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The Alpha Who Saved Me

Chapter 40
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I invite Gavin in for a movie since it’s still early enough, and he happily accepts the offer. I bring up the

streaming channel for him and have him find something while I go and make us some popcorn. Just as

I walk into the kitchen I shriek and spin around.

“Get a fucking room you two!” I’m not really pissed, but I try to sound like I am as I hold my laughter

back, “Others live here, you know!”

“You were out on a date,” Cici giggles, “What are you doing back so soon?”

peek over my shoulder and they both have their clothes back on for the most part, “What do you

mean? I’ve been gone for three hours, and now we are going to chill and watch a movie, is that okay?”

The door to the kitchen swings open and Gavin rushes through, looking around the room for

something, “I heard you scream, Quinn! What happened?”

I chuckle and point toward my Beta and his mate who are now presentable and no longer half naked,

making out in the middle of the kitchen. He takes one look at Cici’s messy hair and rosy cheeks, and


“Go get ’em tiger!” He winks at both of them and earns himself a slap to his chest from me.

“Stop encouraging them! They have a room for that kind of stuff.” I chuckle and move to go and get the

popcorn started but he grabs me around the waist and pulls me against his chest.

“How fun is it if there is no risk of getting caught?” He leans in and nips at my neck.

I gasp, “Gavin! There are others in the room!” Cici chuckles and then rolls her eyes, “Come on babe,”

she addresses her mate, “Let’s go break in the Alpha’s big bed.” My best friend is evil!

Spencer chokes out a laugh but allows her to pull him behind her, while Gavin is doing all that he can to

cover his own laughter.

“I better not find any bodily fluids on my bed, but my own, Cici Stone!” I call after her, but then realize

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

what I just admitted to and end up turning bright red.

Gavin snickers, and hugs me closer, “No need to be embarrassed, Alpha. We all do it.” He whispers

into my ear, making my skin break out in goosebumps.

“I didn’t mean… I just meant…”. I can’t seem to finish any of my sentences.

“You didn’t mean to admit that you take care of yourself intimately?” Gavin grins, “Maybe one day you

won’t have to anymore.” He takes my lips and kisses me with a desire that I’ve never seen in him

before. He also pulls away before it gets out of hand, and I’m thankful for that, because I’m not sure

that I would have been strong enough to be the one to pull away, “Only if and when you are ready,

Quinn, no worries.” He kisses the tip of my nose and then releases me, “Now, where is the popcorn?”


I’m really happy that Gavin didn’t find some sappy chick flick to watch. I don’t mind them, but it’s not

what I want to watch on a first date. Instead, he picked out a newly released comedy that I was

planning on watching myself when I got the chance.

T hear my phone vibrate on the table in front of me, and when I check to see who it is, my heart stops.

It’s Declan. How much do you want to bet that bitch went back and rubbed it into his face that she saw

me and Gavin kiss? I ignore it without even opening the message up and then I put my phone on silent.

I don’t need to explain myself to him or to anybody. I’m moving on and I’m sorry if it upsets him

because it’s his cousin, but it’s my choice, not his.

“You can answer that if you need to.” Gavin says as his eyes are glued to the television.

| smile, “No, it’s nothing that can’t wait.” I snuggle closer to him, and he lifts his arm for me to lean into

his side. We spend the rest of the movie laughing, relaxing, and just enjoying each other’s company.

It’s late by the time the movie gets over, “There is a spare room on the second floor if you want to

crash.” I say nonchalantly.

“Thanks, but I better head home. I’ve got an early start tomorrow and I’m still trying to prove to my

father that I’m ready to take over.” He rolls his eyes.

“Okay, well please drive safely.”

He pulls me to him and looks down into my eyes, smiling, “Thank you for caring enough. It’s been a

while since someone has shown they



cared for my well-being.”

“That’s just sad, Gavin.” i frown.

He shrugs, “You get used to it in my family.”

“Hey, why doesn’t Declan like you very much?” Declan would never tell me why, saying it isn’t his

place, so why not ask Gavin, himself.

“That’s a story that is probably best left untold. You know how teenagers do stupid things, especially

when they are wanting their father’s approval. Declan just doesn’t quite understand the whole story and

I shouldn’t have to explain it to him.” He shakes me a bit, “Hey, it’s the past, and if my cousin doesn’t

like me then there isn’t much that I can do about it, is there?” .

I only give a half smile, because only half of what he says is true. I know that it hurts him to be shunned

by both his cousins; I saw it for myself yesterday. I don’t want to make him talk about anything that he

doesn’t want to talk about yet, so instead, I lift myself up onto my toes and press my lips to his.

“Mm.*” he hums when I open my mouth for him. After a few minutes, he pulls away slowly. Still holding

me close at the waist, he brushes some stray hair from my face and smiles down at me. He’s got a

great smile, with perfectly straight, white teeth, “Thank you for agreeing to go out with me tonight.”

“Thank you for dinner and the teddy bear,” I grin back at him, “and for picking out a great movie to

watch with me.”

“I’ll take movie nights with you any day of the week, Alpha Quinn.” He dips down and pecks me on the

lips, “I had better get going, or else I won’t leave at all.”

I chuckle, “You best be going then.” I walk him to the door where he gives me another peck on the lips

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

before walking out to his vehicle, whistling all the way. I smile to myself and then shut the door and bolt


wrrrrrr NNNN

I wake up to my phone buzzing beside me on the nightstand. Glancing at the caller ID, my eyes widen

when I see Declan’s name lit up. I ignore the call and bury myself back under the covers. It’s not quite

seven in the morning; I can’t believe he’s calling me now. When my phone starts buzzing again, I yank

my phone from the charge cord and answer.

“What in Goddess’s name can be so important this early in the morning?” | growl.

“Quinn! Thank fuck! I’ve been going out of my mind worrying about you!” I can actually hear the worry

in his voice, and I sit up.

“Why, what’s going on?” I ask him.

“Another body was found. It was unrecognizable but she had the same hair color as you. Had you not

answered in the next fifteen minutes, I was coming to your territory.”

“Wait a minute, another body was found? Where?” I ask.

“Right between your border and mine.” He replies.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t answer your text last night. I was busy, but had I known, I would have texted you

back right away.”

“Yeah, I didn’t think to say why I was trying to get a hold of you, sorry.” I hear a small cry in the

background and then Declan is cooing.

My heart begins to ache, “I better let you take care of the little guy. Let me know if you need my help

with anything, and please, keep me in the loop as to who it is that was found.”

“Quinn, I don’t…” He starts, and I know he’s going to tell me that he doesn’t have to hang up, but for

my own sanity, I do.

“I’m sorry, Declan, I’ve got to go. Have a good day.” I quickly hang up and then fall back into my pillows.

Will it ever get easier to talk to him?

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