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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 1166-1170
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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1166

Hannah didn’t care about it. Although she was a little angry at Christopher’s unfeeling in her heart, she

was still a little guilty deep down.

After all, he wore such a big green hat for her, and now the child in her stomach hasn’t gone to the

hospital for an operation, he must see himself very upset.

At this moment, Christopher just opened his eyes.

Since coming out of the hospital, he has been suffering from sequelae, the main manifestation of which

is weakness and lethargy.

I haven’t really slept enough until now, but in his sleep he always felt a sharp itching in his crotch, so he

woke up while scratching it.

The itching sensation is very peculiar. At first, it was rather itchy, and then I couldn’t control it, and it

became very itchy when I scratched it. If I scratch it twice, it would become extremely itchy.

So he scratched himself to the extreme.

He couldn’t help wondering, what happened to him?

I have always paid attention to personal hygiene, so there shouldn’t be any lesions!

He was thinking about it, and he had jumped out of the bed.

Feeling dizzy, he walked onto the terrace while scratching it, wanting to breathe fresh air.

This is good for living in a villa. The privacy can be well protected. The neighbors are far away and there

are no high-rise buildings. Even if you only wear a pair of underwear and walk on the terrace, you don’t

worry about being seen by others.

He came to the terrace, stretched his waist, and then felt the unbearable itchiness even worse.

He grabbed a few hard and didn’t see any improvement. He couldn’t help but feel upset. He was about to

go to the bathroom to take a closer look at what was going on. When he turned around, Christopher felt

that he was on the opposite side of the terrace of Charlie Wade’s house. There was a bunch of green

things floating in the wind.

So he hurriedly looked intently, almost half dead in his sight.

Although it is a little far away, it is still clear that the 20 windward things hanging on the terrace of Charlie

Wade’s house are green hats of different styles and shapes!

20 green hats, what the hell does this mean? !

And it’s facing the direction of your own, isn’t it the damn thing to make it clear for yourself?

Isn’t this just a mockery of being Hannah wearing a green hat?

Damn, it’s outrageous!

Christopher was out of breath, his fists were already clenched, and his nails were almost embedded in

the flesh.

He doesn’t need to think about it, the person who can do this kind of devil’s thing must be Elaine Ma,

there is no second person.

At this moment, he really wanted to grab Elaine Ma’s hair and slap Elaine Ma’s ugly face dozens of times

back and forth!

Thinking of this, he immediately turned back to the house, put on his pants and jacket, and rushed out of

the building.

Mrs. Wilson was sitting in the grand master’s chair in the courtyard basking in the sun.

While basking in the sun, she sighed with emotion about the life of a local tyrant living in Thompson

First’s villa.

Except that the family living next to me is more disheartening, everything else is perfect to the extreme.

This makes the Lady feel very comfortable inside.

Seeing that it was almost time to cook, the Lady even wanted to go to Charlie Wade’s vegetable garden

to steal an order.

But when you think about it carefully, Charlie Wade’s family is so bad, it’s better not to eat their dishes,

otherwise they don’t know what methods they used in it, and they may even use pesticides.

The last time I used daffodils as leeks, a family was admitted to the hospital. The feeling of a family of

five jumping in the house and being pulled away by an ambulance is truly unforgettable.

Just as comfortable, she saw her elder son Christopher going out in a hurry, and hurriedly asked him:

“Why are you going to do?”

Christopher said with a black face, “I’m going to find Elaine Ma, the b*tch shrew!”

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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1167

Lady Wilson was a little unclear, so she didn’t understand why after her son woke up, the first thing she

did was to go to Elaine Ma to settle the account.

So she hurriedly followed up and asked, “Christopher, what are you going to do with Elaine Ma?”

Christopher said angrily: “Elaine Ma, a shameless shrew, hung dozens of various green hats on the

terrace of her villa. Isn’t this just showing me disgusting?”

Lady Wilson looked surprised, and blurted out and asked, “Is there anything like this?” Christopher

gritted his teeth and said, “Don’t you know if you follow me to have a look.” So the mother and son went

out together. As soon as he left here, Mrs. Wilson saw the 20 green hats fluttering in the wind on Elaine

Ma’s terrace.

At this glance, her nose was almost crooked. The Lady said furiously: “This damn Elaine Ma! She must

have watched the video of our hospital. This is deliberately disgusting us!” Christopher nodded, gritted

his teeth and said: “Yeah, mom, I can’t want her for anything! Damn, deceive people too much!”

The mother and son came to the door of Charlie Wade’s villa aggressively, and then the Lady slammed

the door and cursed: “Elaine Ma, you bastard, quickly open the door for me!” After shouting, Elaine Ma

stood directly on the terrace on the third floor and cursed: “Oh, dead old woman, you are not at home to

serve your pregnant eldest daughter-in-law and ran to my door yelling what?”

The mother and son did not expect that Elaine Ma would tell Hannah about being pregnant as soon as

he spoke. This made the expressions of both of them suddenly become very ugly. After all, it is said that

family ugliness cannot be publicized, and no one wants others to mention their own pain points as soon

as they speak. The most depressing of these is Christopher.

As soon as he heard Elaine Ma mentioned Hannah’s pregnancy, he blurted out angrily: “you btch, if you

fcking talk nonsense to me, believe it or not, I cut your tongue!” Elaine Ma curled his lips and said: “Oh,

brother, I really didn’t expect that you have such a great ability, you will cut my tongue?” As she said, she

deliberately laughed and said: “Since you have this ability, why not cut the man who gave you a cuckold

and made your wife pregnant? What’s the point of screaming and fighting with my Lady here? ?”

“You…” Christopher’s face suddenly became extremely ugly. Although he is not a good thing, but in

terms of cursing the street, he is a thousand miles worse than Elaine Ma. With Elaine Ma’s combat

effectiveness, it is not a problem for one person to scold him ten. So seeing Christopher being so angry

that he couldn’t speak, Elaine Ma pursued the victory and said with a smile: “Oh, brother, I really

sympathize with you. The worst thing about a man is to be green hated by others, and you will be led by


After so much, I didn’t expect my sister-in-law to give you a green hat and you were pregnant. Didn’t this

make you like being a father? If I were you, I would have divorced her a long time ago!” This time I even

touched on Christopher’s inner pain! I want to drive Hannah out of the house in my dreams, and never

see this damn b*tch again in my life.

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1168

But Hannah was backed by Donald. She didn’t dare to provoke Donald, let alone disobey Donald’s

meaning, so even if she was put on a green hat by Hannah, she could not divorce her. A man wearing

this kind of green hat can’t divorce his wife yet. What a painful thing, it’s a tragedy on earth.

Unexpectedly, he would run into him. Now that Elaine Ma was slapped off, Christopher’s face was so

painful that he was slapped 10,000 times.

Lady Wilson was naturally also very angry. She was arrogant for a lifetime. What she didn’t want to see

was the reputation of the Wilson family, and she was hit. At the time Wendy accompanied Kenneth

Wilson, although it also caused a lot of criticism, but at that time, the Lady was helpless. Besides, young

girls and rich men are not uncommon in society. Although everyone laughs, they are actually two jokes. It

passed. But this time, the trouble Hannah caused was different. Hannah really completely lost the face of

the Wilson family.

What’s even more hateful is that someone took a video and posted it on the Internet. This time it’s

finished. The entire Wilson family has become the laughing stock of Aurouss Hilll. But in any case, the

Lady could not accept Elaine Ma, a shameless b*tch, and dared to laugh at herself!

So the Lady pointed at Elaine Ma angrily, and cursed: “Elaine Ma, you quickly rip off all those green hats

to me, otherwise don’t blame the Lady for being rude to you!”

“You!” Elaine Ma curled his lips: “I bought these green hats with money. In my house, I can hang them

wherever I want. Why do you think you are the old Wilson? Lady? Let me tell you, in my house, you can’t

even point fingers at me!”

After that, Elaine Ma hurriedly changed her words: “You are impossible and unqualified to enter my

house! If you continue to swear at my door, then I will call the police and let the police arrest you again!”

When the Lady Wilson heard that Elaine Ma wanted to call the police to arrest herself, she trembled with


Although the two were angry, they were completely helpless. If they don’t open the door to themselves,

they can’t rush in and beat her, right? If you rushed in, you would break the law. If you call the police, you

will definitely get caught. Just when the mother and son didn’t know what to do, Elaine Ma took a huge

green hat from the side of the terrace and put it on her head, smiling and saying, “Oh, brother, look at

this green hat, how festive.

Look, this green one is greener than the leeks you ate two days ago?” While talking, Elaine Ma wore a

hat on the terrace exaggeratedly. Although her legs are still not good, doing a few square dance poses is

not a problem. Her twist made Christopher even more angry! At this moment, Christopher was almost on

the verge of collapse. He couldn’t wait to take a rocket launcher and directly blow up Elaine Ma on the

third floor terrace.

“Elaine Ma, you fcking btch, do you play this hand with me? Do you know what’s going to happen to

me?” Elaine Ma smiled and said: “Your wife was pregnant by someone sleeping, isn’t the person

sleeping with your wife doing well? What will happen to him? I just say a few words, and there will be no

end! Hahahaha !” Christopher was furious: “Elaine Ma! I’ll kill you sooner or later!”

Just when Christopher’s dry blue veins violently, Elaine Ma directly flicked the green hat, and the green

hat fluttered directly on top of Christopher’s head. Christopher took a step back and the green hat fell on

the ground. Elaine Ma clapped happily and laughed loudly: “Oh, brother, look at this green hat and he

knows you, so he will fly directly over your head. If you don’t hide, it will be able to wear it on your head! “

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1169

Christopher was really angry. He jumped and scolded angrily: “Elaine Ma, you b*tch, are you looking for

death?” When Elaine Ma heard this, he smiled and said, “Big brother, don’t you be angry. I spent

hundreds of dollars on this pile of green hats, but they are all for you.”

After that, Elaine Ma didn’t know where he took out a green Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles doll, and said

loudly, “Brother, look at this Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, he doesn’t look like you, not only has his head

green, but he is also very bearable. It’s the best portrayal of you, big brother, hahaha…” Christopher was

almost mad, trembling all over, and even his voice became trembling: “You b*tch, why don’t you die? You

are so wicked that you are going to hell.”

Elaine Ma chuckled: “Big brother, I kindly gave you so many hats. You even cursed me to go to hell. You

are too kind to avenge me? But I have always been adults not remembering villains. These are more

than twenty. All the green hats are given to you so that you can wear them for 20 consecutive days

without repetition.” Christopher was really helpless, so he gritted his teeth and said, “Okay you Elaine

Ma, wait for me, I will call the property right now to report you!”

After finishing talking, I immediately called the property of Thompson First and blurted out: “I am the

owner of a04. I now complain that the owner of a05 hangs uncivilized things on the terrace of the house.

You can take care of it!” After a short while, an electric car from the property drove over quickly.

Afterwards, four property managers got out of the electric car and asked: “Did you call the complaint?”

Christopher blurted out: “Yes, it’s me, complaining to the woman upstairs, look at what she has hung up

on the terrace!”

Elaine Ma said coldly: “How come my own hat is hung on the terrace, can you still manage it?”

The four property managers also said helplessly after reading it: “This gentleman, the owner’s terrace is

the owner’s private domain. In theory, no matter what it hangs on, we can’t interfere with it unless it’s

illegal. But others.

It’s not illegal to put on a hat, it’s people’s freedom.”

“Because of your mother!” Christopher whirled around dryly!

If these 20 green hats were hung here all day long, wouldn’t he be mad at Elaine Ma?

Several property managers were scolded by him, naturally they were very dissatisfied, but they still said

politely: “Excuse me, gentleman, this matter is not in the management of our property.”

After that, they got into the battery car and drove away.

Elaine Ma laughed more wildly on the terrace: “Hahaha, Christopher, now you can’t help it, let me tell

you, my green hats will always be hanging here, and I will buy another twenty of them tomorrow. Here, I

let you open your eyes every day and you can see a lot of green hats fluttering in the wind, fluttering with

the wind!”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“You…you…you…” Christopher was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

At this time, Charlie Wade and Claire Wilson Wilson also went to the terrace on the second floor and

took a look. After they figured out what was going on, they both looked at each other helplessly and


Claire Wilson Wilson couldn’t help sighing: “Charlie Wade, you said it’s not good for mom to do this.”

Charlie Wade smiled indifferently, and said, “In fact, there is nothing good or bad. Didn’t they treat us too

much before?”

“When they knew what problem we encountered, they also desperately mocked us.”“You forgot that at

the Thompson First sales office, how did the family laugh at us?”

“And when your studio opened, didn’t they come to mock us too?”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1170

“Now that Mom wants to ridicule and go back, I think it’s just to use her own way to treat her body, in the

final analysis, it is their own responsibility.”

Christopher and Mrs. Wilson almost collapsed because of Elaine Ma’s anger, but they couldn’t do

anything about her behavior. They turned their heads away in anger.

Christopher cursed as he walked: “Damn Elaine Ma, let me find a chance in the future, I must kill her!”

Lady Wilson angrily said, “Don’t talk about her for now. Tomorrow we will quickly take the b*tch Hannah

to get rid of the bastard in her stomach.

This is really a great shame that we have never seen in the Wilson family in a century!”

Christopher also had a look of hatred, gritted his teeth and said, “Mom, don’t worry, I will go with her


Back home, both Harold and Wendy had just gotten up. They were in the living room, waiting for Hannah

to cook, hungry.

Hannah had some money left from selling coffee machines last time. Today, she intends to ease the

family relationship, so she bought a lot of fresh abalone and prepared an abalone feast for her family.

This pile of abalone cost thousands of Dollar just for the ingredients, and to Hannah, it was indeed


When Lady Wilson saw Hannah buying back abalone, her first thought was that she was very happy.

After all, she had good food to eat at noon.

But then the Lady thought of a detail and asked Hannah: “Where did you get the money to buy these


Hannah lied and said, “A friend borrowed a little money while playing cards and never paid it back. Isn’t

this tight on hand? I asked her to come over.”

Lady Wilson nodded gently, and said coldly: “Transfer all the remaining money to WeChat to my account.

From now on, all the money in this family will be managed by me, including the money that Mr. Webb

invested in our Wilson Group. , I also have the sole discretion to decide. If anyone dares to hide private

money behind my back, sorry, please leave this house!”

Hannah immediately laughed and said, “Mom, don’t worry, I will transfer all the remaining money to you,

and I won’t keep a single cent!”

Lady Wilson looked at Christopher and said coldly: “Christopher, you hid more than 10 million private

money before, but you didn’t want to give me life or death. In the end, all the money was lost, so from

now on, if you dare to hide it again Private money, don’t blame me for being a mother, have you heard?”

Christopher nodded his head and said respectfully: “I know Mom, don’t worry, I won’t dare to hide private

money anymore!”

Lady Wilson nodded in satisfaction. It seems that the crisis of the Wilson family has helped to

consolidate her position as the ruler of the family.

Soon, Hannah brought up a lot of various abalones.

Abalone feast, naturally every dish is abalone.

Steamed abalone vermicelli, as well as braised abalone, abalone sashimi, abalone soup, etc.

Because the ingredients are good, every dish tastes very good.

However, at the dinner table, Hannah herself had an ordinary bowl of Yangchun egg noodles, and she

did not eat any abalone.

Wendy was a little surprised, and asked her, “Mom, why don’t you eat abalone? Why don’t you eat a bite

after doing so hard?”

Hannah is ashamed to tell the truth, how can she tell her daughter that she cannot eat seafood because

of various venereal diseases.

So she can only say: “My stomach is not very good these past two days, and I can’t eat seafood.”

Christopher had just received a huge stimulus at Elaine Ma’s place. He was so angry that he glared at

her and said coldly, “As long as you want to eat seafood, you f*cking serve it too! What the hell do you do

with this seafood? Is that wild species?”