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The Alpha Who Saved Me

Chapter 175
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Chapter 25
I've been hanging by my wrists for hours down in one of the Shikari cells. The shackles are made of silver, so none of the bruises
or cuts that I've procured upon my arrival have healed. My headache from the wolfsbane is still throbbing through my head since
my wolf is not attainable at the mo- ment. Within ten minutes of being shackled, the head of the Shikari, Ledger's father, had
shown up. His distaste for shifters very notable upon his arrival.
He had me beaten before he even started with his ques- tions, and since they were all about my mate, I refused to give him
anything. He had me beaten again and his threat that the next beating will be done with knuckles made of silver, doesn' t sit too
well with me, but nothing will ever make me give up my mate.
I'm glad that I'm in silver cuffs because that means that Quinn can't feel any of my discomfort, not that I think she could anyway
because I overheard one of the ugly fuckers say something about how good it feels to be back in England. I'm an ocean away
from my mate, and I'm not quite sure how I will be able to keep my promise about coming back to her.
When next I hear voices, it's the familiar voice of the head Shikari, but then there's another voice, one that I've come to know
very recently. I lift my head up to see, but I can only see out of one eye. It's enough, though, that I can see both Ledger and his
father approach. I don't miss the slight flinch from my Beta's mate before he hardens his features as his father turns to him.
"As you can see, we've been trying to get information out of him, but he's a stubborn fool." The head Shikari states.
"Father, how do you expect to get anything from him when he's almost done in for? I understand why you feel the need to beat
him, but you won't get anything if he dies. You must heal him in order to question him some more." His father studies him a
moment and then looks at me, and that's when Ledger gives me a slight nod.
"I think you may be right son, but not all the way. I want him to be in constant pain."
"Agreed father. Now, can we please go find the bastards who took my magic?"
"Oh yes, of course! I thought they would have been down here, but first," he turns back to his son, "What can you tell me about
the Queen herself?"
"Pardon? What do you mean?" Ledger asks acting con- fused.

"Well, you must have met her, did you not?”
Ledger shakes his head slowly, "No, not that I'm aware of. They kept me in a house on the outskirts of town. I was told that I
couldn't be trusted. I had only met the Alpha when they brought me to the exchange."
I've got to give it to Ledger, he's a good liar, and if I didn't believe in what my own mate had seen, I'd be worried that he has
deceived us, he's that good. Even his father observes Ledger's body language for any telling signs of deceit from him, but he

must believe him because he grunts and then starts walking away.
"Aren't you going to heal him a little, so he can recover some for next time?" Ledger asks before moving away.
"Oh yes..." His father waves his hand and I automatically feel my cuts start to close and I can see much better out of my other
I give Ledger a slight nod before he disappears with his father. I'm not sure what he will be able to do once he gets his magic
back, but I hope he will be able to get us the hell out of here. What I need to know is, where the hell is my Beta and head warrior,
were they left behind? If that's the case, then I feel a bit better just having to worry about getting myself and Ledger back home,
but we can't leave here until we are sure.
"He's lying boss! We would never hurt your son!" Randy squeals as my father twists his hand once again, causing both Mitchell
brothers' internal pain. They drop to their knees and beg my father for mercy.
"So, you're calling my son a liar? Do you know what that will get you?" My father roars at the brother who called me a liar. He
isn't wrong, I have lied, just not about this part.
"Boss, ask him! Ask him about his mates! He told us that he wanted to stay with his mates!" Ronny, the uglier of the two bursts
I see my father's disbelief on his face before he turns to me, "What are they talking about?"
I shrug, "How the hell am I supposed to know? I don't know nothing of mates, and why would I say I have mates?"
"O-One of his m-mates, we left him behind because he was only a Beta." Ronny stutters..

I make a face, "The Beta is my mate? He is a male, how is he my mate, besides, only wolves have mates. Ask him father, ask
him about my magic!" I growl, trying to turn the table and get off the topic of mates.
"Yes, where is my son's magic?"
"H-How are w-we supposed to know?" Randy answers this time before looking guiltily at me.
"You do know that I can just look inside of you and see if it's there, right?" My father speaks the truth. His magic allows for him to
look inside of anybody, and that's why I'm hoping the silver is working, otherwise, he knows that I am deceiving him and he is
playing along, waiting for the right time to strike.
The brothers' glance at one another and then point to the other one, "It was his idea!" They both say in unison.
"So, tell me, did you plan to kill my son? Did you not think I wouldn't find out?"
"No, boss. We didn't plan on killing him! Why would we..."
"ENOUGH!" my father's voice reverberates through the room, give Ledger back his magic, now!"
50 BAL
"But, boss, what if he's like them?" Randy asks worriedly.

"You know nothing to what you speak of! He is an ordi- nary human now that you have taken his magic!" My father looks as
though he's about to explode.
My father raises his hand, and a ball of light appears, "Fa- ther, wait!"
He looks at me in askance.
"I need my magic first before you kill him." I chuckle. Had he killed Randy while he still held my magic, it would have been lost to
me for good.
"Good call son," he turns back to the brothers, "Well?"Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Suddenly, I'm hit with a force that would knock a normal person down. I go up onto my toes as my body takes back the powers
that were taken from it. I'm not going to lie; it hurts like a son of a bitch! When it's over with, I drop to my knees trying to catch my
breath. It feels so good to feel my power stirring inside of me again.
Looking up at the brothers from my place on the floor, I fling out my hand, sending an electrical bolt straight through Randy's cold
heart, killing him instantly. When I turn on Ron- ny, he pleads with me not to kill him as I stand to my full height. Something is
different about me; I feel more powerful that I had before. Is it my wolf side, I wonder? Did waking up my wolf side, and my
strength, make me more powerful?
"Did you have mercy on me as you tried clubbing me to death, Ronny?"
"Please, Ledger, it was all Randy's idea!"
"Sure, blame it on the dead guy." I chuckle.
"Ledger, you've proven your point. We can't go around killing members of the Shikari. We are few as it is." My father states and I
gawk at him, "So, we just let him go and hope that he doesn't succeed next time?" My voice is hard and menac- ing, even
making my own father flinch.
"What has gotten into you, Ledger? You're..."
"I'm what, father?"
"I-I don't know. You remind me of someone..."
"Who, father? Is it my mother? Do I remind you of my mother, the shifter who you have locked away?" Shit! I never meant to
expose that I know any of that. Getting my power back, I'm beginning to lose control of myself.
My father's eyes are wide, "W-What did you just say?"
I roll my eyes at this point since I've already let the cat out of the bag, "My mother! She never left us. You locked her away
because she is a shifter. You couldn't kill her, because you love her, so you have her hidden away from the Shikari." I' m not sure
how I know all of this but it's just coming to me from out of the blue.
"L-Ledger, I..."
"Tell me where she is father or I will take out every single hunter that I come across, starting with you!"

Hello peeps! Only a chapter or two before my 3-day break. I hope you enjoyed this newest chapter. Now that
Ledger's power and wolf have been unleashed, how is he go- ing to deal with it all? Hope you all have an amazing day! =)
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