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The Alpha Who Saved Me

Chapter 164
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I'm not sure what I'm doing, all I know is that when I heard him talking with his Luna outside, and how he stuck up for me, I could
hear the emotion in his voice. It stirred something inside of me and I needed to see him right away. The moment I see him after
hearing everything he said, desire begins to build, and I have the urge to kiss him. It's weird, because I'm not seeing him as
another male, but as someone that matters to me. When I look at Spencer, he stirs the same desires inside of me as Cici does.
I can't hold back any longer and so I take the plunge and kiss him. Sparks fly as our mouths crash against each other, and just
when I think he isn't going to respond back, he pulls me against him and opens his mouth for me. I push him against the wall and
press my body into his, so he can feel what he does to me.
Things are becoming hot and heavy, when all of a sudden, Cici shows up looking a little shocked, "Please, don't stop on my
account, that was actually really hot; you may precede." She says as she sits in the chair I was in and props her head up on her
hand. I grin, and then grab her, pulling her over to us.
"What, you don't want to join?" I ask.
"Oh, I just assumed it was a private party, and I was just going to crash it." She smirks at both me and Spencer.
I glance at Spencer, making sure it's going to be okay with him, "May I?"
"She's your mate too, you don't need to ask permission." He grins.
"Oh, I see. You ask him, but you never bothered to ask me if I minded if you manhandled my mate!" She pretends to be hurt.
I pull our little mate against me hard, "Do you want to keep talking or do you want me to kiss you?"
"Shutting up now..." She says as she stares at my mouth, waiting.

I don't take her mouth like I did Spencer's, not that I don't want to, but somehow, I was able to sense Spencer's need and it was
right there with my own. Cici, on the other hand, even though I can feel her need as well, it's more of a make love to me need,
rather than a fuck me need; if that's even a thing.
I tangle my fingers in her hair at the back of her head and hold her to me while I kiss her tenderly at first. She begins to press her
body into mine, and so I deepen the kiss, surprising myself when I give a little growl. I pull back for a moment stunned at the.

sound that I just made but all Cici does is grin.
"You may not shift but you have a little wolf in you regardless." She chuckles.
I look over at Spencer and then hold my hand out for him to take. Pulling him up and behind our little mate, we both start loving
on her from both sides. Spencer is the one to lift the hem of her shirt. up and over her head as I gaze at her perfect breasts. Cici
has curves that I've only seen covered, so I'm dying to see what they look like once she's spread naked before us.
I look between them both, "Is this, okay? I mean, are you two ready to do this, to add a third like this?"
"Are you kidding me right now? This used to be at the top of my bucket list before I met Spence! Now I have a lifetime of fucking
two smoking hot males!" Cici states excitedly.
I throw my head back and laugh, then glance over Cici's head at Spencer, "And you?"
"I'm definitely ready!" He says and then kisses me as we squish our mate between us.
When I pull back, it's only to walk over to the bed and pull my shirt up over my head and toss it on the floor. I unbutton my jeans
but that is as far as I go at the moment, "Don't make me beg for it." I grin at them both as they just stare at my chest and abs. I
glance down thinking there may be something wrong, but there is nothing there, and then I realize that me being really ripped is
what's causing them to stare. Spencer is ripped as well, so I'm not so sure why they are acting as though they have never seen
muscle before.
Spencer shoves Cici at me playfully and I catch her, picking her up and tossing her on the bed. He finally relieves himself of his
shirt and we both stand here staring down at the half naked woman on the bed. I feel as though I am in a dream right now, like

I'm going to wake up at any minute. Being here with these two, like this, I couldn't have asked for anything better.
I move to stand behind Spencer and reach around to undo his jeans. I watch Cici as she watches my hands unbutton, and then.
unzip them. She licks her lips as I begin to slide them down past his hips. He jerks when I take hold of his cock and begin to
stroke it only to motion Cici to come over.
"Take your bottoms off, I want you completely naked for what we are about to do." I grin as she fumbles trying to take her own
pants off while keeping her eyes glued to my hand on our mate's cock. It' s just as I thought, she's got curves that go on for days
and I can't wait to get my hands on every single one of them, "Come here gorgeous and take this beautiful cock into your

I hold Spencer's shaft up, so she can take it deep into her mouth, and then I watch as she begins to bob her head. I tug at his
head and bring him in for a kiss before leaving him to go to the other side of the bed. Cici is on all fours as she sucks Spencer off
and I have a perfect view of her glorious peach. One of these days, I'm going to fuck it, but right now, her glistening pussy is
calling out for me.
Climbing up on the bed behind her, I drag my tongue through her wet folds, tasting her essence for the very first time. Sweet
mango is the first thing that comes to mind when tasting her, and all I want to do is take hold of her luscious ass and bury my
face until I' m drowning in her arousal. Instead, I take my sweet time in bringing her to orgasm.
"I need inside you, Cici. Can I..." She doesn't let me finish.
"Yes! Please...I need you inside me!"
Regardless of what he said earlier, I still look at Spencer for permission, "Seriously, Ledger, I've been waiting here hoping you
would get to fucking her soon! You're going to love our mate's pussy."
That's all I need to hear as I discard the rest of my clothing and line myself up to her entrance. I push the tip in slowly and can
feel how tight she is around my girth. I was hoping to thrust hard and deep, but I'm afraid to break her even though her wolf will
heal her. Nevertheless, I take it slow until I'm balls deep inside her and have to take a break myself.
I take a few deep breaths with my eyes closed because her pussy is like a vise grip around my cock, and when I open them,
Spencer is staring at me with a huge grin spread across his face, "I fucking told you so!"
I hope I did these scenes justice, and you enjoyed them... please comment your thoughts! I hope you all have an amazing day!