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The Alpha Who Saved Me

Chapter 184
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Chapter 34
I had set my alarm clock to wake me up about nine in the morning, but it isn't the alarm that is sliding up my bare leg and over to
my already heated core. It's not the clock that is slowly slipping inside of me to make sure I'm ready for some- thing even bigger,
and it's certainly not the object that makes an annoying sound that is now spreading my legs and situat- ing itself between them.
I moan at the first lick and that must be the sign for him to thrust his tongue deep inside me and help himself to his morning meal.
He reaches up under my thighs and takes hold of my wrists in each hand as he feeds himself; with my legs draped over his
shoulders and him gripping my wrists, I can't move while he smashes his face against my core. It's not long before I'm coming all
over his tongue and he groans, going at it even harder.
Once my climax is over, he flips me and brings my ass in the air as he plunges into me with a ferocity that I've never felt before,
but that I absolutely fucking love. A few smacks here and there to my ass and he has me coming again. He has yet to say two
words to me as he uses my body to for his own needs, but I'm okay with that because he has his link open, and I can feel the
love he has for me as he takes me.
Once he's done with me in this position, he picks me up and turns me around as he lays back. He settles me over his cock, and I
know exactly what he wants from me. I impale my- self on him and then I ride him hard as he plays with breasts
and clit while thrusting up into me over and over. When I cli- max again, he sits up and sinks his fangs into my mate mark and I
do the same to him.
The euphoric feeling it gives to the both of us as we take each other's essence into our mouths is truly indescribable. We
become one, linking to each other if only for a moment and then we get tossed over as we each ride the waves of pleasure. I feel
his knot swell inside me, and I know he's going to give me his seed. Deep down, I know it will take and in just a few days, maybe
a week, I will know that I'm carrying his pup.
I know what I said, that I didn't want to get pregnant until the shit storm is over, but I'm tired of waiting. Why must we sacrifice
everything when we have it all within our reach. The worst is that I won't be able to shift but that wouldn't be for a little bit yet, so
I'm throwing caution to the wind. After what we just went through, I could have lost him and never been able to carry his pup.
'I want your seed to take, Declan; I want to carry your pup now.' I mind link him.

He growls, 'I'm going to knot you every chance I get, so make no mistake, you will be carrying my pup by the end of the week.'

Damn his words are so hot that I'm coming once again as his seed continues to pump into me. By the time I'm done, I can't
move, and I go limp against shoulder. He lays back, bringing me with him and runs his fingers through my hair as we wait for his
knot to go down.
"I love you so much, Quinn. For just a few moments I
thought I was dying and that I wasn't able to keep my promise to you. I think that had Ledger waited just a bit longer, I wouldn't
have made it. They had pumped me full of wolfs- bane and if our Beta's mate hadn't healed me as much as he did before you
got to me, I would have died in your arms."
I can hear the sadness in his voice as he tells me this, and I send up a huge thanks to the Goddess Selene for bringing him back
to me, "The Goddess isn't done with you yet, there is no way you can die on me, mate." I try to lighten the mood just a little.
"Oh yeah? What am I needed for?" he asks amusingly.
"Well, aren't we supposed to start the new generation of badass Dire wolves? How can we do that if you die, duh!"
He begins to tickle me until I cry out his name, "So, I'm only being used for my cock?"
"Oh no, babe. I don't need your cock, I've got toys for that, but I do need your seed, so..."
He bursts out laughing, "Well you will be getting plenty of that in the next few days, that, I can promise you!"
We shower and then head downstairs to find Demi and the kids already in the kitchen eating their breakfast. Asher takes only
bottles now, but it's still my breast milk, so that's what Demi is feeding him as he lays back in his seat as she holds the bottle. I
take it from her, so she can eat in peace, and I pick up my son just so I can feel him in my arms. I love holding him, it always
helps me feel closer to his father. I may be in love with Declan, but I will always love Gavin as well.
Female chatter reaches me, and I look through the French doors to see Amelia and Ledger's mother drinking coffee on the back
deck. I smile because I'm so happy that they both have someone closer to their age to talk with.
"What are you smiling about?" Declan asks as he comes up behind me and nuzzles my neck, "Are you thinking about all the
naughty things I did to you this morning?"
I gasp and glance around the kitchen as I elbow him, "Mind your manners, Alpha!" I chastise him but I do it with a smile. Demi is
sitting at the table wearing a knowing grin. "For your information, I was watching your mother and Ledger's mother chit chat and
thinking how happy I am that they seem to be fast friends.

A new voice enters the kitchen, "No, apparently, my moth- er is from the Storm River pack and knew Luna Amelia before she left
to be with my ungrateful father."

I'm pretty sure my jaw drops as Ledger finishes his little story, "Wow, this is a small world!" I chuckle.
"What's your mother's last name? That is if she didn't take the Hastings last name." Declan asks.
A frown appears on Ledger's face, "My father never gave her his name. They were mates, but he was too stuck in the Shikari
way to really be with her, but he couldn't give her up either. My mother's name is Brianna Gregory. At least that's what my father
told me. I should probably confirm it with her, though, since he wasn't known for being truthful to me."
"I'm sorry to bring up any bad memories, Ledger. That wasn't my intention," Declan states, "I was just wondering if maybe you
still have family in my pack." we?"
Declan's words pique Ledger's interest, "Do I, I mean, do
Declan laughs, "Yeah, I believe you do. If your mother had a brother, then I think you have both your grandparents and an uncle
still within my pack."
The grin that forms on Ledger's face warms my heart. He looks as though he could cry. We all step out onto the deck to chat with
Brianna, "Mom, what were your parent's names, and do you have a brother?" Ledger comes straight out and asks.
"Oh, that's too funny, we were just talking about that! Yes, the Gregory's that belong to the Storm River pack are your family,"
Amelia chuckles, "I just told your mother that I would be happy to take her and the girls, and of course, you, over to meet them.
They will be so thrilled to know that you are all safe and well."
"Thank you, Amelia. We would really appreciate it." Ledger smiles.
I stand back and study the male who only a week ago came into our pack with amnesia, and now, he seems like a completely
different male, and yet he's the same. There doesn't seem to be a mean bone in his body and that makes me really happy. Cici
and Spencer are two of my very best friends and I would hate for anyone to deceive them, but l don't have to worry about
Ledger. He truly does seem like a kind and caring guy. My visions were correct and now I can move forward in learning more
about my powers because I'm on the right track. I needed to confirm that my visions were true before I really dove into
everything, and now that I have, I'm ready to go and get my hands dirty.
I hope you enjoyed these last few chapters. I would really

appreciate it if you left a comment, so I know how much ev- eryone is liking the story! =)