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The Alpha's Curse The Enemy Within

Chapter 33
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Chapter 33 Thirty Three

Third person's point of view

Killian felt a pointed piercing in his soul, and something within him shook awake. Something dangerous

and dark. It was spreading through every bone in his body, infecting his blood with its darkness. He

struggled deeper to contain the demon in his chest. But it was far stronger, wanting freedom and

dominance. Without warning, his eyes fluttered open, shining a bright torch of red. Killian's lips flew

open, releasing a threatening growl.

Instantly, darkness covered Killian's consciousness. And the demon was free.

Killian's body vibrated, releasing a loud, threatening growl that caused the earth to quiver. Tiny rocks

inside the cave crumbled to the ground as another growl left Killian's lips. His eyes were burning a

bright shade of red. He was far from being in control. His subconscious was trapped somewhere within

the dark cave of his heart. His bloodshot eyes meant his demon was in control.

Slowly, he pulled his head up. His glowing red eyes fell on Thea. In a swift motion, she was up and

backing away against the wall of the crumbling cave. Killian's lips released another growl that caused a

series of howls from the wolves to reach the sky. Speedily, the chains clinging to his wrists and arms

came crashing down. He shattered the chains that bound his neck and went for the one that bound his

legs and waist.

He felt a deep, insatiable thirst for blood. It was as if there was a cavity somewhere within him that he

needed to fill. His mind was completely dark. There wasn't a single remnant of Killian and Ryker's

thoughts in his soul.

In a flash, the doors of the cave were pushed open, and the spell placed on the cave entrance was

lifted. Without a second thought, Killian, in his beastly form, emerged from the cave. He felt a different

kind of power coursing through his veins as his nails extended into beastly claws and his sharp, pointed

canines were out. It was dark and cruel.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

The witches and Valerie were tending to some of the wolves in the pack house, trying to render as

much help as possible, especially to the younger wolves, so they could survive the night.

The moon was still shining at its peak. Valerie glanced around. She could feel the ruthless hands of

death stalking the air already. Wolves were dying, and it hurt her more that she could do nothing to

help. At least not until the crescent moon rising. That was still a few months away. That is the only

chance the witches had to break the curse on Killian and his pack.

It wasn't as easy as it sounded. The coven witches had been trying their best to finally conclude the

last piece of the spell required for the ritual the minute Alpha Killian found the gifted one, Thea, but they

were unable to.

Valerie had no idea what exactly they were doing wrong. But for some reason, the coven of witches

were still unable to complete the last piece of the spell. Even the best weavers in the coven couldn't

make out the spell. Weavers were witches who had been specially gifted with the ability to create

spells. Every witch was born with specific gifts. Some could foretell the future, like Amelie, others could

create spells, some were channelers, and a lot more.

Valerie even went as far as meeting with some of the best weavers in the whole of North Central, but

none could help with the ancient grimoire of Fiona. She was a witch from the powerful ancestral clan

and was also one of the head witches of the Crystal Fortress.

Valerie shook quickly from her thoughts when she noticed Allen hastening towards her inside the pack

house. He had a gravely terrified look on his face. It caused Valerie's heart to skip a fearful beat.

Her eyes gouged him as she hurried to his side.

"Allen, what happened?" Her gaze scrutinized him. Just like every one of the pack members, he was

suffering as well. She noted the dark lines that appeared on his veins.

Valerie crimped her brows, waiting for Allen's next words, which would almost certainly be bad news.

"He's not himself; that thing has taken over and he has escaped from the cave. He has gone on a

bloody rampage."

Valerie's eyes widened. "That is impossible!" She whispered in confusion. Killian couldn't get out of that

cave, even if the demon within him had taken over, he couldn't possibly escape the boundary spell that

she placed on the cave.

She hastened to the cave with some witches as they approached the cave. The sight before them

made Valerie's body quiver. Blood splatters were soaking the earth, and before them, was Killian. Only

it wasn't him, but the beast at work. He was surrounded by Morgan and some pack warriors, who were

trying their hardest, risking their lives to subdue him. And Killian was fighting against them. One by one,

their bodies thrashed the earth, and his sharp claws went into them.

Valerie scanned around for Thea. She was supposed to be with Killian. The presence of the gifted one

was supposed to weaken the effect of the curse, making the demon weak. But she couldn't find Thea.

Valerie turned to her witches, giving a small nod to them. On cue, the witches spread around him,

surrounding him while the warriors retreated behind them.

Killian's bloodshot eyes scanned around them, a murderous glow sparking within those killer eyes as

they twitched in glee. One could see the thirst for blood in those eyes of his. Immediately, Valerie and

the witches began chanting, their chants echoing into the night, drawing their magic from the powerful

moon while it watched silently from its dwelling.

The witches' chants were affecting him badly. Killian's hands covered his ears as he crumbled to his

knees, his eyes shutting, as the witches began to move closer to him. Their chants held immense

power, and the demon within Killian was fighting against it. fighting to stay in control. And it won.

Everything happened in slow motion. A thundering growl erupted from the demon's lungs, causing a

quake to slice through the earth. The earth shook angrily, resulting in an endless quake that spread

throughout the Crescent North Pack, destroying everything in its path. The witches that circled closer

around him were thrown off balance by the earth trembling, and as quickly, Killian escaped them,

dashing into the thick woods.

Valerie and her witches, along with the warriors, scattered around the pack territory in search of Killian.

She had also sent some witches to block all borders that led out of the Pack's territory so he couldn't

cross them.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

The pack was determined to prevent Killian from leaving the pack territory at all costs, especially in his

beastly form. Otherwise, the lives of many humans in the village would be in danger. The curse on

Killian and the pack could also be exposed.

They all knew what was at stake, and they couldn't afford that. Many of the pack's enemies will no

doubt use this weakness against the pack.

Valerie met up with Mason and Morgan. They still haven't found Killian. Together, they kept on

searching until one of the witches was able to track the demon. Valerie alerted the pack's warriors and

also the witches to head towards the east side borders of the pack territory.

They went into the woods, trailing after the demon. By the time Valerie arrived with the witches, there

were several bodies of the pack warriors scattered around the meadow. Some lay motionless on the

ground, while others appeared injured. But no sight of Killian. Her eyes narrowed in on Allen from afar.

Valerie rushed closer to him in speed. He was bleeding badly from claw injuries. Without delay, she

placed her hand on him, whispering a few words, and his wound was healed.

"What happened? Where's the Alpha?" Valerie asked, and just then Allen's eyes widened. "What is it,

Allen?" She questioned again, as he struggled to his feet.

"We need to find them!" He sounded in a panicked tone.

"Them? What are you saying?" She tried her hardest not to yell.

"It's Luna," He spoke fast. "I don't know how but she was here a few minutes ago. Killian as well. He

took her." He yelled frustratedly, tugging his black hair. "Sheila is in danger."

Allen and Valerie began moving, while the rest of the warriors and witches spread out into the woods.

Her heart was racing hard. It was dangerous for Sheila to be with Killian in the state he was in. She

was worried for both Sheila and Killian, knowing full well Killian would never forgive himself if

something terrible happens to her. He wouldn't forgive himself for hurting her.

Suddenly, a sharp scream pierced through the woods. It belonged to Sheila.

In a haste, they rushed out of the woods, stepping into the clearing field, and Valerie stopped dead in

her tracks, not from the sight before her, but at the overpowering magical energy that floated in the air,

which certainly wasn't from her.