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The Alpha Who Saved Me

The Alpha Who Saved Me By Stacy Rush Chapter 188
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Chapter 38
The moment we step out of the room, we are swarmed by parents and grandparents. Of
course, me, Decker, and Holden are pretty much shoved out of the way, which is totally
fine with us as the three of us stand back, smirking at the scowling face of my third mate.
I pull Miss Beatrice aside and hug her tight, “Thank you. for all of your help.”
“Oh dear, I really didn’t do all that much.” She chuckles.
“We wouldn’t have known what to do had you not told us.” I pull away and look my
former instructor in the eye.
“Emery, you are the Power of Four. In the future, keep in mind that as long as the four of
you are together, there isn’t anything that you can’t achieve. You four are meant to forge
Enter title...
a brighter future for all, whether it be shifters, witches, humans, vampires...”
“Wait, what?”
The witch laughs, “Yes, I said vampires, but they are not what you think...they aren’t
“Wow, I’ve never met one before.”
“Yes, you have, dear.”

“Huh? I’m pretty sure I would have known if I met a vampire.” I snicker a bit nervously because now my brain is on overdrive
trying to think of
who and when.
“Emery Davis-Storm, since when do you judge a book by its cover? We are all the same
for the most part, well, aside from the Shikari, all we want is to live in peace with one another.”
“Back up Miss Beatrice; don’t try and distract me from what you said a moment ago.
When have I met a vampire?”
She sighs and then looks up at the ceiling before looking back at me, “You were trained
by one of the best ones.”
My mouth drops, “Mr. Lynx is a bloodsucker?”
“Emery!” the witch chastises, “Don’t ever call them that, especially Lynx! They can’t help
that they have to live off blood but it’s nothing like the stories say. They don’t suck anyone dry, at least not most of them. As
always, each species has a few bad seeds, but it
doesn’t mean they are all alike.”
“You’re right, of course. I don’t know why my thoughts even went there. I’m intrigued to
know more about them now.” I perk up with interest.
The witch scoffs, “Good luck there! Vampires aren’t very open about their lives. They
would rather keep to themselves, especially after what so many stories say about them.
Hell, even romance s make you shifters out to be all hot Al- phas and Lunas...” her
words trail off as she eyes my mates up and down, and then shakes her head, “The
point is, very few have romance s where they don’t have the vampire sucking

everyone’s blood.”
“That is so true...” I think about everything that she’s just
told me, and it seems as though we have even more studying to do. If we are the ones

that are supposed to right every- thing, then I guess we had better make sure we know
all that we can in order to do just that.
“Can we please go home now?” I turn towards Asher’s voice and right away I see that
he’s overwhelmed.
I glance at my other two mates, and they nod, “Go ahead and take him. We will deal with
the parentals.” Holden grins. and winks at me.
Turning back to Ash, I smile, “Of course, hold tight big guy.” Grabbing his hand, I teleport
us straight to the Alpha suite.
“D*mn, I don’t think I will ever get used to that!” He chuck- ls. When he looks around
and notices that we are alone, he pulls me to him by my waist, “I’ve missed you so d*mn
“It’s been less than a day.” I muse.
“It felt like a lifetime to me.” He crashes his mouth to mine and takes what he wants.
I don’t object as I wrap my arms around his neck and open up for him. I hear Blaze growl
and then I’m slammed against the nearest wall and in a matter of seconds, my clothes
are shredded. I’ve never known Asher to be this rough, but then again, looking into his

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eyes, I’m pretty sure that Blaze is the one in charge at the moment.
“You should shower and relax.” I grin.
“We will relax after we f*ck you, Luna.” It’s his wolf who speaks to me.
“Blaze, you guys have just been through a lot, and we were just knotted not that long
ago,” I stress, “You should re- lax a bit.”
“We’ve been relaxing ever since that f*cker put that spell on us, now, we want our Luna!
Will you deny us?” His wolf sounds a little crushed.
I caress the stubble on his cheek and shake my head, “I would never deny either one of
you, Blaze. You are my Alpha, and I am your Luna, I love you. I just want to make sure
you are well rested is all.”
His hand comes to my throat, but he doesn’t put too much pressure on it, it’s mainly just
to hold me in place but it turns me on all the same. Blaze inhales deeply, “It smells like
you are wanting me to f*ck you, Luna.”
“I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want it, Blaze.” I let *iki for- ward, so she can enjoy our
mates as well.
“Ah, there’s my pretty girl. I’ve missed you *iki.” He states and then briefly bites my
bottom lip.
“I’ve missed you too, Blaze...please!” My wolf begs.
“Please what?”
“Take what you want, Blaze...we are yours.”

“Yes, you are...” He crashes his mouth against mine and then lifts me up making me
have to wrap my legs around his waist. He thrusts into me instantly and I moan with the
stretch, even though I just had him in me, “How are you so tight already, little one?” He
grits his teeth as he asks.
I don’t know the answer to his question, so I just don’t an- swer him. My nails dig into his
thick shoulders as I throw my head back with cries of ecstasy. These Alpha brothers truly
know how to please a woman, it’s no wonder they were sought after but they are now all
mine, and my only concern is, will I be able to please them in return?
I wake up in our bed, lying on my stomach and still naked under the covers. The room is
quiet but before I can glance around, I feel lips on my bare shoulder. Turning my head to

the other side, I see Asher laying on his side, propped up on his elbow. He must have
taken a shower because I can smell the soap and he’s got a towel around his waist.
“Thank you, little one.” He says as he brushes some hair out of my face.
Smiling, I ask, “What are you thanking me for?”
“For not taking a long time in bringing me back. I’m sorry that I ran off like that, I never
thought that a Shikari would get past our wards.” His forehead crinkles in dismay.
“Yeah, me too, babe. We will have to readjust a few things. It’s apparent that they used
some shifters in order to get in, but how, I’m not sure.”
“I heard the witch say that there may be a mole within the pack,” Ash states as he runs
the backs of his fingers down my bare arm, “I’m going to make it my mission to find out.

who it is.”
“Asher, you just came out...”
“No. Stop treating me like an invalid, Emery. I’m complete- ly fine and there is no reason
why I can’t get back to my Alpha
duties.” He slaps my a*s through the covers, and I giggle.
“Okay, I’ll stop being a mother hen, but I will never stop worrying about any of my
Alphas.” I inform him as I turn and lay on my back, my breasts in full view for his eyes to
feast on.
“You’re such a tease, Luna!” He growls.
“Who, me? I’m not doing anything but laying here.” | smirk.
“Yeah, and rubbing these glorious tatas in my face!” He brings his mouth down and
takes a nipple into his mouth.
“Mm, if you remember correctly, it was your wolf that un- dressed me.” I grab his head,
pulling him against me as I arch my back.
Unfortunately, he pulls away all too soon, “That was earli- er, this is now. You should
probably get dressed so we can go over strategy, otherwise, we won’t be leaving this
room the rest of the day.”
“Hm, I’m opting for option number two.”
He throws his head back and laughs, and then throws the covers off me, “Come on my

little ny*pho Luna. We have work to do.”
“Oh, I see, when I try stopping us from doing it, you be- come/dominating and now that I
want to do it, you become dominating as well, only not for the same thing.” I cross my
arms and pout.
Asher growls, “It’s not my choice but my duty that has me pulling away from my Luna’s
hot p*sy, but make no mistake,
80.9 NG
I will be right back here tonight, picking up where we left off.”
“Promise?” I grin.
“Scouts honor...”
“You were never a boy scout.” I laugh.
“No, but I was a scout during Alpha training.” He winks at
me and then drags me out of the bed.
Thanks for reading peeps! =)