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The Alpha Who Saved Me

Chapter 171
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Chapter 21
I don't know what is happening. One minute both Cici and Spencer are biting into me and then my gums begin to itch, and next
thing I know, my canines extend, and I have the urge to bite into Cici's neck. Something deep inside is saying the same word
over and over again, 'Mate. The voice in my head is a growly mother fucker and won't shut up. I've never heard it before, but it
just continues saying the same word until at last, I bite into Spencer, claiming him as my own.
I'm still pumping my seed into Cici while claiming my oth- er mate, but something feels slightly off down below. Once we all
collapse and Cici goes to climb off, she can't. She tries two more times but then her eyes go wide, and she starts to giggle.
"Oh, my Goddess Ledger, you've knotted me!"
I chuckle, "Thank bloody hell, I thought we would have to go see the pack doctor."
"You do have a wolf! I mean, between the knotting and you growing your fangs, it tells us that he's there, inside you." She says
"Hm, I wonder if his wolf laid dormant until he found his mate, or in our case, mates. Which means, he may be able to shift as
well." Spencer states with a big grin.
"Do you really think so?" I ask a bit skeptic, "How do we find out?"
"They both look at one another and shrug, "I guess we wait and see," Cici states, "after all, we are all new to this."
"I mean, you are half witch as well; that part of you may have overridden your wolf, so he wouldn't manifest." Spencer plays with
my hair as he stares up at the ceiling.
Cici sits straight up, "You can't go now! We need to watch for you to change, you can't do that by yourself!"
"First of all, Spencer will be with me, love. I won't be by myself, and second, do you really think I will change in the next twenty-
four hours?" I grab her cute little face and kiss her hard, "I have to do this, Cici. Please, understand why I need this."
Her little pouted mouth blows out a cute little sigh and she crosses her arms, "I know, I do, but that doesn't mean that I have to
like it."

"I know, love. I won't lie, I'm interested to know what they want with me if they left me for dead to begin with."
"Yeah, that doesn't make any sense." Spencer states, "maybe it was the plan all along, to get you in here and then they could get
in, only, they probably weren't banking on you having amnesia."
"Do you really think I would let someone do that to me just to get inside somewhere?" I ask but I've questioned my- self that
same thing.
"Honestly, no. I got no sense of deceit from you when we claimed you. I think that was their plan and they decided not
to tell you." Cici says as she cuddles into my side, "I can't wait until we get our hands on those two ass fucks, I'm going to pull
each and every nail out of each digit really fucking slow, and then I will, shove Rani's claw right into their groin, twist and then pull
really slow, just to drag out the pain."

Spence and I just sit here gawking at the petite blonde that we call our mate. She looks so innocent and yet she's sounding a bit
demonic and seems to be enjoying what she's going to do to these two males. Both me and my mate grab our own crotch as she
goes on, describing everything in de- tail.
"What in the actual fuck is that?" I ask Spencer.
"How the fuck do I know?"
"She's your bloody mate!"
"She's your mate too!"
"But you've been mated longer!'
"Well, she's never had these thoughts until you showed up..."
"Enough!" Cici interjects mine and Spencer's little argu- ment, "First of all," She looks right at me, "There is nothing wrong with
me, but I will protect my mates and do whatever I have to do in order to do just that!" She then turns to Spencer, "Second, I have
had those thoughts long before Ledger came to be here...every time you have pissed me off, I've thought of doing just that!"
I watch my mate flinch as he stares in bewilderment at our little she-wolf. I have a feeling that there will never be a dull moment
with my two mates, and I really I hope I live to have a long life with them.

Spencer and I leave for the pack house soon after we all shower together. Cici looks like a lost puppy dog, no pun in- tended, as
we walk up into the house without her. I didn't real- ize how big the pack house really was, but I guess it needs to be enough to fit
all the single pack members. The house is ac- tually three floors with the living area on the first, the pack members on the
second, along with the Alpha and Beta of- fices, and then the higher ranks are on the third floor. My mate explains all of this to
me as we head up to the office.
The Alpha and Luna are already waiting for us since Spencer linked them to let them know we were on our way. I learned how to
link with my two mates as we showered, and I must say, as convenient as it may be, it still freaks me the fuck out having voices
in my head. Like the one from earlier, I think. it may have been my wolf, but I haven't heard anything more since I marked each of
my mates.
"What, no Cici?" Luna asks as we walk into the office.
"You told us not to bring her." Spencer responds, confu- sion lacing his voice.
The Luna rolls her eye, "Since when has that girl ever lis- tened to anybody?" she questions but then a knowing smile appears
on her face, and she walks over to the window and glances down. When she returns to her mate's side, she stares at the two of
us but speaks to our other mate instead, "There's no point in waiting outside if you're going to eavesdrop, Cici. Get your ass in
here so we can figure this out."
A moment later, our little mate is bursting through the door, no embarrassment whatsoever over being caught, "Let me just say
before we start, I'm sorry Quinn. I didn't mean any of it, I was just angry, and it wasn't at you. I just want to be able to spend time
with our new mate without having to worry about anything. He has so much to learn..."
The Luna cuts her off, "I understand, and I'm sorry for not being more sensitive, but unfortunately, we don't have the luxury of
doing any of that. I'm just glad that you have calmed down enough, so you can join us now. I don't think you would want to miss

your mate being sworn into the pack."
"What? You're swearing Ledger into Dark Moon?"
We all roll our eyes this time, "Love, had you been paying attention earlier, at the house, she said she would swear me in." I pull
her into my side."
"Oh, my Goddess! You guys marked each other! How..." The Luna asks excitedly.
Spencer chuckles, "You see Quinn, when there are wolves that are fated mates, they have sex..."Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

The Luna growls at my mate's smartass explanation, "You know damn well that's not what I meant!" She then grins,
"Congratulations to all of you, but really, how was Ledger able to mark the two of you?"
"I'm not one hundred percent sure, Luna, but I think that when they marked me, they woke up my wolf." I explain my- self, "My
canines extended, and I was also able to knot Cici, but what really gets me, is the voice I heard in my head chant- ing the word
'mate' over and over until I marked them as well. I haven't heard him since, though."
"Interesting," the Alpha pipes in, "I wonder if your witch side has kept it dormant all these years."
"That's exactly what I said as well, Alpha." Spencer nods in agreement.
"Hm, I wonder if you will shift too. You may have a wolf, but that doesn't mean you can shift, but that only means that you will
have to live with one grouchy wolf, if he isn't allowed out to run every once in a while." The Luna chuckles, but I don' t find it too
funny at the mention of living with a grumpy wolf.
"Let's hope not, because then that will make for a very grumpy mate." Cici pipes in.
"Well, first things first. Ledger, I need you to come and kneel before me." The Luna states.
"Uh, doesn't it have to be Declan that swears him in now that he's Alpha?" Cici asks as I go and do what the Luna told me to do,
I kneel down before her.
"Normally, yes Cici, but I am the Queen, therefore, I'm not only bringing him into my pack, but I'm also bringing him into my
personal guard, and besides, I have more power than De- clan." She smiles shyly at her own mate, but he returns a smile that's
full of love and understanding, and that is exactly what I want with my mates.
"Wait, what? Your personal guard, but you barely know him! You wouldn't even allow him into the pack house before!" Cici starts
up once more.
I'm actually honored that the Luna wants me as her per- sonal guard, even though I think it's more to keep an eye on me, but I
don't care. I will do whatever it takes to prove to
them that I am no danger to them or this pack.
"Cici, calm down. It's okay, I understand her intentions and I'm okay with it. I will do anything to prove myself to all of you."
"You don't have to prove yourself to me or Spencer, we have seen your intentions..."

"As will I, Cici, as soon as I bring him into the pack. This must happen if you want him to stay with us." The Luna re- sponds as
nice as possible, but I can see her annoyance with my mate.
"Cici, I want this, okay. Just sit down and watch." I hate to do it, but my mate needs to know when to back down, so I put a little
dominance behind my words, and she finally listens. I turn back to the Luna, "I'm ready."
She smiles and then steps forward and looks down at me, "There is only one thing that I need to do first. I have a ques- tion, but
you don't have to answer. I need to know... what are your true intentions with this pack?" Suddenly, she places her hands on my
head and I feel her aura filling my head. It doesn' t hurt and my eyes remain on her as she closes her eyes and concentrates on
getting her answer herself.
Thanks for reading peeps! Here is a super chapter for you, so I hope you enjoyed it! =).