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The Alpha Who Saved Me

Chapter 57
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The last few weeks have been somewhat peaceful, aside from regular pack stuff, we did have a slight

situation with a few rogues trying to get past our border. The new systems that we put in are working

great except for when the motherfucker wants to leave a dead body on my property. I’m not sure how

they do it without being caught. Thank Goddess it’s been quiet on that account as well.

I haven’t been able to spend too much time with Gavin either since he’s taken over while his father is

gone, but we do make time at least every other day, or should I say night where he comes over and

stays the night with me. Our bond is growing stronger, but there is still something inside of me, other

than my wolf, trying to tell me something. Until I can figure out what it is, I’m going to enjoy my time with


My birthday is just about here and there is still no mate in sight. I already knew the chances weren’t

high, but now I know I was forgotten, or maybe the Goddess has other plans for me. Either way, I’m

moving on whether it be with Gavin or someone else.

I’ve finally got an appointment with Dr. Langly today, so I can start the meds. We are diligent in using

protection when Gavin and I are together, but this will be even better. I can’t believe he didn’t have any

openings until now, but I can’t really complain since he isn’t Dark Moon’s pack doctor and he’s taking

time out to see me.

When I slow down to check in with patrol, they just smile and wave me past. I do miss living among the

Storm River pack. They always made me feel at home, and never treated me like an outsider. As I pull

into town, there seems to be an unusual amount of activity, but I’m already running a few minutes late,

so I concentrate on getting to the clinic.

The receptionist greets me with a smile and asks me to update my paperwork now that I no longer live

here. I’m only waiting for about five minutes when a nurse calls my name. Handing the papers back to

the she-wolf behind the desk, I follow the nurse back to the examination


* see here that you are needing a dose of birth control, is that correct? The nurse smiles warmly. She’s

an older she-wolf, and I’ve seen her around town, but I don’t really know her.

“Yes Ma’am.”

“Oh gosh, call me Anita please,’ she chuckles, “How are you liking the Alpha life?”

“Well, it’s a big change from being just a regular she-wolf, that’s for sure!” I laugh. “But I am actually

loving it, and my pack members. We are growing day by day, and I think we can get back to where we

were before the attack.”

A sympathetic look flashes across her face but then she smiles once more, “If anybody can do it, it’s


“Thanks for the vote of confidence.” I grin.

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Anytime, honey, she glances down at the laptop and starts confirming health questions from my file.

Once she’s done, she closes the laptop and stands “Normally I would administer the meds, but since

it’s your first dose, Dr. Langly will visit with you and give it to you. For future doses, you can opt out of

having me give them and have Doc give it. A few others already do that they just feel better knowing

that a doctor is giving them their meds.”

“Oh okay. Well, it doesn’t matter either way. A nurse is just as capable of sticking me with a needle as a

doctor is.” i chuckle.

“My exact thoughts, but hey, to each their own.” She waves and then closes the door behind her.

I’m not waiting long before the doctor comes in. “Quinn, it’s so nice to see you again. Oh, I guess it’s

Alpha Quinn now, isn’t it?

“Hello, Dr. Langly. Quinn is fine, it’s nice to see you as well. Thank you for fitting me into your busy


*I’m more than happy to help you or any of your pack members until you get your own pack doctor. It

may just take a bit to get in. I apologize.

“No apologies are necessary, I’m just grateful that you can help me out.” I give him a genuine smile, but

he doesn’t react the way one would: he seems to be a bit nervous. “Is there something wrong?” I ask


“What? Oh no, no, nothing that you should be concerned with. A personal matter just popped into my

head is all. Dr. Langly is in his late twenties, possibly early thirties, and is still single. I wonder how he’s

stayed sane all these years. Maybe he did have a mate at one time, and she passed away, but I’m not

one to pry, so I don’t ask “How are you doing physically? He asks as he takes his stethoscope to my

chest and back

*Physically, I feel great. I’m getting stronger with every training session, and I can kick anyone’s ass

that challenges me” i grin smugly.

“Well, that’s good to hear. You look very healthy on the outside, good muscle tone, very fit. Before I

administer the birth control, is there any

chance that you could be with pup?”

“Well, I am sexually active, but we use condoms every time. I’ve just had my cycle, so I should be

good.” I laugh nervously.

“Don’t be nervous, Quinn, it’s something we have to ask everyone. We will need a urine sample,

though, just to be sure, and then I will administer the shot.”

“Okay.* I say as he hands me the cup that I need to fill. I jump down from the table and go into the

nearest bathroom. I’m back in no time, but I have to wait a good ten minutes before Dr. Langly comes

back in. My heart beats rapidly as he comes in flipping through papers in my chart.

As if he’s just now sensing another person in the room, he slams the folder closed and then smiles at

me, “The test was negative, so if you will be so kind as to lean over the table, I will bring your pants

down, just past your hip, and give you the shot.”

My heart calms down, and I take a much-needed breath. Doing as he says, I lean over, and he pulls

one side of my pants down, swabs it with something cold, and then I feel a pinprick in the fleshy part at

the top of my ass. He lifts my pants back up and tosses the empty syringe into the red Sharps box on

the wall.

“Okie dokie, all done. Now remember, just like the human’s shot, you need to come back in three

months for the next dose.” He warns.

“Thank you, Doc. I appreciate it.”

“Of course, anytime. Also, I would continue to use the condoms if you’re not with your mate, but the

meds should be in full effect within a week.”

“Oh, no worries, Doc, both will be used. I don’t want to end up like your Alpha,” I snort, “Although, by

boyfriend isn’t a psycho like the Luna of this pack.”

Doc flinches at my comment.

“Oh, I’m sorry, Dr. Langly. I didn’t mean to disrespect your Luna. Sometimes I open my mouth and

insert my foot.”

“It’s all good, Quinn. It was so nice seeing you again.” He can’t leave the room quick enough. I’m left

standing here wondering what the fuck just happened.

I drive up to the front of the Storm River pack house. I had left a text for Declan, letting him know that I

would be stopping by, but I haven’t heard back from him yet. I didn’t want to just leave without seeing

him, so I said fuck it and came to the house anyway.

There is a lot of commotion going on here as well, everyone moving around quicker than normal. When

I finally get a hold of one of the Omegas that cleans the pack house, I ask what’s going on.

“The young heir is missing, and Alpha Declan is going mad!” She informs me.

“Wait!” I raise my voice as she goes to scurry away. “What do you mean, Holden is missing?”

“The Luna took him for a walk this morning and hasn’t returned, and she’s blocked out the Alpha, so he

can’t locate her.”

“Where is Alpha Declan now?” I ask a bit frantic. He must be going out of his mind with worry. What

was Lila thinking, taking Holden from his father, who happens to be an Alpha? Does she have a death


“Last I knew, he was heading one of the search parties.”

“I see. I understand that you must be busy, but could you link your Alpha and let him know that I am

here, wanting to know what he needs me to do?”

The Omega nods and smiles before going quiet. He must answer right away because next thing I

know, she’s dragging me to the back door, *Alpha says to meet him at that tree line. He will be here in a

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

few minutes.”

“Oh, okay, thank you.”

I sit and wait for Declan to come to me for a good ten minutes or so, but finally, Duke’s shiny black coat

bursts from the trees and stops right in front of me. I lift my hand and run it down the front of his chest

since it’s easier to reach. Wrapping my arms around his neck as much as I can, his soft fur turns into a

bare chest and Declan’s arms come around me.

“Thank you for coming, Quinn.”

I find myself in a bit of a predicament when I think of how Declan is now naked with his arms around

me. I want to comfort him, but I shouldn’t be doing it when he isn’t wearing any clothes. I step away and

take his hand in mine, keeping my eyes above his chest area.

“What is going on, Declan? Your help said that Lila took your son?”

He steps away and runs his hand over his face, “The bitch told the nanny that she was taking him for a

walk about seven this morning and

nobody has seen her since. She’s blocked me out and I can’t even find her scent anywhere, nor my


“But where could she have taken him? She doesn’t have anybody outside of this town, does she?” I

ask, flabbergasted.

“Not that I’m aware of. She’s got her mother, but that’s it, and I’ve already been there twice, and there

are eyes on the house in case Lila shows up.” He begins to pace the more agitated he gets.

“What in the fuck is she thinking?” I ask.

Before he can say anything, the same Omega who led me out here calls out for Declan to come inside

quick. We both run for the house. I let him take the lead as we get to the door at the same time. The

Omega points down the hall, and we follow her lead, stopping short when we get to the living area.

Sitting demurely on one of the couches, bouncing a wrapped bundle, sits the fucking Luna.

Declan’s growl echoes through the entire house, “Where the fuck have you been?”

nobody has seen her since. She’s blocked me out and I can’t even find her scent anywhere, nor my


“But where could she have taken him? She doesn’t have anybody outside of this town, does she?” I

ask, flabbergasted.

“Not that I’m aware of. She’s got her mother, but that’s it, and I’ve already been there twice, and there

are eyes on the house in case Lila shows up.” He begins to pace the more agitated he gets.

“What in the fuck is she thinking?” I ask.

Before he can say anything, the same Omega who led me out here calls out for Declan to come inside

quick. We both run for the house. I let him take the lead as we get to the door at the same time. The

Omega points down the hall, and we follow her lead, stopping short when we get to the living area.

Sitting demurely on one of the couches, bouncing a wrapped bundle, sits the fucking Luna.

Declan’s growl echoes through the entire house, “Where the fuck have you been?”

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