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The Alpha Who Saved Me

Chapter 42
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I couldn’t believe my luck when Quinn accepted my date proposal finally. I don’t know what got her to

change her mind about us becoming more than just friends, but I will take it. I’m aware that her mind

can change at any moment, and so I’m being as patient as I can with her. As much as I want to take

her and claim her as mine, I know she is far from ready for that.

I’m not a good man like my cousin, Declan, but I’m trying to be better, for her. I don’t know what it is

about this she-wolf, but she’s different from the rest, and I don’t mean because she’s an Alpha. No, I

noticed it the first time I met her. I was drawn to her instantly.

She had been dead set on waiting for her mate at that time. Unfortunately for her, it’s been almost a

year and still, she is mate less. I’m so glad that I stuck around and waited her out, because now, I have

a chance with the gorgeous Alpha. Our wolves get along too, making it so much easier to be able to

claim each other if the time comes.

My father has been hassling me for months now about closing the deal with the new Alpha, but what he

doesn’t realize is that I’m not doing this for him. No, I care for the beautiful she-wolf, and I’m not going

to use her just to please my father. If I have to wait until his death before I can claim my rightful title, so

be it. I’ve never been one to go against the Alpha of our pack, and because of that, I’ve ostracized

myself with certain family members.

Declan, for instance, he hates my guts because of the things I’ve done in the past. I’ve always looked

up to my older cousin, and I still do. It hurts every time he ridicules me on anything I do, and so I fight

back, not wanting him to know how much his hatred for me hurts. Had I known back then what I do

now, I would have fought my father harder, at least I like to think I would.

When the situation between Declan and his now crazy Luna first happened, I said a few things that I

didn’t really mean, but I was still trying to keep up the pretense of being an asshole. Now, I don’t want

that pretense, I want to be accepted.

Back when I was still a young pup, just coming into myself, my father thought I should become a man. I

wasn’t allowed to wait for my fated mate even if I wanted to, because it’s not what my father wanted.

He wanted to see his son turning into a man, so when he brought me to the pack’s she-whore, who so

happened to be in love with my father, he ordered her to bring her only daughter, into the room. The girl

was a year older than me. My father then abused his title and used his Alpha command on the girl,

ordering her to spread her legs for me.

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Of course, being the tender age that I was, I was both nervous and excited. I couldn’t look the girl in her

eyes, though. I didn’t want to see the tears streaming down her face as I stepped up to her spread

thighs and placed my cock at her entrance.

I remember my father’s exact words at that point, “No sense in drawing it out, son. It’s going to cause

her pain when you take her virginity either way, so just ram that little cock of yours right into that tight

hole and then fuck her like a real man.” My stomach turns now as I think back to that moment, but the

memory continues, “She’s going to follow in her mother’s footsteps anyway, and as the Alpha heir, it’s

your right to be the one to take her maidenhead.”

I remember looking at my father at this point, “What about her mate, Alpha?”

My father had scoffed, “No mate in his right mind will want a whore as a mate. She’s going to take after

her whore mother anyway, so if it isn’t you turning her into the whore that she is meant to be, then it will

be someone else. Now, stop wasting my time and fuck the little bitch!”

The girl’s mother had tears in her eyes, but she didn’t do anything except hold her daughter’s hand.

When I hesitated, my father slapped me upside the head, telling me that if I couldn’t fuck a simple

whore then I’m not cut out to be an Alpha. Mouthing my apologies to the young she-wolf, I plunged

myself into her pussy, and fucked her as hard as I could with my father urging me to go harder.

It hadn’t taken long for me to spill myself inside of her, but my cock hadn’t softened yet, and so I was

instructed to keep fucking her until my cock couldn’t get hard any longer. We were there for three

hours, and that poor she-wolf took everything I gave her. For a month after I had taken her virginity, my

father brought me back to her every chance he had.

It was really starting to eat at me, the way she would lay there, silently crying as I fucked her over and

over. Who could blame her, though? My father would sit and watch each time, until the day came that

he thought I was man enough to come on my own. He had made a schedule, what for, I haven’t the

slightest idea, but I was to go to the girl three times a week.

The first time I went to her on my own, I had decided before I had even gotten there, that I would not

touch her, not unless she wanted me to. This went on for two weeks, where I would go visit her and we

would just sit and talk. We slowly became friends, somewhat, but one day when I went to see her, she

informed me that she was pregnant. I felt bad, but I knew that I was responsible for her condition, and

so I would be man enough to accept it and take care of her and our pup.

Telling my father hadn’t gone over so well, and to this day, I wish I had never mentioned it to him,

because that night, he took me to the girl’ s house, and had me fuck her one last time before he

strangled her and then strangled her mother, making it all look as though they had a break in. Since

he’s Alpha, nobody questioned him when he made the decision to burn their bodies and send them up

to the Goddess right





A few short months afterward, he had me do it all over again with a different she-wolf, although that

time, it was an orphaned she-wolf whose parents had died in a car accident, and she was taken under

my father’s wing. She lived in the pack house, and eventually my father made her sleep in my room

with me. I had started to have feelings for the she-wolf, and she had feelings for me.

Declan was visiting the day it happened, and since he was family, my father brought him in on it as

well. My cousin knew of my feelings for the girl because he always teased me about it, but when she

came into my father’s office to tell us about her pregnancy, my father sent my cousin out to wait for us.

Without making me fuck her this time, he pretended to sympathize with her and when he walked

behind her, he wrapped his hands round her neck and strangled her as well.

Tears burned my eyes, but there was nothing I could do to stop him, I was too young to fight him off.

My father then called Declan back into the office and he saw what had happened. My father made it

sound as though I was the one that murdered the innocent girl. He also commented on how this was

the second time that I had to take care of my mistake.

Once my father made Declan take an oath to never speak of it, my cousin left and never came back for

another visit. It’s also when he turned his back on me, but it’s partially my fault because I never once

corrected the false accusations against me. I think it’s because I was hurt that my own cousin would

think that I could do something like that.


“How was your date with the Alpha bitch? Did you get any pussy?” My father’s voice yanks me back to

the present.

“Don’t talk about Quinn like that, and no, we are not there yet, Father. It was only the first date.” I roll

my eyes once I turn away from him.

“Don’t use that tone with me, Son, and I will call her whatever the fuck I want.” He stands, looking

outside the window with his hands behind his back, “You will do what you must in order to claim her. I

want to combine our packs.”

“I can’t claim her if she decides that she doesn’t want me.” I argue.

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He turns back to me, “Well, if you ever want to be Alpha, then you better figure out a way to claim her!

Knock her up if you have to, you’re good at doing that.”

I flinch at my father’s words, “I will do no such thing. I like Quinn, and I respect her too much to deceive

her. Why do you want to combine our packs anyway? Dark Moon is still a small pack.”

My father ignores the first part of what I said but responds to the last part, “They may be small, but they

have connections that I will never have. They have the ears of many packs and if that Alpha bitch knew

how to rule, she would know that her pack is pretty much at the top of the list for being one of the best

packs. It doesn’t matter how small they are right now. Why do you think they are growing so fast?”

I never really thought about that, but none of that matters to me. Not that it will do any good to tell my

father this. I will just continue letting him believe that all is well and on track. I’m older now, and I can

protect her from him this time around. One of the reasons why I never brought any girlfriends around is

because I didn’t want to see them turn up dead, but then again, I learned to wrap my shit up when

things turned intimate. She-wolves aren’t required to take the birth control until they turn eighteen, so

as teenagers, I always carried condoms with me.

“I hear another body was found, this time on Declan’s territory, but close to Dark Moon’s as well.” My

father’s statement has me whipping my head his way

“What are you talking about? When?” I ask as I stand up.

He shrugs, “Last evening, I guess. I received an email about it this morning from Declan’s Beta. They

are wanting info on any possible disappearances of she-wolves with auburn hair and blue eyes.

Apparently, the body was not recognizable.” He says all this like it’s nothing. like the poor she-wolf

wasn’t anyone important.

The fact that this is the second body that has been found on or near Quinn’s territory and that this last

one had the same color hair and eyes as Quinn, is not a coincidence. I turn and go to leave, but my

father stops me.

“Where do you think you’re going? You mother has her friend and their daughter coming to visit. You

should be here to woo the daughter in case it doesn’t work out with the Alpha bitch.”

I clench my fists, “I’m going to see Quinn, to make sure she doesn’t need Blue River’s support in this

latest find. It will help with bringing us closer, and that’s what you want, isn’t it?” I know I shouldn’t, but I

play on my father’s own greed just so I’m able to go see Quinn without going against the Alpha. I can

only fight so much, but going against your Alpha can get me punished, even as his only heir.

“Yes, yes, you are totally right! Go on then and work your magic.” He waves me off.

I grin as I walk out. The bastard doesn’t even know when he is being played by his own son. I guess he

taught me well after all.

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