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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 1016-1020
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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1016

At this moment, the sound of a helicopter roaring from outside suddenly came.

Because the movement of the helicopter was too loud, and the sound was too recognizable, the entire

vehicle became more panicked.

Jeff panicked and asked: “What’s the matter? How come there are helicopters? Who are these people?”

Ron’s father drew a gap in the curtain and looked up to the sky, and immediately saw several helicopters

lined up.

He was so scared that he said, “There are several helicopters in the sky. Even if the police arrest people,

they don’t know how to use helicopters. Are we offending some big people?”

As they were talking, everyone heard the sound of the helicopter, and it was already overhead!

Charlie Wade was sitting on one of the helicopters, looking down at the scene on the bridge.

The entire bridge has been broken by large vehicles. In the middle of the bridge, a dozen large vehicles

surrounded the Iveco.

Traffickers and children are in this car.

Cameron Isaac said to Charlie Wade: “Master, many of my people are from special forces. Some of them

have a way to kill all these people!”

Charlie Wade said coldly: “Don’t be anxious to kill, stay alive.”

“Good!” Cameron Isaac said: “Then I will let them control these bastards first!”

Charlie Wade nodded and said, “Do it now!”

Cameron Isaac immediately gave an order, and one of the helicopters descended and hovered on top of

the Iveco.

Immediately after four ropes were thrown on both sides of the helicopter, four former special forces in

black immediately descended from the ropes.

They were very professional. They were hung on the four corners of the Iveco car roof. Then they took

out the portable cutting machine and started cutting the iron sheet of the car roof at the fastest speed.

This white Iveco itself is not a special vehicle. The iron sheet on the roof is very easy to cut.

In the blink of an eye, the entire roof was cut off!

The people in the car were already shocked. They looked at the roof of the car and were gradually cut

open. There was no good way at all.

At this time, the helicopter hovering over their heads began to slowly rise, and the four former special

forces each used a special suction cup to firmly hold the four corners of the roof.

With the ascent of the helicopter, this Iveco was uncovered directly!

At this time, not only Charlie Wade on the helicopter, but also the situation in the car, even Jeff in the car

and Ron’s family saw the magnificent scene of several helicopters hovering in the sky at the same time.

Except for the helicopter that cut the roof of their car, on both sides of the remaining helicopters are ex-

special forces armed with automatic rifles. They are like the Marines in Operation Red Sea. The target

was tightly locked on the 7 people in the car, ensuring that as long as anyone dared to hurt the child,

they would immediately kill him.

For a top family like the Wade family with a net worth of trillions of dollars, their ability to protect

themselves is far beyond the recognition of ordinary people.

Special forces, automatic rifles, and helicopters are just drizzle. With the influence of the Wade family,

even if armored vehicles are called, it is not a big problem!

This is the confidence of the real top family!

Today, using such a big battle to solve a few human traffickers can be said to be fighting mosquitoes with

anti-aircraft guns.

But Charlie Wade didn’t feel wasted at all, this kind of scum would have to use the most powerful means

to destroy them all at once!

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1017

At this time, Charlie Wade directly turned on the PA system on the helicopter, and said loudly: “Listen to

the people in the car, you are already surrounded, immediately put down all resistance to surrender,

otherwise, die!”

The sound of Charlie Wade frightened the 7 people in the Iveco car.

Ron collapsed, because he felt that even if he killed and set fire, he wouldn’t use such a big battle to

catch him, right?

At this moment, his family was so scared that they were so scared that they were still thinking that after

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they got the money, they would go to the Maldives for a holiday, but they didn’t expect to be completely

covered by such a net.

Jeff was even more panicked.

He is almost regretting death at this moment!

Not only regret, but more panic.

But at this time, he suddenly came back to his senses, and felt that the sound of the call on the

helicopter just now was so familiar?

But he didn’t hear it for a while, this voice was Charlie Wade’s voice.

So he panicked and asked Ron: “What should we do now? This group of people have guns. Now even

the roof of the car has been cut off.

What if they shoot us?”

Ron’s elder sister wailed in fright: “Brother, we won’t die here today, right? My elder sister hasn’t lived

enough yet, my elder sister is still young, my elder sister hasn’t been married yet!”

“What are you yelling about?

I’m not married either!” Ron was afraid and confused in her heart. Hearing her sister crying and making

noise, her heart was even more irritable. Charlie Wade looked down at these 7 people from the

helicopter and found that they were not doing anything. He was immediately angry and said coldly: “I will

give you three seconds to get off the car, otherwise you will have to pay the price!”

As soon as the voice fell, he immediately started timing. “three!” Ron’s mother cried bitterly: “Ron, let’s

get out of the car quickly, otherwise I’m really afraid that these people will attack us!” Ron hesitated. If

you don’t get out of the car, you might be able to kidnap a few children and use your children’s lives to

threaten the other party to let yourself go.

But if you get out of the car, isn’t it just being slaughtered? “two!” Ron’s sister hurriedly said: “Ron, you

have to say something!” “One!”

After Charlie Wade finished counting three times, seeing that none of the seven people moved, he

immediately said to Cameron Isaac: “Notify the sniper and kill the driver!” “Good master!” Cameron Isaac

immediately passed the walkie-talkie and gave an order in a cold voice: “The sniper immediately looks

for a suitable opportunity, kills the driver first, and fights for a shot!”

The intercom system immediately received a reply from the snipers:“The sight of Sniper No. 1 is


“The sight of Sniper No. 2 is blocked.” “Sniper No. 3 has an unobstructed sight and has locked on the

target! The kill probability is 80!” “Sniper No. 4 is unobstructed and has locked the target! The kill

probability is 95!” Cameron Isaac immediately ordered: “Sniper No. 4 listens to my orders and shoot!” At

this moment, the former special soldier hanging outside the door of a helicopter on the right immediately

pulled the trigger.

With a bang. The sniper rifle burst out with a tongue of flame, and then the bullet shot out from the

muzzle at a rapid speed.

The next moment, Ron, who was sitting in the driving seat of Iveco, was so nervous that he did not know

what to do, he was suddenly headshot! No one expected that a person who was intact in the last second

would burst out a bloody mist on his head in the next second…

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1018

Ron’s family was so scared that they collapsed and screamed! They really did not expect that the caller

would immediately instruct to shoot after three seconds! The one who died was the eldest son of the

Richie family, and Ron’s parents loved the eldest son the most. Seeing that his eldest son was instantly

taken his life, the two of them went crazy and cried. Ron was sprayed with red and white because he

was closest to his brother.

He was already scared to death. When he was in this business, he never thought that this business

would be terrible! At this time, Charlie Wade said coldly through the PA system: “I will give you three

more seconds. If you don’t get out of the car and surrender, then I will let the sniper randomly kill the

second person!”

As soon as these words came out, all six of them lost the courage to resist, and ran out of the car in a


After getting out of the car, the six people raised their hands high above their heads, and their faces were

filled with the deepest fear.

This is the first time they have witnessed such a bloody and direct death with their own eyes. Everyone’s

heart trembled! Even Ron’s mother, sister, and Jeff were so scared to pee their pants. Charlie Wade

continued to shout: “All six of you kneel down at the back of the car, hold your head in your hands, and if

anyone dares to make any other actions, kill it on the spot!”

How dare these six people fail, they hurried to the back of the car and knelt on their heads. At this time,

the big car at the rear slowly retreated tens of meters, leaving a huge open area. Afterwards, the

helicopter that Charlie Wade was riding in began to slowly land on this open ground.

The former special forces on other helicopters moved faster, and they had quickly descended onto the

bridge by cable descent. Dozens of former special forces armed with live ammunition had surrounded

the six groups at this time, and their guns were all aimed at them. Several former special forces have

entered the Iveco and quickly checked the health of the 10 children in the car.

Afterwards, he reported in the intercom system: “Master, all 10 children are in a coma, but I checked their

physical indicators and vital signs, and there is no danger to their lives, please rest assured.” Charlie

Wade immediately relaxed. Since the children are all right, the remaining task is how to deal with these

human traffickers!

He not only wants these human traffickers to pay the price of their lives, but also finds out their

downstream buyers and kills them all! At this moment, Charlie Wade’s helicopter had slowly stopped on

the bridge. Charlie Wade pushed the hatch, and jumped down.

The six people, including Jeff, were all kneeling on the ground at this time, looking at Charlie Wade

coming down from the helicopter in horror. But the distance at this time was still a bit far, Jeff did not

recognize Charlie Wade. Charlie Wade didn’t see Jeff either, he thought this was Ron’s family.

But when he got closer, he saw Jeff with a frightened face among the six people! Charlie Wade’s heart

was suddenly extremely angry! He really didn’t expect that Jeff would be involved!

No matter how hard this kid pretended, he was one of the orphans who came out of the orphanage.

Charlie Wade never expected that it was this Jeff who grew up in the orphanage who would collude with

others and steal from the orphanage. 10 children out! Jeff also saw the man coming by at this time!

When he recognized that the person walking by was Charlie Wade, his whole person’s worldview was

instantly subverted! how come…… How could it be Charlie Wade? !

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1019

Jeff felt that no one in the world would be too surprised to step down from this helicopter, but Charlie

Wade was the only one who stepped down from here, which made him unacceptable anyway.

However, the tall and handsome man with a cold face is indeed the orphan who grew up with him in the

orphanage, Charlie Wade!

He couldn’t imagine, what exactly is Charlie Wade? You can mobilize such a powerful force to pursue


Among other things, just these few helicopters, and these dozens of experts with guns and live

ammunition like special forces, are definitely not the strength that ordinary people can have.

Even the richest man in Aurouss Hilll cannot be so capable!

Deep in his heart, he couldn’t help asking himself: What is the origin of Charlie Wade?

Isn’t he an orphan? Still the son-in-law who eats soft rice! Why can such a powerful force be mobilized?

At this time, Charlie Wade had already stepped forward to the six people.

However, instead of looking at the other five people, he stared at Jeff with extremely cold eyes and

asked coldly, “Jeff! You are so bold!”

Jeff trembled violently, hurriedly begged: “Charlie Wade! This is a misunderstanding, Charlie Wade!”

“Misunderstanding?!” Charlie Wade said furiously: “You and traffickers abducted 10 orphans from the

orphanage, and then told me this was a misunderstanding?”

Jeff suddenly burst into tears, and said with tears in his nose: “Charlie Wade, I have no choice but to not

lose my bet with you. I accidentally ran into someone else’s Phaeton. If I don’t pay for it, If someone else

has a new car, they will kill me, and I am also forced to be helpless Charlie Wade!”

Charlie Wade stepped forward, kicked him on his chest, kicked him all the way, and sternly shouted: “You

are an orphan. You know what kind of pain orphans have to go through since childhood. They are raised

in a welfare institution. It’s nothing more than doing something for the orphanage. If you steal the children

from the orphanage for money, you deserve to die!”

Jeff was in severe pain, but he struggled to get up, crying and said, “Charlie Wade, I was wrong, I’m

sorry, I shouldn’t have been blinded by lard for a while, please take it for the sake of growing up together.

Please spare me this time!”

“Spare you?” Charlie Wade snorted coldly, and said: “You have done such a conscientious thing, how

can my conscience let me spare you?”

Jeff hurriedly pointed to the Iveco and said: “You can see that those younger brothers and sisters did not

suffer any injuries, and they all took sleeping pills. Now take them back. They don’t even know what

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happened. As long as you spare me this time, I will work for the orphanage in my life, and I am willing to

use my life to pay for my sins!”

Charlie Wade said coldly: “Save some energy, Jeff, among the seven people today, you are the most


When Ron heard this, he hurriedly blurted out and wailed: “This eldest brother, you are right. This

incident was planned by the organization named Jeff. We were all used by him! Please forgive us!”

Charlie Wade saw his right arm raised high, and his wrist broke all at once, knowing that this person was

the notorious Ron.

So, he snorted and asked: “You are Ron Richie, right?!”

When Ron heard this, his whole body trembled!

How would he know his name?

Charlie Wade saw his face full of horror, and smiled playfully, coldly: “Ron, you guys are okay. I heard

that you were doing some sneaking and petting businesses before, and you were still a family of six. I

didn’t expect you to be cut off. With one hand, you don’t even have a long memory? I heard that you had

been reselling children before, but I didn’t expect that you dared to steal children directly this time!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1020

As soon as Ron heard this, he knew that the other party had checked all of his details.

So he squatted his head in panic: “Big brother, big brother, this is all a misunderstanding, big brother! I

have offended people before, so my reputation is corrupted everywhere. I have never done anything to

resell a child. It was just spread by others!”

Charlie Wade smiled and asked him: “Do you think I am like a fool?”

Ron kept kowtow, his entire forehead had become bloody, and he begged: “Big brother, I really can’t

blame me this time. This time it was all Jeff’s idea. He told me that he had an accident. There is a

shortage of hundreds of thousands, because he told me that there are many children in the orphanage.

He even made the whole plan for us to steal the children!”

Charlie Wade said coldly: “Don’t worry, I will figure out the accounts of each of you.”

After speaking, Charlie Wade questioned: “I ask you, who are you going to sell these children to?”

At this time, Ron dared not hide anything, and hurriedly said: “Brother, these children are going to be

sold to the southern region Gang!”

Charlie Wade asked again: “Who is your partner?”

Ron blurted out: “It’s an elder of the Beggar Gang!”

Charlie Wade frowned and said, “There are elders in the Beggar Gang?”

Ron nodded and hurriedly said: “This gang of beggars was established completely after the gang in

martial arts s, because they all pretended to be beggars and cheated money everywhere, so they

directly used the name of the gang, the biggest leader of the gang.

, Is their gang leader, under the gang leader there are two deputy gang leaders, nine elders, dozens of

hall leaders and tens of thousands of subordinates scattered across the province…”

Charlie Wade didn’t expect this gang of beggars like a social cancer to have such a huge organizational


There are tens of thousands of beggars in a province alone!

Ron wanted to perform meritorious service in front of Charlie Wade and strive for lenient treatment, so he

poured out all the information he knew.

“Brother, the nine elders of the Beggar Gang are all rich men with a net worth of tens of millions. This

group of people has long stopped begging in person. They live in luxury villas, drive luxury cars, and

even sit in their offices.”

“The nine elders perform their duties. Some people are responsible for recruiting new members, who are

responsible for management, finances, and training.

Some people are responsible for implementing family laws. The elder who joined me is responsible for

buying children for begging… ..”

Charlie Wade asked again: “Who is the leader of the beggar gang?”

Ron said: “The name of the beggar gang’s leader is John Marcone.

Don’t think he is just a beggar gang’s gang leader, but his net worth is at least one billion Dollar. His

business covers various gray industries, and he has already become Southaven. A big man in the

underground world.”

After that, he said again: “By the way, Marcone has very powerful background, and his sister is the wife

of Donald, the head of the Webb family!”

Charlie Wade frowned, “So, this John Marcone is Donald’s brother-in-law?”

“Yes, yes, yes!” Ron nodded and said, “His brother-in-law!”

Charlie Wade sneered and nodded, and said to himself: “Interesting! Really interesting!”