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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 1141-1145
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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1141

At this moment. Thompson First!

It was late at night, Charlie Wade and his wife were sleeping soundly in their bed.

At this time, Charlie Wade’s cell phone suddenly buzzed twice.

Worried that the phone would noisy my wife’s sleep, I quickly picked up the phone, and then found that I

had received two WeChat messages.

At this time, it was 12 o’clock in the night. He didn’t know who would send WeChat to himself at this time,

but he guessed that there must be something important to send WeChat at this time.

So he immediately unlocked the phone and found that the WeChat was sent by Don Albertt.

“Master Wade, something happened to Golim Mountain. Liam and I are at your doorstep. I wonder if you

have time to come out to see you?”

Charlie Wade frowned.

There was an accident in Golim Mountain, which proved that the Webb family had another idea of

Weaver family father and son.

So he got up lightly and went downstairs to the door of the villa.

Don Albertt and Liam were standing at the door and waiting respectfully.

Seeing how nervous their expressions were, Charlie Wade asked, “What happened?”

Don Albertt said, “More than half an hour ago, the Webb family sent people to Golim Mountain. This time

there were a lot of people, including 16 people.”

Charlie Wade nodded and asked, “Then, just talk about the result.”

Don Albertt respectfully said: “They intended to take the Weaver family father and son. The two sides

had a gunfight. Liam’s and I killed 15 of them, and one of them escaped.”

Charlie Wade nodded and asked, “Have your people lost?”

Liam said, “Master Wade, I lost three of my people, and the fifth person lost one. That’s four people in


Charlie Wade said with a hum, “It’s okay, it’s a victory overall.”

Don Albertt nodded and said: “I think the Webb family will not let go of the two failures. They may soon

have a full hands on Golim Mountain. Liam and I have already begun to raise people. Recently, we will

rush to Golim Mountain. But I am worried. Once the Webb family will send their gambit card.”

Charlie Wade frowned, “Gambit card?”

“Yes!” Don Albertt said: “It is rumored that there are eight heavenly kings under the Webb family. These

eight heavenly kings are all warriors, and they are extremely powerful!”

Having said that, Don Albertt said again: “Master Wade, our people can deal with ordinary people. But if

we deal with masters of martial arts, it may be a man’s arm blocking the car.

A dozen subordinates do not matter, but I am afraid that Master Wade will be delayed. What happened,

in case they rescued the Weaver family and his son, Don Albertt could not shirk the blame!”

Charlie Wade knows that big families have super masters in captivity.

In my own impression, the Wade family had many masters when they were young.

The strength of these masters is far beyond the cognition of ordinary people.

For the super family with trillions of assets, only the real top master can protect its safety.

So Charlie Wade asked him, “Don Albertt, what do you think?”

Don Albertt hurriedly said: “Master Wade, please forgive me. I have always felt that there is no need for

Jordan and his son to continue to live in the world. Your enemies are now using them as bargaining chips

and are trying their best to fight for it. Instead of doing this, it is better to use this Killing the father and

son will never cause trouble!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1142

Charlie Wade smiled slightly and said: “If everything is solved by murder, then the Webb family will be

dead long ago. Some people deserve to die and must be killed as soon as possible, such as the gang of

beggars; but some people kill it. It’s boring.”

After Charlie Wade finished speaking, he smiled, and then said, “Think about Ichiro Kobayashi in your


Actually, he could have been killed long ago, but why should I keep him? It’s because I think this person

It’s interesting to live, and there are more possibilities when it’s alive. If he dies, many things will lose a

lot of fun. The same goes for the Webb family and the same for the Weaver family.”

In Charlie Wade’s heart, everything in the world complements each other, reinforces each other and

restrains each other.

I kept Kobayashi’s life so that he can live with his brother Jiro Kobayashi. The purpose of keeping the

lives of the Weaver family father and son is to let them and Weaver appear to live together. If Ichiro

Kobayashi is really dead, if he wants to check and balance Jiro Kobayashi, or even Kobayashi

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Pharmaceuticall, he will lose a best bargaining chip. If Liam’s heart becomes rebellious in the future, then

he can use the Weaver family father and son to counter him.

This is the ancient art of the emperor. The real minister would never truly believe in a treacherous official,

but he would never completely favor a loyal official. However, North Korea must not have treacherous

ministers because they are the key to counterbalance loyal ministers.

If he is a loyal minister without the checks and balances of a traitorous minister, then he will become

increasingly arrogant and ignorant, and will gradually become a traitorous minister. That’s why Charlie

Wade needed to check and balance between different people and different people.

After all, the Wade Family is a top-notch big family. The children of the Wade Family have learned the

Four Books and Five Classics from a young age, familiarize themselves with ancient history, and study

the techniques of emperors. These methods are almost brought out of their bones. Therefore, Charlie

Wade shook his voice and said: “Killing Jordan and his son means that I am afraid of the Webb family.

This is a sign of weakness, and I never show weakness.” Having said that, he said lightly: “If I’m right,

the Webb family has probably dispatched the Eight Heavenly Kings, and maybe they are already on their

way to Golim Mountain.” “Ah?!” Don Albertt and Liam were both dumbfounded. Liam said in surprise:

“They shouldn’t be so fast. After all, they just lost 15 people. They should have to go back and rest for a

while before making a comeback.”

“No!” Charlie Wade said confidently: “If Donald could mobilize martial artists, then he should have

dispatched martial artists long ago. Therefore, I guess that the man who can really send martial artists

should be the old man of the Webb family!” “The old generation of entrepreneurs are still very powerful.

Mr. Webb started from scratch, and his ability, courage, and courage must be much better than ordinary

people. If he is in charge of everything behind his back, the means must be much higher than that of

Donald! He will definitely be among others.

When you think it’s least possible to launch an attack, launch a fatal blow.” After that, he smiled

indifferently: “And when the most unlikely attack was just after the failure, everyone thought he would

definitely retreat to rest, but he wanted to hit the opponent by surprise.” Don Albertt exclaimed and said,

“Master Wade, what shall we do now? Shall we send someone over overnight?”

Charlie Wade waved his hand and said calmly: “If the opponent dispatches a martial artist, it’s not

enough to see how much they can go, it’s just to die.” Don Albertt was shocked: “Master Wade, what

should we do?” Charlie Wade said lightly: “You don’t have to worry about this matter, I have my own

arrangements, after all, flying from Southaven all the way to Golim Mountain, the distance is still quite far,

there is still enough time to prepare!”

Hearing Charlie Wade’s words, Liam’s eyes flashed with joy, and a heavy rock in his heart fell to the

ground. Therefore, he said gratefully: “It seems that Master Wade is already confident! Liam is here,

thank you Master Wade!” Liam is the one who fears the Weaver family father and son the most. He didn’t

want the Weaver’s pharmaceuticals that he had finally gotten, and in a blink of an eye he gave up his


The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1143

Seeing that Liam was a little nervous, Charlie Wade smiled indifferently, turned off the topic and asked,

“By the way, how are you doing at Weaver’s Pharmacy?” Liam looked straight and reported: “Master

Wade, the overall development of the pharmaceutical factory has been fairly stable recently, but it has

encountered some obstacles in developing new markets.” “What’s in the way?”

Charlie Wade wondered, according to the strength of Weaver’s Pharmaceutical, it should be said that

there are few rivals in the domestic pharmaceutical industry. However, for the development of new drugs,

as long as a good prescription is found, there should be no problem.

But if the prescription is not good, the strength of the pharmaceutical company is meaningless.

Liam hurriedly replied: “Recently, Weaver’s Pharmaceuticals has invested heavily in developing a new

Chinese patent medicine. The main effect is to drive away evil spirits and reduce dampness, cool the

blood and relieve the heart of the stomach, and treat stomach symptoms such as stomach pain, stomach

acid, and retching.

Both have good curative effects.” Charlie Wade nodded and said, “Stomach disease is also a disease

that modern people easily get. As far as I know, there should not be too many stomach medicines in

China. Except that Sanjiuweitai is somewhat famous, I have never heard of it. Are there any other well-

known Chinese patent medicines for the treatment of the stomach?

In this case, you shouldn’t be too hindered, right?” Liam frowned and explained: “I developed this

medicine because I saw that there are too many people in the city nowadays. Many young people who

go to work have stomach problems at a young age, and there is a large group of potential customers, so

I brought the team to tackle problems. I found a suitable recipe from countless ancient recipes, but I

didn’t expect to be a step ahead by foreign companies, and they also optimized our original recipes.”

Charlie Wade frowned: “Foreign companies? To plagiarize our ancient Chinese medicine prescriptions?

Don’t those companies mainly focus on western medicine?” Liam shook his head and said, “It’s not a

western medicine, but Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals obtained an ancient prescription from our country,

and then developed a kind of stomach powder based on the ancient prescription. The efficacy of this

stomach powder is indeed stronger than our stomach medicine, so now the stomach powder market It

has been taken over by Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall, which is very unfavorable for us.”

He paused for a moment, and then said with a little frustration: “Leave aside, Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals

has developed our ancient traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions. The level of development of our

ancient Chinese medicine prescriptions is indeed very high. Since the era of Kobayashi Masao, they

have been profiting from Kampo medicines all over the world. , Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall’s background

is too deep.”

“Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall?” Charlie Wade couldn’t help frowning when he heard this, and asked:

“Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall was so weak before, is it still so competitive now?” Liam nodded, sighed,

and said, “Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals is the top pharmaceutical company in Asia after all. As long as it

doesn’t hurt the bones, it has strong competitiveness, and they have the best hardware laboratory and

R&D team in Asia. Therefore, we can optimize a stomach powder based on the ancient prescription.”

Charlie Wade smiled slightly. He didn’t expect that Jiro Kobayashi really had two brushes. The entire

Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall was pitted by himself for more than 10 billion, and he was about to turn over

so soon. At this time, Liam also sighed: “We didn’t make good use of the essence left by our ancestors.

We finally let foreigners plagiarize it. It’s really a shame.” Charlie Wade asked: “How big is the impact of

Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall on you now?” Liam said: “The gastric medicine alone will have a very big

impact. In the long run, Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals is now actively developing new drugs.

I estimate that in the future it will gradually eat away our development space. The income has already

been greatly affected. Almost all the money invested in stomach medicine has been squandered, and we

will continue to research and develop new medicines. If it succeeds, it will be fine. If it fails, it will be

further into the quagmire.”

After talking, Liam said again: “During this time, the World College Sanda Fighting Competition is about

to begin. It will be held in Aurouss Hilll. This game is sponsored by Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall, and the

promotion is very big.” Charlie Wade asked curiously: “Will Jiro Kobayashi come?” Liam said: “I don’t

know this yet, but it is said that the award-giving guest for this finals is a high-level Kobayashi

Pharmaceuticall. It is still unclear who it is. It may be Jiro Kobayashi.” Charlie Wade nodded lightly.

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1144

In fact, there are countless kinds of magical ancient medical prescriptions recorded in the “Apocalyptic

Book”. There are dozens of stomach medicines alone. Just picking one out can help Liam completely

crush Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall. However, the pharmaceutical industry is a very profitable industry, so I

certainly cannot help Liam in vain.

So he said to Liam: “Liam, I have a few good recipes in my hand. They are produced and they are

definitely best-selling magical medicines. If I use the recipes to buy shares, how many shares would you

give me?” Liam almost said without hesitation: “Master Wade, Liam can have today. It depends on your

achievements. The entire Weaver Pharmaceutical is yours. You will give me a word from Liam

immediately!” Liam was also very clear in his mind.

Without Charlie Wade, he could not inherit Weaver’s Pharmaceuticals. Without Charlie Wade, if the

Weaver family father and son came back, they would not be able to hold Weaver’s Pharmaceutical.

Therefore, he was willing to completely adhere to Charlie Wade, even if he gave up Weaver’s

Pharmaceutical, he would never give the Weaver family father and son a chance to stand up. Charlie

Wade nodded and said, “Well, if the prescription I gave you is more effective than Kobayashi’s stomach

powder, then you give me 80% of the shares of Weaver’s Pharmaceutical, and I will continue to be better

in the future. The prescription is for you to ensure that Weaver’s Pharmaceuticals can grow into a

company of hundreds of billions in the future. By that time, your personal assets will exceed 20 billion.”

The current assets of Weaver’s Pharmaceuticals are about two to three billion Dollar, but they still have

certain debts, coupled with the recent poor management, the overall decline. If Charlie Wade can really

enable Weaver’s Pharmaceuticals to grow into a large group of hundreds of billions in the future, even if

Liam is only 10%, he can double his assets.

So for him, he has no reason to refuse.

And he had heard about it a long time ago that Master Wade’s one-handed magic pill, if the prescription

he took out, it would surely be able to sell!

Therefore, Liam agreed without hesitation, and said excitedly: “Thank you Master Wade! Liam has

nothing to say!”

Charlie Wade is not trying to take advantage of Liam, but the top prescription is really worthless!

For example, the male magic drug of its parent company, made hundreds of billions of dollars in profits

because of this drug.

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Therefore, if you give it to him in vain, it is simply a mentally disabled person.

Win-win cooperation is the best solution.

So Charlie Wade said to Liam: “In this case, you should go back first. Tomorrow I will ask the lawyer to

sign a contract with you, and I will give you the prescription at that time.”

Don Albertt hurriedly asked, “Master Wade, what should I do about the Webb family?”

Charlie Wade smiled indifferently: “I have my own decision, so don’t worry!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1145

At this moment, there are two solutions in front of Charlie Wade.

First, he immediately went to Stephen Thompson and asked Stephen Thompson to send masters from

the Wade family to Golim Mountain to intercept them. There are many masters from the Wade family, so

dealing with the eight heavenly kings shouldn’t be a problem;

Second, he immediately set off to Golim Mountain, personally snipe the eight heavenly kings at the foot

of Golim Mountain.

After thinking for a few seconds, Charlie Wade decided that he should solve his own problems and go to

Golim Mountain personally to get the Eight Heavenly Kings settled.

Charlie Wade has been studying the “Apocalyptic Book” for some days, and his constant enlightenment

has enabled him to continuously improve.

At the same time, his body has been tempered with spiritual energy, which is even more different from

ordinary people at this time.

Not to mention that he has refined so many Rejuvenation Pills himself, relying on the Rejuvenation Pills

to raise his body to a higher level.

As far as Charlie Wade’s current strength is concerned, let alone the Eight Heavenly Kings, even if it

doubles, it will not be Charlie Wade’s opponent.

However, you must go to Golim Mountain as soon as possible.

Because the eight heavenly kings of the Webb family may have already set off.

southern region is several hundred kilometers further south from Aurouss Hilll, so this gave Charlie Wade

some time window.

If he is efficient, it is possible that the Eight Heavenly Kings will arrive at Golim Mountain first.

So he immediately called Cameron Isaac and blurted out and asked, “Can you arrange a plane for me? I

want to set off to Golim Mountain immediately.”

Cameron Isaac hurriedly said: “No problem, master, Aurouss Hilll Airport has our business jet, and it is

the world’s fastest civil business jet specially customized by the Wade family, which is much faster than

ordinary jets.”

After speaking, Cameron Isaac said: “The Wade family has always believed in that timing is greater than

anything else, so the Wade family’s plane is faster than all the family’s private jets!”

“Very good!” Charlie Wade said with satisfaction: “You can let the plane wait at the airport to get ready for

take-off. At the same time, let your Shangri-La helicopter pick me up at Thompson First. I will rush to the

airport immediately.”

“no problem!”

As Cameron Isaac said, he hurriedly asked: “Master, do you need help when going to Golim Mountain? If

you need it, I will call the family.”

Charlie Wade said indifferently: “You don’t need a helper anymore. You can do me a favor and prepare a

helicopter to wait for me at Golim Mountain Airport. After getting off the plane, I will use the fastest time

to reach a village at the foot of Golim Mountain.”

“No problem!”

Cameron Isaac said immediately: “I will make arrangements. If there is no helicopter in Golim Mountain, I

will immediately transfer from another place. You will definitely solve this problem before you arrive at

Golim Mountain, Master.”

“it is good!”

Charlie Wade hung up the phone with satisfaction, and Don Albertt immediately said, “Master Wade, Don

Albertt is willing to go with you!”

Liam on the side also folded his hands and said, “Master Wade, Liam is also willing to walk with you.

Charlie Wade thought for a while, and said to the two of them: “Since you want to go, then follow me.”

Both of them were stubborn and loyal to Charlie Wade. At this time, they were unwilling to let Charlie

Wade go to Golim Mountain alone.

Charlie Wade also knew very well that if the two of them wanted to be more devoted to themselves, they

had to let them see their true strength.

Especially for Liam, Charlie Wade must make sure that this person has no two minds about himself, so

he can safely give him the peerless prescriptions in the “Apocalyptic Book”.

So this time to go to Golim Mountain, you might as well let him follow the experience to see the true

strength of his master!

Soon, Cameron Isaac’s helicopter flew to Thompson First.

Charlie Wade and the three got on the helicopter and immediately went to Aurouss Hilll Airport.