife, do you know how many years this is our family’s savings!” Elaine Ma married Jacob

Wilson for so many years, this is the first time he has been beaten. A slap relentlessly and vigorously

came over, directly harming Elaine Ma! Elaine Ma held her face for a while, then suddenly furious,

cursing: “Jacob Wilson! Do you dare to hit me?!”

“Hit you?!” Jacob Wilson gritted his teeth and said, “It’s easy to hit you!” After speaking, he raised his

hand and slapped it again! This time Jacob Wilson was really furious, so he grabbed Elaine Ma’s hair,

pointed it at her face and snapped his bow left and right. He cursed at the same time: “I let you bet! I let

you bet! You made our family work hard.

You lost all my money. Not only will I hit you, I will divorce you!” Claire Wilson Wilson looked silly, and

hurriedly wanted to come up to the fight, but Jacob Wilson said, “No one will stop me today. Not only will

I hit this stinky lady, I must completely draw a line with her!” Elaine Ma had already been drawn blood all

over his face at this time, and her lungs were about to explode, but when she heard this, she suddenly


Based on her understanding of Jacob Wilson, she knew very well that Jacob Wilson was really angry!

A person who rarely gets angry, if suddenly gets angry, then there is no doubt that he must be really very

angry! He wants to divorce now, will she be helpless in the future?

At this time, Elaine Ma was unwilling to divorce, so being slapped she can only endure! So she cried and

said, “My husband, I am wrong…I am wrong husband… Please forgive me!” As she said, she knelt on

the ground as soon as his legs softened, hugged Jacob Wilson’s legs, and cried, “Husband, I didn’t want

to lose so much money in a card game, but I was so obsessed with my heart.

When, so all the money is lost, I beg you to forgive me, I really know I was wrong!” “You know it’s

wrong?” Jacob Wilson gritted his teeth and said, “You know it’s wrong. Why didn’t you tell me about the

money loss? You know it was wrong.

Why did you just talk with me? Do you think you lost all your money? Let me see the account balance,

this matter can pass?! Do you think you can kneel down on my knees and beg me to forgive you now?

I tell you Elaine Ma, you are dreaming! Today’s marriage, I’m leaving! I’ll go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to

go through the divorce procedures tomorrow morning, and I will make a clean break with you from now

on!” When Claire Wilson Wilson heard this, she couldn’t bear it. As a child, how could she be willing to

see her parents divorce?

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 754

Moreover, the parents are so old that they will have to rely on and help each other when they are old. At

this time, divorce makes it difficult for both of them to be happy. More importantly, after the divorce,

where do the parents live?

There is only one set of houses in the family, but there is one set of villas, but that was given to Charlie

Wade. Claire Wilson Wilson always felt that the villa was unreliable, and she might leave the villa


So, in this way, you can’t let your father or mother go out of the house, right? Moreover, my company has

just started. Although everyone is taking care of their own business, the company is very small after all

and needs a little bit of money. Now there is no money to buy a house for any one of my parents as a


So if this family really wants to separate, it must be torn apart and lose both sides. So she could only

plead: “Oh, dad, mom has admitted wrong, so don’t be familiar with her, forgive her this time, okay?”

After speaking, she hurriedly added another sentence, saying: “If you don’t have any money, you can

make more money. After all, our company is doing pretty well now.

I believe it will definitely make more money in the future!” Jacob Wilson said angrily: “This is not a matter

of two million, but a matter of nature! She took the savings of our whole family, but she was completely

irresponsible. She would not say anything to us if she lost everything. Never forgive!” Then, Jacob Wilson

said again: “Think about it for yourself at first.

She lost all her money and didn’t speak. If one day I am in a car accident like last time, I am about to die,

waiting for her to pay me for first aid. , She can’t get it out, what should I do? If the same thing happens

to you and Charlie Wade, what should I do?”

“This money is not only our family’s savings, but also our future support! She is completely irresponsible

to us. What does such a person still keep her in this house? In my opinion, it is better to follow her. Make

a clean break, so she won’t hurt us again in the future!” Claire Wilson Wilson sighed, and didn’t know

what to say.

What Dad said was true. Mom lost so much money at once. The nature is indeed too bad. But, again,

she is also her own mother! Elaine Ma was also frightened by Jacob Wilson’s decisive tone. Holding his

legs tightly, he kept kowtow, crying and saying: “My husband…husband…you can’t divorce me. I can’t

live without you. I really know I’m wrong. Just forgive me this time.

If you don’t forgive me, what is the point of being alive? I’m dead, forget me!” After speaking, he let go of

Jacob Wilson’s legs and ran to the balcony.

Claire Wilson Wilson was startled, and hurried to catch up. I live on the 15th floor, if my mother really

wants to find a short sight, this will be terrible!

Jacob Wilson looked at him coldly, and blurted out: “In the beginning, you leave her alone, you let her

dance, I still don’t believe it! You cried, made trouble and hanged three times. Your mother is a master,

and that skill has long been perfect!”

As soon as Elaine Ma heard this, she shouted: “Jacob Wilson, are you really going to kill me? Okay, then

I really just jump down and forget it, and make you feel guilty forever!”

After speaking, she rushed to the balcony, opened the window, and wanted to climb outside.

Claire Wilson Wilson hurriedly hugged her waist, crying and said, “Mom, what are you doing? Let’s talk

about what’s the matter…”

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Elaine Ma burst into tears and said, “What else can I say. Your dad is so unfeeling to want me to die,

what face do I have to live in this world!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 755

On the balcony, Claire Wilson Wilson hugged Elaine Ma, crying and said, “Mom, Dad is also angry. Give

him some time and he will be relieved slowly. Don’t think about it!”

Elaine Ma crawled on the window and cried loudly: “Good girl, don’t stop mom. Tonight is mom’s death.

In the future, you will celebrate the holidays.

Don’t forget to burn some money for mom. Don’t talk to Charlie Wade, who is an unfilial son. Like, I don’t

want to burn paper for his dead parents! My parents have no money to spend below, so they come to

him with a dream and burn the checks…”

Charlie Wade’s face turned green when he heard this!

Elaine Ma, Elaine Ma, you are so amazing. Last time in the hospital, you accidentally gave you the one

hundred million cheque from Jasmine, which almost made you pick up a big leak!

Fortunately, you don’t believe it. Take it back to trouble me. If this really allows you to exchange 100

million in cash, wouldn’t you burn the bag to the sky?

This proves that you have no life to make a fortune at all.

So, he couldn’t help but pray in his heart, Jacob Wilson, you can be tough once, you must divorce this


When you are divorced, I will cover you from now on. Anyway, what I have is money. I will give you three

melons and dates.

It will be enough for you to live and moisturize. Maybe you can meet a good old lady. Come on The

second spring!

At this time, Claire Wilson Wilson felt very uncomfortable. He cried and said, “Mom, what can’t you just

say that you have to find a life? Even if you really divorced your dad, can you live on like this? Why do

you want to Can’t think of it?”

Elaine Ma cried out loudly: “I followed your dad when I was a big girl. I was pregnant before I got

married. How many people pointed me at my spine. I was neither angry nor complained. I just wanted to

Live well with your dad, who would have thought that after so many years of suffering and tiredness, your

dad is going to divorce me…”

As she said, she shouted desperately: “Why am I still alive? I’ll just die and forget me!”

Almost everyone in the community heard Elaine Ma’s shout from the window.

Then, downstairs, someone yelled: “Big girl, don’t think about it, what is more important than being alive!”

“Yes, old girl, my husband is raising a mistress outside, so I didn’t even think about jumping off the


Others scolded: “Grass, you stinky lady will die outside, don’t die in our community, otherwise the

housing prices of the entire community will be pulled down by you!”

As soon as Elaine Ma heard this, she exploded and scolded angrily: “That dog’s grotesque is talking

about it? I die wherever my old mother loves to die. After my old mother’s death, she will haunt you and

haunt you all the time.

The whole family, I want to kill your whole family, leaving no one left, and make your mouth cheap!”

As soon as I said this, there was a dead silence outside…

No one thought that Elaine Ma’s combat effectiveness was so fierce, that he would be able to curse such


When Elaine Ma saw that the person who was speaking fell silent, she immediately cursed: “The dog

who made me get out and die just now, why don’t you speak at this time? I tell you, you won’t survive


Your whole family will be violent tonight. Kill! Your mother killed a car, your father killed a dog, your wife

and children killed by lightning!”

The whole community collapsed…

What a hatred, such a curse? !

At this time, I heard someone yelling from outside, “Do you believe me, stinky lady, I’ll hack you right


Elaine Ma was not afraid, and blurted out: “Come on, you, bastard, you think I will be afraid of you? I tell

you, I don’t want to live anymore, and I will die with you at that time!”

After finishing speaking, Elaine Ma said again: “You bastard have a kind of house number to report, I will

now take a knife to your door to cut her wrist!

Cut the artery, blood smashed into your door! Then again! Hanged at your door! I will haunt you forever!”

As soon as the other party heard that, he was completely shocked almost immediately.

A ruthless person like Elaine Ma, ordinary people really can’t provoke him. Who is Elaine Ma? If you bite

against the Tibetan Mastiff, you can’t lose it.

How could ordinary people be her opponent!

Elaine Ma sneered when he saw the man’s defeat, Wilson brat still dare to pretend to be your grandma?

Your grandma can stand in front of your house and scold you for three weeks. If your mother doesn’t

know you if you don’t scold you, you will be like your grandma for more than 40 years!