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The Alpha Who Saved Me

Chapter 166
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Chapter 16
"Well, howdy stranger!" My Beta greets me when I walk upstairs to my office, and I see him coming out of his own.
"I was just here yesterday smartass." I chuckle as I walk into my own office.
"Yeah, but you spent more time in your office than anywhere else." Carter states.
I sigh heavily, "Yeah, I know. Every time I think I'm finally going to be able to spend more time here, something happens over at
Dark Moon that keeps my attention over there."
"Are you regretting mating Quinn?" My Beta asks even though he already knows the answer to it.
"No, never! I just want all these annoying assholes to leave us alone so we can live in peace. I want to start having pups with my
mate but she's too scared that war will come, and she won't be able to protect everyone because she can't shift."
"That's crazy! Quinn is a badass regardless of if she shifts or not. All she needs is Tala's claws and fangs and she's fucking
"You try telling her that," I snicker, "Now it's all about your sister's new mate. I'm not sure what to think about him yet."
"Has he done anything wrong since coming out of the coma?" Carter asks as he takes a seat in front of my desk.
"No, he's got amnesia, he doesn't remember anything."
"So, he shouldn't cause trouble for you then. I mean, that sucks on his end, but good for you guys, right?"
"Not really. Your brother-in-law has stepped down from his duties. for now. We don't know when Ledger will get his memory back
and if he does, we don't know how he will react. So, he's not allowed to move into the pack house with Cici and Spencer."
"Seriously? What the fuck would you do if that was your mate? Which, he could have very well have been. Would you leave him
by himself without the only two people that care about him enough to help him recover?"
"Don't start on me, Carter. I could have thrown him in the cells." I growl.

"You might as well have, at least then he would know his place in the pack." My Beta doesn't say anything more as he gets up
and stomps from my office.
"Well, I didn't see that coming from him." I say to myself.
'He has a point, human.' Duke speaks up finally, after staying quiet. all this time on the matter of the hunter.
'Oh really? So, you think it's safe to bring the son of the head of Shikari into our home where our pups are?'
'I don't get any kind of bad vibe from the male. He truly feels lost, not knowing who he is or where he's from.' Duke states, 'I don't
think he will be a threat now or when he gets his memory back. All I know is that if my mate was being treated like a leper, I'd be
pissed too, especially if it was my superior who was doing it. You and Quinn trust Spencer for a reason, trust in his judgement on
this matter as well.'
'That's the thing, what if his judgement is hazy because Ledger is his mate? You don't think that would affect him in that way?'
'I never said that, but I don't' think that's the case here. I'm not telling you or Quinn how to run your packs, but I know I wouldn't
want to lose my right-hand man at a time like this.' I really hate it when my wolf is right, although I will never tell him when he is
because we all know how much of a cocky bastard he can be.
After taking care of my pack's business and then calling my cousin to get his advice on the matter as well, which turns out to be
the same as everyone else's, I head back to the Dark Moon pack. I want to have a little heart to heart with Ledger by myself, you
know, feel him out and see if I can get a read on him without anybody else butting in.
My mate meets me outside just as I'm pulling up. She's got Asher in her arms as she waits for me to get out, "Hey baby," I grab
her around the waist and kiss her tenderly. I then take Ash from her and walk back into the house, "Listen, babe, I want to go
have a little talk with Ledger. Before you say anything, I think we may need to give him a chance to prove himself and he can't do
that if he's isolated...what? Why are you looking at me like that?" Quinn is just standing there smirking at me as I go on and on
about Ledger.
"Oh nothing, just that I was thinking the same thing and that I might have told Spencer that I would do whatever it takes to
convince you to let Ledger move into the Beta suite with them."
"Oh? And what exactly did you have in mind when you thought you could persuade me?" I ask feeling my cock start to stir.
She pretends to gasp shockingly, "Alpha Declan, not with small ears around!"

I roll my eyes, "Fine, but you're going to tell me all about it later when we are alone."
"Oh, most definitely, after all, I need to make sure it will work for the next time I think I need to persuade you." She takes Ash
back and winks at me, "Go talk to Ledger, I will be waiting for you when you get back."
This is one of the reasons why I love my mate so much, she's playful and is always up for some sexcapades. We are usually
always on the same wavelength, and I'm not sure if it's a mated thing or what, but it makes life so much easier when living with a
mate like her. I watch her ass while she walks away with Ash and then adjust myself before heading over to where the Beta clan
are holding up for now.
I'm waiting on the front stoop, waiting for one of them to answer the door, when Spencer finally appears in just a pair of shorts
and reeks of sex. He's got both Cici and Ledger's scent all over him, but I see no new mark on him yet, not that I know how that
will happen if Ledger can't shift.
"Hey Spence, can I talk to your mate? Ledger, I need to talk to Ledger."
"Are you going to be cordial, because with all due respect, Alpha, I can't have you upsetting him right now." The Beta states, and
I totally get that.
"It's not my intent. I just want to have a friendly chat with him to help put my mind at ease, that's all."
"Fine. I will go get them and we can all talk then." Spencer starts to turn around, but I stop him.
"I want to talk to him alone, Spence, just one on one," when he goes to argue with me, I hold my hand up, "You want us to trust
your judgement on a complete stranger, so now it's your turn to trust your Alpha to keep his word and not upset your mate."
He studies me momentarily before nodding and then going up to get Ledger. I'm only waiting a few moments before the hunter
comes out of the house in only a pair of jeans. I'm taken aback at the muscle this dude is sporting. Being an Alpha, I'm built
bigger than the rest, but this hunter almost puts me to shame.
"You wanted to talk to me?" He asks.
Since he's new and doesn't quite know the ways of pack life, I let his little mishap of not addressing me properly slip. I honestly
didn' t come here to be a dick to him, so I give him a little smile and point to the set of chairs on the front porch.
"Yes, Ledger, please...take a seat."

Do you think Declan should allow Ledger to move in? What is your take on the stranger? Thanks for reading peeps! =)