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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 1036-1040
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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1036

Therefore, the Webb family is an absolute accomplice. Charlie Wade believed that Donald would be very,

very uncomfortable after this video was released. Didn’t he want to confront himself? Isn’t he secretly

looking for his enemy, ready to unite and attack him?

Sorry, this young master is already impatient with waiting, so take your brother-in-law first!

So Charlie Wade immediately said to Cameron Isaac: “Put all the members of this gang of beggars into

that Iveco, and then weld the steel bars on their hands to the car body!”


Cameron Isaac gave an order, and many people in black rushed up quickly. Every two people grabbed

one and brought them all into the car, which had been cut off and topped Iveco.

The children of Ivecury have been taken to the helicopter and continue to sleep.

The people in black didn’t have any kindness to them even if these people were crying and howling.

Immediately after the electric welding machine started up again, the steel bars were wrapped around

their wrists. This time they directly welded the steel bars on their wrists to the car.

The welding caused a violent high temperature, and this group of people howled.

The whole scene is like hell on earth.

At this time, Charlie Wade looked at Ron’s family of five, and said coldly: “Your family, do some sneaking

and petting businesses. You won’t change after repeated teachings, are extremely nasty, and are inferior

to animals! It’s really everyone’s possession and condemnation! Today I will. Walk for the sky and send

your family on the road!”

After finishing speaking, he ignored the hoarse pleadings of the Richie family, and directly let the people

in black bring them into Ivecury, and weld them firmly with the others.

At the scene, Jeff, who was almost frightened, was left.

Jeff’s eyes towards Charlie Wade were so empty that they lost his soul.

His whole body was shivering constantly, and his mouth murmured: “Charlie Wade, we have grown up

together, I beg you to forgive me, I am not a heinous person, I am not going to die…please You see, for

the sake of growing up together for so many years, spare my life…”

Charlie Wade lowered his head to see that his crotch was already covered with filthy things, and it

seemed that he had already incontinence.

His face looked like frost, and he said coldly: “Jeff, when you are born, you have to know what you can

do and what you can’t do. The 100,000-volt high-voltage line will die if you touch it. When you are a first-

time offender, and you are open to you, not to mention that you grew up in a welfare institution.

Child trafficking is a high-voltage line that no one can touch, and the one we should not touch is orphans

like us. I don’t understand this truth, so what’s the point of your life?”

Jeff crumbled and grabbed his hair and tore a large bunch of hair. Then he raised his head and looked at

Charlie Wade with blood-red eyes: “Charlie Wade, before I die, I have one more question I hope you can

answer. Can you satisfy my wish?”

Charlie Wade nodded and said: “For the sake of growing up together, I will satisfy your wish. No matter

what question, I will answer you. However, after I answer you, you will bring my answer.”

Jeff shuddered suddenly, staring at Charlie Wade, and asked: “Charlie Wade…who are you…what are

you, who can have such great power ..”

Charlie Wade smiled slightly, even if he was right, Jeff would definitely ask himself this question.

So, he squatted down, looked at Jeff’s eyes, and said word by word: “Jeff, what I want to tell you next,

even my wife doesn’t know it. This may be the last thing you get before you die. An answer, so I hope

you can listen carefully.”

Jeff swallowed hard, nodded hard, and said with a trace of unwillingness in his eyes: “Don’t worry, I will

listen carefully to every word you say, so that I can come to you for revenge in my next life. !”

Charlie Wade smiled indifferently: “Then listen carefully! I am from the Wade family of Eastcliff…Master!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1037


Jeff has lived for more than 20 years, and what Charlie Wade said was the most shocking and incredible

sentence he had heard in his life.

With bloodshot eyes, he stared at Charlie Wade’s face and muttered: “Impossible, how is this possible? I

know you, I have known you since I was a child, your name is Charlie Wade, you are an orphan!

You 8 You were taken back to the orphanage by Mrs. Lewis when you were 20 years old. You are like

me. In this society, there is no support, no father and no mother. How could it be the young master of the

Wade family?”

Charlie Wade smiled slightly: “I know, it’s hard for you to believe this, but it’s really true. Otherwise, how

could you think I could mobilize so many people to chase you casually?

Look at these helicopters. , Look at these people in black with live ammunition, if I were not the young

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master of the Wade family, you should have succeeded this time.”

“But…but…” Jeff asked incredulously: “If you are the young master of Wade’s family, why did you grow

up in the orphanage? Why didn’t they treat you Take it away? Why let you, a young master in Eastcliff,

live with a stinky silk like us since childhood?”

Charlie Wade smiled and said: “They didn’t know my whereabouts back then. Before my father died, it

took a lot of hard work to hide my identity. Although the Wade family has been looking for me, they never

thought I will grow up in an orphanage.”

Jeff immediately asked: “Then they found you again now?

When did it happen? Why is this?”

Charlie Wade said: “They came to me some time ago. Before they found me, I was just like you, and I

might not be as good as you, because at that time, I was not only physically Penniless, I still work as a

live-in son-in-law at my wife’s house.

Every day I wash clothes and cook. I don’t see any hope in life. Unlike you, you can at least work as a

director in a deceptive company.”

Jeff blurted out: “You know that you are the young master of the Wade family. Since you are living in

such a miserable life, why don’t you take the initiative to find them? As long as you take the initiative to

find them, you don’t have to live a life of being looked down upon. Not going?”

Charlie Wade smiled and said: “This is the difference between the two of us. I came from an

extraordinary background, but I am willing to be humble; you come from a humble background, but you

are not willing to be humble and ordinary. If you are like me and willing to be humble, how can you

commit crimes? What’s the big mistake today?”

“I don’t understand!” Jeff desperately shook his head, already a little irrational and said: “I don’t

understand! I really don’t understand! Is it because you saw money when you were young? Can you go


“Perhaps.” Charlie Wade smiled faintly, and said: “When I was young, I was really rich in clothes and

goods. The life I lived at that time may be something you can’t imagine now, but what about it?

I didn’t live well. Happy, my parents are not happy either.” Jeff asked incredulously: “Then are you willing

to suffer poverty? When you were a kid, you obviously experienced a rich life, but when you have

nothing, don’t you miss that life?” Charlie Wade sighed lightly and said again: “Jeff, you take money too

seriously. You can take money very seriously, but you can take money too seriously.

There are certain things that money can never match. For example, your ideals, your love, your

principles, and your conscience. Once you put your position in the wrong position, you will do things

wrong. Some things can be changed if they are wrong, and some things cannot be changed if they are

wrong. “

At this moment, Jeff finally realized how humble he was. Because Charlie Wade in front of him, Charlie

Wade who grew up in the orphanage with him since childhood, turned out to be the young master of the

Wade Family of Eastcliff! It was also at this moment that he knew how far he was from Charlie Wade.

He finally knew the gap between the two. It’s the gap between the Day and the Night! It is the gap

between pheasant and phoenix! It is the crucian carp that crosses the river, the gap with the real dragon

on earth! It was also at this moment that Jeff finally gave in completely. He knew that not only did he lose

in this life, but also in the next life.

It is no longer possible for himself to seek revenge like Charlie Wade, and if Charlie Wade kills himself, it

is as easy as crushing an ant. He is the same as Ron’s family, and the members of the Beggar Gang,

except that Charlie Wade is a real dragon on earth, a small fish and shrimp that yawns to death.

Jeff’s face was instantly filled with despair. Just now, he was thinking about his next life, or seeking

revenge on Charlie Wade in the next life. But at this moment, he really understood that even if he had

another life, he probably wouldn’t have the qualification to seek revenge against Charlie Wade.

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1038

The most painful thing in the world is to realize that you will never be able to catch up with your enemy in

a few lifetimes. At this moment, Jeff is already completely ashamed! He looked at Charlie Wade with

tears and choked up: “Charlie Wade, I take it, I really take it, you kill me, I am tired of the world, and I am

tired of myself. ….. Please let me out…”

Charlie Wade nodded and looked at him seriously: “Jeff, of all the people who are going to die today,

your crime is the lightest; but also among everyone who is going to die today, everyone commits a capital

crime, of course. Including you, I hope you can have a good baby in your next life!” Jeff smiled miserably

and said, “In my next life… after hearing you just finished your story, I suddenly felt that a person like me

might be born with a hard life.

If you give me another life, I can’t do it. Still an orphan, maybe it’s still a stinking silk in the eyes of a few

people…” Charlie Wade nodded with a flat expression and said, “In this case, then I hope you can be a

good person in your next life.”

Jeff nodded seriously and smiled sadly: “As you said, I myself have begun to hate myself. I hope I can be

a good person in my next life.” After that, his whole person was calmer. He was scared of incontinence

just now, but at this time, he was able to hold on calmly and stood up by himself.

He stood in front of Charlie Wade and said seriously: “Charlie Wade, let me go on the road, send those

children back safely, tell Mrs. Lewis that I am wrong, tell all my friends, I am wrong, I I regret it, I used my

life to atone for my sins…” Charlie Wade nodded and said, “Since you really know what you were wrong,

then I will give you a happy one.”

With that said, Charlie Wade said to Cameron Isaac: “Weld all those people in Ivecury, and then let the

helicopter hoist the car into the river!” “Good master!”

The helicopter took off again. Ive Currie, the core member of the Beggar Gang and Ron’s family, kept

crying out the last despair. Everyone was struggling hard, but at this time not only they were welded to

death, but the car was also welded to death, it was impossible for them to escape.

Then the helicopter simply threw the Iveco full of sins into the river. This Iveco made a rapid bubble on

the surface of the river, and then it sank completely to the bottom of the river! Charlie Wade turned his

head to look at Jeff at this time, and said lightly: “I promise to give you a pleasure, not to make you die as

painful as they did.”

Jeff smiled miserably and nodded: “Thank you, Charlie Wade.” Charlie Wade nodded slightly, and said to

a man in black next to him: “Take him to the bridge and give him something simple.” The man in black

nodded: “Good master!”

Before the man in black could get started, Jeff staggered towards the bridge.

He climbed onto the guardrail, turned to Charlie Wade and said, “Charlie Wade, give me a good time!”

Charlie Wade looked at the man in black and nodded slightly. Afterwards, the man in black took a black

pistol from his waist and aimed it at Jeff’s forehead. Bang!

A bloody flower burst out of the back of Jeff’s head! Immediately afterwards, his body leaned back, fell off

the bridge, plunged into the river, and was instantly swallowed by the rolling river…

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1039

When Jeff died, Charlie Wade suddenly felt a little sad. He was sad not because he sympathized with

Jeff, but because he felt that a person had become what he hated the most. This was indeed a kind of

sadness. Jeff is in his youth. If it were not for going astray, he would have the opportunity to change his

destiny. Perhaps in a few years, he could also marry someonei, become the CEO, and reach the

pinnacle of life.

But life is like this. Some pits can get up, and some pits can’t get out again. Looking at the billowing river,

a person was hurt for a moment and said to Cameron Isaac: “Okay, you help me take the child back,

send it to the hospital for the doctor to check if there is any serious problem, and then notify the welfare

institution to come over. “

Cameron Isaac nodded and asked, “Master, what should the beggar do for the rest?” Charlie Wade

sighed: “There are tens of thousands of evil beggars, and they can’t be killed. I only hope that the death

of the heads of the beggars can make the people below wake up a bit, and don’t do this kind of beggars

in the future. thing.”

After speaking, he said again: “By the way, let all the people on the scene today stop talking nonsense

after returning.” Cameron Isaac immediately said: “Master, don’t worry, I understand!” Charlie Wade said:

“Okay, let’s go back!”

Cameron Isaac hurriedly used the walkie-talkie to order: “One group, send all the children to Aurouss

Hilll People’s Hospital, and the second group, escort the young master back to Aurouss Hilll!” After a few

minutes. Charlie Wade had already boarded the helicopter on his way back, but the altitude of the plane

was not high, and the cell phone signal was not affected.

So Charlie Wade put the video he had taken in Facebook and processed it, mainly to change his voice

so that it was unrecognizable, and then uploaded the processed video to the Internet. This period of time

is a bit long, very shocking, and some bloody videos. Once released, they immediately became popular

on the Internet.

Originally, the loss of 10 children in Aurouss Hilll Welfare Institute today has become the target of

attention of people across the country. The popularity of the Internet has surpassed all other news,

ranking first in the major rankings!

Almost the people of the whole country are holding their mobile phones and watching this shocking

video! Now this video has brought this event to a perfect ending. The bad guys are punished and the

children are rescued. It immediately aroused the zealous blood in the hearts of the people across the


Especially in the section where all the core members of the Beggar Gang were welded to the River in a

Ivecuri, countless people were excited and applauded. People all over the country want to know who did

this? Who made this video? However, Charlie Wade dealt with all other information, and did not even

leave a back view to the people.

At the same time, because I learned that Donald of the Webb family is the backer of the beggar gang

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leader Marcone, the whole network criticized the Webb family. Hundreds of millions of people scolded

Webb’s family online and asked the police to conduct a thorough investigation.

The reputation of the Webb family was destroyed.

Just when this video went viral on the entire network, and countless people reposted, commented, liked,

and applauded, the whole gang of beggars was completely exploded!

They did not expect that none of their gang leaders, two deputy gang leaders, and the nine elders were


This made the middle-level leaders of the gang of beggars almost all start, desperate to run away


The Webb family didn’t know all of this at this time. Kian just added a meal and caused the whole Webb

family to jump around.

The old man of the Webb family was greatly stimulated last time, and he has just recovered from this


The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1040

At this time, Donald and his wife Xenia were comforting, and they had just fed Kian.

As the eldest son and grandson, Sean was carrying the dinner prepared by the servant and came to his

grandfather’s room.

When he just opened the door, he saw the old man lying on the carpet, twitching constantly, foaming at

his mouth, his face pale!

Sean was taken aback, and hurriedly stepped forward to check and found that the old man seemed to

have had a stroke. When he looked at his hand, he was holding his cell phone tremblingly. There was a

video on the cell phone. How could the person on the video look like this? My uncle?

He subconsciously picked up the phone and took a look. He just saw his little uncle go crazy, pinched his

aunt’s neck, and strangled her directly…

When Sean shivered, his mobile phone was thrown out.

When he was shocked by the content of the video, the old man beside him had already lost his breath.

Sean was shocked and rushed out the door, shouting at the servant and the doctor.

The doctor arrived quickly and began to give first aid to the old man.

Soon, Donald and his wife rushed over after hearing the news.

“What’s going on?! Why did the old man suddenly have a stroke?!”

As soon as Donald arrived, he immediately questioned the Webb family’s expert doctor.

The doctor immediately said: “Chairman Webb, the master should have been irritated, and he was

suddenly irritated, almost like last time!”

“what happened?!”

Donald was extremely puzzled, what happened? Why is it suddenly stimulated to have a stroke?

At this time, Sean in the corner watched all the videos circulating on the Internet, and came to Donald

and Xenia with a pale and weak face, and said in a panic: “Dad, mom, my uncle killed my aunt, and then

someone killed him.

My little uncle and all the core members of his Beggar Gang, even the same group of human traffickers,

a dozen or so people are all welded to an Ivecury, the thrown in the river…”


When the couple heard this, what was their first reaction?

How can there be such a thing in this era?

Weld a dozen people in the car and dump them in the river? How arrogant is this?

Besides, Marcone’s gang of beggars in southern region and the whole province are all standard local

dragons, and ordinary people can’t provoke them at all, let alone ordinary people, it is impossible for

ordinary people to provoke them.

And the entire gang of beggars has more than 10,000 men. Who has the ability to kill all the core

members of the gang of beggars?

Xenia touched her son’s forehead, and couldn’t help but said, “Son, are you having a fever? Then it’s

your brother and aunt, how can you arrange them like this?”

Sean hurriedly said: “Oh, what I said is true. It has spread all over the Internet now, and before my uncle

died, he admitted to the camera that our Webb family was his backer, and he relied on our Webb family.

That’s why we have done so many things that hurt the world and reason. Now the whole network is

scolding our Webb family!”

“What?!” The couple were shocked.

Donald immediately grabbed the phone from him and blurted out: “Which video will I have a look at.”

Sean immediately found the video and clicked to play!

At this time, Donald was sweating nervously, staring at the screen of his mobile phone. He knew what his

brother-in-law had done. If he really asked the Webb family to take care of him, then the reputation of the

Webb family would be all over!

Xenia also raised her heart to her throat. She still couldn’t believe that her brother and younger siblings

were all dead!