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The Alpha Who Saved Me

Chapter 78
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Life with Quinn, following her rescue, has been interesting to say the least. More than likely it's the pregnancy hormones, but
she's hot and then cold when it comes to intimacy. Now don't get me wrong, I had no plans to even try getting her to have sex
with me; not after what that fucker has done to her. She's the one that begs and pleads with me, and once I finally give in, and
we have a really hot make out session, she then pushes me away, telling me she isn't ready. Okay, I handle it, and I hold her
while we watch a movie. As soon as she falls asleep, I go in and take a shower just so I can take care of myself.
Well, it's continued every night. I try saying no and she gets upset and starts accusing me of not being attracted to her any
longer, so I give in. Every night I have jerked off in the shower after she has fallen asleep, and it's no different tonight. Although,
just as I'm finishing up, Quinn walks into the bathroom and stops dead in her tracks.
"What are you doing?" She asks a bit offensively.
Shit, think, think, think! Oh, I've got it! "I'm sorry, baby. You were just looking so damn fine while you were sleeping but I didn't
want to wake you because I know how exhausting it is carrying my pup. I decided I would just take care of myself instead. Letting
you sleep is the least I can do for what you are doing for me." I nod towards her stomach and give her my best loving smile.
Bringing her hands to her chest, "Awe, babe, that's so sweet. I'm sorry I wasn't awake to take care of you! I don't want to shirk on
my duty as you future Luna."
I open my arms for her to join me, "Don't say that baby. You are perfect just the way you are."
She walks towards me and pulls her nightie off over her head. I don't care what people say, I think pregnant woman are so
fucking sexy! Well, mine is hot. She walks over and steps in under the water. She sticks her breasts out, which, by the way, have
gotten fucking huge, and she smiles as she washes her hair.
"Do you need help with that?"
"Nope," she pops the P, "Just stand back and enjoy watching me wash myself. The least I can do is give you something to watch
while you jack that cock off." Her smile is seductive as hell and I'm hard all over again.
I'm not going to pass up this offer, so I lean against the tiled wall and wrap my hand around my shaft while watching her finish.
washing her hair. Her breasts jut out and jiggle with each. movement, and when she turns her back to me, that ass..." I almost

come right away, but I want to see more, so I clench my teeth and continue to watch.
The bodywash is next, as she pours it into her hand instead of the loofah. She starts with her arms before moving to her chest,
where she massages and pinches her own nipples as she watches my hand slide back and forth on my cock. She slowly moves
down to her stomach, and then her lower region. Because she's gotten big, she lifts her leg up onto the bench in the corner in
order to wash between her legs.
It doesn't take long before I realize that she's going to get herself off while I get myself off, "That's it baby, fuck yourself for me. I
want to see you come apart while watching me do the same."

She bites her lower lip, "I'm too sensitive, I'm going to come soon."
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"No, you're not. You will come when I come." She whimpers, but she fights it nonetheless, "There you go, eyes on me. Watch my
hand work my cock as you fuck that beautiful pussy of yours."
"Gavin..." she pants but her eyes never leave me.
"Not yet..."
"Oh Goddess..."
Her little moans get me, and I feel myself swelling, "Get ready baby."
Her hand fucks herself faster, and as soon as I say, "Now," she lets herself go, and so do I. We come together in a beautiful
chorus of grunts and moans as we stare into each other's eyes.
"Oh wow!" She giggles as soon as she comes down from her high, "That was..."
"Intense..." I finish her sentence and she nods, "Come here." I meet her halfway and bring her into my embrace.
"Thank you, Gavin."
"Never thank me for giving you pleasure."
"No, thank you for not pressuring me, but please don't lie to me again, no matter how much you don't want to hurt my feelings."

I pull away, frowning, "What are you talking about?"
"I know you have come in here to shower and take care of yourself every night since I've been back. It was sweet of you to say
what you did, but always be honest."
"Quinn, I..."
She cuts me off, "No, I know how I've been and I'm sorry. I want so bad to be with you, and I think that I will be able to, but then it
gets to be too much, and I just can't finish what I start. I'm such a cock tease!" I can see her eyes glisten with unshed tears.
"Hey, listen to me!" I grab both sides of her face, "I know how hormonal pregnant she-wolves are, but what you went through is
not something we can just push to the side. I'm right here with you, Quinn, and I'm not going anywhere. If you want to try every
damn night, then we will try every damn night, and if it fails...well, it's a good thing there is plenty of water for showers."
A laugh bursts out of her, and I join in.
I have to leave Quinn for a little while, so I can go have a talk with my father. I've been putting it off since we got Quinn back, but
I know I can't do it any longer. Quinn's the one that has been urging me to go to my father. We are hoping that with the news of
me becoming a father, he will finally step aside and let me take over the pack
He's already standing on the front porch by the time I pull up. I no sooner get out of the car, he starts in, "When were you going
to tell me that the bitch got knocked while with Alpha Jasper?”
I see red right away but calm myself because I know anger will do no good, "He is not an Alpha, and the pup is not his!"
"Don't you dare fucking tell me that you are going to take responsibility for the bastard!"
"Will you just shut the fuck up!" It's Mace that growls it out, making my father stop from saying whatever else he was going to
say, "Quinn was already pregnant when she was taken. I've had a paternity test done and the pup is mine, so kindly refrain from
calling him a bastard!"

"Well, technically he is. The two of you aren't mated yet, so..."
I cut him off, "It's being discussed as we speak, Father. I came here to give you the news myself, but I see you already knew, so
what I want to know, is how?"
"I have my ways, never you mind. A son you say? You're sure it's a male?"Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose, "Yes, it's a male, my heir. Just like I'm your heir and should be Alpha by now. Are you
going to give me what's rightfully mine?"
'You have been shirking on your duties to play house with Alpha bitch; why should I hand it over to you, as unresponsible as you
"Oh please, Father! This is just some other excuse that you are coming up with because you are not wanting to hand power over
to me!"
"You are too damn soft for this title!"
His anger subsides and, in its place, a sinister grin takes over, "I knew that bitch was there. How do you like your baby brother?"
I growl up at my father, "I like him just fine. That's why you will never see him again, so you can't warp his mind like you tried to
do with me!"
He snickers, "We will see about that. As for the Alpha title, I will hold on to it for a while longer."
Dividing into panes now
"Are you fucking serious right now?"
"As serious as a heart attack, Gavin." He turns and starts to walk into the pack house.
"Don't think you will ever get to see your grand pup as long as you hold the title from me."
He stops and turns, his eyes roving over me, "Does it really look. like I care?" With that, he disappears inside, leaving me outside
to take everything in.
He never planned on handing the title over to me. He's been keeping me hanging on all this time for what? What is his end
game? I go to turn around, but my mother calls out my name, so I turn back and see her coming around the side of the house.
"What is it, Mother?"

"Is it true? Are you going to be a father?"
I sigh, "Yes, Quinn is carrying my pup."
Her hands go to her mouth as she gasps, "Please don't punish me for your fathers' misdeeds, Gavin. I want to be able to see my
Grand pup! I've tried talking to him about the Alpha title; he won't budge, and I don't know why."
"You've let him get away with one too many misdeeds, as you call them, and that's why he is the way he is." I step up to my
mother and give her a hug, "I won't stop you from seeing him, but I will not bring him here."
"I understand. I will be invited to the Union ceremony, won't I?"
"Of course, Mother. I will let you know when it is, but I don't want him there, so I will mind link you once the details are in order,”
Dividing into pages now
"Thank you, Gavin, I love you. Please take care of yourself and Quinn. She will need you in the coming weeks."
"I promise, I will. I've got to go, Mother." I glare back up at the front door that my father walked through, and then get into my
vehicle and drive away.
All I have to say is, I am definitely Team Gavin at the moment! Is anybody else with me??