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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 1131-1135
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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1131

When Donald saw this video, his whole popular nose was almost crooked.

He did not expect that the Wilson family would be photographed when they were fighting in the hospital.

What I didn’t expect was that this video was exposed after he announced his investment in the Wilson


This shows that I am deliberately disgusting myself, and I want to wait for myself to publicly invest in the

Wilson Group, and then I will slap myself in the face!

The most hateful thing is the steep tone!

This platform has a grudge against itself!

Last time, the cross talk between Mrr.. Lloyd and his son was spread by this platform.

I want to go to public relations and it is of no use, because this software has been bought by the Eastcliff

Wade family.

Last time, the process by which his damn brother-in-law, Marcone and his beggar gang were annihilated,

was also known to everyone who was pushed by this software.

This time, this great farce of the Wilson family’s relationship turned out to be the software being pushed.

Isn’t it clear that you are going to face yourself?

The key has never provoke them, so why do they hold onto themselves?

The Webb family is very pitiful now. The reputation of the Webb family has been ruined and cannot be

ruined anymore. As a result, they still did not let go of the Webb family, let alone themselves…

Sure enough, after this video began to be promoted, people across the country scolded the Webb family.

Because the Webb family had already ruined its reputation for doing things, now it is shameless to invest

in the shameless family of the Wilson family.

Thomas Webb found his brother Donald, and said: “Brother, the family you are looking for is really nasty.

He has lost the face of our Webb family. If I say, we will kick them away. Announce as early as possible,

we have nothing to do with them.”

Donald shook his head gently, and said, “It doesn’t make sense. Now that the boat is done, even if the

Webb family announces the withdrawal right now, there can be no improvement. After all, everyone is

just looking at the jokes of the Wilson family, but Big families like our Webb family are the real targets of

ridicule by the people of the whole country.”

As he said, Donald sighed and said: “You also know that the Beggar Gang has had too much influence

on our Webb family.

In contrast, the scandal of the Wilson family is not even a mosquito bite. If people want to scold, let them

scold it.”

Thomas Webb said angrily: “I think this kind of hanging silk is really meaningless, it’s better to let them

get out as soon as possible.”

Donald asked him: “Even if the Wilson family is thrown away, will the reputation of the Webb family be

restored? Don’t forget, we still have a lot of people to unite. If at this time, because of such a small

matter, we will give up After the Wilson family, how can other people dare to cooperate with us?

What we have to do now is to stand firmly with the Wilson family, even if it is just a look, let people know

that our Webb family will not give up My comrades-in-arms, only in this way can everyone unite with us

and deal with Charlie Wade together.”

Thomas Webb finally understood his brother’s good intentions and asked: “Big brother, how was the

person we sent to Golim Mountain last time?”

Donald said coldly: “They will do it tonight, they will definitely snatch the Weaver family father and son

back, and at the same time they will kill all Charlie Wade left behind!”


The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1132

Late at night, at the foot of Golim Mountain.

Jeffrey Weaver was wrapped in a thick deerskin jacket, dragging his elderly father, Jordan walked out of

the mountains.

Recently, the temperature in Golim Mountain has dropped very sharply, reaching minus 30 degrees at

the lowest night.

Under normal circumstances, the two were unwilling to go out after being killed, but because of clear

requirements, they had to go into the mountains to gather ginseng.

Only enough ginseng can be exchanged for food, medicine, kerosene and firewood for heating.

After all, in such a cold day, the energy consumption for heating every day is very high. It is difficult to

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pick up enough firewood alone. It must be matched with a certain amount of kerosene.

The father and son ran into the mountains for a day today, and only picked six or seven small ginseng

roots, which is only enough for them to exchange for tomorrow’s rations.

Jordan was tired and hungry, and his lips were purple with cold.

Although Jeffrey is physically better than him, he also felt a huge physical load.

Now Golim Mountain has begun to cover snow, and it is very difficult to walk in the deep mountains,

which consumes a lot of physical strength, but the ginseng is collected less and less, which means that

they have to go deeper into the mountains every time than the last time.

It’s midnight to come back, and in a few days, maybe you have to live in the mountains at night.

Jordan stretched out his hand and grabbed a handful of snow, tucked it into his mouth, opened his

chapped lips and said, “My son will continue this way, I’m afraid I won’t be able to survive this winter.

After I die, you must live strong alone. , Saying that we have to live on everything, and if we find a way to

save our Weaver family, if we have a chance to kill Aurouss Hilll and take back our Weaver’s

pharmaceutical, that would be great.”

Jeffrey Weaver panted heavily and comforted: “Dad, don’t say that. Although the conditions in Golim

Mountain are quite difficult, I feel that after you come to Golim Mountain, your body is better than before.”

As he said, he couldn’t help sighing: “You used to toss your body so badly, your vitality was exhausted

early, and you never exercise, walk very little, and your body is worse than every day. Now you are in

Golim Mountain every day. Shancai ginseng, you exercise so much every day, I think you have a lot of

toughness. If you stick to it, I think you can live a long time!”

Jordan sat down in the thick snow and couldn’t help feeling: “What you said makes sense. I really feel

that my body is much stronger than before. I used to breathe hard after walking a few steps. Now I can

go into the mountains. Picked ginseng for a day.”

Having said that, he sighed, and sighed: “It’s all because I didn’t know how to cherish when I was young.

If I overdrawn my body early, you must take a warning in the future and don’t follow my old path.”

Jeffrey Weaver also simply sat down next to him, and took pictures with the bright flashlight in his hand.

The snow and trees around him were depressed and said: “I want to go your old way, but I don’t have a

chance, you see. In this broken mountain and old forest, even the female bear is hibernating.

Where can I find a woman to overdraw?”

Jordan couldn’t help but smile.

When it comes to women, my own son is really inferior to myself.

When he was young, he was really merciful, and probably more women had played with him than he had

ever seen.

Thinking about it this way, my life has not been in vain. When Jeffrey Weaver thought of a woman, he

couldn’t help sighing: “Speaking of women, Wendy from the Wilson family in Aurouss Hilll really makes

me miss it. I don’t know if I have a chance to go back in this life. I can go back. I must find her and fight.

Three hundred rounds.” Jordan patted him on the shoulder, encouraged him, and said, “I believe that we,

father and son, must turn over one day!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1133

The Weaver family, father and son, were dreaming of turning over. Suddenly, a violent cold wind came

from the bottom of Golim Mountain, making them tremble. Jordan sighed: “Damn, the wind in this ghost

place is so fierce. A gust of wind made my whole body cold. Let’s go quickly.”

“Okay!” Jeffrey Weaver also felt cold and bitter, and quickly shrank his neck, got up and patted the snow

on his butt, and stretched out his hand to his father. It has to be said that the relationship between the

father and son during the period when they were dependent on each other in Golim Mountain has

improved a lot than before. In the past, although Jordan preferred this eldest son, in fact, for a selfish

person like him, it was difficult to really treat him well.

Therefore, he is actually fair to Jeffrey Weaver, better than Liam. Jeffrey Weaver, who has always been a

dude, thinks about playing with women every day, and is not very close to his father. This is mainly

because when Jeffrey Weaver was young, he often listened to his mother’s indoctrination, that his father,

regardless of his family, raised women everywhere. This made Jeffrey Weaver dissatisfied with the old

man ever since he was a child. However, when they arrived at Golim Mountain, the father and son had to

work together for survival, which also allowed the two to let go of their prejudices and become

increasingly dependent on each other.

Everyone knows that you can’t lose the other party in this environment. If you lose the other person, the

remaining person must have no courage or ability to continue to live. The father and son walked from the

foot of the mountain towards the stray light in the distance. The place with light is the village where they

live, walking past the foot of the mountain, there are three or four miles away.

When the father and son were walking, Jeffrey Weaver said, “Dad, Lee from the village hunted a roe

deer from the mountain yesterday. I heard that the roe deer meat is delicious. Would you like to visit his

house later? Two catties of roe deer meat!” “Follow his meat?” Jordan sighed, “The guy Lee is very picky.

Last time he hunted a big wild boar weighing more than 500 kilograms. I asked him if he wanted a piece

of pig intestine and he didn’t give it to me. Let me give him money.”

As he said, Jordan cursed: “Do you know what Lee’s name is?” Barena Weaver shook his head: “Where

do I know his name, I just know his surname is Lee.” Jordan spit on the ground, and said

contemptuously: “f*ck, an Orion who doesn’t know how to write his name is Lee Wendell. I still ask him if

he is a writer? Will he write his own name? Guess what he is. Say?”

Jeffrey Weaver asked curiously, “What did you say?” Jordan snorted and said, “He said he would write

Lee Wen, but he couldn’t write any bold words.” Jeffrey Weaver smiled and said, “I have taught him how

to write tyrannical characters, and taught him that he will take two catties of meat as tuition.” Jordan said:

“I also asked him for meat, because he wanted pigskin and he wouldn’t give it to you.”

Jeffrey Weaver said: “I think it’s cold now, and it’s dozens of degrees below zero outside. The roe deer

he beat has long been killed by him. The meat is hanging in the yard and frozen. After a while, he walked

in along the wall and stole him. Going back to taste the freshness can be regarded as supplementing

nutrition.” When Jordan heard this, he hurriedly said: “Then you hurry up and hide a piece of ginseng dug

today in your arms. Don’t give them all. Tomorrow we will use this ginseng to stew the roe deer meat. It

must be a great supplement! “

“Okay, look at me!” After speaking, Jeffrey Weaver took out a ginseng and stuffed it into his underwear.

The frozen ginseng went into his underwear, and he yelled out of the ice. Jordan said with a look of

disgust, “How can I stuff it somewhere? How the hell can I eat it?”

Jeffrey Weaver said: “It’s okay, just wash it a few more times. If you don’t tuck it in your crotch, you won’t

be able to hide it at all. They will search your body. You don’t know.” “Okay!” Jordan said helplessly:

“Then you must wash your head a few more times, it’s best to boil it with boiling water.”

Jeffrey Weaver waved his hand: “Oh, dad, you don’t understand. If you blanch ginseng with hot water,

the nutrients will be in the water.”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1134

Jordan could only nod his head, and couldn’t help sighing, “It would be great if I could make two catties

of wine. Take ginseng soaked in wine and take a cold drink when entering the mountain. That guy must

be very beautiful!” Jeffrey Weaver said: “Widow Lee seems to know how to make wine. I have a chance

to chat with her another day. Maybe she has hidden wine in her house.”

The father and son walked while chatting in the cold wind. After more than half an hour, they arrived at

the entrance of the village. The two did not immediately return to their dilapidated house, but went to

Lee’s house in the village in the dark. Although the foothills of Golim Mountain are poor, there is nothing

lacking for everyone to rely on the mountains and eat the mountains.

In the past, people in the whole village often went to the mountains to hunt. But now that most of the

young people are going outside and there are not many hunting. Lee is the only professional hunter in

the entire village. If anyone in the village wants to eat game, they will take money or other things, but

they will rarely exchange their prey for some meat.

Jeffrey Weaver has been greedy for his game for a long time, because he is clinking poorly every day,

and it is not easy to eat. There is no extra thing to exchange for meat. Today is too greedy, and Lee just

hunted a roe deer yesterday, so he moved his mind and said that he had to get some meat and go back

to taste it. Coming to the outside wall of Lee’s house, Jeffrey Weaver grabbed the wall and took a look

inside. Sure enough, there were pieces of roe deer meat hanging in the yard.

So he whispered to his father Jordan: “You get down and let me step on your shoulder.” Jordan was

really greedy, and quickly squatted down the corner, let Jeffrey Weaver step on it, and stepped into the

yard by himself. Jeffrey Weaver quickly succeeded, stole a roe deer leg, hung it around his waist and

crawled out. As soon as he climbed out, he said to his father excitedly: “This leg is less than ten

kilograms, which is enough for us to eat for a week.” “Good, good!” Jordan clapped his hands in


I haven’t eaten meat for a few days, this time there are so many, it is really to have a good time. The

father and son were excited and were about to go back. Suddenly a dozen masked men in black rushed

out from the dark. What’s more frightening is that these dozen people are all holding weapons, seven or

eight are knives, and five or six are pistols.

The father and son were shocked, and Jeffrey Weaver said with a weeping face: “Brothers, we are

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nothing more than stealing some meat. We won’t be in such a big battle, right?” Jordan was too

frightened, so he quickly said to him: “What are you still doing in a daze? Give the meat back to others

quickly.” Jeffrey Weaver hurriedly threw the roe deer legs on the ground, begging for mercy: “Everyone,

please raise your hands high.”

These dozen people surrounded the father and son, and one of them blurted out: “Are you Jordan and

Jeffrey Weaver?” Jordan nodded blankly and asked, “What do you guys do?”

The man said coldly: “We were sent by the southern region Webb family to rescue your father and son

and leave. The car is already waiting at the entrance of the village. Let us go now, and we will take you

back to Aurouss Hilll!”

When the father and son heard this, they were stunned, and then they burst into tears.

The two looked at each other and cried together.

I never thought that I would have the day to make it out!

So the father and son knelt on the ground, crying while crying: “Thank you brothers, thank you for your

great kindness, we father and son, we will never forget it!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1135

The last time someone came to rescue the Weaver family and his son, they had been dealt with before

they could get close to the Weaver family’s father and son’s house.

So the Weaver family father and son didn’t know either.

At this moment, southern region Webb’s family actually wanted to rescue them back.

The two were so excited that they immediately followed each other by car back to Aurouss Hilll.

When going to the entrance of the village, Jordan couldn’t help asking the man in black next to him:

“This big brother, we don’t have any friendship with the Webb family of southern region, why should the

Webb family save us?”

The person said coldly: “Our manager Webb has a common enemy with you.”

“Common enemy?” Jordan exclaimed and asked, “Who is it?”

The man gritted his teeth and uttered two words: “Charlie Wade Wade!”

Jordan and Jeffrey Weaver were shocked.

It turns out that the bastard Charlie Wade provokes the southern region Webb family!

That is the first family in Southaven!

Provoked them, it seems that Charlie Wade is not far from death!

But I must also be thankful that Charlie Wade provokes the Webb family, so the Webb family rescued

themselves and their son from Golim Mountain, a place where birds don’t shit.

The thought of the father and son was extremely excited.

A group of people came to the entrance of the village. Several off-road vehicles had been parked here,

and the vehicles had not stalled, and they were waiting to evacuate quickly.

When the crowd was about to get into the car, they suddenly heard a bang from the snow.

Immediately afterwards, a man in black beside the Weaver family father and son fell to the ground with a


Afterwards, the gunshots broke out!

The people sent by the Webb family immediately began to draw out their pistols to fight fiercely with the


Gunshots and howls were everywhere for a while!

Because this place is located at the foot of Golim Mountain and is far away from the city, the night here is

almost dark.

When the gunshots are loud, there are flames after another, which looks particularly frightening!

When has this peaceful village experienced such a big battle?

The villagers under the gunfire did not dare to go out at home, and the dogs in the village were also


As for the Shura field at the head of the village, people were shot and fell to the ground constantly!

The people shouted: “Quickly evacuate, everyone, quickly get in the car, we are in an ambush!”

As soon as the voice fell, the bullets in the dark vented towards the number of off-road vehicles!

As the gun battle continued, both sides suffered injuries.

But the Webb family members are at a disadvantage, because they are in the light and the other side is

in the dark.

The Weaver family and his son were lying in the snow. Seeing more and more Webb family members

falling around, the two of them were flustered.

Judging from this posture, this group will not last long.

A few minutes later, almost all the people sent by the Webb family were killed. Only one driver ran away

in a panic while driving a car. The others stayed at the foot of Golim Mountain.