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The Alpha Who Saved Me

The Alpha Who Saved Me By Stacy Rush Chapter 187
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Chapter 37
Silence covers the hospital room as I stare first at Holden, and then at Decker, “Well,
shall we get this started?” His voice slices through the quiet room.
That’s when I turn my attention to the only mate that can’t talk at the moment but wishes
he could. I nod apprehensively; I’m not quite sure how to go about doing this. How do
you have a comatose patient get hard, so you can have sex with them? I take a step
closer to his side and both Decker and Holden step up as well.
“Do you not know Ash?” Holden snickers, “I’m pretty sure he can hear us, so all we really
need to do is turn you on and he will be harder than a f*cking rock.”
Enter title...
“You really think he can hear us?” I ask as my brows fur- row. I thought Miss Beatrice
had me pushing my thoughts to him because he couldn’t hear.
“How else would he know what we were talking about when he gave us his consent.”
Holden replies all while stand- ing behind me and slipping his hand into my shirt, “So,
how about you close that pretty little mouth of yours and let us strip you.”
Decker comes to stand in front of me, his hands going to the waistband of my yoga
pants, “Yes, mate. Let us get you
ready to f*ck our brother. If I slide my hand into your pants, what am I going to find?”

His hand meets my core, and he bites his bottom lip, “What is this, Em?” He runs his
fingers back and forth through the wetness that now lubricates my opening.
“It’s what you do guys do to me...”
“Yeah? Should we show Ash what we do to you?” Decker asks as he sinks two fingers
into me, and I moan, “Answer me, beautiful. Should we show my brother what we do to
I nod, “Yes...” The word he is waiting for comes out softly.
Smirking, he pulls his fingers out of me and holds them up in front of my face, “Look at
how wet she is, Holden.”
“F*ck, little mate, Asher is so f*cking lucky.” Holden nuz- zles my neck as he begins to
fondle my breasts, squeezing and pulling at my nipples and causing my core to throb
even more than it already is.
“Let’s see how Ash likes it, shall we?” Holden and I watch as Decker traces his brother’s
lips with his fingers, smearing my arousal over their soft plumpness before pushing them
into Asher’s mouth, “Here you go, bro; Bon Appetite!”
Decker thrusts his fingers into Asher’s mouth, making sure to rub them onto his tongue,
“Come on, little brother, wake your a*s up, so we can enjoy our Luna together,” Holden

orders amusingly, “I’m sure you’re hungry; our little Luna here has something delicious
that you can eat.” He winks at me as he pulls my shirt and bra off all together.

Decker pulls back and, in the process, grabs the cover covering Asher and yanks them
back. I notice right away that he’s semi hard, “Go ahead and wrap that gorgeous mouth
around him, baby. Make him hard enough that you can im- pale yourself on him.”
Still staring at my mate’s c*ck, I see it swell even more. Holden is right, he can hear us! I
move forward and lean over him, brushing my lips across his and tasting myself on
them, “Mm, I taste so good, baby. Wake up so you can really taste me, okay? I’m going
to climb up on you and sink myself all the way down until my p*ssy is clenched all
around you. Then, I’m going to ride you hard like a bull rider rides their bull. Would you
like that, baby?” I rub my hand around his chest, barely feeling the sparks but I still
continue until I reach his erecting shaft, “Look at that, already hard for your Luna. I kiss
him one last time before I let Decker pull my bottoms all the way off.
Both decker and Holden kiss me hard before I swing my leg over and straddle Ash. I
hover above for a moment while I take hold of his hardness and run it through my wet
lips. For just a moment, as I look at him, I feel a bit disturbed by what I’ m doing to him.
All those times that you hear about not hav- ing sex with an incoherent person, and here
I am, doing exact- ly that.
“I’m so sorry that it has to be this way, baby.” With that being said, I sink down, impaling
myself on him. He’s big, so I’ m thankful that the others prepared me to help make it
easier. I moan at the stretch that his c*ck gives me and once I’m all the way down, I can.

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feel him deep inside me, touching places that I’m not sure he should be touching.
I begin to move my hips, “That’s it, little mate, ride your Alpha good.” Holden instructs me
as his mouth descends
down to a breast.
Decker follows suit and next thing I know we are all naked and my two mates are making
love to my body with their mouths. They move my hands to their c*cks, and I begin to
jerk them off as I continue riding Ash hard. Holden, being the one on the side with
Asher’s mark, is the first to lean over and sink his teeth into the mark. Taking a few pulls,
he then releas- es Ash’s neck and Decker then takes his place, doing the same thing.
I need to make my mates come; an overwhelming feeling is telling me to do so before I
mark Asher. So, letting go of their c**ks | lean forward and act a little wanton as I spread
my a*s cheeks, indicating that I want someone to take my a*s. Decker is the first to
catch on and climbs up behind me.
Picturing a bottle of lube, one appears in my hand, and he takes it from me, lubing me
and himself up really well before working his way in. It only takes a few minutes of
discomfort before he slides all the way in, and I moan even louder. I then look to Holden
and open my mouth.

“You better make this quick, we don’t want his mark to heal before you can mark him.”
Holden states.

“I know, but I need to do this too.”
Taking my hair, he directs my mouth onto his c*ck and presses himself all the way in,
“F*ck, Em. I love this d*mn. mouth of yours.” Two of my mates f*ck me hard as I try and
f*ck my third mate hard.
“I’m going to come, Emery...” Decker informs me as he grips my hips and helps me to
grind myself against Ash.
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“Me too, baby!” Holden growls.
I quickly pull my mouth off his c*ck and continue pump- ing vigorously with my hand as I
lean down and sink my teeth into Asher. I feel my own climax coming on and I can feel
Ash- er’s c*ck swelling inside of me. Before I can release his neck, I hear someone
inhale deeply and then I feel a pinch to my own
mark. Asher is awake!
I moan, and then both Decker and Holden grunt and groan as they release themselves. I
feel Decker fill my a*s with his load, while Holden’s shoots out onto my back and
wherev- er else it reaches. I see white spots dance across my vision as my own
explodes into tiny pieces, and that’s when I feel it... Asher’s knot.
It’s music to my ears after he releases my neck and curses while taking hold of my hips
and slamming inside of me. He’s trying to go deeper but he’s already as deep as he can
go, “Oh Ash...f*ck!”

“That’s right, baby, I’m back...and I’m going to tear this s*it up!” He chuckles and his
brothers decide to pull away for a lit- tle bit in order to let Ash have me.
“Kind of hard to tear s*it up when you’re stuck in me at the moment.” I giggle.
“That’s so true,” he grins as he looks at me, “Goddess, I’m so happy to be back! It was
so lonely inside my own head.”
“That’s hard to believe.” Holden states jokingly.
“F*ck you, Hold! You’re lucky I’m in a great mood or else I’ d kick your a*.”
“No, I think it’s more because you’re knotted to our Luna at the moment.” The oldest
All the brothers laugh, “How about you get your a*ses over here and help me love our
Luna some more.” Asher then takes hold of my hair kissing me hard.
“It will be our pleasure!” Decker responds and I feel the bed sink down as all three of my
Alphas descend upon me.
Thank you so much for reading peeps! =)