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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 726-730
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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 726

When the Shangri-La security captain saw this, he immediately led the team and rushed over, stopped

them, and said coldly: “Several people, don’t make trouble at Shangri-La’s door, or don’t blame me for

being polite!”

Mr. Jones knew that Cameron Isaac, the boss of Shangri-La, had a strong background, so he hurriedly

stopped, stopped the people around him, and said to the driver: “Fortune telling you today, please be

careful in the future, or you will be killed!”

After speaking, take someone to enter Shangri-La.

As soon as they were about to enter, the security guards immediately reached out to stop them, and the

lobby manager hurriedly came over and said: “Sorry, gentlemen, you are indecently dressed and poorly


According to regulations, you cannot enter our Shangri-La Hotel!”

Hearing this, Mr. Jones calmed down and said with disdain: “We are from the Webb family of southern

region, you, a little manager, dare to stop me?!”

The lobby manager frowned and said with a strong attitude: “This gentleman, I don’t care if you are from

the southern region family or someone from another family. According to the regulations, you are not

allowed to enter Shangri-La!”

After speaking, he said coldly: “Several faces have already scared our guests and affected the reputation

of our hotel. Please leave immediately, otherwise, you will be at your own risk!”

Mr. Jones’s heart was raging, and he said coldly: “I will give you the face of Mr. Cameron and will not

beat you, but if you continue to find uncomfortable, then don’t blame me for being rude to you!”

The lobby manager did not back down and blurted out: “I’m sorry, the rules are the rules, you can’t enter


Mr. Jones gritted his teeth.

Not to mention a lobby manager, even if the security team all come up, it is impossible to be the

opponent of their five useless people. Everyone can take this group of people down with the work of their


However, the other party is Cameron Isaac’s dog, which is a bit tricky. If Cameron Isaac is offended,

wouldn’t it be worth the loss?

At this moment, their noises attracted the attention of many people in the lobby.

Many people were watching them whispering, and Mr. Jones listened carefully, only to realize that these

people were actually discussing what characters were carved on their foreheads!

He was immediately embarrassed and unwilling to stay here to be watched, so he said to the lobby

manager with a black face, “I will give you three seconds, give me the f*ck, otherwise, don’t blame I’m

not polite to you!”

The lobby manager also had a bit of temper, and immediately shouted to the security captain: “Captain

Sullivan, these people have seriously affected the image of Shangri-La, kick them all out!”

Mr. Jones was furious and cursed: “Shame on your face, beat me!”

After speaking, he rushed forward first, kicked the lobby manager to the ground with one kick, and

immediately vomited blood from his kick!

Mr. Jones vomited bloody sputum on his face, cursing: “If you don’t know whether you live or die, dare to

talk more, believe it or not, I will just destroy you!”

The lobby manager endured the huge pain in his body, and ordered several security guards behind him:

“Shoot out all these guys who dare to make trouble in Shangri-La!”

But with this order, before a few security guards could react, unexpectedly, the other four bodyguards of

Webb’s family rushed forward, and they went crazy in an instant!

This group of people suffered a lot in front of Charlie Wade, and they were already holding back the fire.

Suddenly, there was an object of exasperation. They had completely lost their minds and vented wildly to

this group of people. They just wanted to put the group in front of them. People were killed to relieve the

hatred in the heart.

Although Charlie Wade had their hands severed by Charlie Wade, they were from a family training family.

Their legs and knees could cause great damage to these security guards.

Therefore, with just one move, all these weak security guards were overthrown to the ground, causing

the opponent to lose combat effectiveness.

Seeing that these people were losing, and if they continued to fight, they would definitely be dead. Mr.

Jones asked everyone to stop the attack and said coldly, “A bunch of dogs that don’t have long eyes slap

their mouths, and they dare to fight against my Webb family. I ah, Don’t look at what virtue you are!”

After speaking, he took the elevator directly with people and went upstairs.

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 727

After the five Mr. Jones left, the scene was in a mess.

Shangri-La’s lobby manager and several security guards were all injured lying on the ground, their noses

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and faces swollen looking very miserable.

A security guard struggled to get up and hurriedly helped the lobby manager from the ground, and

couldn’t help but ask: “Manager, what should I do now?”

The lobby manager said with a cold face, “You quickly take other people to the hospital, I will find Mr.

Cameron! If you dare to make trouble in Shangri-La, I still don’t believe Mr. Cameron will let him go!”

With that said, he limped to Cameron Isaac’s office.

At this time, Donald and Sean, the father and son, were staying in the presidential suite of the Shangri-

La Hotel, patiently waiting for Mr. Jones and others to return to their lives.

A few dozen minutes ago, Donald also received a message from Mrr.. Lloyd, saying that he had arrived

at Heaven Springs and subdued Don Albertt.

Not only that, but he also found an unexpected surprise. Charlie Wade’s father-in-law was also Dining in

Heaven Springs.

This made Donald very happy. He felt that just taking advantage of this opportunity, he would kill Charlie

Wade’s father-in-law first.

But now seeing that time has passed by almost an hour, Mrr.. Lloyd has not reported any progress to

himself, which makes Donald aware that something is wrong.

He called Mrr.. Lloyd but no one answered, and he called Mr. Jones again, but no one answered.

Actually, the mobile phone is in Mr. Jones’s pocket, but both of his arms are useless, and there is no way

to get the mobile phone out of his pocket.

The other four people are the same, and there is nothing they can do at this time.

If only the fingers were scrapped, it would be nice to still be able to control the phone by sliding the belly

of the fingers with the drooping fingers, but now, the whole arm can’t use any strength, it’s a complete


Donald couldn’t get through Mr. Jones’s phone, and he couldn’t help feeling a little nervous.

Mr. Jones’s strength is very strong. He hasn’t met an opponent so far, so he can’t plant on Don Albertt,


Sean frowned and couldn’t help but say to his father Donald: “Dad, Mrr.. Lloyd’s situation, no one has

given us any reply up to now, did Mr. Jones and the others have an accident?”

Donald shook his head and said confidently: “Impossible, Mr. Jones and the others are all experts. They

are powerful. Looking at the whole Aurouss Hilll, it is impossible for anyone to be their opponent!”

As he was talking, he took out his phone again and called Mr. Jones.

Immediately afterwards, he heard a cell phone ringing outside the corridor.

While he was still wondering, he heard the doorbell ring.

It was a little brother of Mr. Jones, who pressed the doorbell with his forehead.

When Sean heard the doorbell rang, he blurted out: “It is estimated that someone has returned!” After

finishing speaking, he hurried to the door, opened the door and was stunned for a moment! Donald

paced over slowly at this time, still smiling and saying: “What am I talking about? With Don Albertt’s

insignificant role, how can he beat Mr. Jones?”

After finishing speaking, he did not forget to say to his son who was in a daze at the door, and said with

earnest words: “You, don’t rush and mess up your position. You must be calm when you become a big

thing. You have to think about this in the future.”

Sean swallowed his saliva, pointed at the five ghost-like people outside the door with horror, and said

blankly: “Dad, come and take a look!” “What are you looking at?”

Donald said indifferently, “Didn’t they come back from Heaven Springs? What are they still standing

outside the door?

Let them come in and tell me in detail about the process of killing Don Albertt!” When Sean heard this, he

took a step back subconsciously to make room. Mr. Jones and the five people gathered up their courage,

shook their two broken arms, and walked in with their heads downcast and dejected!

When Donald saw the five people coming in, he was shocked and stunned. The tea cup in his hand was

suddenly unsteady, and he dropped to the ground…

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 728

He looked at five ghost-like people, and said dumbfounded: “You…you…what’s the matter?! What

happened to your foreheads? Why is it all blood?! This… …. How does it look like it was written by

someone?!” As several of them kept their heads down, it was difficult for Donald to make out the words

on their foreheads.

Mr. Jones immediately took a step forward, thumped, and knelt in front of Donald, and said in fear, “Mr.

Webb, I’m not doing things well, please punish us!” Seeing these people in such a horrible situation,

Donald’s heart shook, his face changed suddenly, and he asked: “You can tell me clearly, what


Mr. Jones knelt on the ground, bowed his head and cried, “Mr. Webb, we will help Mrr.. Lloyd deal with

Don Albertt as ordered by the young master. Today in Heaven Springs, we had already controlled Don

Albertt and even caught Wilson. Charlie Wade’s father-in-law, but who expected that Charlie Wade would

suddenly rush in…”

Speaking of this, he wept bitterly and said: “Mr. Webb, that Charlie Wade’s strength is too strong, not to

mention that I am not his worthy opponent. Even the five of us can’t match him at all. However, not only

did we all have his arms scrapped by him, but he also engraved words on our foreheads…” Donald was

struck by lightning! Better than Mr. Jones?

Is that still a human? ! He trembled with disbelief on his face and said, “Even you are not Charlie Wade’s

opponents of the trash?! That trash…that trash is so strong?!” As he said, he thought of engraving, and

hurriedly asked: “Engraving? What kind of words? Look up, let me see!”

Mr. Jones and the others hesitated for a while, but didn’t dare to defy Donald’s orders, they could only

raise their heads with a gray face, that expression was even more tragic than the dead family! Donald

and his son stared at these people’s foreheads, and suddenly became furious! Sean beep! Kian loves to

eat shit!

Sean is gay! Donald is incompetent! I want to poop to Sean to eat! They looked at these extremely

humiliating words, their faces turned green! Donald has lived for most of his life.

He has seen all kinds of punishment methods, and he has even seen many corpses who died tragically,

but he has never seen such a scene!

This…this is f*cking cruel!

Engrave on someone’s forehead, and the engraved words are still so full of humiliation! This really

makes people feel a tingling scalp and chills in the limbs! Donald was panicked and angry, and

questioned: “This is all the waste of Charlie Wade?

Mr. Jones knelt on the ground and said: “It was the calligraphy that he made Don Albertt, and he also

asked me to bring you a message, saying that if you want to target him, just come, but if you dare to

involve people around him, then he will let Our Webb family will never recover…”

After Sean heard this, he couldn’t help but furious, gritted his teeth and said: “Dad, Charlie Wade alone

would dare to let my Webb family be overwhelmed. What a big tone! How can you be worthy of the

Webb family’s face if you don’t kill him!”

Donald’s expression was a bit cold, and he said, “Do you think it is easy to kill him? These five people

have been completely abandoned. You and my father and son are in Aurouss Hilll. Now there is not even

a bodyguard.

If Charlie Wade comes to the door, we What to resist?!” Just now, Sean, who was pretending to be

forced to kill Charlie Wade, turned pale in shock and said: “Dad, let’s run now!”

Donald glared at him, and said in dissatisfaction: “What are you panicking? This is in Shangri-La! I don’t

believe that Eastcliff Wade family’s property, that waste dare to kill here! If he really dares to come, then

Eastcliff Wade The family will never let him go!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 729

At this moment, the lobby manager who was kicked half-dead by Mr. Jones, with the support of several

employees, staggered to the door of Cameron Isaac’s office. Knocking on the office door, as soon as the

lobby manager entered, Cameron Isaac saw that he was completely injured, and blurted out, “Manager,

what’s the matter?”

Manager said indignantly: “Mr. Cameron, some bodyguards from southern region Webb’s family dared to

break into our hotel and fight me and some security guards in the lobby of our hotel!” “What?!” Cameron

Isaac frowned and blurted out: “What’s the matter? Both the Webb family and his son live in our

presidential suite, and their bodyguards also live in it. Why did they break into the hotel? Fight?”

Manager hurriedly explained: “It’s like this. A few of them seemed to have just had a fight with someone

outside. They were covered in blood, their arms were broken, and their foreheads were carved with a


The face is full of blood, it looks like Shura, doesn’t our hotel always have a request to not allow guests

with disheveled clothes to enter, so I stopped them…” Cameron Isaac frowned.

He had also heard of Webb’s bodyguard. It is said that the strength is very extraordinary. These five

people, in Aurouss Hilll, even Cameron Isaac’s own bodyguards may not be their opponents. Therefore,

when Cameron Isaac heard that their arms and foreheads were engraved on them, he was stunned!

He couldn’t figure out, when did Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon start in places like Aurouss Hilll? Is

there such a master who can abolish all the five bodyguards of the Webb family? What kind of perverted

power must this be?

Thinking of this, he said to Manager: “This matter is a bit weird, don’t worry, I’ll call someone to check it.”

Cameron Isaac had many eyes and ears in Aurouss Hilll. He quickly picked up his mobile phone, dialed

a number, and said in a cold voice: “Check it out now, the bodyguard of Webb’s family in southern region,

what did you do in Aurouss Hilll tonight, within five minutes, I want to All results!”

Three minutes later, Cameron Isaac’s phone rang. Hearing the words on the other end of the phone,

Cameron Isaac was struck by lightning!

It turned out that the bodyguard of the Webb family went to Heaven Springs tonight and wanted to

punish Don Albertt, but unexpectedly, he was defeated by his young master Charlie Wade! The five

masters of the Webb family were actually defeated by the young master? !

Oh my god, Master has such a powerful strength? ! Cameron Isaac was terrified! Immediately, a strong

anger surged in his heart! Webb family, so bold!

Don Albertt had been with the young master a long time ago, and he was considered half of the Wade

family. How dare the Webb family come to Aurouss Hilll to punish Don Albertt, and even clashed with his

own young master? They are tired of life, right? !

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Moreover, after this group of people went to punish Don Albertt and was beaten to death by their own

young master, they were so arrogant that they beat the lobby manager of Shangri-La? !

Who the hell is going to offend the Wade Family to death!

Thinking of this, Cameron Isaac was furious!

I even gave the father and son face back and let them live in the presidential suite in Shangri-La. If the

young master knew about it, what if the crime came down? !

The angry Cameron Isaac almost wished to rush to the presidential suite where the Webb family and his

son are located, and break the legs of these two dogs!

However, when he thought that the young master was also involved, he didn’t dare to call the shots

without authorization, so he immediately called Charlie Wade.

When the phone was connected, Charlie Wade had just stopped the car.

After the old man got off the car, Charlie Wade said to him: “Dad, I will pick up the phone and go up


Jacob Wilson nodded and said, “You can pick it up, I’ll smoke a cigarette outside and wait for you.”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 730

The old man went to smoke, and he sat in the car to answer the phone.

As soon as the phone was connected, Cameron Isaac hurriedly said, “Master, I heard that you have a

conflict with Webb’s bodyguard?”

Charlie Wade gave a hum, and said, “Your information is quite timely!”

Cameron Isaac hurriedly said: “Master, I also heard that these five people are making trouble in Shangri-

La, and I found out after finding someone to check.”

With that said, Cameron Isaac explained what happened after the five Mr. Jones went to Shangri-La.

After listening to Charlie Wade, he said coldly: “These five dogs, I didn’t expect that dogs can’t change

their poop. I thought they could learn to be honest and low-key, but I didn’t expect them to have both

arms. Leg trouble!”

Cameron Isaac hurriedly said: “Master, now the Webb family and his son are also in Shangri-La, what do

you want to do with them, you only need to give an order and do so immediately!”

Charlie Wade smiled slightly and said, “In this way, you go to their room first and break the legs of these

five dogs.

I see if they have all their hands and feet gone, what else will they do to cause trouble.”

Cameron Isaac blurted out: “Good master! What else do you want?”

Charlie Wade said again: “There are also Donald and Sean. I don’t plan to kill them for the time being,

but I can’t make them so cheap. You can help me to break one of them and drive them out of Aurouss

Hilll. !”

“Okay!” Cameron Isaac said immediately: “Master, don’t worry, I will do this wisely!”

After speaking, Cameron Isaac asked again: “By the way, Master, do you want me to tell them clearly so

that they know what kind of existence they provoke?”

“No.” Charlie Wade said indifferently: “If I let them know my true identity, they will probably be completely

persuaded. That would be boring.”

After speaking, Charlie Wade said again: “Remember, you went to teach them this time, it was

completely because the Webb family bodyguards made trouble in Shangri-La and ruined Wade family’s


Cameron Isaac said immediately: “I understand Master!”

“Well, I understand, just do it.”


In the presidential suite at this time, Donald was darkened, looking at the five dead dogs in front of him!

On the one hand, he hated the waste of these five people, even Charlie Wade could not handle it, on the

other hand, he hated the words engraved on the heads of these five people.

Damn, it’s a complete insult to the Webb family!

He shouted to Mr. Jones in a cold voice: “I will arrange for someone to perform cosmetic surgery on you,

cut off all the skin on your forehead, take skin from other parts of your body and transplant it, and then

you should be able to remove these words!”

Mr. Jones nodded hurriedly, and said with a trembling, “Thank you, Mr. Webb…”

Donald used to have some respect and respect for Mr. Jones, but now he is not pleasing to the eye.

So, he said coldly: “I will transfer a group of new bodyguards from the family, and then you can disband

on the spot.”

“Disbanded on the spot?!” Mr. Jones blurted out: “Mr. Webb, are you trying to fire us?”

Donald frowned and asked, “Otherwise? I’ll keep you as a bodyguard? Can you still be a bodyguard like


Mr. Jones blurted out: “Mr. Webb, our five brothers have been with you for so long, and we have killed

many people, prevented a lot of disasters, and suffered a lot of injuries for you.

Today, all five of us were abandoned by Charlie Wade. This is also to help you. How can you get into

trouble at this time and let us disband on the spot?”

Donald asked in return: “Why? If you don’t dissolve, do you still want me to provide for you?!”

As he said, Donald said in disgust: “Don’t tell me these useless things. I will give you 500,000 severance

pay at that time. If you know how to raise money, you can get out of it. If you don’t know how to raise

money, Don’t blame me for being rude then!”