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The Alpha Who Saved Me

Chapter 181
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Chapter 31
Now that I know my mate and the Queen are safe again, I can start planning mine and the King's escape. I'm just com- ing back
into the compound when my father calls out to me. I turn and I see a disturbed look on his face as he hurries over to me. I try
keeping my expression bored as to not give any- thing away.
"What is it now, Father?"
"Where have you been?" he asks grudgingly.
"If you must know, it's been a while since I've had the plea- sure of female company, why?"
"There was a disturbance at the airfield, that's why!"
I straighten up, pretending to be alarmed, "What kind of disturbance?"
"I'm not quite sure. It was odd actually. An American jet landed but nobody got off and no one boarded it before it took off again.
It didn't even fuel up."
I furrow my brow, "That is a little strange, but how is that a disturbance?"
"Why would an American jet land and then just take off the way it did? Especially after we have captured an Alpha from the
"Father, you do realize that planes do land at the wrong airfields every once in a while. There is nothing to be suspi- cious
"You don't know much about shifters son, but when they find their fated mates, they will do whatever it takes in order to protect
them. We took the Queen's King; do you not think that she won't come for him?" My father's little speech is hit- ting way to close
to home, and I need to be careful on how I play this.
"I understand this, Father, but the Queen also has two young pups at home that need her protection. I've never met her, but
listening to others talk there, she will do whatever it takes to protect the two Alpha heirs, so I highly doubt she would go on a
suicide mission. Those heirs are more impor- tant.".

He rubs his chin as he thinks about what I've said, "Hm, maybe you're right. Maybe I'm just hoping that they were go- ing to bring
the fight to us. I just want to be done with all this nonsense, take their Queen out and let the rest fall right be- hind her."
Sighing, like I usually do, I rub my forehead, "I still don't understand why we are so obsessed with these shifters, but whatever,
have your little fun with them. I'd rather be finding me a nice warm female to be sinking myself in."
"That's your problem Ledger, you're always thinking with that damn cock of yours! I'm surprised you haven't knocked up any of
your sluts yet." He rolls his eyes and then turns to walk away but then turns back, "By the way, be ready by nine in the morning.
I've got meetings in the afternoon, so if you still want to go see your breeder then it will have to be early."
I inwardly cringe at the term he uses for my mother, but I nod, "I will be ready, Father, and I promise not to keep you. away too
long. I just want a peek, you know, just enough to satisfy my curiosity."
"That's understandable, I suppose. Oh, now that you're back, next week will be the start of finding a bride for you. It's almost time
for this old man to retire and you need a whore willing to breed your heirs for you before you take over. One that's going to give
you strong male heirs; the females are useless."
"I understand, Father. As long as I don't need to put a bag over their head in order to fuck them then I don't care who 1 take to
spit out my heirs."

"Very well, spoken like a true Hastings!" he slaps my back, chuckling, and then walks away.
I hold back any and all actions that may give my state of mind away at the moment because I'm ready to kill. The thought of
using a female that way makes me sick and it's worse that he talks about me in that way. It's no wonder we have no female
hunters, at least not in England where my fa- ther rules, because he thinks they are weak and only good for breeding. Sure, I
think about Cici growing big with mine and Spencer's pup but I don't think of her as a breeder, she's our equal. How I didn't turn
out like my father, I'm not sure, but it's got to be a miracle.
When I get back to my room, I lay down on my bed to make it look like I'm resting for a bit as I close my eyes and reach out to
Alpha Declan, 'Are you there, Alpha?'
Uh oh, one word answers must mean he is in pain, 'Is it safe for me to come and heal you?'
No answer.

'Is it safe for me to come and heal you?'
'Guard sitting right outside cell...'
Fuck! How am I supposed to heal him now? I
Can't even sneak in there because they will feel my presence if they are close enough, and right outside the cell is too close.
'Stay with me Alpha. Let me know the moment they leave, and I will come to you.'
'Okay, I'll be fine for now...'
I can hear it in his voice, he's getting weaker by the hour, even with me healing him. If he can last another few hours, then we will
be free. My father having meetings works per- fectly for our escape. The only issue is that whenever any of us teleport, everyone
knows, so I need to come up with a spell of some sort to delay them finding out.
Going over to the book case in my room, I run my finger over the titles of all the books lining the shelves until I come to the one
I'm looking for. If I was more organized, I'd put them in alphabetical order, but I'm the most unorganized per- son that you will
Taking the book back over to the bed, I flip through the pages looking for something that I can work with. I come across some
really good spells that I have forgotten all about, and I note to myself to make sure I take this book with me when I leave here
About three quarters of the way through the book, I find the perfect spell. It's not exactly what I'm wanting but it will have to do if I
don't find anything else as I go through the rest of the book. By the time I'm done with the book, I've decided on two different
spells. The first one will freeze time here at the compound for at least fifteen minutes unless I break it myself, but with my father
gone to meetings, he won't be frozen in time, so I will have to try using a cloaking spell on not only me, but Alpha Declan and
then my mother once we get there. It's going to be tough with two other passengers, but I know I can do it. Now that I have some
semblance of a plan, I feel better going into all of this. I'm more concerned for the others than for myself; I need to get them out
of here.

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After getting a few hours of sleep, there is a banging on my door at five minutes to nine. When I open the door, my fa- ther is
standing on the other side, impatiently tapping he foot, "Sorry, but one of my meetings got moved up an hour, so we need to
make this quick."
"Oh, okay, well I'm ready if you are."

He hmphs, and then the next thing I know, I'm in a sun- filled room that is over-looking an ocean, "Where the hell are we?"
"We are on the coast in a town that was named after our family, Hastings. This is the Hastings family home, it's where I will be
retiring to once you take over."
I'm confused, "You have my mother locked away here?"
"Yes, of course. Where else would she be?" He asks as if my own question was a stupid one, "She's my breeder so I need to
keep her close."
His words enrage me, "You still...use her?"
"Eh, when I feel like it, but I have the whores in London to keep me company in between my visits."
All I can say without showing him my true feelings is, "I see. Well, let's get this over with."
"Yes, let's!" He has me follow him down a hall and then un- locks a door that has a set of stairs heading down to a base- ment of
some sort.
I follow closely behind him expecting to find cells lining each side, but instead there is a wall of silver bars and on the other side
of it looks like a makeshift apartment type area, with a little sitting room on one side and a kitchenette on the other. There are
three young girls sitting in the middle of the floor playing a game of sorts.
When they look up, their eyes go round and they run through a door that I hadn't noticed. A woman then comes out, a woman
that I know is my mother because I look just like her. I can't take my eyes off of her, she's beautiful, even if she does look a little
tired and pale.
"Marco, I hadn't realized you were coming. Let me go tidy myself up for you."
"I'm not here to fuck you Brianna, I just fucked my whore this morning. I brought someone that wanted to meet you." My father
sounds annoyed that my mother would assume why he was here but if that's the only time he comes, then what else is she to

My mother flinches at his words but then her eyes fall on me and they widen. A bond snaps inside of me and I know she feels it
too. I plead with my eyes for her not to say anything and she must understand because she then plays dumb.
"Oh? And who may this be? You never bring anyone here for me to meet unless..."
"Shut up woman! This is our son, Ledger. Do you not know your own son? Unlike the rest of the little spawns you have running
around here, he's the only useful one!"
"That's not true, Marco, our daughters can be very useful, can you please let them out of here? They need the fresh air and the
"Do you want them to die, Brianna? We have been over this; their blood and heritage doesn't allow them to be able to go outside
in England and I will not allow you to go back to the states! You're my whore until the day you die and that's that!"
"Then why is Ledger allowed to go free? He has the same blood and heritage."
"A few reasons, one, he must not have inherited your dis- gusting heritage, and second, the wards are made of his blood, so
they won't affect him." He turns to me, "Now that you have seen her we can go," he glances at his watch, "Yes I need to be at my
meeting soon."
"Yes, Father. I've seen all there is that I want to see, lets go." When he turns I stare at my mother, trying to convey that I will be
back but all she does is smile and nod; that doesn't mean that she understood what my stare was meaning, just that she was
acknowledging me.
I hurry after my father, "Were those three girls my sisters?"
He sighs heavily, "Unfortunately, yes. They are my three disappointments. I was hoping for another boy but got those three
instead. All they will be good for is to sell as somebody's whore once they are of age. The oldest is fifteen, I may say fuck it and
sell her on her next birthday instead of waiting un- til she's eighteen. The laws don't apply to them like they do normal people."
"What do you mean by that?" I ask.
"Unlike you, they inherited their mother's traits, they are nothing but filthy mongrels, son."