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The Alpha Who Saved Me

Chapter 165
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Chapter 15
The sound of something hitting the wall worries me and I take the stairs two at a time up to the second landing. I silently open the
door to Ledger's room and gasp, but then curse myself because. the little sound I made has them stopping the hot make out
session that they decided to have without me. I never thought I would get off on two males kissing, but damn, they make it look
so hot.
I try making myself comfortable but I'm being pulled into their little. circle and all too soon, I'm finding myself naked, on all fours,
and sucking off one mate while the other works his way into me. This is my eighteenth birthday wish finally coming true! Well, it
was actually to have a Ménage a trois before meeting my mate, but this is so much better!
I whimper when Ledger finally fits himself all the way inside. It's a very tight fit, telling me that his cock is huge. Spencer has a big
cock, the biggest that I've ever had, until now; Ledger is definitely on the girthier side.
I try to move but he takes hold of my hips and holds me in place, "Don't you dare move just yet!" He says through gritted teeth.
I have to chuckle because it's the same exact thing Spencer did the first time we had sex. Speaking of my mate, I look up at him
as he pushes himself down my throat, holding himself there until my eyes start to water. He loves seeing my tears when giving
him a blowie and causes them every chance he gets.
"Cry for me, baby, that's it." He pulls out and thrusts a few more
times before holding himself in once again. He looks behind me, "You will get used to the tightness, I promise, but you might as
well spill now, and get it over with. Only then will you be able to enjoy fucking her."
"How the fuck are we supposed to take her together with her already being this tight?" Ledger asks my other mate.
"Very carefully, but that's going to be a really fun time, won't it baby?" He wipes away one of my tears and then goes in deep to
make some more.
I moan when I feel Ledger pull almost all the way out but then push back in, "Oh fuck!" He starts slamming into me and then I
feel his hot seed painting my insides. He continues to thrust a few more times before slamming in and keeping himself inside
until every drop is out. "Damn, I wonder if that's the fastest I've ever came." He chuckles but both Spencer and I growl low
thinking about our mate fucking someone else. "What?" Ledger asks.

"We don't talk about past fucks in front of mates; we are too possessive." Spencer explains.
"Oh, I'm so sorry. If it makes you feel better, I don't remember any of them."
I can't help but to choke on Spencer's cock as I laugh at his statement. Spencer pulls all the way out until I'm ready to take him.
again, but then he moves away and goes to Ledger. He takes hold of his face and kisses him hard, trying to stake his claim on
our mate.
Seeing both of my mates loving each other behind me makes me a bit jealous just to be kneeling here with a cock up inside me
but not doing anything. "Yoohoo, did you forget about me over here?" |
say it more to be a smartass than anything.
Suddenly, I'm rammed hard by Ledger, "Oh, no worries there, gorgeous. We will both be with you in just a moment, and then you
will be begging us to stop."
I scoff, "I highly doubt that."
"Why is it that even though I've only just met you, it seems like I can't get enough of the two of you?" He's so cute when he
furrows. his eyebrows like he's doing right now, but it's not so cute when he' s deep inside me and he decides to carry on this
kind of conversation.
"It's the mate bond, and we can tell you all about it once we are done with the actual mating part, if you know what I mean." I
wiggle my brows and then my ass, making him wiggle along with me.
A grin, that I haven't seen on him as of yet, crosses his face, and he pulls all the way out of me. I pout but then watch as he lays
on his back and holds his arms out for me. I happily lift my leg and straddle him, but not before I get a good look at the
monstrous cock that is going back inside of me.
"Fuck yourself down on it, mate." It's a crafty grin that he's giving me, and even though I oblige and line his cock up to me, it
makes me wonder what it is he's up to.
My walls stretch all around him as I sink down little by little until our bodies are touching. How I'm able to fit him all inside of me, I
haven't the slightest idea, but he's in and I begin to ride him slowly as he watches me. I feel the bed dip as Spencer comes up
behind me, moving my hair aside, so he can nibble on my neck. His teeth. scrape over the mark he gave me, and Ledger's eyes
follow my other mate as he nips the sensitive area.

"Will both of you be marking me?" Ledger's voice is thick with lust as he continues to watch Spencer.
"Do you want us to mark you?" I ask. We haven't talked about it yet because he is new to all of this and we didn't want to scare
him but the way his cock keeps jerking inside of me as his eyes stay glued to my own mark, tells me that he's very interested in

being marked. "What does it mean to be marked, anyway?"
"Well," Spencer begins to explain as his hands come around, one to squeeze and play with a nipple, and the other to slide down
and start rubbing my clit, making me lean back into him as I continue. to ride Ledger, "it tells others that you're mated and off
limits, but it seals the bond between the mates and those mates can feel everything their mate is feeling. Your souls connect as
one, if that tells you anything. Also, when mating and you bite into the mark, you with have the best orgasm ever and you will
knot your mate in order to breed her." Spencer ends with a nip to my mark, and I giggle.
"I'm not sure how it will work with you because you don't shift," I say to our new mate, but you should be able to knot me if we
can figure out how you can mark me yourself.
"Well, I guess that can be left to figure out for another time; right now, I just want us all to be together for this first time.
I hear the sound of a cap as Ledger pulls me down, so our chests come together, "I'll take it slow because this is going to be one
hell of a fit." Spence states.
I close my eyes as he uses his fingers to prepare my back hole to take his cock. I love anal, usually, but even I'm skeptic as to
how this is going to feel as we add Ledger's beast to the mix. I grind myself on Ledger as Spencer fucks me with his digits,
bringing me. to a big climax.
"That's right, give us a nice big one, baby." Spence says soothingly.
As I begin to come down, he pulls his finger out and replaces them with his shaft, lining it up to the hole and pushing the tip in
slowly. I whimper at the pressure, but Spencer knows that I don't need him. to stop yet, and so he continues to push himself in.
"Fuck, this is going to be a challenge. Why the fuck are you so big, Ledger?" He snickers as he inches himself in a little more.
"Sorry, not sorry," our mate chuckles and then pulls out almost all the way, "Try now."
"Oh yeah, so much better." Spencer claims and then thrusts all the way in, making me gasp at the familiar fullness.

"Now, it's my turn." Ledger grins as he pushes himself back in.
The pressure really builds as inch by inch his cock sinks back. inside of me and then stops when it can't go anymore, "Holy shit,
this is tight!"
I'm pegged between two hot ass men with their cocks inside of each hole, and I can't even move. I'm okay with it, though, as
they each take turns thrusting into me slowly. I can already feel the desire build inside of me as they pick up the pace. Getting up
onto my hands is the most I can do as I watch Ledger's face and all the emotions that are dancing across it.
My gums begin to itch; Rani wants to claim her other mate. I don't realize that my canines have extended until Ledger nods and
turns his head. I can't do it, though, not until he gets his memory back and knows who he is. I push my disappointed wolf back
and continue to enjoy the wild ride that me and my mates are on.
Sorry it's late today, I fell behind and I'm trying to catch up, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter all the same. Have an amazing
day peeps! =)