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The Alpha Who Saved Me

Chapter 185
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Chapter 35
I wake up with only one mate in our bed. By the time we were finished going over plans, both me and Cici crashed hard, but I do
remember Ledger being in the bed with us. He must have left soon after we fell asleep because there is no in- dication of a third
person being in the bed with us. I send him a link, though, because I want private time with both of my mates, it seems like
forever, even though it's only been a cou- ple of days.
"Hey sleepy head." Ledger chuckles as he comes into the room quietly, "I couldn't sleep, so I've been downstairs with the
others." He looks at our still sleeping mate and grins.
"I want to wake her up nicely, but I want you to do it, while I'm doing... other things to you. Are you up for experiment- ing?" I ask
him as I climb out of the bed and go to the drawer that holds the bottle of lube, "I want first dibs on doing the ass claiming. That is
if you're up for it."
He walks over to me slowly, "I've never thought that I would look forward to getting my ass fucked, but if our little mate can take
it, I know I can too." He grabs my throat and kisses me hard, but only briefly and then he's pulling away, "But you better be gentle
at first."
I look down at my own cock now standing at full staff and jerk when Ledger wraps his hand around it and jerks it a few times
before stripping himself and climbing onto the bed. With his ass left in the air, he keeps his head low while he
spreads Cici's legs nice and wide. He doesn't waste any time and dives right into pleasing our mate.
"Oh!" She wakes up disoriented at first and then starts moaning as Ledger hits the spot.
Her eyes land on mine as I come up behind Ledger and squirt a generous amount of lube, not only on his ass but on my cock as
well. I really want to make this a pleasurable expe- rience for him; I'd hate to make it hurt and then he never let me near this fine
ass again. I grin when I notice Cici watching intensely, one hand gripping the sheets while the other grips our mate's hair,
keeping him in her pussy.
I insert one finger and pump it in and out a few times be- fore sliding in a second. I work him a little longer this time. only because
I love the little sounds he's making each time I scissor my fingers. After I've fucked him with three of my fin- gers, I pull them out
and add more lube. Cici bites her lip as she watches me bite my own while inserting my tip into Ledger's puckered hole. He
tenses a bit and I slap his ass.

"Relax, you know better." I hear him grunt, so I slap him. again as I push in a little further. It takes a little bit, but I finally slide
home and wait, so he can adjust.
"Jesus, this really does make you feel full!" He chuckles and Cici joins in.
"You can only imagine what it's like for me to have both of you inside of me!"
Ledger looks over his shoulder, "I'm going to fuck our mate now, so hold on tight and stay with me."
I move when he moves to crawl between Cici's legs. He

lifts one leg up and thrusts inside of her in one swoop, "Holy shit, this feels too fucking good. If I move, I just might lose my shit!"
"I'm in the same fucking boat!" I grit my teeth.
When I finally get to move it doesn't take long at, his ass is so hot and tight that it's pulling me in deeper with every thrust and
squeezing the living shit out of me, I pick up speed and soon I'm slamming into Ledger's ass, making him slam into Cici. A
chorus of names get called out, and possibly a few curse words as we all climax together. I'm tempted to bite into Ledger's mark
but the last thing I want to do is knot his ass, that would not be good!
I'm the first to pull out and go to the bathroom to get some wet clothes, so I can wash my cock off before fucking Cici with it.
"Was I gentle enough for you?" I run my fingers through Ledger's soft brown hair.
"You were, thank you. You get a reprieve, though."
"I do? Why is that?"
"I want to make a little wager, one that will have our little mate here taking our cocks at the same time." Ledger's smile is
devious, and I can't wait to hear more, "I'm sure if we are careful and get Rani on board to help with any healing, we can fuck our
mate and knot her to see who knocks her up first."
I laugh and look to Cici to see if she's on board with it, "You mean I'd have both of your monster cocks inside of one hole? Will
they even fit?"
I shrug, "I'm sure with a lot of lubes and some stretching, you could fit us. Besides, women spit out whole babies!".

"Yeah, with drugs!"
"It's fine, baby. It was just a thought; we don't have to do it." I kiss her lips briefly.
"Wait a minute, I never said that I didn't want to do it." Her grin is big, "Challenge accepted!"
"Fuck baby, just when I thought that I couldn't love you anymore!" I grab her by the back of her neck and slam my mouth to hers,
my cock is already hard again. Breaking away,! press my forehead against hers, "Are you ready for this?"
"What? Ready to have my two mates fuck me at the same time to see which one fills me with their pup first?" She gig- gles, "I
was born ready, babe. Bring on your cocks, mama needs a pup!"
Ledger sits on the edge of the bed, and I move Cici, so she impales herself on his thick cock, she's positioned away from me, but
this is the best angle for this specific style. I hold the lube up to her, "Want the honors?" When she nods, I squeeze
generous amount into the palm of her hand.
Wrapping her hand around my cock, she begins to coat me with the cool gel until I'm fully covered while Ledger watches with
hunger in his eyes, "Down boy, you just had your turn." I joke.
"It doesn't fucking matter, I will always want another turn, and another, and another."
"Greedy much?" I wink.
"No shame in my game, love."
Reaching down, I grab him by his nape like I did to Cici just a few moments ago and kiss him hard. Pulling away, I stare into his
gorgeous brown eyes, "Don't forget to bite the mark you gave her when you're almost ready to come." He nods, "This is going to
be interesting." I chuckle.
Ledger lays back and I push Cici down, so they are chest to chest. I lube my fingers first and begin to slide them in right

alongside of Ledger's cock. It's a tight fit with just my fingers but she will stretch out the more I play with her, and I do. I use the
fingers on my other hand to fuck her ass while adding more digits to her cunt. Once I have three of my fingers thrusting in and
out of her and can spread them, I know she's as ready as she's going to be.
'Rani, I need you to make sure we don't hurt her.' I call upon Cici's wolf.
'10-4, big guy, it's a go!' Her wolf jokes and I snicker in- side, 'Just make sure the two of you get the job done right the first time.'Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

'I think it's safe to say that by the time me and Ledger are done with Cici, you will be with pup.'
'I hope to the Goddess that you are right.'
Adding just a little more lube to my cock, I place it at her entrance and very slowly start pushing forward until my tip is all the way
in, "Talk about a tight fit!"
"No shit!" Ledger states from below.
"Oh... don't stop, keep going." Cici moans.
I push in a little more and then back up a bit before mov- ing forward once again. It takes a lot longer to get in than it did to get
into Ledger's ass, but I finally bury myself in her. I can feel my other mate's cock throbbing against mine, and I know this isn't
going to take too long at all.
"How is everyone doing?" I ask my mates.
"Fuck, this is definitely an experience!" Ledger chuckles.
"I'm good, but are you guys going to be able to move?" A giggle comes from between the two of us.
"Oh, we can move, but you can't, babe. All you can do is lay there and take everything we give to you." I kiss her shoul- der.
"That sounds hot, baby."
I glance at Ledger, "Are you ready?"
He nods and together, we begin to move in sync. Our thrusts quicken and become harder and faster while Cici cries out in
pleasure between us, "Oh, my fucking Goddess, yes! More...harder!"
Sweat rolls down my forehead and my back from the amount of strength I'm using not to come just yet, "I'm not going to hold out
much longer."
"Please bite me..." Cici begs of us and of course, we give her what she wants. I sink my fangs into the mark I gave her while
Ledger does the same thing.
It gets even tighter as our cocks swell and we both slam into her one last time, making sure we are all the way in as our

knots form, and we release our hot seed. Cici comes hard screaming out both our names as we continue to pump her full of our
pup batter. Our poor girl is worn the fuck out by the time we retract our fangs. The three of us lay here panting and trying to catch
our breaths as we wait for the knots to go down. I can't help but think of where my life has led and where I'm at now with my two
mates. I smile as I lay my cheek on Cici's back, thinking how I wouldn't change anything for the world if it meant not having my
two mates in my life.
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