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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 1006-1010
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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1006

Jacob Wilson said impatiently: “Two years are too long. That b*tch still doesn’t know that your Matilda is

back, but this matter must not be hidden for too long. My thought is that before she knows that your

Matilda is back, Divorce her first.”

Speaking of this, Jacob Wilson was a little depressed and said, “But, you heard what the shrew said


She said that if I find another woman, she will not let me get better, I’m afraid he will know you Auntie

Matilda. I’m going to trouble your Auntie Matilda. Your Auntie Matilda is quiet and dignified, and has a

good temper. How could she be the opponent of that shrew.”

Charlie Wade said: “Dad, I really want to help you with this matter, but I am also helpless.

You still have to solve this problem yourself for some things.”

In fact, Charlie Wade really wanted to let Elaine Ma evaporate directly from the world. He had this idea

the last time this woman stole his bank card.

It’s a pity that he couldn’t bear Claire Wilson Wilson being sad, otherwise, he would never let Elaine Ma


If he doesn’t let Elaine Ma come back, then the old man’s current life will be extremely enjoyable.

Thinking of this, Charlie Wade said again: “Dad, it’s not that I said you. Your biggest problem is that you

are too weak and too scared of her.

She only has to say a few words, and you don’t know what to do. People can help you solve this

problem. If you want to solve this problem, you can only rely on yourself.”

Jacob Wilson sighed and said, “I understand what you said, but some things will form a psychological

shadow, and it is difficult for you to overcome in your heart.”

Charlie Wade said: “Then I can’t help, Dad, Matilda finally came back. If I let her know, she will probably

fight Matilda to get rid of Aurouss Hilll. She will never give up unless Matilda is driven out of Aurouss Hilll.

At that time, you have to think about what to do.”

When Jacob Wilson heard this, he snorted in his heart.

What he fears most is the occurrence of this scene.

If Elaine Ma really knew that Matilda was back, she would definitely go to trouble Matilda, and she would

never die!

Jacob Wilson had to sigh: “Think about it. Try to think of a solution.”


Jacob Wilson sent Charlie Wade to the orphanage, and he went to the Calligraphy and Painting

Association to hold an appreciation meeting with others.

When Charlie Wade got out of the car, he saw Lisa just waiting at the door. The little girl ran to herself

when she saw that she was coming.

“Brother Charlie Wade!” Lisa cried out with a choked voice, then plunged into Charlie Wade’s arms,

crying and said: “Brother Charlie Wade, think of a solution quickly, I’m really afraid that those younger

brothers and sisters will never again I can’t find it…”

Charlie Wade patted her back lightly and said seriously: “Don’t worry, I will definitely go all out. Is Mrs.

Lewis back now? Are there any new clues?”

Lisa shook his head with red eyes and said, “Mrs. Lewis and the others haven’t come back. I don’t know

if there is any progress.”

As he was talking, a taxi stopped at the entrance of the orphanage.

Mrs. Lewis and the director of the orphanage walked out of the taxi.

Charlie Wade hurriedly pulled Lisa to greet him, and asked, “Mrs. Lewis, what did the police say, is there

any clue?”

Seeing Charlie Wade’s arrival, Mrs. Lewis smiled bitterly, and said: “The police station has opened a

case. They are starting from the monitor, but the only clue that can be found now is that they are driving

a white Ivek and committing a crime.

There should be six or seven of the elements. After they fainted the child, they all got in the car and were

out of the city.”

Charlie Wade asked hurriedly, “Has the police station started tracking this car?”

“Chased.” Mrs. Lewis sighed, and said: “Their car had a license plate, and it disappeared on the high-

speed. It is seriously suspected that they have changed other brands on the high-speed.

The kind of Iveco itself is our Aurouss Hilll. The models are very common, and there is no license plate

number, so it is difficult to find them.”

Charlie Wade nodded solemnly.

Under this circumstance, it may be difficult to achieve results in a short period of time by relying on the

police department’s method of handling cases.

If you want to find criminals in the shortest time, or find information related to criminals, you must find the

kind of people who have the underground world and have great abilities.

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They have a large number of eyeliners in all walks of life, so their intelligence is more in-depth than the


The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1007

Thinking of this, Charlie Wade called Don Albertt.

After all, Don Albertt is the underground emperor of Aurouss Hilll, and his eyeliner is much more than

ordinary people.

As soon as the call was connected, Don Albertt asked respectfully: “Master Wade, what do you want?”

Charlie Wade said: “There are 10 two or three-year-old children in the Aurouss Hilll Welfare Institute.

They were stolen by traffickers last night. You have been underground in Aurouss Hilll for a long time.

Please help me to investigate if anyone has recently made noise about buying children. Or is anyone

inquiring about the child everywhere.” Many cases can be solved, not necessarily because of the

supernatural powers of the investigators, or what kind of high-tech assistance they have, but because

the criminals left key clues in his unique group.

For example, if a person is killed, the police will start by confirming the identity of the corpse. But people

in the arena know who the person has offended and what kind of things he has been involved in. The

probability is that Who killed it. For another example, if someone loses a car in the local area, if they

report to the police, the police usually investigate where the car has been.

Where did it disappear? Surveillance video shows who has been in contact with this car during this time?

But if you directly ask the people in the underground world, who are the local people who steal the car, or

who are the local people who are responsible for selling stolen goods, whoever has seen the car lost is

basically accurate. But the key is that the underground world has very clear rules and rules.

Even if an insider wants to get certain information, his ability and status must match this information.

Otherwise, it is impossible to inquire about anything. For example, a small gangster wants to know what

kind of business Don Albertt is doing recently, who he has eaten with, and who he has met.

It is basically impossible to inquire. But if Don Albertt wants to know what a gangster is up to lately and

who he has frequent contact with, his captains will help him find out with just one sentence. Don Albertt

knew that Charlie Wade had always lived in the orphanage from childhood to adolescence, so he also

knew that the children of the orphanage were stolen, Charlie Wade must be very angry.

So he immediately proceeded to investigate. Ten minutes later, a clue was fed back to Don Albertt. There

is a kid named Ron Richie in Aurouss Hilll. Some time ago, while having a meal with friends on the road,

he asked where Aurouss Hilll could buy children.

Charlie Wade hurriedly asked him: “What is the origin of this Ron Richie?” Don Albertt said: “This kid is a

native of Aurouss Hilll. He has been stealing chickens and dogs since he was young, and his family is

also making a living. When he was not an adult, he participated in many illegal and criminal activities.

Money, this kid does everything.”

“A few years ago, this kid and his family made some money by pirating movies. They sneaked into the

movie theater with a video camera to secretly take pictures of other movies being shown, and then

carved them into pirated CDs and sold them out.

During that period of time, it was very busy.” “As a result, a big man invested in a big-produced movie,

which was stolen by this kid as soon as it was released. Then the big man asked someone to chop off

the kid’s hand. From then on, the kid didn’t dare to pirate the movie. , The family changed their careers

and became a snakehead, just reselling the population.”

“His family specializes in reselling underage children, usually to gangs in the south. Sometimes they also

rent out a group of underage children to gangs. Some time ago, I heard that the police targeted those

underage gangs controlled by the beggars.

Adult children have carried out a special rescue operation and rescued a large number of children, so

now the beggars have been asking for children everywhere, and he is specifically looking for children for

the beggars.” Charlie Wade asked coldly: “This kid and his family are doing this business?!” “Yes!” Don

Albertt said: “A family of six, his father, his mother, his two brothers and one sister, all do this kind of


Charlie Wade gritted his teeth and said: “This kind of garbage is really damn!” After that, he asked again:

“Don Albertt, do you know where this kid is now? I want to know all his movements in the past two days!”

Don Albertt said: “I’m making inquiries, and there must be clues soon!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1008

Charlie Wade snorted and said: “If you have any clues, you must tell me the first time!” Don Albertt

respectfully said: “Okay, Master Wade, I see!” Charlie Wade hung up the phone, turned back to Mrs.

Lewis and Lisa, and said: “Mrs. Lewis and Lisa, don’t worry about the two of you.

I have asked friends to help me find out that he is quite energetic. I I see some clues will come back

soon.” Mrs. Lewis said with a red eye: “Charlie Wade, thank you very much!” Charlie Wade hurriedly

said: “Mrs. Lewis, what are you talking about? I also came out of the orphanage. Now that the younger

siblings in the orphanage are lost, I will definitely try my best to find them back!”

Lisa choked up and said: “Brother Charlie Wade, you donated so much money yesterday. On the way

back, Mrs. Lewis also said that we are going to add a set of monitoring equipment to the entire

orphanage. I didn’t expect it to be today…”

Having said that, Lisa couldn’t help it all at once, and started crying again.

Charlie Wade knows Mrs. Lewis and Lisa very well. Most of the people working in the orphanage are

very kind, and they take care of these children without parents as their own children, and regard

themselves as the parents of these orphans.

Now the welfare home has lost 10 children at once, which is naturally a huge blow to them. Charlie Wade

was about to speak to comfort them, when Don Albertt called. He hurriedly connected. I heard Don

Albertt say on the other end of the phone: “Master Wade, I have already asked someone to find out.

Ron Richie temporarily found a friend on the road last night and borrowed a deck of Iveco. Come out,

there will be no fall in the early morning.” “Borrowed an Iveco?!” Charlie Wade raised his eyebrows, and

said coldly: “The kid who stole the kid also drove an Iveco. I guess this guy and his family did it!”

Don Albertt immediately said: “Master Wade, or provide this kid’s phone number to the police now and let

the police locate and arrest people based on his phone number!” Charlie Wade said coldly: “No! This

kind of scum who specializes in poisoning children is too cheap for them to go to jail! I want them to die!”

Don Albertt suddenly shuddered and blurted out: “Master, if there is any need, Don Albertt will make him

die!” Charlie Wade asked: “Can you locate that kid based on his phone number?” Don Albertt said: “No

problem, I have someone on Verizon, and can investigate his real-time location information!”

Charlie Wade said: “Okay! Now you help me figure out the position!” Don Albertt said immediately:

“Master Wade, give me five minutes!” “it is good!” Charlie Wade hung up the phone, immediately called

Cameron Isaac again, and asked: “How many helicopters can Aurouss Hilll currently mobilize? How

many people can each be carried?” Cameron Isaac said: “Master, Shangri-La has two heavy helicopters,

each of which can take 12 people.

There is a general aviation company invested by the Wade’s at the airport, and there are three medium-

sized helicopters, each of which can take eight people!” Charlie Wade snorted and said, “Get all the

helicopters ready and bring your best manpower.

Besides, you can let one of the helicopters pick me up near the Aurouss Hilll Welfare Institute now!”

Cameron Isaac hurriedly asked: “Master, what are you going to do?” Charlie Wade said coldly: “I want to

walk for the sky!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1009

When Cameron Isaac heard Charlie Wade’s tone, he knew Charlie Wade must be angry. So, he almost

didn’t even think about it, and immediately said: “Master, I will arrange it now!” After that, he hurriedly

asked: “By the way, Master, I will take a helicopter to pick you up right now. Do I go directly to the

Aurouss Hilll Welfare Institute?”

Charlie Wade didn’t want people to know how much energy he had, so he asked, “Is there any place

suitable for helicopter landing near the orphanage?”

Cameron Isaac thought for a while and said, “There seems to be a building nearby called Cloud Building.

There is a helipad on the top of the building. Or you can go there now, I will also set off now, and I will be

there soon!”

“Okay!” Charlie Wade said immediately: “Then you go faster.”

“I know Master!”

After hanging up the phone, Charlie Wade said to Mrs. Lewis and the others: “Mrs. Lewis, Lisa, I have a

friend who may help me find some clues. I will go and find him now. Please wait patiently for my news,

don’t worry.”

Lisa hurriedly said, “Brother Charlie Wade, I want to go with you, okay?”

Charlie Wade said: “Lisa, you can stay here with Mrs. Lewis, just leave this to me.”

Only then did Lisa nod her head, and said obediently: “Good Brother Charlie Wade, and Mrs. Lewis are

here waiting for your good news, you must get your brothers and sisters back!”

Charlie Wade resolutely said: “Don’t worry, I will bring them back safely!”

After all, he immediately left the orphanage and went to the nearby Cloud Building.


At the same time, the police issued a detective report to the whole society through various media.

Suddenly, the fact that ten babies in the welfare home were stolen by human traffickers was quickly

spread to the Internet and the entire Internet.

On many news platforms, this information has been topped the top search list.

Facebook was also pushed on the screen, letting people across the country see this news.

In the past, a news about kidnapping on the street would be paid attention to by people all over the

country, and even hit various headlines.

And now there are some traffickers who are bold enough to steal children from the orphanage! And one

steal is 10!

This is simply unheard of animal behavior! Let everyone smell it with extreme indignation!

For a time, countless netizens across the country were filled with outrage, scolding, scolding,

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commenting, and forwarding on the Internet, and the search volume has been high!

You must know that in recent years, human traffickers have become too rampant. I don’t know how many

families have broken their homes because their children were stolen or abducted by human traffickers.

In any family, children are the treasures in the hearts of parents. If this baby is stolen, abducted and

bought, the parents will even lose the hope and motivation to live!

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1010

Countless happy families have been completely destroyed because of this gang of human abductors!

The most hateful thing is that after these traffickers abduct the children, it would be better to sell them to

normal families who want children, at least the children’s lives will not be too threatened.

But if these godsend beasts deliberately disabled the child and used it to beg for money, wouldn’t the

child’s life be completely ruined? !

Therefore, at this moment, the hearts of the people across the country are closely concerned about

these 10 children who were trafficked.

At this time, Charlie Wade just wanted to save the children as soon as possible! When he reached the

top floor of the building, a helicopter had roared from the sky far away.

At this time, Don Albertt also sent an address to his WeChat, telling him: “Master Wade, that Ron Richie

is now out of the province, but their cars are afraid to go high speeds, they are all down the road, so now

Drive less than 400 kilometers.”

Charlie Wade checked the address and found that the other party was heading south with the child from

the orphanage, and was now in Marion County, next door.

At this time, the helicopter slowly descended from the top of Cloud Building, but before it touched the

ground, Cameron Isaac had already opened the door.

Charlie Wade jumped up and said directly to him: “Let the pilot take off immediately and go to the

Arcadia Province at full speed. Let the other helicopters head in the same direction!”

“Good young master!” Cameron Isaac immediately informed the pilot of the specific location through the

earmuff intercom.

Afterwards, Cameron Isaac asked Charlie Wade: “Master, please forgive me. You are suddenly so

anxious. What’s the matter?”

Charlie Wade said with a black face, “This morning, a family of six traffickers stole 10 children from the


“f*ck!” Cameron Isaac suddenly exclaimed: “What kind of bastards are this family, and they also do such

sorrowful things!”

Charlie Wade said coldly: “Among the three words “knock and abduction”, what I hate the most is

abduction. When I was a child, I grew up in an orphanage and I saw many children who were rescued

after being abducted.

There are too many children, and every child has sold several hands. Even if the police rescued many

children, it would be difficult for them to find their families, so they became orphans who were not


Cameron Isaac said immediately: “Master, don’t worry, I brought my best men and horses this time.

Everyone is a good soldier and strong general.

After catching them, they will surely crush their bastards!”

Charlie Wade said: “Not only do I want to smash them into pieces, but I also want to smash them all up

and down, their accomplices, and colleagues!”

After all, Charlie Wade asked, “Does the Wade family have power in Arcadia Province?”

Cameron Isaac nodded and said: “The family’s influence in Arcadia Province is also very strong, but the

family has always been relatively low-key. Just like I was in Aurouss Hilll, I generally do not participate in

the management of disputes between local rich, families and gangs.

If the locals do not follow the rules, then I can move them anytime, anywhere.”

Charlie Wade suddenly remembered something and asked: “The Webb family’s base camp is in

Southaven. Southaven is the capital of Arcadia Province. They must be the local snakes of Arcadia

Province, right?”

“Yes.” Cameron Isaac said: “The Webb family is the largest family in the south of the Yangtze River. They

have cultivated Southaven and Lancaster for many years, so their strength in Arcadia Province is really


After finishing speaking, Cameron Isaac added: “However, this is extraordinary for ordinary people. To

the Wade family, they are just little friends.”

Charlie Wade nodded, his face gloomy.

Cameron Isaac thought of the Webb family, and said, “Master, the Webb family was looking for your

enemy some time ago. You must pay attention to this matter. Since you don’t need your family to help

you, then do you need me to send you Some bodyguards to protect your safety at all times?”

Charlie Wade waved his hand slightly, his heart was full of disdain for the Webb family, Cameron Isaac

still didn’t know his strength, judging from his current strength, no one could hurt him at all.