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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 1026-1030
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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1026

He panicked and said: “What are you going to do? My daughter is innocent! Don’t involve her!”

The man in black sneered: “How many babies and children in your beggar gang have been kidnapped by

you, aren’t they innocent? Isn’t your Marcone’s child a human, and other people’s children are not


Marcone was shocked!

Before he and his wife could recover, they were forcibly taken into the helicopter by the man in black.

They were taken on the helicopter along with their daughter.

One of the men in black directly took out a syringe and gave Marcone’s daughter a tranquilizer.

This shot of tranquilizer can give Marcone’s daughter at least another 10 hours of sleep.

Afterwards, the plane quickly climbed and flew towards the bridge where Charlie Wade was.


At this moment, above the bridge.

Ron’s family of six is almost shocked.

Jeff had already fainted a few times with fright, and regained consciousness.

The elder of the Beggar Gang, who was responsible for buying and selling people, was already on the

way here. Cameron Isaac’s subordinates were already on the bridge and had no nets. As long as this

person appeared, he would be immediately controlled.

Ron knelt in front of Charlie Wade at this time. The blood that had been kowtow before, had formed

blood scabs, making him look terrible.

But his expression was full of horror. He looked at Charlie Wade and begged: “Brother, if the elder

beggar comes over later, please let us go! We will definitely reform in the future. , Never do this kind of

conscientious thing again!”

Charlie Wade sneered and said: “If you really have a long memory, when you make a pirated CD and

your right hand is cut off, you will already have a long memory. Others have worked so hard to make a

movie and prepare to be shown in the theater to earn the box office. , To recover the cost, and as a

result, you stupid stole the fruits of other people’s labor directly. If you are a pirated rubbish, brazen

stupid, you should have no place to bury the whole family!

I didn’t expect you to be a pirate. I even hit the child with the idea, you are adding sin to sin!”

Ron burst into tears. He raised his severed right hand and begged: “Brother, I do piracy is really not

something, really damn it, I have already paid the price! You see, I lost my right hand when I was young

It’s not easy for me to live the past few years!”

Charlie Wade said coldly: “Your right hand is just the price you paid for piracy. Now you have to pay the

price for kidnapping and stealing children!”

Ron cried and said, “Brother, why don’t you take one of my legs, take one of my legs, I will definitely be a

good person in my life!”

Charlie Wade smiled and said: “You are quite good at discussing with others. It is not impossible to

abandon your leg, but you have stolen 10 children in total. For each child, I abandon your leg. You have

ten legs for me. ?”

Ron was stunned.

Seeing Charlie Wade’s face full of solemnity, as if he was about to kill himself today, he said in a flustered

heart: “Brother, although I don’t have ten legs, there are seven of us! Seven people, that is fourteen legs.


Charlie Wade smiled and said: “You are quite good at doing arithmetic problems, but this kind of thing

cannot be offset by the seven of you, because the results you seven have to face are exactly the same.”

Just as he was talking, a heavy forklift drove over from the bridge head with a Mercedes-Benz S-Class

directly on the fork!

Cameron Isaac’s voice came from the intercom: “The young master, the elder of the beggar gang has

been brought over. It is in the Mercedes-Benz sedan. The car is bulletproof. He is unwilling to get out of

the car, so I just let him go. Fork it!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1027

As the forklift got closer and closer, Charlie Wade asked the people around to make an open space, and

waved at the forklift driver: “Come on, put him here!”

The forklift driver immediately drove the bulletproof Mercedes-Benz S-Class all the way to Charlie Wade.

Cameron Isaac said at this time: “Don’t worry, don’t put him down now, otherwise he will suddenly hurt

the young master if he puts on the gas pedal. First remove his four wheels, and then put him down.”

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As a result, several workers from construction sites immediately took equipment and went up and

unloaded all his four wheels.

At this time, there was a fat man sitting in the car. The fat man was full of horror and shouted in the car:

“Who are you guys and what do you want to do?”

Charlie Wade ignored him.

After all four of his wheels were unloaded, the forklift put the car in place.

Charlie Wade took out his phone, turned on the video recording function, looked at the fat man in the car

window, and said coldly: “The elder of the Beggar Gang, right? You are responsible for buying children

for the Beggar Gang, right? I will give you a self now. If you don’t grasp the opportunity to walk down, you

are at your own risk.”

The fat man looked at him with trepidation, and blurted out, “Who are you? I have never seen you before.

We can’t have any hatred, what’s the resentment!”

Charlie Wade lifted Ron up, pointed at him, and asked the fat man: “Do you know this person? Have you

told him that you want to take over ten orphans from him?”

The fat man’s face instantly turned pale.

Immediately, he glared at Ron and cursed: “Ron RIchie, you f*cking dare to sell me!”

Ron was also full of anger with nowhere to vent, staring at him, hysterically cursing: “You bastard, if it

weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be able to walk this way! You f*cking killed our family!”

Charlie Wade looked at the fat man again and asked in a cold voice, “I will ask you one last time, will I

not come down?” The fat man didn’t dare to get off after being killed, at least he could find a sense of

security in the car.

Seeing that he was indifferent, Charlie Wade said to Cameron Isaac: “Are there electric welding

equipment in these construction vehicles?” Cameron Isaac immediately asked through the walkie-talkie:

“Whose car has an electric welding machine?”

A voice came from the walkie-talkie: “Mr. Cameron, I have a set of welding equipment and inverters in

my car, just for mobile welding!” Cameron Isaac blurted out: “Bring here quickly!” After a while, a truck

drove over. After the driver jumped out of the car, he immediately lifted a set of electric welding

equipment from the back of the truck.

Charlie Wade pointed to the Mercedes-Benz S-Class and said, “Since this fat guy likes to stay inside,

then weld all the doors to me, find some steel bars, and weld all the windows to me!” There were so

many construction vehicles, and various construction site materials were pulled inside, the most of which

were cement, yellow sand and muck, followed by steel bars and other steel plates.

Upon hearing that Charlie Wade ordered the car to be welded to death, the worker immediately greeted

several workers for help. Then, many people carried various steel bars and the steel plates ran over

quickly. When the fat man in the car saw the battle, his soul was frightened. He asked hoarsely, “What

are you going to do?

I have no grudges against you, why are you doing this to me?” Charlie Wade sneered: “You kidnap and

sell children, everyone will be punishable! To do this kind of conscience business, you must have enough

psychological preparation!” After that, he roared: “Sold on me!”

Several workers immediately got busy. First, all the doors of this Mercedes-Benz were welded to death,

and then all the windows of this Mercedes-Benz were welded into cages with various steel plates. The fat

man became more and more frightened inside, and his whole person almost collapsed. He had already

felt something subconsciously, but at this moment, deep down in his heart, he was still deceiving himself

and couldn’t believe it.

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1028

Charlie Wade’s mobile phone has been recording his images, and naturally recorded all the scene of him

being welded to death in the car. The fat man looked at Charlie Wade and threatened with all his

strength: “I warn you, let me go quickly, our boss’s brother-in-law, but Donald of the Webb family!

You must have heard of Donald’s name. How can you not provoke him, if you dare to be against me

today, my boss and his brother-in-law Donald will definitely not spare you!” Charlie Wade smiled and

said: “Your boss? Your boss is already on the way here, so let’s let him watch you on the road later!”

As he was talking, a helicopter in the sky had already moved quickly! After a few minutes, the plane

landed slowly, and several people in black escorted him. Marcone and his wife Lily walked off the

helicopter. When Marcone saw the battle in front of him, he was shocked, his soul lost his body!

He has been out for so long and has never seen such a scary battle! Dozens of engineering vehicles

directly sealed the entire bridge, several helicopters were parked on the bridge, and dozens of men in

black with guns and live ammunition. I don’t know, I thought it was the troops doing some exercises.

He couldn’t help wondering in his heart, who are these people? Whom did you offend? Those beggars

who usually rob themselves of buying and selling, who has such great ability? Those people in black

brought him to Charlie Wade.Charlie Wade stared at him and asked in a cold voice: “Are you John


Marcone felt tight, and subconsciously asked: “Who are you? What are you looking for?” Charlie Wade

smiled and said: “Me? I am the one who will kill you!” When Marcone heard this, his face became cold,

and he immediately said angrily: “You want my life? Do you know who my brother-in-law is?”

Charlie Wade smiled and said, “I know, isn’t it Donald? Do you think Donald can save you at this time? If

this old dog Donald rushes over today, I will kill the entire Webb family today. Here!” “You…” Marcone

was shocked. He couldn’t understand why the young man in front of him had such a strong confidence,

and he dared to say such arrogant words.

Who is Donald?

Donald is an existence that no one can match in the whole Southaven and no one dares to mess with!

He is the king of Southaven! But the young man in front of him didn’t pay attention to Donald at all. What

gave him such a confidence?

At this time, the fat man who had been completely welded to death in the Mercedes-Benz car opened a

window in the car and shouted to the outside: “Boss, Boss, you must save me, Boss!” Marcone was

shocked. He turned his head and found that in the Mercedes-Benz that was welded to death, he was

sitting in one of the nine elders of his beggar gang. He hurriedly blurted out and asked: “Old Alan, why

are you here?”

The beggar elder in the Mercedes Benz cried and said, “Boss, I came to pick up the goods. I didn’t

expect that the boy named Ron who talked to me, he actually cheated me, because he united with others

to do the crime I, boss, you must save me!” Marcone was frightened and stupid, this battle is clearly to


If the opponent dares to kill his own elder, he must dare to kill himself… He was nervous and scared to

die, and tremblingly asked Charlie Wade: “Brother, what on earth do you and I have misunderstood?

Or what do you want? Just ask, as long as I can give it to you, I just beg you to let us go!” Charlie Wade

said coldly: “Your beggars help to do some conscienceless things. What I want today is justice!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1029

Marcone said in horror: “Brother, how can my brother-in-law Donald be regarded as a face and face in

the south of the Yangtze River. If you kill me, he will definitely not let you go. Instead of repaying

injustices like this, why can’t he turn fighting into jade?” Charlie Wade smiled indifferently, and said: “I’m

sorry, I want to turn a fight with me into a jade silk, you are not worthy! Even Donald is not worthy! You

see Donald as a god, but in my eyes it is just a pile of shit!”

After that, he said again: “Marcone, don’t worry, let’s come one by one, I will send your brother on the

road first, and then have a good chat with you!” Immediately afterwards, Charlie Wade looked at the fat

man in the Mercedes-Benz, and said coldly: “You kidnap and sell children, you lose your conscience, you

are a tiger, and everyone is punishable. Today I will act for the sky and let you do what you do.

To pay the price! Don’t you like your Mercedes-Benz? Don’t you like to stay in it and not get down? Okay,

let this car be your coffin and let your boss send you on the road!” After all, he looked at Marcone and

said coldly: “Come on, you sing a song loudly for me, sing a famous Italian song! Goodbye friends!!”

Marcone subconsciously shivered and said: “I…I won’t…” Charlie Wade scolded: “You f*cking bluff me?

Who can sing such a classic song?” Marcone does sing this song, and he often sings it in KTV, but how

could he be willing to sing it at this time?

The young man in front of him welded one of his generals in a Mercedes-Benz car, and said that he

wanted this car to be his coffin, which meant that he would die in the car. I can’t save my brother, nor can

I sing goodbye to my friend when he dies, right? Seeing that he didn’t even speak, Charlie Wade

immediately yelled: “Sniper shoot his right leg!” As soon as the voice fell, he heard a gunshot!

Then Marcone knelt on the ground with a plop.

His right knee has become a mass of fleshy flesh, and the pain makes him cry.

Charlie Wade continued: “I count 123, and within three seconds, if this person doesn’t sing to me, I’ll

break his other leg!”



Marcone was so scared to cry when he heard this: “Don’t shoot, don’t shoot, brother, I sing, I will sing!”

After all, he endured the sharp pain in his right leg and knee, and sang choked with a trembling voice:

“Oh goodbye friend, ah, goodbye friend, ah, goodbye friend, goodbye, goodbye… …”

Charlie Wade looked at the fat man in the Mercedes-Benz car and asked him with a smile: “Have you


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Your big brother is singing to see you off, you can go on the road with peace of mind!”

The fat man collapsed in pain, slapped the car window and shouted: “I don’t want to die, please spare

my life, I really don’t want to die…”

Charlie Wade stopped paying attention to him, but yelled, “Hang up this Mercedes Benz for me with a

heavy helicopter!”

Cameron Isaac immediately ordered to go down.

In the car, the big fat man was completely crazy. He slapped the car window frantically, crying and

begging: “Brother, uncle, please let me go. I’m still young and I don’t want to die. I have 80 mothers.

There are three-year-old children. If I die, they will all be over!”

Charlie Wade sneered: “Before you do this business, you should have thought that you will end up like


A heavy helicopter tied the Mercedes-Benz with a cable, and then slowly hoisted it in the air.

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1030

Charlie Wade said coldly: “Throw him into the river for me!”

The helicopter immediately flew to the river surface by the bridge, and then the aircraft suddenly

disconnected the rope, and the Mercedes Benz crashed into the river surface at a very fast speed.

This Mercedes-Benz itself is bulletproof, and the body is very heavy, plus the steel plate welded in a

circle makes it heavier.

Therefore, the moment it plunged into the river at high speed, it immediately threw a spectacular splash

of water!

The splashing water even formed a small rainbow in the sun!

Immediately afterwards, the Mercedes-Benz car sank directly into the river bottom and disappeared

without any delay!

Everyone present knew that this fat man was bound to die.

Because that car has been completely welded to death, even if it is Houdini, it is impossible to escape!

Jeff, Ron’s family, and Marcone’s couple suddenly collapsed with horror as they watched the Mercedes-

Benz sink to the bottom of the river.

No one thought that Charlie Wade would be so decisive when killing someone.

Jeff also clearly realized at this moment that this orphan, who grew up with him since childhood, seemed

to be able to kill him today.

He crawled to Charlie Wade’s feet, crying and his whole person was out of breath: “Charlie Wade, please

let me go.

I am different from them. I have never done such a mourning before. For the best things, I was just

confused for a while, and blinded for a while, I beg you to give me another chance, you grew up with me,

you know that I am not the kind of heinous person…”

Charlie Wade looked at him in disgust, and said coldly: “Jeff, there is a truth you have to understand.

Some mistakes can be forgiven, but some mistakes can never be forgiven, even for the first time!”

After finishing talking, he used the camera of his mobile phone to aim at Marcone and his wife, and said

coldly: “Come on, I will give you and your wife a chance to confess to the people of the whole country.

Looking at my mobile phone camera, you have done it all these years. If you’re doing well, I might be

able to make you suffer less.”

Marcone’s wife Lily was almost crazy, but at this moment, she knelt on the ground with a thump, crying

and begging for mercy: “Big brother, please forgive me, I’m just Marcone’s wife, I don’t even know. What

did he do on weekdays, I am really innocent!”

As she said, she pointed to her flat lower abdomen, and said: “You tell me, I have been pregnant for two

months, please let us go and give us a way out!”

Upon hearing this, Marcone subconsciously cursed: “Lily, you actually want to betray me at this time!”

Lily suddenly exploded: “Marcone, I have your seed in my stomach! Don’t I want to leave a queen for you

Marcone family?

If we both die here today, your Marcone family’s line broken!”

In fact, Lily’s thinking is very simple, just to survive.

She didn’t live enough and didn’t want to die!

If she is allowed to die with her husband and live as a widow by herself, choose one of the two, then she

must choose the latter.

Marcone also thought at first that she was going to live alone.

But listening to her say this, my heart suddenly shuddered.

My wife is right, if both myself and my wife are dead, even if the young man in front of him let go of his

daughter, his own line will be cut off!

Daughter, in the eyes of the Marcone family, the line cannot be continued!