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The Alpha Who Saved Me

Chapter 77
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"Now Declan, you can't be going in there acting all Alpha on the bitch." Carter states as he stares at the road.
We have just left Dark Moon and are heading back to our own pack as my Beta tries calming me down. My claws keep coming
out and I'm tearing up the seat to the SUV, but I really don't give a fuck at the moment. That bitch has fucked up for the last time.
I turn toward my best friend in disbelief, after hearing what just came out of his mouth, "I AM her fucking Alpha, but she
apparently keeps forgetting it!" I snarl.
"That's not what I mean, and you know it! Let's think about this for a moment, okay?" He takes his eyes off the road momentarily
to glance at me and see that he has my full attention. I lift my brow at him as I wait for him to continue, "The Elders are going to
want to see proof that Lila has done everything you are accusing her of, but you don't have any...yet. What we need to do is put
a tracker on her somehow. I'd suggest having the doctor inject her with one, but that isn't going to work." He grunts.
"That's actually not a bad idea, Carter. I may not get proof of what she's done to me or Quinn, but even if we can get something
on her, enough to discredit her, she will lose Luna status." I know deep down that the bitch is still sleeping around, and that alone
will get her booted. Alpha's may sleep around, like my uncle, apparently, but it's a huge no for a Luna to do so. I know it isn't fair,
but the Elders refuse to come out of the dark ages, where it was okay for an Alpha to have multiple she-wolves on the side.
"The only problem with my idea is, how do we get the tracker in her?" My Beta asks.
"That isn't what I'm worried about. I'm more worried about my acting skills because I'm going to have to give my best
performance, making her think I want her. Then I will drug her, so we can then have her injected once she passes out."
"Damn, bro, you might as well think of another plan then," Carter snickers, "You suck ass when it comes to acting!"
"Fuck off, Beta! That was high school; I would like to think that it has gotten a little better." I laugh for the first time in days.
"I guess we shall see; won't we." Is my friend's only response.

I'm glad that Lila isn't around when we get back to the pack house because even though we have a plan, I don't think, Duke is
calm enough yet to face the bitch. I feel my wolf's heartache, and his rage, all wrapped up into one big ball of hatred towards the.

she- wolf. I don't blame him, but unlike him, being the one to go all wolf and then ask questions later, I have to be the reasonable
one most of the time. Well, mainly when it comes to Quinn, and she is a huge part of this.
Duke is hurt that she's with pup by Gavin, and so am I, but I can't be a hypocrite. I've got my own pup with another woman, but
Duke doesn't seem to want to think about that.
So, when I'm told that Lila left a few hours ago, I breathe a huge sigh of relief. Lacy brings Holden out to me right away and he's
got the biggest smile on his face when he spots me. Holding out his arms, he makes grabbing motions with his hands.
"Da da!"
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When I first heard him call me da da a few weeks ago, I couldn't have been happier. Most pups start talking about a year old, but
not Holden. When I asked a therapist for advice, she said to give him time. A lot of things can stunt a pup's growth, but she
thinks it' s due to his home life. Even though I dote on him, and he is spoiled by everybody that he comes into contact with, he
senses the loss of his mother's love. That alone makes me want to end that bitch.
Lila's attitude toward our son isn't anything like a 'real' mother's attitude. I honestly believe that she only got pregnant for the
Luna title. She doesn't care about Holden at all. Which is why I need to get her out of our lives once and for all and find a chosen
mate. One who will give my son the love that he's been missing from his real mother.
"Hey, little man! Did you miss your daddy?" I take him from his nanny's arms and kiss his forehead before hugging him to me,
“I'm home now, buddy. How about we go to the playroom and play cars for a little bit before daddy reads you a bedtime story?"
My son's face lights up and he nods his head vigorously, as he giggles. Aside from his speech, the rest of his motor skills are
right on target for his age, if not a little ahead, which for me, makes up for his lack of speech. He is a very emotional little boy, but
he also always tries to be strong. He loves to copy every move I make when he thinks I'm not looking, and I have to hide the
smile that always wants to break free whenever I witness his actions.

Spending time with my son is always the highlight of my day. I just wish there was more time in the day, so I would have more
time with him after dealing with pack business. I always thought I would have a Luna to share in these moments with, but life
tends to throw all these damn curve balls my way.
Once I finally get Holden to sleep, I go back to my own room to shower and relax a little. After thinking on the Lila issue, I text
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Gavin to let him know of my plan. Normally I wouldn't because we still have issues to work out, but I'm needing something from
him, and surprisingly, he sends it.
After another few moments thinking of what I'm wanting to say or how I want to explain things, I dial the number to the person
who I believe will have no issue with lending his services. The voice that answers is questioning, and I'm sure it's because my
number isn't familiar.
"Hello, Dr. Sands. It's Alpha Declan, and I need your assistance with a little problem."
Visiting Quinn the next day with Holden was the best time that I have had in a long while. I always have a good time when I hang
with her. Holden is in love with Quinn just as much as I am, and it hurts a little knowing that he will never have her as a mother,
but I know she will always be a part of his life, so I'm hoping it will help.
Holden was able to play with Ayden for a little while before Gavin whisked both Demi and the toddler to the Sun River pack.
Hopefully, Deke can keep them safe until we take care of my uncle. I'm actually in agreement with Gavin on this subject; Ayden
is better off not having Daniel in his life. The fact that my uncle cheated on his mate with a young she-wolf, who did not consent,
makes me sick to my stomach. My aunt really is no better, not doing anything about her cheating mate.
There are those who take their mates for granted, and then there are those, like me, who would give anything to even have a
mate. Stealing a glance at Quinn, I can't help but think of how things would be if we were able to claim each other like we had
planned. She is so good with my son, and I know that she will make a wonderful mother and Luna. She's already a phenomenal
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The woman, herself, looks over at me, sensing my stare, I'm sure, and graces me with her beautiful smile. Sending a smile of my
own, I then lean back in the patio chair, enjoying the warm breeze as it ruffles my hair, and praying to the Goddess Selene to
send me someone like Quinn that I can share my life with.
Here's a special chapter for today peeps! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend! =)