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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 1041-1045
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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1041

Donald and Xenia were close to each other, staring at their mobile phones, after watching this thrilling

video that broke them completely.

Seeing her brother strangled her sister-in-law, she was panicked to the extreme. When she saw her

brother was welded to death in the car and sinking into the river with the car, she collapsed completely,

and her legs became soft and paralyzed. Fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, she cried out desperately: “John! My brother! You died so miserably! You are

dead, and our Marcone family is dead! How do you let your sister face our parents, How to face the

ancestors of our Marcone family!”

After that, she tried her best to hit the ground with her fist, and shouted hysterically: “My good brother,

you tell my sister who killed you! My sister must have broken him into pieces, and take revenge for you!

People are so cruel!”

When Sean saw that his mother’s fist had been smashed into flesh and blood, he hurriedly stepped

forward and grabbed her hand and persuaded: “Mom, my uncle is gone, so don’t do that…”

Xenia was crazy, grabbing her husband by the collar, desperately shaking her mouth and shouting crazy:

“Donald, who killed your brother-in-law?! You must find him! Get him out! Bring it to me, let me kill him

personally and avenge my brother!”

Donald was extremely upset at this time. He didn’t care if Marcone was dead or alive. It can even be said

that he had long been expecting Marcone to die.

He had long been fed up with Marcone’s unpromising things, backed by his own brother-in-law, and

doing sordid things like abducting women and children would only discredit his face!

But he never thought that Marcone would die in this way. It doesn’t matter if he is dead. But he is dead,

he can’t affect the whole Webb family! It’s better now, before this little bastard died, he pushed everything

to the Webb family!

He even called his name publicly, saying that he was supporting him behind his back. Isn’t this pushing

himself on the road to absolutes?

How do people outside look at Webb’s family and how do they look at themselves? Without even thinking

about it, I knew that Webb’s current reputation must have been in a mess and plummeted! This is all

thanks to Marcone this dog thing!

At this moment, Donald’s assistant ran over quickly and blurted out: “Chairman, it’s not good. Chairman,

now the whole country is scolding Webb family and scolding you. The broker called me just now and said

that if you continue like this As the situation continues, several of our listed group stocks will immediately

drop by their limit at the opening of the market tomorrow, and will drop by at least 10 times in a row!

By that time, the entire Webb family’s assets will have lost more than half!”

The biggest fear of listed companies is the collapse of reputation.

Once a listed company is exposed to a huge scandal, the first thing that will be reflected is the stock

price. The stock will continue to fall, continue to fall, and receive a point that no one can imagine!

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1042

Some companies have a market value of more than tens of billions, but only a few hundred million will

fall, and their assets have shrunk by more than 90!

Some companies just have a little problem with their products, and they may end up in bankruptcy. But

compared to the Webb family’s charges, what counts?

This time, the Webb family might have to carry all the scapegoats for Marcone’s beggar gang, and all the

conscientious things he did might end up on the Webb family!

Donald was extremely nervous at this time, because he knew very well in his heart that what the Webb

family was facing this time might be a catastrophe!

So he immediately said to his assistant: “I immediately issued a statement in the name of the group.

Although Marcone is indeed my brother-in-law of Donald, our Webb family has no knowledge of what

Marcone did, and all of Marcone’s behavior. It is his personal responsibility. Donald and the entire Webb

family don’t know or don’t know.

At the same time, we will prove ourselves to the police because we have nothing to do with Marcone’s

illegal and criminal activities. Don’t be misled by someone with a heart, and bring the rhythm!

The assistant nodded immediately and blurted out: “Okay Chairman, I will arrange for someone to issue

a statement now!”

Xenia was immersed in the immense pain of losing her younger brother and the family’s bloodline. He

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suddenly heard her husband say that he would leave all ties with his younger brother, and suddenly said,

“Donald, do you have a conscience? Your brother-in-law, he is my own brother, he has been killed now,

he has been killed, can you understand?

Not only did you not give him revenge, but you still have to get rid of him?! Are you still? people!”

Donald is also getting angry, because if this matter is not handled well, it is very likely that the whole

Webb family will be affected.

Seeing that his wife is still defending her damn brother, Donald resented and scolded sharply, “If it wasn’t

for your bastard brother, how could my Webb family be so passive? I told you a long time ago to

persuade you. Advise him not to do this kind of conscience, you just won’t listen!”

“You protect him everywhere and defend him everywhere. I say a word and you won’t let me say it. Now

it’s alright. Someone walks the way for the sky. It doesn’t matter if he is dead, it will tire my Webb family


When Xenia heard this, she was almost so angry that she was about to collapse. She gritted her teeth,

raised her hand and grabbed Donald’s face.

Donald couldn’t dodge, and Xenia immediately scratched his face with blood!

Xenia’s nails were already long, making it so strong that he scratched his skin and flesh, so that the

crevices of her fingernails were full of bloody flesh!

Donald screamed with pain, and was even more angry. He grabbed Xenia’s collar, raised his hand, and

slapped her face several times.

He slapped the face and cursed: “Xenia, do you know? Your brother is about to hurt me miserably! I can’t

bear it for your brother a long time ago. If it weren’t for your face, I would want it without others. His life,

do you know what I regret most now? What I regret most is that I didn’t kill him as a b*tch! Now he turned

into a bomb, died by himself, and exploded me too Beyond recognition!”

Xenia and Donald have not been beaten up after so many years of marriage.

Now that the younger brother is dead, she was suddenly slapped so much by Donald, and she has

completely lost her mind.

“Donald, you are not a human! I was blind and misunderstood you! If you don’t help my brother get

revenge, I will go by myself. From today on, I have nothing to do with you!”

After Xenia finished speaking, she was about to run outside.

Sean wanted to chase him, Donald sternly shouted: “You will come back for me! What are you doing

chasing her at this time? Will chasing her back cause us trouble? Don’t you know what matters most to

the Webb family now?”

Sean suddenly realized, and blurted out: “Dad! I’m going to find a group of navy soldiers to help us wash

the white! No matter how much money you spend!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1043

Just as the Webb family was scolded on the Internet, the Webb Group’s statement has been published

through various channels. However, all people can see that this is a statement to clarify the relationship.

Everyone knows that for someone as capable as Donald, it is impossible for him not to know what

occupation his brother-in-law is engaged in.

There is no credibility at all when you come out to set aside everything. Moreover, many people on the

Internet have picked out Marcone’s life resume. The Marcon family was originally a poor family in the

south, not only did not have much money, but also the people were not prosperous enough.

It wasn’t until Xenia, the daughter of the Marcon family, married Donald, that the Marcon family was

getting better. However, Xenia’s parents did not have such a good life. Not long after their daughter was

married, they died because of cancer.

When they died, John Marcone was still a second-generation ancestor who had no job and was idle.

Back then, Marcone relied on subsidies from his sister Xenia, and lived a life of drunkenness and

dreams. Later, Marcone began to make his fortune slowly, and his starting point was the beggar gang.

And many people have revealed the development trajectory of the beggar gang on the Internet. In fact, in

the early years, the gang of beggars was divided into many groups. Marcone’s gang of beggars was not

very competitive, and even almost was swallowed by more powerful forces several times.

Until one time, after his brother-in-law Donald came forward to settle the crisis for him, no one in the

entire south knew that Marcone was Donald’s brother-in-law. It is precisely because everyone has to look

at Donald’s face that Marcone can develop step by step to this day. Therefore, at this time Donald came

out and said that he had nothing to do with Marcone, and he didn’t know what Marcone did.

This was simply not enough to make people believe. Not only could it not persuade the vast number of

people, but even because it jumped out of the pot at this time, it was despised by the majority of people.

So much so that the voice of scolding Webb’s family on the Internet is even louder, and this time

everyone directly targeted Donald, 80 are all scolding Donald.

Donald never dreamed that he would make a statement, but it was counterproductive. Rather than

saying that he was a slamming essay, it was better to say that he was a quotation of a war. This

statement attracted all the flames of war to him. Seeing that countless people send out all kinds of

insulting content and posts every second on the Internet, Donald wants to die.

Sean saw his father being scolded as a dead dog on the Internet and being insulted by hundreds of

millions of people. He couldn’t bear it. In addition, he had a strong desire to express, so he immediately

spent a lot of money and hired one. A navy who specializes in whitewashing people online. This navy

leader is quite capable. He specializes in whitewashing the wicked. As long as you give him money, even

if it is black, he can say it is white. Even if he is against the world, he has nothing to fear.

In fact, there are many scum like this on the Internet. This person makes his own profit by smearing

others or justifying sinners. For example, in the entertainment industry, there is often a wife of a celebrity

couple cheating, but in order not to be exposed and not to affect her career, she spends money to find

this kind of scum to smear her husband, and beat her husband to say that her husband is out.

Stealing fishy, or beating him back and saying that his husband is obsessed with gambling and ignores

his family.

In this way, her husband was criticized by the population, and she could continue to go on freely safely.

This navy leader had done many such things in the early years.

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1044

Later, by chance, he got in touch with the Webb family. Earlier, Sean’s younger brother Kian was

exposed online because he gave a little girl psychological hints and induced a girl to jump off the

building. At that time, the Webb family let this navy leader come forward and forced Kian to kill the little

girl, twisting it into a little girl who was greedy for vanity and tried to marry into a wealthy family.

In the end, she failed to pursue Kian. This threatened her by jumping off the building. Finally died

accidentally. At that time, the head of the navy used his shameless and powerful navy lineup to reverse

black and white on the Internet, making people mistakenly believe that it was a little girl who was eating

the bad results, and finally caused a large number of people to scold the little girl on the Internet for what

she deserved.

The girl’s parents had no way of upbringing, and finally forced the parents who lost their only daughter to

take medicine at home and died. After the parents died after taking the medicine, the navy leader

deliberately suppressed the news that the two had committed suicide. He even made up a lie, claiming

that the two had scammed away from the Webb family, tens of millions in compensation, and then left.

Immigrate to the United States.

People who don’t know the truth thought it was all true, and even when the other’s parents were dead,

they still abused them online. This navy leader is not only not ashamed, but proud of it, and often

declares to the public that this is a classic of his own public relations.

This shows how scumbag this person is. What’s even more ridiculous is that this navy leader has

become such a lowly scum that he actually gave himself a screen name, called Anthony Shields! This

time, the leader of the naval forces called Anthony Shields, after receiving 20 million from the Webb

family, started his performance again.

He posted on major websites, claiming: “The majority of people are being used by people with

unpredictable intentions. Donald is the most famous entrepreneur in Southaven and the largest

philanthropist in Southaven. No one pays more attention to children than he does. Health and safety,

how could he indulge Marcone and do these unreasonable things? This incident shows that someone

deliberately wanted to plant the Webb family and make the Webb family collapse, so that he could profit

from it.”

He even swears to the sky in the post: “If he makes a false statement, the sky will thunder and thunder

and the whole family will die.” In order to make everyone believe him, he specifically listed the Webb

Group’s competitors in various fields, and claimed that these companies may be behind the scenes, and

it is even possible that these companies are uniting and want to deal with the Webb family.

Then, this person also mobilized the whole family to bring rhythm with the water army account. At this

moment, Charlie Wade was still on the helicopter returning to Aurouss Hilll. He brushed some web

portals at will, and he was quite relieved to see that everyone was aiming at the Webb family.

Regardless of whether Donald personally participated in these conscientious things, he was the chief

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culprit who helped John Marcone to be the abuser. If it were not for him to support Marcone, Marcone

would not have the opportunity to get up, let alone poison so many minors.

Therefore, although Marcone is dead, the Webb family must also pay for this matter! But when he was

browsing all kinds of comments, he suddenly found a post from a man called Anthony Shields.

After reading it, he was very upset with this person’s remarks.

Therefore, he instructed Cameron Isaac: “Find the best hacker, touch this person’s information, and see

if he has collected the Webb family’s money, and if so, expose all the evidence chains, making Webb

family worse. !”

Cameron Isaac nodded immediately and said: “Okay young master, I will make arrangements!”

Charlie Wade said again: “By the way, locate me the actual address of the navy army and bring him to

Don Albertt’s kennel!”

Cameron Isaac asked: “Master, how do you deal with this navy?”

Charlie Wade said coldly: “The rumormaker, die!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1045

This navy named Anthony Shields and guarding oneself is nothing but a shameless ordinary person.

Although he has some ability to call on the navy, in front of a real top hacker, he is simply a transparent


After the hacker hacked into his computer, he immediately investigated his personal information.

First of all, this person is from Citra Province and his family is in Reddick City.

Secondly, this person has indeed just received 20 million in cash from the Webb family.

Again, this man stupidly used his bank card to collect the money.

And the hacker also found the chat history between him and Webb’s family.

In the chat log, Sean asked him if he could help the Webb family whitewash. He immediately said that he

had 10,000 ways to help whitewash, and he had done this more than once.

He also took out the case of helping Kian whitewash and preached, in order to make Sean believe in his

strength and willing to give him this list.

After the hacker got the information and chat records, he immediately reported it to Cameron Isaac.

Cameron Isaac reported to Charlie Wade again and asked him: “How do you plan to do this, Master?”

Charlie Wade said lightly: “We should have eyeliner in Reddick, right?”

Cameron Isaac nodded immediately and said, “Of course, every city in the country has our eyeliner.”

“Okay!” Charlie Wade said with satisfaction: “If this is the case, it will be staged immediately, and this

person will be caught by me first. Reddick should not be far from Aurouss Hilll, right?”

Cameron Isaac said: “The straight-line distance is just over 200 kilometers.”

Charlie Wade said, “The helicopter will arrive in less than an hour. In this way, you can have someone

catch him now and send him directly to Don Albertt’s dog farm by helicopter.”

“In addition, after catching someone, let the hacker expose all the information to the Internet, I want to

completely ruin the Webb family.”

“Okay!” Cameron Isaac nodded and immediately began to order.

Reddick is a small city in Citra Province. Its economic development is not developed, and housing prices

and consumption are not high.

And this leader of the naval forces, who is called Anthony Shields and guarding oneself, has not finished

his elementary school and basically has no culture. He belongs to the bottom of society. If he starves to

death, he starves to death.

However, the Internet age gave this person a chance to achieve himself. He started cursing on the

Internet at first. Earlier, if he gave him 50 cents, he could hire him to scold others on the Internet for a

day. Later, he gradually found the trick. As a navy soldier, he is now a rich man in this small city, living in

a single-family villa and driving a Mercedes-Benz car, and he has the feeling of being a master.

Today, an accident in the Webb family brought him 20 million in income, which made him ecstatic.

At this time, he didn’t care about eating, so he arranged work for his navy soldiers at home and asked

them to use various methods to help the Webb family clean up, and even asked them to spread rumors

that a popular star cheated, hoping to rely on the news that the rumors star cheated. To attract the

enthusiasm of Webb’s news.

He is already familiar with work like this, so the arrangement is very smooth.

But he didn’t know that at this moment, there was already a team of people starting from the city and

rushing to the villa area where he was.

Just as he had just finished arranging the work and was enjoying himself with a cigarette in his mouth,

the door of the villa was suddenly opened with a door breaker!

Immediately afterwards, a group of people in black with live ammunition rushed into the villa.

He and his family were frightened suddenly.